question 3

Evaluation Question 3 What have you learnt from your audience feedback? We gave a sample of our target audience a questionnaire to see what they thought of our documentary, radio trailer and TV listing article. This presentation shows the answers we was given.

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Zoe Warwood Evaluation Question 3


Page 1: Question 3

Evaluation Question 3 What have you learnt from your audience feedback?We gave a sample of our target audience a questionnaire to see what they thought

of our documentary, radio trailer and TV listing article. This presentation shows the answers we was given.

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Question 1

yes no0








Could you get a feel for what the topic was in the opening sequence?

Answer given




peopleWhen asking our audience if they could get a feel for what the topic was from our opening sequence they all answered yes. When asking “why?” the answers we was given were:•Because relevant footage which related to the topic was used •^such as the first clip of people drinking in a bar in the opening sequence (one of the reasons given on one of our questionnaires) •Because the topic was mentioned/introduced straight away•Because members of our audience could relate to it•Because there was lots of facts given•Because relevant images were used •Because the titles were clearOther comments given:• it was straight forward enough

I feel that these are accurate responses as we made sure when filming and choosing our footage that it was relevant to our chosen topic of binge drinking and we chose footage which illustrated this in for our opening sequence in order to clearly introduce the topic. We also introduced the topic straight away using a voiceover during the opening sequence and we used relevant images such as alcohol isles in supermarkets and alcohol in pubs along side this. On top of this we made sure our documentary title stood out clearly through the use of the overlay of the words in the sharp colours of black and white against the background. We tried to use our most dramatic, shocking and interesting statistics during the opening sequence as a way to draw our audience in and get there attention so they would want to continue watching the documentary and we chose facts and figures which would interest our target audience and they would be able to relate to the most.

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Question 2

Positive feedback (rel-evant)

Average feedback (ok, alright etc)

Negative feedback (not well, bad etc)









How well do you feel the topic was in-troduced?

Answer given





When asking our audience how well they felt the topic was introduced they all provided mainly positive feedback. The main answers we was given were well and good. One of our answers was that it was alright. Further comments provided were:•That it was introduced very well especially with the use of the vox-pop answers of people trying to define what binge drinking it •It was introduced quickly•It was introduced with a good voiceover •The voice over was clear

I agree with these responses as we ensured that we introduced the topic straight away through the use of our voiceover, footage and title in our opening sequence and we recorded the voiceover twice to make sure that it was clear and easy to understand as the first time we recorded it, we felt that parts of it was too quiet and that our audience may have struggled to hear what was being said. The second time we recorded it the voiceover was a lot louder and sounded much clear and this obviously came across as people commented on it in our questionnaires. I’m also happy that someone thought that our first set of vox-pops just after the opening sequence was a good was to introduce the topic because thought that asking people to define binge drinking would be a good starting point for our documentary as our audience would be aware of the clear definition from the beginning and this would avoid confusion. However as not everyone was completely satisfied with the introduction of the topic for our documentary maybe this is something we could have done a bit more work on and could do with improvement.

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yes no0








Was there enough information/facts given?

Answer given





Question 3When asking our audience is there was enough information/facts given they all answered yes. Further comments given were:•It was very factual•Two people who did our questionnaires said they really like liked the shot taken of the wine glasses/wine glasses information section (during this footage we provided facts on the effects on the person after 1 glass, 2 glasses, 3 glasses and 4 glasses of wine). •There was enough information/facts given with the interviews•If there was any more information/facts given it would have been too much

We tried to include a sufficient amount of facts in our documentary to entice the audience and keep their attention throughout but not too many so that it became too factual and boring. We wanted to use statistics which would shock our audience and make them realise the reality of binge drinking, so I’m happy that someone commented saying “too many facts and it would have been too much” because it shows that we included just the right amount. I'm glad that people picked up on the wine glasses section also as we spent quite a lot of time working on this section and put thought into it as we wanted to make the visuals illustrate the facts well and we wanted them to work together effectively to make that part of the documentary more entertaining and professional looking. Finally when choosing footage from our formal interviews we tried to pick out the part which included interesting facts that our audience could relate to or would move them/make them feel a particular way- especially when choosing footage from the interview with PC Patel as he gave us some quite horrific stories of his experiences from dealing with people who had been binge drinking and we felt that this would engage our audience the most.

