quasi-two-dimensional bose condensation and high tc superconductivity

Volume 135, number 2 PHYSICS LETTERS A 13 February 1989 QUASI-TWO-DIMENSIONAL BOSE CONDENSATION AND HIGH T. SUPERCONDUCTIVITY Wen-Zu LI CCAST (World Laboratory), and Physics Department, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, PR China Jian-Bin WU, Feng CHEN, Jin-Chang TANG Physics Department, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, PR China and Kai-Jia CHENG North West Nuci. Tech. Institute of China, Xian, PR China Received 16 August 1988; revised manuscript received 22 November 1988; accepted for publication 5 December 1988 Communicated by D. Bloch Starting from the quasi-two-dimensional Bose condensation, we study the influence of layer thickness and oxygen-vacancy on the critical temperature T~ in real high T~ superconductors. The results are qualitatively consistent with known experiments. Since the discovery of high T~ superconductors, solve this problem, Anderson et a!. [5] did not make great progress has been made in the theory of su- the assumption of a well-developed interlayer band, perconductivity. The resonating valence bond (RYB) but considered Josephson-like coupling between Cu— [1—3] is the most favourable one. There are three 0 planes; this naturally drived a 2e condensate. kinds of excitations in the RVB vacuum: an un- Kivelson et al. [6] and Wen [7], however, specu- bonded spin (spinon), an empty site (holon), and lated that the RVB state may contain some addi- a charged electron. They are constrained in the Cu— tional structures which allow the h/2e flux to exist 0 plane. It is the crucial property of the RVB vac- even in the charge e condensate. There are still other uum that spinons are neutral fermions, and holons approaches, one of them [8,91 conjectured that the are charged bosons. In real RVB superconductors holons are anyons obeying half-integer statistics, a there is a net number of holons, and the total num- pair of holons form a boson, thus the system can have ber is conserved. Thus, if the holons are bosons, Bose Bose condensation. Nowadays, the problem of “2e condensation is possible. It is natural to regard this flux quantum” receives extensive attention; we will as the mechanism for superconductivity. Because discuss it elsewhere. In this paper, however, only Bose two-dimensional Bose condensation cannot occur, condensation is considered. the three-dimensional quantum fluctuation effect The structure of YBa 2 Cu3 07, Bi2 Sr2 CaCu3 08, should be taken into account. Wen et al. [4] con- etc. tells us that each layer might include several Cu— sidered free bosons with weak dispersion along the 0 planes, the coupling among them should be c-axis, which was shown to lead to Bose condensa- stronger than that between two nearest neighbor lay- tion of a “(2 + e )-dimensional Bose gas”. This seems ers. On the other hand, oxygen-vacancy should in- to contradict with the magnetic flux measurements fluence the condensation greatly. The treatments in of the new oxide superconductors which show that refs. [4,5,8] did not take these facts into account. the flux quantum is h/2e, and not h/e. In order to We thus study here the Bose condensation of a gen- 0375-9601/89/s 03.50 © Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. 137 (North-Holland Physics Publishing Division)

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Volume 135, number2 PHYSICSLETTERSA 13 February1989


Wen-Zu LICCAST(WorldLaboratory),andPhysicsDepartment,ZhejiangUniversity, Hangzhou,PRChina

Jian-BinWU, FengCHEN,Jin-ChangTANGPhysicsDepartment,ZhejiangUniversity,Hangzhou,PRChina


Kai-JiaCHENGNorth WestNuci. Tech.Instituteof China,Xian, PRChina

Received16 August 1988; revisedmanuscriptreceived22 November1988;acceptedfor publication5 December1988Communicatedby D.Bloch

Startingfromthequasi-two-dimensionalBosecondensation,westudytheinfluenceof layerthicknessandoxygen-vacancyonthecritical temperatureT~in realhigh T~superconductors.Theresultsarequalitatively consistentwith knownexperiments.

