question 2 (completed)

Question 2 How does your media product represent particular social groups?

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Question 2How does your media product represent particular social


Page 2: Question 2 (completed)

The main characterThe main character in our film Psychosis is a 17-year old female. She is presented as a stereotypical & ordinary teenage girl on the outside. This is shown via the use of a specific hairstyle and certain clothes that she wears. For example she wears black pyjamas juxtaposing with the white walls and coloured features of the house. The colour palate of the main characters bedroom is black, grey and white which gives a dull feel to the scene. However, on the inside she is struggling with mental health issues, the main focus of our film.

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We can compare our main character Jennifer to Rae Earl from My Mad Fat Diary. Rae is relatable because of her insecurities, her tendency to compare herself to those around her and her self-abhorrence, her mental health disorder tends to make her depressed and feel completely alone similar to our main character, Jennifer.

Our character Jennifer can also relate to Charlie, the main character in The Perks of being a Wallflower. Charlies past experiences were very different to Jennifer's. However they both hide their emotions due to their past experiences and mental health issues.

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The main characters sister, Amanda wears a white blouse, this contrasts with the clothing that Jennifer wears showing the differences in personality. The white colour suggests that she is innocent and tries to help Jennifer, the colour also blends in with the white walls of the house. This connotes that there is no colour in her life due to her taking over the motherly role in the household and supporting her sister due to her mental health issues.

The Motherly role of Amanda

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A character similar to Amanda in Psychosis is Anna in the film My Sisters Keeper. She is very similar to Amanda as she cares for her sister due to the mother having other priorities and responsibilities. She keeps her sister Kate company as she has not a mental illness but Physical illness that requires help from her sister. Both of these characters take on the motherly role in support of their sisters in their difficult times.

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Male & Female RepresentationsWomen in our film fit in with the media stereotype of having a vulnerable and weak role. On the other hand the male character has the power, shown by the low angle shot when he is stood over Jennifer in the woods, and this fits in with the male stereotype in media. The main character Jennifer fits the vulnerable role that people with mental health issues usually have, this is shown via the high angle shots showing that she is weak, However our film goes against the expected patriarchy as a Female is the main character.