qin shi huang.docx

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  • 7/23/2019 Qin Shi Huang.docx


    Who is Qin Shi Huang?





  • 7/23/2019 Qin Shi Huang.docx



    Early Life



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  • 7/23/2019 Qin Shi Huang.docx


    Uniting China






  • 7/23/2019 Qin Shi Huang.docx


    How Qin Shi Huang Organized China

    Emperor Qin Shi Huang then organized his empire bygovernment, eonomy, writing and onstrution. !orgovernment, he made it lear that China was only oneindependent nation, nothing else and not many nations. Healso made a brand"new urreny for the eonomy to runsmoother #li$e trading and buying things%. Qin Shi Huang also

    made all the people and shools write a spei& type ofChinese. Last but not least, he made roads,footpaths'pavements, and anals and improved the housing inhina, whih meant modifying buildings and building new onesto ma$e sure everyone had a home and to suit the growingpopulation. He also made plans that people might havethought impossible li$e the (reat )all of China, and his gianttomb of thousands of lay soldiers and horses thought to

  • 7/23/2019 Qin Shi Huang.docx


    protet him in his afterlife. His tomb now has been turned intoa giant museum open to publi so the publi and tourists an

    wal$ around Qin*s +erraotta army and admire how detailedand learn the history of the tomb. +he +erraotta army is QinShi Huang*s army of lay soldiers.

    How Qin Shi Huang ade a -ig impat on China

    Qin made a big impat on hina as niting hina as one#hina is still united today%, How he hanged his name from/0rine 1heng* to /Qin Shi Huang*, How he made plans and

  • 7/23/2019 Qin Shi Huang.docx


    started on onstrution plans to build what people ba$ thenthought was impossible li$e the great wall of hina whih too$

    233,333 years to omplete and around about 4,333,333people to build the )all that strethes around the whole ofhina, to protet hina and to help &ght #the Chinese warriorsin the olden times shot their enemies on the wall and &redannons on the other side of the wall%.

    0erspetives 5 ma6or ma6ority of people see Qin Shi Huang /good* as he

    did many good deeds to hina, li$e modernizing hina, nitinghina as one, Construting things that were thought to beimpossible li$e Qin Shi Huang*s and building the great wall of

  • 7/23/2019 Qin Shi Huang.docx


    hina whih used to $eep hina safe from the lur$ing enemiesof hina outside the great wall. )hat Qin Shi Huang did well

    were7 niting China, a$ing plans for ma6or onstrutionpro6ets, modernizing hina and organizing hina li$e theeonomy, language and ma$ing it lear to all other nationsthat China was one independent nation, not many, not few butone. )hat Qin Shi Huang did bad is7 5nyone who went againsthim had severe punishments, He ordered all boo$s in hina tobe burnt and all teahers of hina to be murdered, about433,333 prisoners died from slavery 8building things li$e thegreat wall, and he was hated so muh that when he died in943 -C, a ivil war bro$e out to hunt down Qin*s family andrelatives. So, : thin$ that Qin Shi Huang was good for

    improving and uniting hina, but also : thin$ it was wrong tomurder all the teahers as they were 6ust trying to earn money

  • 7/23/2019 Qin Shi Huang.docx


    to survive and they were innoent. 5lso, what did the teahersdo to Qin Shi Huang;;

  • 7/23/2019 Qin Shi Huang.docx


    (lossary:nnoent7 =id not do anything wrong' not guilty for arime or o>eneodernizing7 =oing modern needs'habits and installing

    modern e?uipment0erspetive7 +he way someone sees something'someong

  • 7/23/2019 Qin Shi Huang.docx


    Eonomy7 +he proess'system whih goods or serviesare produed, sold and bought in a ountry or region.Curreny7 +he money that a ountry'plae usesodifying7 +o hange


  • 7/23/2019 Qin Shi Huang.docx


    "Qin Shi Huang

  • 7/23/2019 Qin Shi Huang.docx


    "Qin Shi

    Huang*s tomb

  • 7/23/2019 Qin Shi Huang.docx


    "(reat wallof China

  • 7/23/2019 Qin Shi Huang.docx


    " Qin Shi Huang*s 0alae