Since the discoveryof high T~superconductors, solvethisproblem,Andersonet a!. [5] did notmakegreatprogresshasbeenmadein the theory of su- theassumptionof a well-developedinterlayerband,perconductivity.Theresonatingvalencebond(RYB) butconsideredJosephson-likecouplingbetweenCu—[1—3] is the most favourableone. There are three 0 planes; this naturally drived a 2e condensate.kinds of excitations in the RVB vacuum:an un- Kivelson et al. [6] andWen [7], however,specu-bondedspin (spinon),an empty site (holon), and lated that the RVB statemay contain some addi-a chargedelectron.Theyareconstrainedin the Cu— tional structureswhich allow the h/2e flux to exist0 plane.It is the crucial propertyof the RVB vac- evenin thechargee condensate.Therearestill otheruumthat spinonsare neutralfermions, andholons approaches,oneof them [8,91 conjecturedthat theare chargedbosons.In real RVB superconductors holonsare anyonsobeying half-integerstatistics,athereis a net numberof holons,andthetotal num- pairofholonsform aboson,thusthesystemcanhaveberis conserved.Thus,if theholonsarebosons,Bose Bosecondensation.Nowadays,the problemof “2econdensationis possible.It is naturalto regardthis flux quantum” receivesextensiveattention;wewillas the mechanismfor superconductivity.Because discussit elsewhere.In thispaper,however,only Bosetwo-dimensionalBose condensationcannot occur, condensationis considered.the three-dimensionalquantum fluctuation effect The structure of YBa2Cu307, Bi2 Sr2CaCu308,

shouldbe taken into account.Wen et al. [4] con- etc. tellsusthateachlayermight includeseveralCu—sideredfree bosonswith weak dispersionalong the 0 planes, the coupling among them should bec-axis, which wasshownto lead to Bosecondensa- strongerthanthatbetweentwo nearestneighborlay-tionof a“(2 +e)-dimensionalBosegas”.Thisseems ers. On the otherhand,oxygen-vacancyshouldin-to contradictwith the magneticflux measurements fluencethe condensationgreatly. Thetreatmentsinof the new oxide superconductorswhich show that refs. [4,5,8] did not takethesefacts into account.the flux quantumis h/2e,andnot h/e. In order to Wethusstudyherethe Bosecondensationof a gen-

0375-9601/89/s03.50© ElsevierSciencePublishersB.V. 137(North-HollandPhysicsPublishingDivision)

Volume 135, number2 PHYSICSLETTERSA 13 February1989

erallayeredmodelin which eachlayermightinclude m ____________

severalCu—Uplanes(in somecasesincludingM—0 ~ ~ exp(/3~~~)—

planes,M ~ Cu). Thebosonscanmove freely in the mitlayer,while the hoppingof them betweenlayerscan 2ML3[exp(fl~f~)— 1]beignored.Basedonthismodel,‘the oxygen-vacancydistribution is introducedin a layer to studyits in- take m/M—.0.2, L3—~l0—~°m3, fl~’—~0.0l eV,fluenceon T~. y—~lO’°cm3.

As stated above, the Hamiltonian for a boson (ii) If /3~‘—.

moving freely in a layercanbe written:m _______

H=P~/2m+P~/2m+P~/2M+V(z), ~L~exp(fl~f?)—l

V(z)=0, ze[0,L] , mf3~’ 12ith2L ~e12_l Y~

=~, $[0,L], (1)

whereL is the thicknessofalayer;m andMare the takem~’me,L—~102 A, y—~l0’~cm3.effectivemassesof a bosonmovingparallelandper- (iii) For /~ >> 1?, that is, L-+co, dfl~/dL—0.pendicularto thelayerrespectively.The eigenvalues Experimentally[10], .A~ 1 021 cm ~, thusthe con-are dition (4) canbe easily satisfiedin real supercon-

ductorsfor Le(0, oo). This meansthat T~increases~(p)= ~?+P~/2m+P~/2m, with L. WhenL—+cc,

~ it2h212/2ML2 (1=1,2...) . T~=h2(.A~/2.6l)213/2itkB(m2M)~3.

Thedensityof bosonsat temperatureTmay be ex- In the confirmed high T~oxide materialspressedas La


Ti2Ca2BaCuO8 [11], thethicknessofthe layersvar-

~=~Jdp exp{fl[~(p)—~u]}—l. ies from 6 to 30 A, the Ta’s vary from 40 to 120 K,which coincideswith our prediction.

