quest: journey through the lifespan characters and

Zoe, Head Start, 3 Years Old Zoe is a 3-year-old African-American girl at her first day of Head Start, which is a comprehensive program for low-income children that provides education and nutrition. Zoe’s mom is starting at a new job today, and she is dropping Zoe off at her new classroom. Zoe is generally wary and timid especially in new situations. She is nervous about leaving her mom and spending the day with new people and learning unfamiliar rules and routines. Help Zoe successfully navigate her first day of school. Engage with learning and play materials in the classroom and interact with classmates and teachers without causing Zoe too much stress in her new environment. Content explored: Cooperative Play, Gross and Fine Motor Skills, Psychosocial Theory, Theory of Mind, Emergent Literacy, Separation Anxiety, Observational Learning. Haruki, Beach, 2 Years Old Haruki is a 2-year-old Japanese boy enjoying a day at the beach with his mom and family friends. Haruki is from Japan, but he is currently living with his parents in the United States while his father is on a work assignment. Japanese is spoken at home, but Haruki is also learning English. Help Haruki enjoy his day at the beach. There are so many fun things to do alone or with friends, but be careful and consider which activities you might need mom’s help to safely or successfully accomplish. Content explored: Attachment, Zone of Proximal Development, Observational Learning, Accommodation and Assimilation, Psychosocial Theory, Fine Motor Skills. Gabi, Home, 9 Months Old Gabi is a 9-month-old girl who lives in the Southwest with her extended family. Gabi is securely attached, happy, healthy, and has reached the typical milestones for her age. Although she cannot yet speak, mama has taught her baby sign language so she can express some of her desires. Help Gabi explore and learn about her environment by visiting family members, playing with toys, or investigating objects throughout the house. Content explored: Object Permanence, Gross Motor Skills, Schemas, Secondary Circular Reactions, Primary Circular Reactions, Language and Gesturing, Stranger Anxiety, Language Development. Quest: Journey Through The Lifespan Characters and Environments

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Page 1: Quest: Journey Through The Lifespan Characters and

Zoe, Head Start, 3 Years OldZoe is a 3-year-old African-American girl at her first day of Head Start, which is a comprehensive program for low-income children that provides education and nutrition. Zoe’s mom is starting at a new job today, and she is dropping Zoe off at her new classroom. Zoe is generally wary and timid especially in new situations. She is nervous about leaving her mom and spending the day with new people and learning unfamiliar rules and routines. Help Zoe successfully navigate her first day of school. Engage with learning and play materials in the classroom and interact with classmates and teachers without causing Zoe too much stress in her new environment.

Content explored: Cooperative Play, Gross and Fine Motor Skills, Psychosocial Theory, Theory of Mind, Emergent Literacy, Separation Anxiety, Observational Learning.

Haruki, Beach, 2 Years OldHaruki is a 2-year-old Japanese boy enjoying a day at the beach with his mom and family friends. Haruki is from Japan, but he is currently living with his parents in the United States while his father is on a work assignment. Japanese is spoken at home, but Haruki is also learning English. Help Haruki enjoy his day at the beach. There are so many fun things to do alone or with friends, but be careful and consider which activities you might need mom’s help to safely or successfully accomplish.

Content explored: Attachment, Zone of Proximal Development, Observational Learning, Accommodation and Assimilation, Psychosocial Theory, Fine Motor Skills.

Gabi, Home, 9 Months OldGabi is a 9-month-old girl who lives in the Southwest with her extended family. Gabi is securely attached, happy, healthy, and has reached the typical milestones for her age. Although she cannot yet speak, mama has taught her baby sign language so she can express some of her desires. Help Gabi explore and learn about her environment by visiting family members, playing with toys, or investigating objects throughout the house.

Content explored: Object Permanence, Gross Motor Skills, Schemas, Secondary Circular Reactions, Primary Circular Reactions, Language and Gesturing, Stranger Anxiety, Language Development.

Quest: Journey Through The LifespanCharacters and Environments

Page 2: Quest: Journey Through The Lifespan Characters and

Rohan, Museum, 13 Years OldRohan is a 13-year-old Indian American student on an 8th grade field trip to the history museum. Rohan is one of the top students in his class and always strives to impress his parents and teachers. His parents would like him to take over the family company someday, but Rohan would rather pursue a career in paleontology—though he hasn’t told his parents yet. Help Rohan enjoy his field trip with his buddy. Rohan will need to write a report for class later, so be sure to explore as many of the displays as possible for later reference.

Content explored: Crowds, Identity Status Theory, Risk-Taking, Zone of Proximal Development, Moral Development, Body Image.

Abby, Carnival, 7 Years OldAbby is a 7-year-old Caucasian second grader enjoying the carnival with family. Happy and well-adjusted, she doesn’t lack confidence and her high energy feeds her adventurous side. Abby is excited to explore on her own without her younger brother tagging along. While her dad will go with her, she has made him promise not to follow her as he would a “little kid.” Help Abby enjoy her time at the carnival. Decide which games to play, figure out how the different activities work, win some prizes, and relish the free time away from her little brother.

Content explored: Observational Learning, Preoperational Thinking, Emotion Regulation, Conservation, Seriation, Psychosocial Theory, Scaffolding, Spatial Thinking.

James, Park, 10 Years OldJames is a 10-year-old biracial 4th grade boy, and today he is playing at the local park. He wants to have friends, but he can be shy and struggles to speak up for himself. James wants to be a basketball player when he grows up. Although he doesn’t think he’s very good at it, he is always up for learning new things. Help James enjoy his play time at the park. Decide whether to try to make friends, engage in altruistic acts, develop new skills, or face an unexpected moral dilemma!

