question 3


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Post on 03-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Page 2: Question 3

After doing research on various magazine publishers I decided that my magazine would be best suited to using the publisher Bauer. Bauer currently publishes such magazines are Kerrang! And Q. These two magazines share similar characteristics to my magazine.

I used Bauer as my publisher because I looked through various magazines that they publish and I was able to find a magazine that is very similar my type of magazine style, so they are ideal for what I want to produce.

The magazines produced by Bauer target a young audience which is what i aim to do with my own magazine, plus the magazines which they currently do produce are also Rock magazines, so my magazine is ideal to what they already create and have great success with.

Page 3: Question 3

I would try and sell my magazine in music stores, supermarkets and other general magazine retailers as well as specialised stores, such as Dawsons, which us a music megastore, specialising in selling musical instruments and all good magazines plus other things.

Dawsons would be ideal to market my magazine as it attracts a young musically minded audience as most of the people who shop there play, or want to play a musical instrument so they would be more interested in a rock magazine.

Asda would also be a good place to sell my product as it’s a well known large store that sells a range of magazines.

I would also sell my magazine in local small stores, for example costcutter. This would be good because everyone uses there local store to buy things and they also sell lots of other magazines.