qorrot walk

Dahlet Qorrot Walk C O U N T R Y S I D E W A L K S Gozo Gozo THE ISLAND OF THE ISLAND OF

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Qorrot Country Walk


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Dahlet Qorrot Walk



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This circular walk starts and ends in Nadur. It takes you

from Nadur to Dahlet Qorrot bay, skirting Mistra Rocks –

a boulder shore. Dahlet Qorrot is a typical bay with

some boathouses hewn out of the rock:an ideal spot for

swimming and fishing.

Along the route you will pass by a number of cultivated

fields at Ta’Grejgel valley. Here,both modern and

traditional farming methods are put to use to reap the

succulent joys yielded by Mother Earth.

Proceeding onwards, the walk leads the hiker to the

outskirts of Qala village where breathtaking views of

the sister islands can be enjoyed.All along you can

closely observe the characteristic garigue habitat. On

the way back to Nadur via Qala, you can admire an 18th

century windmill and a very old pigeon loft. Nadur is a

typical Gozitan village,with houses nestled around the

dominating Baroque or Romanesque place of worship.

A route map found in the centre pages of this booklet,

together with several directional signs located along

this route, will help you to follow the walk more easily.

It is advisable to stick to the set route so that you can

appreciate more fully the Gozitan landscape, rural way

of life and other curiosities.

Distance:9 kms

Time: 3 hours

Water windmills

San Filep Bay

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The walk

This route starts from the village

s q u a re of Nadur. The town name

o r i g i n ates from the Arabic ‘ n a d a r ’,

meaning a wat c h - o u t p o i nt , d e r i ve d

f rom the strategic position t h at t h i s

v i l l a ge occupies on the island.

I n d e e d , a large part of Gozo, M a l t a

and Comino can be seen from t h e

various va nt a ge points t h at t h i s

v i l l a ge affo rd s . This is one of t h e

m o s t p i ct u resque villages of Gozo,

with a population of around 4000.

Nadur is situated on a plat e a u ,

which is 512 fe e t , or around 170

metres high above sea level.

A ctivity in the village square is

carried out under the shadow of the

parish churc h , d e d i c ated to t h e

apostles Peter and Pa u l . The churc h

is certainly worth a visit.

T h e v i l l a ge ’s main square a l s o


Nadur Parish Church

The building of this churc h , designed by the Maltese arc h i t e ct

Giuseppe Bonnici, s t a rted on the 7th December 176 0. In 1904

the aisle, dome and fa c a d e ,designed by Prof. F. S. S c i o rt i n o,we re

added to the existing struct u re.The church is open daily fro m

5.00am to 10.00am and from 4.15pm to 7. 1 5 p m .

The most striking fe at u res of the church are the main altarpiece and the pulpit, b o t h

sculpted out of ony x. Maltese-born Lazza ro Pisani painted the ceiling while t h e

famous Roman Pio Cellini did the arc h i t e ct u ral deco rat i o n s . All 33 stained glass

w i n d ows we re bro u g ht over from Fra n ce in 1951. The statue of St. Peter and St. Pa u l

was carved in wood in Marseilles in 1885.

Enjoying nature

The Swallowtail



Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul

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h o s t s a police stat i o n ,

t wo banks a n d a

p h a r m a c y. I t is t h e

venue for many

a ct i v i t i e s d u r i n g

t h e y e a r b u t

e n j oys its busiest

d ays on the 27 t h ,

28th and the 29th

of J u n e w h e n

l - I m n a r j a , t h e

t raditional village

fe a s t i s

ce l e b rat e d .

The walk pro ceeds t h rough Tr i q

D i cembru T l e t t a x , the stre e t to t h e

l e ft e m b racing the basilica on one

side. This normally busy street is the

c e nt r e o f m a n y a ct i v i t i e s

t h ro u g h o u t the ye a r, such as t h e

m e r ry days of Ca r n i va l , which t a ke

p l a ce during Fe b r u a ry, and other

religious pro ce s s i o n s . Fu rther along

this stre e t one can

also find t wo clubs - the Nadur

Yo u n g s t e r s ’ Football club and t h e

Imnarja Band Club.

