q.3 feedback

What have you Learned from your Audience Feedback? Q3.

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Post on 20-Jun-2015




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What have you Learned from your Audience Feedback?


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These are the few questions I asked when I published the documentary on Facebook. I put it on this social website knowing that I would get true and honest answers.

1) Do you think the documentary was entertaining?2) Do you think that it had good quality (e.g. camera angles, framing etc.)?3) Was it eye catching? 4) Do you think it could be compared to a professional documentary?5) Would you watch this documentary if it was on television?

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1) Do you think the documentary was en-tertaining?


The majority of people said that they found the documentary very entertaining and that they enjoyed watching it, one person said it offered good insight to the amount of sweets people ate. Others said It was nicely organised and put together well.However one of the individuals lost interest towards the end of the documentary. I have learnt from my feedback that I need to keep a continuous level of entertainment and make sure it stay current throughout the documentary.

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Everybody who answered the questions agreed that aspects of the documentary had good quality. Many said that they liked they way it was filmed, framed and the shots were very interesting. However one person said although they thought it was good quality they said the sound jumped and went a little higher.I have learnt from this feed back that I need to ensure that all editing including sound, lighting and framing is carful and properly defined.

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Many said that there interest was maintained throughout there viewing and that they were intrigued by things such as Voxpops, interview and some cutaways. However one individual said that documentaries are not something they would watch so there interest was soon lost.This feedback has shown that I need to add more footage that is going to keep the audience watching and make them want to continue watching after the five minutes. However I have been a little successful with maintaining the interest of some individuals.

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Everyone who has answered the questions have said that they were most please with how professional the documentary looked. It shows that even though there have been some places of improvement I have kept to the codes and conventions of creating a documentary. One person said he really liked the way the cutaways smoothly cut into other interviews, and that the narrator was well spoken and clear.

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Mostly everyone who watched the five minute documentary was willing to watch it if it were to come up on Channel 4. Some said it was due to there interest in what was being said and they wanted to find out more, and others said it was well edited and it came together nicely. However it has not successfully gain interest by all audience members. The feedback given has been very much appreciated If I were to re-do the documentary I will make sure it allows enough interest for all viewer, I will be more understanding of what content my target audience is asking of.

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These are the questions I asked about the print advert, again I put this on the social net work Facebook.

1) Do you think that the image on the print advert is eye catching? 2) Do you think it matches the theme of sweets?3) Does the print advert influence your decision to watch the rest of the documentary? 4) What would you say looks most professional about the advert? and why?5) Is there anything you would change about the print advert?6) Do you watch Channel 4?

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1)Yes2)Yes3)Yes4) Pictures, Format, Wording5)Yes6)Yes

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1)Yes2)Yes3)Yes4) Channel 4 Logo5)Yes6)Yes

1)Yes2)Yes3)Yes4) Pictures of teeth5)No6)Yes

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1) Yes2) Yes3) Yes4) The Channel 4 Layout5)Yes6)Yes

1) Yes2) Yes3) Yes4) The main image5)Yes6)Yes

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1) Yes2) Yes3) Yes4) The teeth and wording5)Yes6)Yes

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The feedback shows that everyone who answered the questions found that the image for the Print advert was a good attractive image that everyone could understand.

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The feed back for this questions shows that the image is representative to the theme of the documentary showing that the audience has a clear understanding of what it is about.

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The feedback shows that the print advert is attracted the audience, and that it has influenced them into wanting to find out more and watch the documentary.

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This feedback implies that people approved of different things about the print advert. Four of the individuals said that the main image was what they liked about the print advert a whole, as it intrigued them and made them want to know more about the documentary. Also one individual also said that the format was good. Three people said that the text and the wording was good as it was attractive and encouraging. Also the Channel 4 layout impressed the audience as it looked professional.

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Here my audience feedback tells me that there could be improvements, some said that the S’s in the title could be in capitals rather than in lower case. Another suggested making the time and date a bit bigger. And to move the channel 4 logo down. This feedback is very helpful and if I were to do this print advert again I would make sure that I make the wording bigger, for my audience to see and understand. I will also organise my letters a bit better and make sure the logo is place we the audience can see it clearly.

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This audience feedback clearly shows that Channel 4 was a good choice as everyone who answered the questions said that Channel 4 was a channel that they watched.