The condensationoccursat ~=0, thus If L—~0,the Bose condensationtemperaturevan-ishes (from eq. (2)). But in that casethereexistsa

2ith2.A~L 7 exp(P~~?) ), (2) transitiontosuperfluid(Kosterlitz—Thoulessphase)

Pc = ~ in(m \exp(fl~~?)—l [9]. It is quite different from Bose condensation.

= 1/kBT~T~is the critical temperaturefor Recently,Fisheret al. [12] studiedthe weakly in-condensation. teractingBose gas underthe dilute limit, obtained

the correspondingtransition temperatureTKT

d$~ / 2 ___________ + 27L46h2) 4ith2n0/2mln(ln y’) wherey=n01~,l0is the scat-

dL = — — L exp(/J~~) — 1 m tering length betweenbosons.—1 Whenthereexist oxygenvacancies,the motionof

+ ~ ~‘? ) (3) holonsis complicated.We know thatan oxygenva-\, m / exp(Pcbi) — 1 cancy of an oxygen-octahedroncan split the Cu

obviously, d/3~/dL<0when 3d~2_~2and Cu 3d~2levels further [13,14], thussuppressingthe holon-siteenergyon a defectedox-

i m ygenoctahedron.Wedenotethe suppressedvalueofthe boson-siteenergy as4~.We assumethat the ox-exp(/J~~?)—ih

2ygen-vacancydistributionalongthec-axisin a layer

(i) Whenfl~~?>>l, isf(z), ze[0, L]. The interactionof a boson-oxy-

gen-vacancyin a layeris


Volume 135, number2 PHYSICSLETTERSA 13 February1989

L n(z) andthe equationfor the Bosecondensationtemper-

Hin=4ojdz ~ ‘b~(z)b~(z), atureT~is0 2it~h


whereb1 (z) is thebosonannihilationoperatorat site

(~,z),n(z)=n’f(z), n’ is the total numberof ox- —lnIexp[/3~(it2h2/2ML2—y)]—1I. (8)

ygenvacanciesina layer.~‘ correspondsto thesum- Concerningwith the realhigh Tc oxide supercon-mation over defected unit cells. Under random ductors,we notice that thereexistboson—bosonandapproximation, boson—spinoncouplings.In thecaseof a diluteBose

gas,thecouplingsaresmall.To zerothorder,we con-H

1,, = —40ô ~ ~f(z)b7(z)b~(z), (5) sider theBosecondensation,the couplingsare onlytakeninto accountin theeffectivemassesof bosons.

ô=n’/N, andN is the total numberof unit cells in In YBa2Cu3O7.....~Cavaet al. [18] observedthata layer. Taking a Fourier transformation, T~hadabruptdecreasesat the points ö—~0.20 and

4 L 0.40,anda plateaunearô—~0.35. ThepolycrystallineH1~=—~— ~f(m)b,,~bn[ôm+,,÷,,’ 2/+l resistivity increaseswith ö, exceptfor öe(0.2,0.4),

4it in which regiontheresistivityhada suddendecrease

(fig. 1 a). The JR spectrum[16] anddiffuse streaks2t+1 ôm_n+n’, 21+1 [15] of the materialindicatedthat the oxygenva-

+~,n—n_n~ 21+I]/(21+ 1) . (6) canciesin the materialweremainlyconcentratedonthe centralCu—O chainof a layer,and theywere or-

Experimentaldata [5—7] indicate that the oxygen dered along the chainwhen ö—~0.35. According tovacanciesaremainly concentratedat thecenterof a the statedexperimentaldata,it is reasonableto re-layerin Cu-oxide high T~superconductors,so it is gard that the oxygen vacanciesare randomly dis-reasonableto assume tributed on the Cu—U chain for ö�(0, 0.2). When

ö> 0.2, the randomnessis basedon the ordereddis-aexp(—aIL/2—zI) tribution at c5~0.35.2[l—exp(—aL/2)]


If L is not very large, andonly the low energybe- 100 a p

havior is takeninto account,onehas(a)