Triq Dicembru Tlettax leads to Tr i q

C i m ce m , a side stre e t which leads on

Triq San Gwa n n . O n ce you wa l k

d own the remaining few metres of

Triq San Gwann you will ge t to one

of Nadur’s main roads – Triq it-Ti g r i j a

o r Ra ce co u r s e S t re e t . At t h e

i nt e r s e ctional point you will see a

n i c h e p ro u d l y d i s p l ay i n g a

re p ro d u ction of a painting of Our

Lady of Ta ’ Pinu . To pro ce e d , you are

advised to cross over to the other

side of Triq it-Ti g r i j a . Walking only a

few metres we s t wa rd s you will meet

a sidestre e t d i s p l aying a one-way

s i g n . O n ce you turn into this side

j u n ction you will be led towa rds Tr i q

San Blas, lined with 20th ce nt u ry

re s i d e nt i a l h o u s e s . O n e of t h e s e

‘ h o u s e s ’ is a bake ry t h at still employs

the t raditional way of bre ad m a k i n g.

Walking further down Triq San Blas,

the stre e t fo r ks into

2 San Filep bay and Mistra Rocks

Carnival days

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two. To proceed to Dahlet Qorrot bay, you should opt

for the fork on the right.

At this point , the sce n e ry changes from an urban

type to one chara cterised by t e r ra ced fields and

c a rob t rees t h at offer a we l come shade on hot s u n -

drenched days.

The downhill turn offers spectacular views . If yo u

look to the left , you will observe the high plat e a u

k n own as Qortin t a l - L a cc a . These imposing cliffs are

made out of one of the harder sediment a ry ro c ks of

the Maltese Islands: the upper co ralline limesto n e.

Other rock types include the equally hard lowe r

co ralline limesto n e , as well as the softer clay, g re e n

sand and globigerina limestone. The Qortin tal-Lacca

also hosts dense amounts of herbs such as t h e

Mediterranean thyme and low shrubs. In winter, a

A birds eye view of DahletQorrot

Enjoying the sea



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wat e rcourse develops to the left of

this road and flows down to Ta ’

Grejgel Valley.

P ro ceeding dow n h i l l , you will arrive

at a point w h e re the hidden charms

of Mistra ro c ks, San Filep and Dahlet

Q o r ro t a re disclosed. M i s t ra ro c ks is

a typical boulder screen whereas San

Filep and Dahlet Q o r ro t a re small

inlets mostly enjoyed for sw i m m i n g

and fishing by the locals.

A lane on your left b ranches off t h e

main road to Dahlet Q o r ro t. T h i s

leads to a fo o t p ath t h at ove r l o o ks

M i s t ra Ro c ks - a mass of ro c ks of all

shapes and size s .

The cliff t h at rests above Mistra Ro c ks

is also formed from upper co ra l l i n e

l i m e s to n e.This stone layer lies on soft

l ayers of green sand and clay.

We athering causes erosion to t h e s e

s oft and unpro t e cted laye r s . A stage


The Maltese Pyramidal orchid

A typical boulder at Mistra rocks

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is then eve ntually reached where

t h e re is no physical support for t h e

h e avy upper co ralline limesto n e ;

b o u l d e r s t h u s co l l a p s e towa rd s

t h e s e a , forming the typical boulder

s c re e n .

Being virtually inaccessible exce p t fo r

the most daring of hikers, these

boulders are sites where ra re endemic

f l o ra and fauna of the Maltese islands

can be located. The Maltese spurge

and the Maltese py ramidal orchid can

be found here. The rare branched

horsetail is also quite abundant n e a r

the fresh watercourse that flows

The “Frejgatina”

A lizard basking in the sun

The Prickly pear in flower


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‘Ta Sopu’ watchtower

The ‘ U n i ve r s i t a ’ di Gozo ’ funded the building of this tower in 1667 but i t was unarmed unt i l

1 670 when Grandmaster Nicholas Co t toner visited Gozo and stressed the need to equip t h i s

tower with the nece s s a ry ammunition. I t was fully functional a year lat e r.

On the 10th June 1798 the French Revolutionary troops led by Napoleon Bonaparte

invaded the island of Gozo. The French landed within gunshot distance of Torri Dahlet

Qorrot,also written as La Torre di Dahlet Korrot,or Torre Nuova (now renamed ‘Torri ta’

Sopu) and the tower, which was still armed, opened fire on them in a desperate

attempt to stop the unwelcomed guests from disembarking. General Reynier, who

commanded the Gozo invasion, gave an account of this to his Commander-in-chief. The

following is an extract from this report.

"A point for landing was selected between the new tower and the bat t e ry of Ramla called Ird u m

i l - K b i r.The whole morning of the 10th June had been occupied in pre l i m i n a ry arra n ge m e nt.

Calms and co nt ra ry bre ezes had still further delayed operat i o n s ;b u t by 1pm the shore wa s

a p p roached by the 3rd Co m p a ny of Grenadiers and the 95th Demi-Briga d e.The height s

m e a nwhile had become crowned with the enemy,who re ce i ved the French with showers of

b u l l e t s ;S e rge a nt-Major Bert rand of the Grenadiers in the Genera l s ’b o at ,being killed.

