question 1

Question 1: In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions or real media products? (Look at your cover, contents page and double page spread, compare them to other music magazines and evaluate the codes and conventions)

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Page 1: Question 1

Question 1:

In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions or real

media products?

(Look at your cover, contents page and double page spread, compare them to other music magazines and

evaluate the codes and conventions)

Page 2: Question 1

Cover pages:

There are many similarities between my magazine front cover and the front cover of this NME magazine. One of the main similarities between the magazines, is the layout of the page. Both of the magazines have kept the cover lines from overlapping the artists face and the cover lines have been posistioned around the image so that they allow the image to stand out. The images on the front covers also use direct address as the artists are looking at the camera, following the codes and conventions of magazines as this creates a more personal level with the reader. Another similarities that both magazines have used is the colour scheme as they have both included the colour red, this helps the magazine stand out as the colour red is usually used on rock or indie magazines. Both magazines have also made their main cover line very clear as it stretches out across the page and across the artists body, this would enable the main cover line to stand out across the page and grab the readers attention. However, there are also many differences between the magazines. One of the main differences is that the NME magazine has used a prop on its front cover, where as the INDIE RIOT magazine has focused more on the artist. Also the NME magazine has used a wider range of colours for their magazine as they have also included the colours, blue and white, which help the magazine to stand out a little more. Another difference is that the NME magazine has used a puff box to advertise some of the context that is in their magazine. This grabs the readers attentions as if it red and therefore stands out on the page.

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Contents pages:

The layout of the contents page has many similarities and differences between them. For example, Q contents page and the INDIE RIOT contents page both have pictures laid out on them, however Q magazine has pictures of one side and the writing on the other, this differs from the INDIE RIOT magazine as the images are spread across the pages. Both magazines have used page numbers to state what content is on what page. Also both magazines have included their logo/name in the top left corner of their magazine, however Q magazine has also included the issue number on the contents page. Another similarity between the two magazines in that they have stuck to the colour scheme that is used on their cover, this stands out as it is clear for the reader to see what magazine this is. Also the colour red stands out over the white/grey background, which would appeal to the reader. They both follow the odes and conventions of a magazine as they both include pictures and have numbered the contents with what pages they can be found on. They have also both followed the codes and conventions of using a variety of colours on the contents pages , which makes the certain words/phrases stand out to the reader.

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Double page spread:

My magazine has some similarities and differences to the NME magazine, one of the main similarities is that they both have an image on one side and the text on the other. This follows the conventions of a magazine as it enables the reader to see who the text is about and also to help the image stand out. Also, the images on both double page spread have direct address as the artist/s are making eye contact with the camera. Another similarity is that both of the double page spreads use colour to make a certain part of the text stand out, this pulls the readers attention to that spot. However the main difference is that on the NME magazines double page spread, the image takes up more than half of the page, this makes the space for the text smaller and therefore makes the image stand out more. Also in my magazine I have done a done Q&A which makes the text look easier to read as it is not all in one block, this would appeal to the reader as it does not seem as if they have got a lot to read. Another similarity between both of the double page spreads is that they both include crops, as I have used a microphone in mine and the NME magazine has used lights in theirs.