q1 evaluation

Q1. In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, Develop or Challenge Forms and Conventions of Real media products?

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Q1. In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, Develop or Challenge

Forms and Conventions of Real media products?

Conventions of a music magazine • Masthead- Large, original, memorable • House Style • Cover Star- takes up the majority of the front cover • Issue Date • Barcode • Price • Puff Post • Buzz Words • Cover lines (Main Cover line) • Incentive banner • Page Numbers • Pull Quote • Main article • Main Image • Features • Review • Drop Cap • Features • Regular Content

My front cover Q front cover

Similarities with the magazines making my media using the conventions: • Large bold headers (title of magazine), contrasting colour, original name, short. • Cover star takes up the majority of the page • Both got fairly bright puff posts • Cover lines majority down to the left side of the page • Main cover line by itself on the right hand side so it stands out • Names of artists in bold/capitals to capture the readers attention • Url of the website on the top of the pages for more access The way it develops or challenges the conventions: • An incentive bar at the bottom which also includes other articles in the magazine • The cover star is in the middle instead of closer to one side • It has a brick wall behind the cover star instead of being a studio shoot

Q Magazine contents page My contents page

Similarities with the magazines making my media using the conventions: • Both have a review at the bottom of the page- music related • Both have the magazine’s name at the top left of the page • Both have the date/ issue number at the top of the page • The columns are both on the left hand side and have contrasting colours to stand out

(white, red, black) • Both have multiple images about what is to come in the magazine The way it develops or challenges the conventions: • I do not have a “main image”, they are all around the same size • I only have 2 main columns and a review box instead of 3 columns

Rolling Stones double page spread

My double page spread

Similarities with the magazines making my media using the conventions: • The image is on the right side taking up the whole or more of the one page • The title is black, bold, eye catching and memorable- more than just the artists name-may

play with words • Black, bold drop cap on the first paragraph • The image looks professional and edited by Photoshop The way it develops or challenges the conventions: • Mine is a lot more colourful, where as rolling stones sticks to black and white • My article is an interview where as the Rolling Stones are on the majority writing about

the artist • There is one column in Rolling Stones, where as mine has three. • Mine has the page number clear in the corner where as Rolling Stones have left it out. • My interview has a pull quote in the middle of the column where as Rolling Stones hasn’t