The batteries of Ramla and New Tower then opened fire.The boats of Alceste co nveye d

G e n e ral Reynier and Fu g i e r i , captains Geoff rey and Sabat i e r, and the 3rd Co m p a ny of t h e

G renadiers who we re the first to land. After a rapid asce nt of the heights not w i t h s t a n d i n g

the heavy fire , the enemy at l a s t d e c a m p e d . And t h e

B at t e ry of Ramla was t a ke n . The bombards Etoile and

P l u v i e r, by their successful fire aga i n s t the enemy ’s bat t e r i e s

we re of gre at a s s i s t a n ce …" (Source :G RE NFELL – Malta,

1 7 9 8 , pg 19).


t h ro u g h t h e s e b o u l d e r s . I n t h i s

habitat, soil is limited to confined

spaces between the boulders. These

boulders provide a welcome shelter

from violent winds to the flora and

fauna t h at flourish here. N eve rt h e l e s s

some plants have managed to adapt

to living in other unsheltered are a s .

The boulders also offer shelter fo r

many different species of birds. The

Maltese national bird , the Blue Ro c k

T h r u s h , is one of the bird species

t h at n e s t in the cliffs and on t h e

high boulders.

Le aving Mistra Ro c ks behind, t h e

Ta’Sopu watchtower on the

formidable Mistra rocks

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route co ntinues dow n h i l l . D a h l e t

Q o r ro t b ay is now in full view. O n

t h e l e ft s i d e of t h e ro a d , a n

u n c u l t i vated clay slope rises fro m

the sea, forming an inlet. This is

k n own as San Filep Bay: a shallow

bay strewn with boulders.

T h i s i s a p o p u l a r f i s h i n g a n d

swimming site enjoyed by locals and

tourists alike. This clay slope can still

s u p p o rt l i fe although it is re s t r i ct e d

to only one particular type of

ve ge t at i o n . The we at h e red rubble

walls and the pre s e n ce of vine t re e s

i n d i c ate t h at this area was once a

terraced slope.

San Filep is rich in flora and fa u n a .

Prickly pear t re e s, fig t rees and

African t a m a r i s ks grow by the edge

of this slope. The Maltese pyramidal

o rc h i d , an endemic plant , is among

the most co l o u rful flowers which

t h r i ve on this site during spring.

Fa u n a i s a l s o a b u n d a nt a n d

d i ffe re nt i n s t a nts of the life cycle of

the Gourd ladybird t h at can be

found living on a bush of squirt i n g

cucumber may be observed here.

Le av i n g S a n Fi l e p b e h i n d , yo u

p ro ceed to Dahlet Q o r ro t b ay. H e re

you can see boathouses hewn in the

ro c k s u r fa ce . T h e s e b o at o r

Fertile fields


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fishermen’s houses still offer shelter

to fishing boats during sto r m s . A

s l i p way is used to lower the boat s

into the sea.

From Dahlet Q o r ro t one can catch a

glimpse of Ta ’ Sopu wat c htowe r.

This wat c htower stands nearly 400

fe e t or 130 metres above sea leve l ,

overlooking the formidable Mistra

Ro c ks with San Blas Bay to the we s t

and Dahlet Q o r ro t B ay and its inlets

to the east.

I t s s t rat e g i c l o c at i o n c l e a r l y

i n d i c at e s t h at t h e towe r wa s

co n s t r u cted at t h at p a rticular point

to watch for approaches on Gozo ’s

northeastern coast and the entrance

to the Comino channel. I t a l s o

enabled visual signalling betwe e n

other towers in Malta and Gozo.

During World War II the tower wa s

used as a wireless telegraph station,

which was dire ctly linked with its

co u nt e r p a rt in the U. K . , to t ra n s m i t

m e s s a ges to and from other Middle

East stations.

From Dahlet Q o r ro t , the route is

directed up the road towards Nadur.

When the road levels out you can

notice a side street that branches off

the main road to your left. This road

Prickly pears provide shelter to tomato plants

A farmer busily toiling in his field



Page 13: qorrot walk

leads you to the cultivated fields at Ta ’ G re j ge l

va l l ey. The fe rtile area surrounding Ta ’ G re j gel is a

vast stretch of land,which has long since been used

for agricultural purposes. Windmills dotting t h e

landscape give ample proof of the regular supply of

wat e r. The land is used all year round and cro p

ro t ation is pra ct i s e d . D i ffe re nt types of ve ge t a b l e s

and animal fodder are grown here.