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Positive feedback (relevant) Negative feedback (not relevant)0








How relevant was the information given?

Answer given





Question 4 When asking our audience how relevant they thought the information that was given was they all provided positive feedback. The main answers we were given was relevant, really and very. Further comments given were:•The information is very useful•The information is informative and detailed•The information is relevant to the target audience•The information/real facts scare people•Good information is provided from good sources•The information is clear•The information is interesting•None of the information provided isn’t relevant

When deciding on what information to include in our documentary as mentioned before we did try to include shocking statistics and facts which more related to our audience and as we learnt from our audience feedback that the information/facts we chosen scared people we clearly succeeded in this area. I agree that the information we chosen was of a good quality and from good sources as we used reliable websites such as the NHS, itv and BBC to find our information so we got our facts from well known sources and cross referenced them to check their accuracy. Overall I think the descriptions given for the information we provided are exactly what we were aiming for and I am satisfied with this feedback.

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yes no0







14Did the music fit in with the theme


Answer given





Question 5When asking the audience whether or not they thought the music fits in with the theme of the documentary throughout they all answered yes. Further comments made were:•The music was fast and slow where appropriate•The music had a good beat like in a club so it was relevant to the topic•It was a bit “out of space sounding” but still fitted in•Yes because the music was lively when it was showing people drinking but slower when the topic/information was serious •The music flowed well•Sometimes the music was a bit too loud•The slower music was a bit too dramatic and could have been quieter•The music was effective but was quite loud over interviews•One person doing our questionnaire said they liked the music because a sad song was used for the sad part

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Question 5 continued

When choosing the music we wanted to choose something which fit in with the mood we was trying to create from what we being said and shown in the documentary. This is why we chose two different tracks, one more upbeat dance type track when we was providing humorous information and footage on binge drinking and showing it from a more fun, young person perspective, and a more dramatic, eerie track when we was providing information and footage related to the dangers and more serious side of binge drinking spoken about by PC Patel. I agree that the dance music we chose was relevant to the topic as it had a club like atmosphere as this was the type of sound we was aiming for. However I do feel that we could have lowered the volume of the track chosen for more serious part of the documentary as after reading this feedback I do think that the music was a bit too loud behind PC Patel’s interview and as he had quite a quiet , soft voice it did over power it slightly so we should have turned this down a bit. After saying this though I was happy with this choice and disagree with the comment that it was too dramatic, because we was purposely choosing a dramatic track to fit in with what was being said as the information being given at the time was about the worst possible outcomes of binge drinking and deaths caused by car crashes and this is a very serious matter so we wanted to create tension through the use of the music and build up emotion for the audience.

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Question 6

yes no0








Do you think the documentary ran smoothly? If yes did the fades/editing help?

Answer given





When asking our audience if they thought our documentary ran smoothly and if they thought the fades and editing helped they all said yes. Further comments made were that:•The sound levels were good•The fades helped•The editing was good•The music was too loud at times•There was a good flow/the documentary flowed nicely from one thing to another•The fades and editing helped with the music too

When It comes to the fades and editing I personally feel they did help the documentary flow nicely and we only used fades when we felt that the straight cut looked too harsh to help so I agree with the feedback given on this area and am satisfied with the comments made. However there was mixed views on the sound levels of the documentary as shown by the feedback given on this question and the previous question. I feel that this is something we could have done more work on, as some people think the sound levels were good and some people think parts of the documentary was too loud. As mentioned on the previous slide I do think that the more serious track was slightly too loud behind the interview, but we did spend a lot of time adjusting the sound levels of the voice over , vox-pops and interviews to make sure they sounded level throughout and one person voice wasn’t too loud compared to someone else’s and when we listening to the documentary once we had finished adjusting the sound levels we didn’t notice anything which particularly stuck out compared to other parts of the documentary and was satisfied with the sound levels so apart from the music I agree that the sound levels was good.

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Question 7

yes no0








Do you feel the vox-pops addeds a comedy effect to the documentary?

