quarks, leptons and force intro

What IS Matter ? ter is all the “stuff” around you! e’s the picture we’re going to uncover all today though) Matter Leptons Charged Neutrinos Forces Weak EM Strong Gravity Hadrons Baryons Mesons Quarks Anti-Quarks

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Page 1: Quarks, Leptons and Force Intro

What IS Matter ?• Matter is all the “stuff” around you!

• Here’s the picture we’re going to uncover(not all today though)



Charged Neutrinos


Weak EM



Baryons Mesons


Page 2: Quarks, Leptons and Force Intro

The Quarks – a Recap




Quarks Antiquarks

Q = +2/3 Q = -1/3 Q = -2/3 Q = +1/3

u d

c s

t b







Quarks can have 3 color values: red, green & blue Quarks have total spin S = ½ (SZ = -½ or +½) Anti-quarks have the same mass as their quark does.

Hadrons = Baryons + Mesons Baryons (antibaryons) contain 3 quarks (3 antiquarks) Mesons contain a quark and an antiquark

Page 3: Quarks, Leptons and Force Intro

Why quarks?

Murray Gell-Mann 1969 Nobel Prize

in Physics

Why should nature be this complicated? To simplify the picture, and still account for this plethora of particles which were observed, Murray Gell-Mann proposed all these particles were composed of just 3 smaller constituents, called quarks.

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But even Gell-Mann doubted that they were real…

An excerpt from Gell-Mann’s 1964 paper:“A search for stable quarks of charge –1/3 or +2/3 and/or stable di-quarks of charge –2/3 or +1/3 or +4/3 at the highest energy accelerators would help to reassure us of the non-existence of real quarks”.

In 1969, an experimentat SLAC uncovered thefirst evidence thatprotons in fact hadsubstructure

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If neutrons & protons are not fundamental, what about


Are they made up of smaller constituents also ?

As far as we can tell, electrons appear to be indivisible.

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Electrons belong to a general class of particles, called “Leptons”

As far as we can tell, the leptons are “fundamental”.

Each charged lepton has an uncharged partner called the “neutrino”

The leptons behave quite differently than the quarks

- They don’t form hadrons (no binding between leptons)

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Are there other types of charged leptons (like the electron) ?

1932: Discovery of the positron,the “anti-particle” of the electron.

Anti-particles really exist !!!!!

1937 – Muons (and ) discovered in cosmic rays.

M() ~ 200*M(e)

The muon behaves very similarly to the electron (i.e., it’sa lepton).

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Fermi proposed that the unseen momentum (X) was carried off by a particle dubbed the neutrino ( ).

1934: To account for the “unseen” momentum in the reaction (decay):

Nobel Laureate: Enrico Fermi


e X

n p + e- + X

(means “little neutral one”)

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Discovery of the neutrino

Detector: H2O w/Cadmium Chloride

Fred Reines and Clyde Cowan, 1956

1956: Existence of the neutrino confirmed at a nuclear reactor. (Nobel Prize)

Photon detectors

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How many types are there ?1962: An experiment at Brookhaven National Lab showed thatthere were in fact at least 2 types of neutrinos.



Collide these neutrinos into protons

e e

Neutrinos which were produced in associationwith a only produce muons, never electrons ! There are at least 2 kinds of neutrinos

Never anelectron!

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Lepton Picture up to now

Family Leptons AntileptonsQ = -1 Q = 0 Q = +1 Q = 0

1 e- e e+ e


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Three happy families… In 1975, researchers at the Stanford Linear Accelerator discovered

a third charged lepton, with a mass about 3500 times that of theelectron. It was named the -lepton.

In 2000, first evidence of the ’s partner, the tau-neutrino () was announced at Fermi National Accelerator Lab.

Family Leptons AntileptonsQ = -1 Q = 0 Q = +1 Q = 0

1 e- e e+ e

3 families, just like the quarks… interesting !!!

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This all looks Greek to me ?






electron neutrino

muon neutrino

tau neutrino

Lepton (particle)






electron anti-neutrino

muon anti-neutrino

tau anti-neutrino

Anti-lepton (anti-particle)

Page 14: Quarks, Leptons and Force Intro

So here’s the big picture Quarks and leptons are the most fundamental particles of nature that we know about.

Up & down quarks and electrons are the constituents of ordinary matter.

The other quarks and leptons can be produced in cosmic ray showers or in high energy particle accelerators.

Each particle has a correspondingantiparticle.

Page 15: Quarks, Leptons and Force Intro

Summarization of Matter Video Clip (~5 min)

Page 16: Quarks, Leptons and Force Intro

Introduction to Forces

Page 17: Quarks, Leptons and Force Intro

The Four Fundamental Forces

1. Gravity

2. Weak Force

3. Electromagnetic force

4. Strong Force




All other forces you know about can be attributed to one of these!

Doesn’t that looklike George W. ?

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GravityGravity is the weakest of the 4 forces. The gravitational force between two objects of masses m1 and m2, separated by a distance d is:

F = Gm1m2/d2

G = gravitational constant = 6.7x10-11[N*m2/kg2]d = distance from center-to-center

The units of each are:[Force] = [Newton] = [N] [mass] = [kg] [distance] = [meters]

Gravity is only an attractive force

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Electric Force – The Classical Picture-


In classical physics, one charge “exerts” a force on anotherby establishing a field at the location of the other charge


The “electric field”of the charge on theright exerts a force onthe one to the left.


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The Electric Charge and ForceThe form of the electric force law between two charges q1 and q2 separated by a separation d is given by:

F = kq1q2 / d2

Like the gravitational force, F (1/d2)

k = electric constant = 9x109[N*m2/C2]d = distance from center-to-center

Units: [Force] = [Newton] = [N]; [charge] = [Coulombs] = [C] [distance] = [meters]

The electric force can be attractive or repulsive !

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Direction of Electric Forces

Opposites charges attract

+ -

+ +

Like charges repel

- -

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Strong Force

The strong force is the strongest of the known forces.

It is responsible for the binding of quarks intobaryons and mesons. Its residual effects also account for the binding of protons & neutrons in the nucleus.

This force behaves more like a “spring”. That is, the the force actually gets stronger as quarks move apart!

This in striking contrast to the EM & Grav. Force. Their forces decreases with separation (recall F 1/d2)

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Weak Force

The weak force is the weakest of the known forces.

It is responsible for neutron decay, and decays of heavyquarks to the lighter quarks (we’ll see more of this later)

It’s interaction is very short range (as opposed to thelong range interactions of the EM and gravitational force)(we’ll see why this is so later, when we talk about the weak force)

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