question 3 – what have you learned from

Question 3 – What have you learned from your audience feedback?

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Post on 11-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Question 3 – what have you learned from

Question 3 – What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Page 2: Question 3 – what have you learned from

From this question I have learned that the all the audience thought the print advert was effective as it showed movement with the blurred effect, look professional in terms of main image, logo size and position, title and caption were effective and correctly placed. Knowing there was no negative feedback was helpful as it means we know that there are no changes that need to be made to the print advert.

Page 3: Question 3 – what have you learned from



What specific effect does the blurring effect create?

Movement Gets attention More interesting

The point of the question was to evaluate what specific effect the blurring had on the main image to see whether the audience were happy with the effect and if it added more to the image. 86% of the audience said the blurred effect created movement making the image look more complicated. From this I learned that our print advert has a strong effect that makes the image more interesting attracting more attention making it more successful.

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Is the main image strong enough to connote the narrative of the documentary

From this question we learned that we have a successful print advert as the majority of the audience voted that the image was strong enough to connote the narrative of the documentary which is essential as if the main image of the print advert does not connote what the narrative of the documentary is about then it will confuse and mislead people. Also the main image needs to connote the narrative of the documentary so the audience get a quick look at what they can expect to be in the documentary.

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Yes No0









Is it clear what the documentary is about from the title, tagline and image?

From this piece of feedback I have learned that the Title, Tagline and image make it obvious/clear what the documentary is about. Presumably this is because the main image is a picture of people running, the title is “Race for Life” and the tagline is “The run to the future”. All of those have clear connotations of running which is why we chose them to place on the print advert.

Page 6: Question 3 – what have you learned from

Do the title and tagline work well together?

Yes No

The purpose of this question was to find out whether the audience felt the title and tagline work well together. All the audience agreed and said that both did work well together which is good as it means we have a title and tagline that come together to create a harmonious combination which is memorable and catchy meaning people will remember the title and tagline of the documentary and will want to watch it when it comes on.

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Does the print advert get your attention?

From this question our group learnt that the questionnaire audience found that the print advert caught their attention and drew them in. This is probably one of the most important factors of a print advert as if it doesn’t catch people’s attention then they will not be drawn to the documentary, title/tagline and scheduling so they will never find out about the programme therefore they will not watch it making it unsuccessful.

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Yes Category 20









Do you like the black and white effect scheme of the print advert?

Knowing that all of our audience like the black and white effect placed on the print advert is good as it means that we have learned that our print advert is successful as it pleases the audience and also that we do not need to make any changes to the effects on the print advert.

Page 9: Question 3 – what have you learned from

Can you read the text properly?

yes no

The purpose of this question was too find out if the text on the print advert was clear/bold and could be easily read by the audience when they are looking at the advert. I learned that our text was very clear and bold meaning the audience could easily read it as all of them voted that they could read it. Having text that can be read easily is essential on a print advert as you want them to clearly see the title, tagling scheduling so they know and remember the name of the documentary but also know what day and time it is on so they don’t miss it.

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Do you think the BBC ONE logo, the tagline and title are in the ideal position?

The purpose of this question was to find out if the “BBC ONE” logo, tagline and title were in an ideal place making the print add look organised, professional, neat, realistic and like an actual BBC ONE advert. All of the audience said that they did feel that everything was in the correct/ideal position. From this I learned that the position of the logo, tagline and title didn’t not need adjusting or moving as the audience are pleased with the layout.

Page 11: Question 3 – what have you learned from

Does the print advert look professional?

yes no

Knowing that all the audience said that the print advert looks professional is good as that is an essential part of the print advert being successful as if it doesn’t look professional then people will think it looks low quality and then not pay attention to the advert and therefore will not watch the documentary. This also means that we do not have to change anything on the print advert as has already been shown to an audience and they approve of it.

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Yes No0









Do you think our documentary presents a strong narrative?

From this feedback I have learned that the majority of the audience bar one thinks that the documentary presents a strong narrative so it is obvious throughout all times what the documentary is about and what the point of it is. One member of the audience gave negative feedback saying that the documentary didn’t present a strong narrative however they did not expand and explain why therefore we cannot take this negative feedback into consideration and make the changes we need to carry out to please them.

Page 13: Question 3 – what have you learned from

Do the interviews feel relevant to the narration?

yes no

From this feedback I have learnt that all of the audience felt that the interviews were relevant to the narration meaning that we have a clear link and narrative throughout our documentary making it organised and understandable.

