pyro research and test cente - metso · 2017-04-21 · pyro research and test center3 at metso,...

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Page 1: Pyro research and test cente - Metso · 2017-04-21 · Pyro Research and Test Center3 At Metso, sustainability is an integral part of our operations. Our goal is to do business in

Pyro research and test center

Page 2: Pyro research and test cente - Metso · 2017-04-21 · Pyro Research and Test Center3 At Metso, sustainability is an integral part of our operations. Our goal is to do business in

2 Pyro Research and Test Center

Metso’s Pyro Research and Test CenterBackgroundMetso designs, engineers and manufactures equipment and systems that increase the economic value of ores, minerals, waste and related materials by changing their mechanical and/or chemical properties through the addition or removal of heat.

Our Pyro Processing capabilities emerge from the technical know-how of:• KennedyVanSaun(KVS)• AllisChalmers• Stansteel• Pyrotherm• Armstrong• Holland• MPSI

Process design begins with an understanding of the feed material’s physical and chemical characteristics and ends with the Customer’s product specifications. Metso Minerals Pyro Processing takes these two endpoints and designs the equipment to go from the feed to the product. Pyro has experience with over 450 different types of ores,minerals,chemicalsandwastes.UtilizingRotaryKilnsandFluidBeds as the key processing equipment, Pyro designs and supplies complete systems, from feed to discharge, chute to stack.

The development of new products and the improvement of existing products and processes are the Metso Pyro goals to meet changing customer’s needs in today’s competitive market. To address these needs, Metso Minerals operates the Pyro Research & Test Center (PRTC).ThePyroResearch&TestCenterisafully-equippedfacilitywith the capabilities to perform complex material evaluations and

process testing, as well as simulating a complete pilot flow sheet. The Test Center is unique in its ability to pilot test a complete flow sheet with many different unit operations that can be assembled to representacommercialplant.Inaddition,MetsoMineralsprocessengineers are involved in the test work from batch feasibility studies and interpretation of pilot plant results to commercial equipment sizing, design, supply, installation and start-up.

The Pyro Research & Test Center is at the forefront of Pyro technology for the division’s worldwide leadership in developing energy- efficient, environmentally sound, and economic processes to extract and use the world’s vital natural resources, including the recycling of waste products and destruction of hazardous materials.

Typical processes investigated in continuous pilot plant circuits include both rotary kilns and fluid bed applications for drying, calcining, roasting, direct reduction, thermal conversion, soil decontamination and waste treatment.

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AtMetso,sustainabilityisanintegralpartofouroperations.Ourgoalis to do business in an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable manner, and to provide solutions that have a favorable impact on the environment.

Metso recognizes that today’s concerns and future goals of our customers, owners and society must be reflected in the way we run our business profitably and responsibly. Our mission is to contribute to a more sustainable world by helping our customers to process natural resources and recycle materials into valuable products.

Health,safetyandenvironment(HSE)ispartofMetso’ssustainabilitystrategy.HSEisanessentialelementinallouractivitiesinMetso.Prioritizing the health, safety and well-being of our employees, customers and partners is fundamental to everyone at Metso.

TheTestCenteradherestoindustrialcodesaspartoftheMetsoHSEstrategy. The PRTC is permitted by the Pennsylvania Department of EnvironmentalProtectionforoperation.

Visitors must first stop at Metso’s officelocatedat350RailroadSt.UponenteringtheofficeeachvisitormustsignintheVisitorLogandshall be issued a visitors badge which is to be worn during the entirestayonMetso’sproperty.Afterissuanceofavisitorbadge,aMetso employee must accompany each visitor when leaving the reception area and will escort the visitor to the PRTC or will provide

Health,safetyandenvironmentalpolicyand visitor guidelines

directions to the PRTC. When departing the site, each visitor must signoutbycompletingthe“TimeOut”columnontheVisitorLogand return their badge before leaving.

Personal protective equipmentAtMetsowetakecaretoensurethatyourvisittoourfacilityisasafeone for both you and our staff. We require the use of safety glasses with side shields and a Metso visitor safety vest at all times in the PRTC.SafetyshoesorbootsarerequiredinthePRTC.Opentoedshoes, high heels, and sandals are not permitted in the PRTC at any time.Visitorswhodonothavesafetyshoesorbootswillberequiredto remain within the designated walkway or safety zone at all times. Metso may require you to wear a disposable dust mask or hard hat in certaincircumstances.Eitherlongpantsorcoverallsarerequired.Your safety is our priority.

