question 1- in what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real...

In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Key concept of a thriller is that there is equilibrium – disequilibrium – resolution (new equilibrium) and this links with the theorist Todorov. May film is conforming to this theory of a suspense-thriller film. Another key concept is that the audience is meant to feel the plot build towards a climax and they are not meant to know what could happen next which then creates the anxiety for the audience. Title font and style My credits and title font and layout had to link to my genre because the titles are the first feature that the audience see so, if it doesn’t signify a thriller-suspense film the audience will be

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Page 1: Question 1- In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Key concept of a thriller is that there is equilibrium – disequilibrium – resolution (new equilibrium) and this links with the theorist Todorov. May film is conforming to this theory of a suspense-thriller film. Another key concept is that the audience is meant to feel the plot build towards a climax and they are not meant to know what could happen next which then creates the anxiety for the audience.

Title font and style

My credits and title font and layout had to link to my genre because the titles are the first feature that the audience see so, if it doesn’t signify a thriller-suspense film the audience will be questioning the genre. Therefore, I used this font and layout for my titles and credits that linked. I placed the first few titles here because when the film starts all you can hear is chopping and the screen is on the titles so, this keeps the audience guessing and starts the whole process of what is happening straight from the beginning as noises are heard but no one is seen. When the chopping fades out you can hear footsteps so, the audience knows that someone is moving but no idea where too and more

Page 2: Question 1- In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

importantly where from. The concept of the audience being left in the dark and not knowing what has happened and what is to come enhances the genre of this film.

The title of the film

Having this as my title is enhances the significance of the wife’s line ‘ You know it was a close call last time’ because it highlights ‘The last chance’ and that something is going to happen to the husband because he is pushing her to her limits. So, straight from the beginning the reason why the title is ‘The Last Chance’ is clear to the audience.

Camera and editing

This shot shows the audience that he has arrived home and going to meet someone. This shot was lead up to by a match on action shot through the front door followed by a tracking shot which enhances that he is on the way to see someone and the tracking shot increases the intensity of the scene because the audience are waiting for him to get to the doorway to see who is waiting for him. This tracking shot is significant because it also helps set the location as it shows the audience around the house.

Location and set

In this shot the audience is introduced to two characters with one being the main character, the wife, and the husband who is murder early on. This shot also shows the audience the location and what was expected to happen as the table is laid out nicely ready for a romantic dinner but, the conversation that occurs changes the plan for a nice dinner.

How characters are introduced

This shot is where the audience may start to think a bad event is going to occur because the close-up on her looking mischievous with the knife turning in her hand emphasises that she is planning something. The audience don’t know the severity of this plan but they know it will most likely involve a knife. This is where the audience can really see that she has been pushed to her limits which, changes your whole perspective of her from the beginning where the audience may have felt sorry for her as her husband had cheated. But now she has turned and become mental which most likely changes their opinion on her so after these events she is introduced as murderer and on the run for the rest of the film.

Genre and how the opening suggests it

The opening suggest that this film is a suspense-thriller because there is a heated argument that ends up with a murder where the murderer runs which, automatically makes the film a thriller because of the events that have happened. The opening also includes long tracking shots which increases the intensity of the piece as, the audience is waiting for is to come next. As well as that this piece is left as the wife (the murderer) runs out the door so, the audience now know she is on the run but they have no idea whether she will get away with it or not. The factor that the door was left open at the end leaves the plot open to many different outcomes so, the audience is always guessing what will happen next which enhances the genre suspense-thriller.

Page 3: Question 1- In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Costumes and Props

The costumes are very significant because it exp0lains what they do every day. The Husband is in a suit which shows that he is a business man and because he came home let it enhances long hours at the office. The suit also shows that he is important at his workplace and earns a good salary. The wife is wearing a pink blouse, jeans, an apron and socks which suggests that she wasn’t planning to run away after she murdered him. Her attire shows that she does the housework and sorts everything out at home while he is at work. These characters are typical stereotypes of what a happy couples lives would have been like and their costumes describe them and show their roles in their relationship.

Story and how the opening sets it up

The story is that the husband arrives home late from work after cheating on his wife with a colleague but denies it when she confronts him. She is cooking a romantic meal but, she becomes very angry because of him lying and being late resulting in her losing her temper after the husband has tried to calm her down. Consequently ending up with the husband being murdered and the wife running after realising what she has done. The opening sets up the rest of the fil with so many outcomes becomes she leaves clues for an investigation but then she could get away with it so, the audience is completely unaware of how this could end. As well as the audience not knowing the end result they also don’t know what has happened prior to this argument even though the wife reminisced past events in their argument which makes it hard to decide who is right and leaves the audience wondering is she is mental and controlling or just very angry and frustrated.

Special effects

I didn’t use any special effects in my media piece because my genre didn’t need them to link my opening to my film opening. The only added effects I have added are fades on sound on premiere but, no special effects.

Page 4: Question 1- In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?