Traditional agricultural techniques are gra d u a l l y

being re p l a ced by modern ones. Drip irrigat i o n

methods are taking over co nve ntional t e c h n i q u e s .

Some t raditional cane windbre a kers have been

re p l a ced by rows of cypress t rees t h at still offe r

p ro t e ction from the wind. An added adva nt a ge to

this is the fa ct t h at the roots of such t rees preve nt

soil from ero d i n g. Prickly pears are also giving way

to more modern plastic t e nts t h at shelter t h e

maturing tomato plants.

Savouring the surrounding countryside

– another way to unwind

Mediterranean blue:the crystal-

clear waters, a source of life and




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In 1695 this area became the private

shooting re s e rve of the Gra n d m a s t er

A l of d e Wi g n a co u rt. Multiple and

d i verse bird species and hare s

i n d u ced the Grandmaster to secure

the are a . Penalties for those caught

p o a c h i n g i n c l u d e d t h re e ye a r s

rowing on a galley if the culprit was

of common standing, a fine of 40

eww i e q i if he was of high standing

or a period of exile in the case of a


H e re you will notice t h at the ro u t e

l e a d s y o u u p h i l l , o f f e r i n g

spectacular views.

P ro ceeding stra i g ht o n , you will

a r r i ve closer to the village of Qala.

After walking a few metres along

this ro a d , you will soon reach a few

co nve rted farmhouses which are

mostly re nted out to upmarke t

tourists who opt for a self-c at e r i n g


The Mediterranean thyme in flower

A traditional donkey-drawn cart12

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The mysterious flower of the Friar’s Cowl

13Breathtaking views of Malta and Comino


H e re , the deep blue Mediterra n e a n

Sea can once again be seen. H e re

a gain the rock surfa ce co n s i s t s of

u p p e r co ra l l i n e l i m e s to n e w i t h

n u m e ro u s d e e p f i s s u re s a n d

d e p ressions t h at re s u l t in deep soil

p o c ke t s . The typical habitat h e re is

t h at of a garigue with occ a s i o n a l

carob and olive trees.

Arriving once again at a Y- j u n ct i o n ,

the uphill road is to be taken. Along

this co a s t , one can find the re m a i n s

of an old redoubt that was raised by

the Knights of St . John in 1732.

H e re to o, one can find a few old

corbelled huts. Triq is-S i m a r, n ow in

the village of Qala, eve ntually fo r ks

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i nto t wo. The road on the right

should be t a ken to pro ceed along

the route.

T h i s p a rt of t h e ro u t e offe r s

b re at htaking views of Comino with

i t s B l u e L a go o n . D u r i n g t h e

A ra gonese period, as well as t h at of

the Order of St. J o h n , Comino wa s

often at t a c ked by corsairs as it wa s

co n s i d e red to be the best h i d i n g

p l a ce for the Tu r ks . The Co m i n o

wat c htowe r, designed by Vi t to r i o

Ca s s a r, was built in 1618 under

G randmaster Wi g n a co u rt and is

p re s e nt l y b e i n g r e s to re d .

N owa d ays, only one family re s i d e s

on the island. In the to u r i s t s e a s o n ,

the number of people staying on

Comino is co n s i d e rably higher due

to the many Maltese and fo re i g n e r s

who flock to this enchanting island,

which also co ntains a to u r i s t


P ro ceeding along Triq is-S i m a r, w i t h

unobstructed views of Qala, you will

a r r i ve at the outskirts of the village

and enter Triq il-Wi l e g, which aga i n

b ranches off into t wo fo r ks . Ta k i n g

the left turning you will pro ceed to

Triq il-Mithna where you can admire

a re s to re d e i g ht e e nt h ce nt u ry

windmill t h at was still being used

for the grinding of grain and maize

until up to thirty years ago.

Triq il-Qala in its turn,leads to Pjazza

Repubblika, a square that is quaintly

protected by a raised statue of Saint

Joseph, the patron saint of Qala. Triq

il-Qala takes you back to Nadur.14

A pigeon loft

An 18th century windmill

A Girna (corbelled hut)

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The Field Marigold

Waves at Mistra Rocks

Statue of St. Joseph

As you walk back to Nadur, you could chance upon

an elderly local farmer grazing his herd of sheep

and goats.

Keep walking stra i g ht back up the road until yo u

reach the niche of Our Lady of Ta ’ Pinu once aga i n

in Triq it-Tigrija. Retracing your steps you will walk

back to the Nadur village centre.


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Facts about the route

• The route is suitable for hikes, horse rides and pedal bikes.

• Most of the route is accessible to small vehicles.