H1~~_~±~[—~,f(l)+~f(3)]bt(k)b1(k) (7) 80

4it k


a(2a+2ite~’72/L) (c) 10


a(—2a+6ite~2) 40 (b) 8

ft3 L(l—e~2)(a2+9it2/L2)’ 6 3

thusthe modified first band-energyis 20


2it2/2ML2—y(ó), _______________________________

40c5a ( 5(2a+2ite~’~

2/L) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 (ô)= 4it (1 — e~~zI~~/2)!I\ — 3 (a2 + it2/L2) OxygeflvaCancy content 8

Fig. 1. Curves(a), (b) aretheexperimentaldatacorresponding— 2a+6ite~’-”2/L\ to 1’, androom-temperatureresistivity versusoxygen-vacancy

+ 3 (a2+9it 2/L2) ) ‘ contentrespectively.Curve(c)correspondstothecalculatedre-

sistivity alongthea-axisat roomtemperature.


Volume 135, number2 PHYSICSLETTERSA 13 February1989

Fioryet al. [19] pointedoutthat theelectricalre- e~(~)0.1019)

sistivity at room temperaturewas dominantly de-terminedby the carrier—oxygen-vacancyscattering, tothe other contributionscould be ignored. We thussupposethat the electricalresistivity at room tem- 8


Using the formula of conductivity [20], 6


(a=a, b indicatingthedirectionsperpendicularandparallel to the central Cu—O chain respectively)wheren ~(5) is thedensityofholons,andm’, M’ are 2

the effectiveholon massescorrespondingto the mo- 1

tionsparallelandperpendiculartothe layer,m= 2m’,0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 5

MM . Ta(S) is themeanscatteringtimedueto ho-lon—oxygen-vacancyinteraction.We here approxi- Fig. 2. Thecalculatedcurveof thedensity of holonsversusJ.mately take 9_—..Jm’/2me.

ta( ~ ‘ic T m —‘ , crease,which might be regardedas the result of co-‘,.j B room herent scatteringof holons due to the ordered

= ô, 5,,= 5, 0<5<0.2, distribution ofoxygenvacancies[21]. Thisquestionis underour investigation.

= 15—0.351, 5>0.2. (9) If the bosonsin our model are holons, n0=n’0,

V0, Troom arethe unit cell volumeandroom temper- m=m’, M=M’. Substitutingeq. (10) into (8), weaturerespectively.Forpolycrystalline,p= (p~+Pbb) / have2, B/Tc=A/TclnIeA/Tc_lI,

PaaP, 0<S<0.2, it


— 2p 5>02 A= kB

— 1+1(5—0 35)/S ~B=27th2Lp~(S)(kaTroom/m’)”2

fromthe knowndata (fig. lb) ofp versus5, onehas 1/3 2

the S dependenceof p,~,(fig. lc). Hence X (J/vo) /kBe (11)/k T /m’ for YBa

2Cu3O74,v0=abc, a=3.8699A, b=3.8667B room . (10) A, c~L=1l.688A. Troom~300 K. As oxygen va-

- canciesare stronglylocalized to the central Cu—OMaking useof fig. lc, andtaking Toom=300 K, we chain, we choose a~18/L, 12/L; 40i~t0.10 eV,calculatethe curve ni~ S (fig. 2). m’ 8.5 me, M’ 37 me. Solving eqs.(11) numer-

Formula (10) indicatesthat when S—eO, n~-+0. ically, onehasthecurvesshownin fig. 3.This radical result was due to the rough approxi- Now, if we supposethat the bosonin our modelmationof the holon—oxygen-vacancycrosssection. is formed by a pair of holons, one should takeIn fact, thecrosssectionshouldbe independentof S n0 = n ~,/2,m= 2m’, M= 2M’. In order to keep thefor small dopingof oxygen-vacancy,n~(S)should calculatedcurves in fig. 3 invariant, one shouldincreasewhenS—eO. Hencein fig. 2, n’0 decreases choose4~—~0.10eV, m’ —~2.2m~,M—~20m~.when5~(0, 0.25)or 5>0.45.It might be explained Taking into account the small S behavior ofas the effect of randomdistribution of oxygen—va- n ~(5), as discussedbefore,we know that (from fig.cancy.For Se(0.25, 0.45), n~(S)hasa suddenin- 3) to curve (a), T~decreasesto 60 K whenSvaries


