question 2

Q2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? WEBSITE Digi-Pak

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Question 2

Q2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?


Page 2: Question 2

How my Digi-Pak targets its audience:

Modern text for younger audience

Parent Advisory makes it seem like the CD is rebellious

The filter used for the background of the Album Cover is unusual. I used it because I knew that it would attract the ‘Indie’ aspirational teens.

Having the cover being Xena in the midst of the action is unconventional as usually you have a close up of the star image, however individuality is core for the teen audience and I believe it makes her seem more mysterious.

The image is quite, dreamy, the sky being relatively central makes the scene appear dreamy, I believe this is aesthetically pleasing to young people.

Eye-catching colourful and bold font

I felt this image was appropriate in considering the target audience, as it shows a group of friends together having fun. The anonymity of it also makes it very interesting.

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The image is a close-up of Xena. Just like many albums it represents the Star Image, the picture is beautiful and pure, it brings the target audience closer to the singer and attracts the fans, whether that it aspirational or mere attraction. This image is a large contrast to the front and back cover which uses light colours, this contrast creates a diversity that the youth admire.

Tie Dye can be both modern and old style hippy. It is representative of the creativeness of the artist and the purity of childhood.

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The INKK Productions symbol is consistent through the Digi-Pak and the Website.

The mystical layout for my web background is to represent the fun and mystical theme I have throughout my designs.

The large Image of the artist is the same image used in the script book of my digi-pak. Again it makes the audience feel closer to the artist.

The use of social media in my website is acceptable considering the target audience as, including this gives the fans a chance to get closer to the artist with personal images.

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Giving the fans an opportunity to buy the album online encourages online purchases, representative of the modern generation and younger audience.

Beanies are in trend, being someone of a similar age group to those we are targeting, I know what will appeal to them. I feel the products I made are similar to what I like and enjoy, and therefore is representative to a majority of others. The products are also consistent to theme of paint and neon colours.

My site encourages online shopping by my own merchandise page, something that is on the increase in my generation.

By making Xena’s events being true to what is actually out there and ones I have been to myself keeps the fans in the loop.

Consistent images through the website and digi-pak.