
Q. 7 Looking back at your Preliminary Task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression form It to the full product?

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Q. 7 Looking back at your Preliminary Task,

what do you feel you have learnt in the progression

form It to the full product?

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Back in my preliminary task I created a student magazine where my genre was education and my purpose was to entertain. Therefore my font style was simple and appropriate such as ‘Student Magazine’ and my colours were plain and simple, such as an earthy green, or blue. The contents was typical of a college magazine.

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My strap lines too bold and inappropriate for a student mag, I used Bevel and Emboss too heavily and so it looked cluttered, as all the focus was on the cover line on the left.


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My pull quote and image was not edited enough before I put it in the magazine. I edited out he blue background in Photoshop however I could've improved the image by making it slightly transparent and fixing the pull quote around it more neatly.


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The colour I used were not consistent and unconventional of a magazine. I could've used better fonts to show that it had been made in Photoshop also but professionally made. However there no white spaces on my magazine which I am pleased about as this is unconventional.


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The main image dominates he page and so no white spaces are present. The main image is of a college student in the hallway. To further show who she is and to elaborate on he masthead : College Student I could have had her holding some books or a folder [prop] I could have also had her outside a classroom door, on the stairway or in front of a window, poster, sign that indicates she is in the grounds of a college.


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UnderstandingI have learnt how to use software that enables me to edit, create, upload or present work throughout the course. I have learnt to use Scribd, Prezi and Slideshare. In particular Adobe in Design and Adobe Photoshop as before I had problems in using it correctly and generating a good image.

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I have also familiarised myself with the conventions, such as font sizes, and image sizes, where on my page I should place an image and where I should have my text. Although simple I understand now where and how to create successful magazine pages.


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I also now understand which pictures are suitable in a magazine. In my Preliminary task I had an image from Google of a book shelf in which was awkwardly placed at the top of my magazine where it looked uncomfortable in portion to the rest of the page. Now I know where to place an image and how.