• If travelling by bus to the route starting point, you should check the local

bus timetable to ensure that this fits your own schedule.

• The local we ather fo re c a s t should be checked befo re setting off as t h e re

is hardly any shelter from adverse weather conditions along the route. A

raincoat can come in very handy in rainy conditions.

• As most of the walk is over open co u nt rys i d e , i t is advisable to carry a

packed lunch. It is possible to buy food at Nadur and Qala.

• A dire ction sign at Nadur village square indicates the route starting point.

This route is colour coded in re d . A number of smaller dire ction signs, m a d e

of wood and numerically marked in ascending ord e r, a re found along t h e

route to show the right d i re ct i o n , in the absence of clear landmarks .

• Public conveniences are available at Triq it-Tramuntana,Nadur.

• The walk may be bro ken down into smaller laps. O n ce Dahlet Q o r ro t i s

reached you may either walk back towa rds Nadur village square or

proceed as per full route.

• Some fields are marked with white blotches of paint and the letters RTO

i n d i c ate t h at the area is out of bounds for the visitor since it is privately ow n e d .

• B i rd t rapping and bird shooting are pra ctised in the co u nt rys i d e. T h e re

a re , h owever strict re g u l ations determining areas where such act i v i t i e s

a re permitted and times of year where no such activities are allowe d .

Note also t h at b i rd shooting is prohibited from 1.00pm onwa rds on

Sundays and public holidays throughout the year.

The outskirts of Qala village

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Tips for the road

• Hikers are advised to follow the set route.

S h o rt cuts are to be avoided since many

fields are privately owned.

• Hikers should not climb over rubble walls

to avoid damaging them.

• H i kers should avoid co l l e cting wildlife

specimen including flowers or plants.

• H i kers are advised to t read care f u l l y

along the trails to avoid trampling on the

sparse vegetation.

• The t h rowing of any stones or other

o b j e cts into va l l eys or other fre s hwat e r

sites is strictly prohibited.

• Walking or cycling close to the cliff edges

is to be avoided.

• I t is advisable to fo l l ow this route in bro a d

d ay l i g ht , giving due allowa n ces for t i m e

allotted to inevitable sto p s, re s t i n g, t a k i n g

of photo g raphs and observing nat u re.

Useful telephone numbers

Emergency and rescue:112

Ambulance: 196

Police Station: 191

Telephone Enquiries:1182

Ministry for Gozo: 21 56 14 82

website: http://www.gozo.gov.mt

Malta Tourism Authority: 22 91 50 00

website: http://www.visitmalta.com

Gozo Tourism Association: 21 56 51 71

Nadur local council:21 55 80 80

website: http://www.gozo.com/nadur

Qala local council:21 55 25 55

website: http://www.qala.com.mt

Local farmers having a break

Other useful information

All rights re s e rve d . No part of t h i sp u b l i c ation may be re p ro d u ce d ,s o rted in a re t r i eval sys t e m , o rt ra n s m i t t e d , in any form or by anym e a n s, e l e ct ro n i c , m e c h a n i c a l ,p h o to co py i n g , re co rd i n g o ro t h e rw i s e , w i t h o u t t h e p r i o rwritten co n s e nt of the co py r i g hth o l d e r. D i re ct enquiries may befo rwa rded to the Ministry of Gozoor the Malta Tourism Authority.

Date of Publication:May 2002

Text Prepared by:Etienne Micallef, Marita Sultana.

Photos and Map by:Etienne Micallef

Page 20: qorrot walk

Ta’ Gurdan Walk

Passing through: Gharb - Wied il-Mielah

Ghasri Valley - Ta’Gurdan

Ta’ Pinu

Saltpan Walk

Passing through: Victoria - Sara Valley

Ghasri - Ghasri Valley

Reqqa Point - Xwejni

Lunzjata Valley Walk

Passing through: Victoria - Lunzjata Valley

Santa Lucija Hamlet

Ghajn Abdul

Other walks in the series

Ramla Bay Walk

Passing through: Nadur - Wied Bingemma

Ramla Bay - Ta’ Hamet

Price Lm1.00

Gozo Countryside Walks is a partnership project of the:

Ministry for Gozo, Ministry of Tourism,The Malta Tourism Authority and the Gozo Tourism Association

The project is being launched in 2002, the World TourismOrganisation’s International Year of Ecotourism.

Dahlet Qorrot Walk

Through this route, one will get a taste of the island’s rich history, traditions, nature and

folklore. Discover the boathouses hewn in the rock at Dahlet Qorrot Bay, observe

agricultural methods at Grejgel valley and enjoy the breathtaking views of the sister

islands of Comino and Malta.