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Yes No0







Does the mise-en-scene correctly reflect the interview be-ing conducted?

The majority of the audience said that the mise-en-scene does correctly reflect the interview being conducted which is essential as if the mise-en-scene is not linked to the spoken topic then it will become confusing and the interview will look out of place making the documentary look unorganised and not professional. However I did learn that 3 people from the audience disagreed so we will need to require further feedback so we can adjust the mise-en-scene to make it perfect and pleasing to everyone.

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Does the sound correctly reflect the interview being conducted?

The point of this question was to find out whether the audience felt the sound correctly reflected the interview being conducted.13/14 people agreed and said it did which is good as it means that we have chosen sound that relates to the narrative/topic of the interviews meaning there is a clear link and theme throughout the documentary. One member of the audience gave negative feedback saying that the documentary didn’t present a strong narrative however they did not expand and explain why therefore we cannot take this negative feedback into consideration and make the changes we need to carry out to please them.

Page 16: Question 3 – what have you learned from

Do the shot types work with each clip?

Yes no

Using the correct shot with each clip is key as you want to get the best angle, framing and zoom to ensure you get everything you need fitted in and angled correctly so knowing that all of the audience bar 1 said they thought that the shot types used work with each clip is good as it means that we are sure we used the perfect shot for each clip and that we do not need to alter any of the framing/angle of clips. One member of the audience gave negative feedback saying that the documentary didn’t present a strong narrative however they did not expand and explain why therefore we cannot take this negative feedback into consideration and make the changes we need to carry out to please them.

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Would continue w






What do you think of the overall documentary?

This was probably one of the most important and main questions from the questionnaire as from this we learnt what the audience thought of our documentary overall. From the feedback we found that the most of the audience said that it was good and clear/understandable which is good as it means we have a documentary that is successful, high quality and professional as it has been evaluated by an audience and it has pleased them.

Page 18: Question 3 – what have you learned from

Make narration louder

Fix jump cuts

make camera less shakey

Add cutaway of movember run

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

What do you think we should change to make it better?

Again this was one of the most important and main questions from the questionnaire as it is essential to require constructive criticism from the audience so we know what we need to improve on in our documentary to make it as good as it can be. The main piece of feedback was that we needed to make narration louder so that it could be heard more clearly. However there are a few other points that our group learnt need improving on in our documentary including; more cutaways, making the camera work in places steadier and to fix jump cuts.

Page 19: Question 3 – what have you learned from

What do you think of the overall radio trailer?


Relevant clips

Links to documen-tary

Catches attention

This was a general question to find out what the audience thought of the radio trailer. From this we found out that the audience thought the radio trailer was good, caught their attention, links to documentary and includes relevant clips. Knowing this is helpful as it means we know we have created a successful and high quality trailer that does everything a professional trailer would therefore we do not need to alter anything in our radio trailer.

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Good Would continue watching Insightful Professional Clear/understandable0









Do you think the soundtrack works with the theme?

From this feedback we found that the soundtrack of the radio trailer worked well with the theme of the radio trailer meaning there is a clear link of the narrative throughout making it organised and professional. Knowing this has helped us we now know that we have a good soundtrack for the radio trailer and we do not need to change anything.

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Do you think the voiceover works with the area being discussed?

All of the audience agreed here and said that the voiceover works with the area being discussed which is good as again it means there is a clear link of the narrative between the voiceover and the discussed area making the radio trailer organised and professional. From this the group has learnt that the voiceover is the best it could be and nothing needs changing.

Page 22: Question 3 – what have you learned from

From the radio trailer only what do you think the narrative of the documentary is?


Young people running

Technology in running

Benefits of running

This was another main question as the audience need to be able to easily tell what the narrative of the documentary is so they know if it is something they would be interested in watching or not. Also if the narrative is not clear the documentary will look unprofessional and unorganised. All of the audience could clearly tell what the documentary is about from the radio trailer meaning we have a clear and organised radio trailer that is successful.

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Yes Category 20









Does the trailer work as whole?

The point of this question was to understand whether the radio trailer worked as a whole or not. All the audience said that the radio trailer did work as a whole which is good as now we know that there is nothing that needs to be changed in the radio trailer and it is as good as it can be.

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Do you think that all three pieces work together well?

This was the final question of the questionnaire as it’s purpose is to let us know whether all three of our products work well together to create a strong, high quality and professional range of products. From this we learned that all of the audience did think that all the audience did think that all three products worked well together which is good as it means we know that we have produced a range of products that all link and work well together to create a high quality synergy.