Content explored: Scaffolding, Observational Learning, Moral Reasoning, Concrete Operations, Psychosocial Theory.

Oliver, Halloween, 5 Years OldOliver is a 5-year-old Caucasian boy who is out having fun with his younger sister in their suburban neighborhood on Halloween. Recently, Oli was diagnosed with a lazy eye, so he has difficulty with depth perception and can appear clumsy, which has led to a few older kids starting to tease him. But Halloween has allowed him to embrace his new eye patch and make it the centerpiece of his pirate costume. Help Oliver strategize how to work the street, interact with his friends and bullies, help his little sister have some fun, and of course, trick-or-treat!

Content explored: Prosocial Behavior, Gender, Preoperational Thinking, Parenting, Ecological Systems Theory, Moral Reasoning, Animistic Thinking, Gross Motor Skills.

Page 3: Quest: Journey Through The Lifespan Characters and

Felisha, Hospital, 47 Years OldFelisha is a 47-year-old African American nurse on a busy hospital floor. She has over 20 years of experience, but today a new patient door call system has been installed and several coworkers have called in sick. Additionally, her family keeps texting her at work. Help Felisha cope with her unusually hectic shift today. Juggle demands from multiple sources, and be sure to provide good care to the patients who are relying on her!

Content explored: Crystallized Intelligence, Psychosocial Theory, Levinson’s Seasons of Life, Frankl’s Meaning of Life, Tend-and-Befriend, Sandwich Generation.

Allison, Airport, 32 Years OldAllison is a 32-year-old Caucasian woman who is currently waiting for a flight to board in the gate area at the airport with her husband and 8-month-old son. Although becoming a parent has been a joy for her, it has been challenging to adjust to the parenting role and trying to balance marital, family, and work responsibilities. This is Allison and her husband’s first trip since their son was born. Help Allison keep the baby content before boarding the flight. Don’t forget the resource she has in her partner!

Content explored: Parenting, Triangular Theory of Love, Work-Family Balance, Parenting Stress, Co-Parenting, Generational Issues.

Martinez, Military Base, 22 Years OldSantiago Martinez is a 22-year-old Mexican American soldier deployed overseas. He is growing accustomed to independent life away from home and negotiating complicated friendships with fellow soldiers. Martinez feels the pressure to take on even more adult responsibilities. Help Martinez go through his daily routine on the three-week anniversary of a particularly traumatic event on base. Help him make decisions about how to spend his time and resources and make decisions about what to do with his future.

Content explored: Self-Regulation, Physical Development, Psychosocial Theory, Emerging Adulthood, Attachment, Peer Relationships.

Kate, House Party, 17 Years OldKate is a 17-year-old Caucasian high school senior. Her parents are away for the night, and she invited some of her classmates and choir friends over for a party. Kate has been really stressed because she has not received any college acceptances. She also has a huge crush on a boy in her class and hopes he will show up tonight. More people showed up than she invited, and things appear to be getting out of hand. Help Kate enjoy the party and have fun but keep the party from getting too rowdy so her parents don’t find out!

Content explored: Dating/Romantic Relationships, Imaginary Audience, Personal Fable, Social Comparison, Parent-Adolescent Relationships, Identity Status Theory, Peer Pressure.

Page 4: Quest: Journey Through The Lifespan Characters and

Emilio, Grocery Store, 80 Years Old Emilio is an 80-year-old widower who misses his wife and is still adjusting to the day-to-day of life without her. He experiences typical age-related decline, such as poor vision, difficulty remembering, and difficulty bending and lifting. His struggles with grief and depression sometimes keep him from weekly activities, such as going to church. Help Emilio prepare for a meal with his daughter by shopping at the grocery store. Consider the most optimal ways to perform tasks in order to finish marketing on time and with enough energy left over to make the food later!

Content explored: Selective Optimization with Compensation Theory, Wisdom, Physical Function, Memory, Socioemotional Selectivity Theory, Widowhood, Psychosocial Theory, Volunteerism.

Geraldine, Garden, 72 Years OldGeraldine is a 72-year-old African American woman who resides in an assisted living facility that offers around-the-clock care. Geraldine experiences mild dementia from Alzheimer’s disease, which includes confusion and forgetfulness. Even though she is sometimes more aggressive and anxious than she used to be, she has always been friendly and social. Geraldine also has osteoporosis and arthritic pain in her hands and knees. Help Geraldine tend to the garden, consider participating in activities offered at the center, and visit with her neighbors.

Content explored: Socioemotional Selectivity Theory, Activity Theory, Selective Optimization with Compensation Theory, Big Five Factors Personality, Friendship, Alzheimer’s Disease.

Harvey, Casino, 59 Years OldHarvey is a 59-year-old Caucasian man who is celebrating his 30th wedding anniversary at a casino resort with his wife, Angelica. They have two grown children and have been rekindling their marriage since their children moved out of the house. Unfortunately, their son has been relying on them for help financially. Harvey has worked at the same company for 25 years but has recently felt intimated by the number of new hires right out of college. Help Harvey explore the casino, make decisions about how to spend his time with Angelica, and try to relax and enjoy his trip.

Content explored: Marital Relationships, Leisure, Empty-Nest Syndrome, Physical Activity, Levinson’s Seasons of Life, Sandwich Generation, Physical Changes, Psychosocial Theory.

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