Volume135, number2 PHYSICSLETTERSA 13 February1989

T~)°K) ygen-vacancyon the critical temperatureof super-conductivity, but did not find the plateauwhen

180 Se(0.3,0.35). We believethat this is dueto the ox-

ygen-vacancydistribution alongthec-axis. To curve5, (a) in fig. 3, a~18/L, to curve (/1), however,

vacanciesdistributedoff the centreof a layer for

4 curve (fi). In fact, thesamplesusedin ref. [16] were1 0 obtainedfrom slowly cooling in oxygen gas, while

thoseuse.din ref. [18] wereobtainedfrom quench-120 ing. It is well known that the quenchingprocessis

favourablein preventingtheoxygenvacanciesofthecentralCu—O planefrom diffusing.

160 a~12/L. That meansthat thereexist moreoxygen100 Discussion.(i) In our calculations,thechosenval-

uesof holonmassarem’ 8.Sme,2.2mecorrespond-ing to the mechanismsof holon- and biholon-con-

80 $ densation respectively. These values are in the

f ertimatedregionsgiven in refs. [4,9]. To decidewhichonecorrespondstotherealcase,afurtherstudy

60 . is necessary.As we know, m’ 1/I, M’ -~1/I’; t andt’ arethe hoppingenergiescorrespondingto themo-tion in the Cu—Oplaneandbetweenthe nearestCu—

40 0 planeswithina layer:t’ /t—~0.1. Thisis muchlargerthanin Huang’streatment[22], which only consid-ers interlayer hopping, the effect having been ig-

20 noredinour paper.Mattheissetal. [22] pointedoutthatthematerialYBa

2Cu3O7wasself-doped,andthe______________________________________ central Cu—Ochainwasthesourceof holons.Thus

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 5 it is reasonableto assumethat thehoppingeffectbe-

Fig. 3. Curves(a), (fi) are thecalculatedresultsof 7’. versus tweenCu—Oplaneswithin a layeris moreimportantoxygen-vacancycontentcorrespondingto a= 18/L and I 2/L than thatbetweenlayers.respectively. (ii) Up to now,no experimentdirectlymeasured

Ao. Kasowskieta!. [14] howevercalculatedtheelec-from 0 to 0.3, andhasa plateaufor Se(0.3,0.35); tronic propertiesof oxygenvacanciesin La2CuO385.to curve (fi), however,doesnotexist sucha plateau Their results suggestedthat oxygen-vacancybrokefor S in this region. Both curvesindicatethat T~has up the2 eV widepartially filled conductionbandintoabrupt increaseswhenS~0.4, which correspondto narrowerbands,at the point f, the nearestenergythe pointssatisfyingS’s’ — y<0. They haveno phys- level to the Fermi surface is raised about 0.1 eVical meaning,becauseif ‘?— y<0, the motion of higherthanthat in La2CuO4.Thisvalue is closetocarrierswill be localizedin the centralCu—O plane the chosenvalueof ~ in our paper.of alayer, theeffectivethicknessof thelayeris L/ (iii) It wasconjecturedthat spinonsandholons6, not L, thusT~will be suppressedto 40 K, like in are topological solitons [3,23]. If this is so, thethe well-known superconductorLa2....~Ba~CuO4. structureof the Kosterlitz—Thoulessphasefor LTakingthis “effective-thickness”effectintoaccount, tendingtozeroshouldbemorecomplexthanthatofcomparingwith curves (a) in fig. 1, we know that the ordinaryBose gassystem.On the otherhand,ifcurve (a) in fig. 3 qualitatively coincideswith the the 3-dimensionalquantumfluctuationscould notexperimentaldata. beavoided,whatwouldthe KT phasebefor this sit-

Kuzmanyet a!. [161 observedthe influenceofox- uation?What is the role of spinonsin the conden-


Volume 135, number2 PHYSICSLETTERSA 13 February1989

sation?Work is in progresson theseequations.In [61S. Kivelson,D.S. RoksharandJ.P.Sethna,preprint.

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stimulating conversationswith Dr. Ying He-pin, [13] C. Michel andB. Reveau,Rev. Chim. Miner. 21 (1984)

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