Answer given





eWhen asking our audience if they thought the vox-pops added a comedy effect to the documentary they all said yes. Further comments made were:•The comedy effect made it more watchable•The vox pops were entertaining•They added humour•Yes because they were telling the audience their experiences

We tried to add a comedy effect to our documentary by choosing the funnier vox-pops that made us laugh and that we felt our target audience would enjoy listening to. We did this because we wanted our documentary to have humour as well as seriousness, as we felt that this would be more entertaining, attract our audience more and engage them, keeping their attention throughout the documentary. I think that the comments given show that we was successful in this area so I am happy with this feedback and I agree that the main reason that the vox-pops added humour was because people was talking about there past experience, but I feel that this was a good thing to include because everyone has their own stories when it comes to binge drinking and you often find that other people have had similar experiences so it was something that our target audience would be able to relate to and would be more likely to find funny.

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Question 8

yes no0








Do you feel that the formal interviews were factual and informative?

Answer given





When asking our audience if they felt that the formal interviews were informative and factual they said yes. Further comments made were:•The interview with the police man was good•The interview with the police man was effective because what he says was quite shocking •Yes because one of the interviews was with a police man and he is a trusted source•Yes because police man is a expert •One person who did our questionnaire said the police man was a good touch and they didn’t know some of the fact that were given

These responses show that the formal interview which had the most impact and our target audience found most interesting was the one with PC Patel. I was expecting this as because he is a police man I agree with the comment that he is a trusted source and because he has had experience dealing with and witnessing incidents caused by binge drinking he can provide us with more shocking and interesting information, so it is good that our target audience liked this interview and felt that they learnt something from what he told us and also that what he said shocked them as this is what we was aiming for. However I do think that the other interview with Julie was also quite informative as she could provide information from a different perspective of the effects she notices binge drinking has on other students and their friends.

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Question 9

Yes No0







14Was the article appealing to the eye?

Answer given





When asking the audience if they thought our double page spread TV listings article was appealing to the eye they all said yes. We then asked them why?, these were the comments that were made:•Because of the use of various colours•Because a variety of images were used•Because of the masthead title and the way it was presented with the image behind it •Because of the use of the pull quote•Because of the colour scheme•Because of the use of bigger fonts and font effects (e.g. Bold and outline) on certain words.

We tried to keep a consistent colour scheme in our TV listings article and make the masthead more appealing by making the font bigger, and using different colours and using a image from the documentary as a background behind it so I’m glad people picked up on this as I feel it worked effectively. I also agree that the variety of images makes the article more appealing as it adds more colour to it and illustrates what is being said in a more eye catching way instead of just have loads of text which would be boring and too plain. We used a pull quote and made this and the subtitles a different colour to the main text and slightly bigger, we also used a white outline on the pull quote. We did this to separate these bits of information from the main text and make it more eye-catching, and seeing as people commented on these techniques as making the article more appealing this clearly succeeded so overall I am happy with this feedback.

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Question 10

yes no0








Did listening to the radio trailer make you want to watch our documentary?

Answer given





When asking our audience if listening to the radio trailer made them want to watch our documentary they said yes. When we asked “why” the answers we were given were:•Because It gave an insight into the documentary which is good•Because the vox pops used are interesting•Because the clips taken from the documentary sounded interesting and funny•Because the clips added seriousness and humour•Because it gave key information•Because it was very interesting and mentioned some of the main bits in the documentary•One person said It was suspended so it made them want to know more•Because the seriousness of the policeman’s clip was intriguing•Because it used catchy music and different voices•Because there was a good use of soundOther comments made were that the voiceover could have been more clear

When producing the script for the documentary I wanted to portray both the serious and the humorous elements of the documentary through the use of the clips taken from the documentary which I included in the radio trailer, and the feedback shows I was successful in this so I am happy on how people described these clips and that people found that it gave an insight into the documentary and it made them want to know more. I am also satisfied that the use of the catchy music made people want to watch the documentary because we used the same music in the documentary so it is positive that people liked this. The only criticism that was made was on our voice and I agree that this could be an area for improvement as the radio trailer was left to the last minute so getting the voice over was quite rushed and would have been of a better quality if we had organised our time a bit better.