Dependinguponthetestinginvolved,MetsomaymaintainaFireWatchwithinthePRTC,orhaveparticularFireorEmergency instructions for you to follow. Please follow all instructions given and do not hesitate to ask questions.


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Pyro Research and Test CenterThePyroResearch&TestCenter(PRTC)isafullyequippedpyrotestfacility with the capabilities to perform complex material and pro-cess tests and evaluations, as well as simulating commercial flow sheets.

The Test Center is unique in its ability to generate a complete flow sheet with many different unit operations which can be assembled torepresentacommercialplant.Inaddition,MetsoMineralsprocessengineers are involved in the test work to prepare feasibility studies and interpretation of test results to commercial equipment sizing, design, supply, installation, training and start up.

Equipment available for tests• Mufflefurnaces• Batchdirectfiredrotarykiln-small&large• Indirectfiredbatchandcontinuouskilns• Panpelletizers• Pot-gratefurnace• Fluidbeds• Holo-Flites• Batchlimehydrator• Laboratoryfurnaces• Laboratorycrushers

The Test Center performs necessary test work for sizing and design of commercial equipment using bench, batch and continuous pilot plantscaletesting.TheTestCenterhasperformedover100Continuouspilottestssince1950tosimulatecommercialoperationsfor both private industry and government agencies.

The bulk of the materials that have been processed at the PRTC are naturally occurring minerals or ores such as coal, iron ore, limestone, and soils/clays/sands. Other materials that have been processed are tire shreds, plastics, petroleum coke, and simulated wastes.

Metso Limestone Evaluation (LSE)Purpose:The test is conducted to evaluate any given stone and these tests were developed and standardized by Metso, in-house. The results of the Metso stone evaluation may well mean very little to someone outsideofourorganization.However,becauseMetsohastestedover900stonesandhasalsobeenabletowitnesstheperformanceof many of the stones in various types of kiln systems, we have developed quite a “baseline” for evaluating potential kiln feed material.

AlthoughtheMetsoevaluationdoesprovideanindicationofseveralstone characteristics, the primary use of the evaluation is to determine how much the stone will physically breakdown during thecalciningprocess.Aseachstyleortypeofcalciningsystemiscapable of handling a certain maximum amount of fines/dust, this information plays a vital role in choosing the type of kiln that is appropriate for the application.

Material required:130lbsofsized1in.x3/8in(60kilogramsof25mmx10mm)

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Impact crushabilityPurpose TheimpactcrushabilitytestgivesaWorkIndex(W.I.)thatcanbeappliedtothreetypesofcrushers.ForaprimarygyratorycrushertheW.I.canbeusedtodeterminethehorsepower.ForanimpactortheW.I.isonlyusedasindicationofthehardness.ForconecrusherapplicationstheW.I.isusedtoratethematerialtodetermineifaheavy duty or an extra heavy duty crusher is required.

Material required50lbs(23kg)or20piecesofrockwithtwonaturallyparallelsurfacesthatare2”to3”(51to76mm)apart

Paddle AbrasionPurpose ThepaddleabrasiontestresultsareintheformofanAbrasionIndex(A.I).TheA.I.canbeusedtohelpdeterminewhetherornotanimpactorisfeasibleforaparticularapplication.Forconecrushingandimpactorapplications,theA.I.canalsobeusedtocalculatetheapproximate liner life for the crusher.

Material required10lbs(5kg)of–3/4”x1/2”(-19x13mm)rock.

Standardtests–CrushingFrench abrasion/crushabilityPurpose TheFrenchabrasivity/crushabilitytestgivesanAbrasivityIndexandaCrushabilityIndexthatwillratethematerialincomparisonwithothermaterials.TheFrenchAbrasiontestismainlyusedtoestimatehammerwearlifeinimpactorapplications.TheCrushabilityIndexisa measure of how easily the material breaks down. The test also includes the specific gravity or solid density of the material.

Material required10lbs(5kg)of–1/4”(-6mm)crushedrockor20lbs(10kg)of+1/2”(13mm)uncrushedrock(fromquarryface)


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6 Pyro Research and Test Center

Other pyro testingsDirect fired rotary batch kilnsArotarykilnisaslightlyinclinedcylindricalshellsupported on two or more riding rings run by rollers.Kilnsarerobustdevicescapableof processing a wide range of materials having variation in size and composition. The direct fired




kilns are refractory lined and used to simulate time-temperatureprofilesofmaterial.Heatedwithdirectflame from propane burner. Maximum temperature about1350oC(2462oF).

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Indirect fired rotary kilnsAnindirectfiredkilnisnotrefractorylinedbutrotates within an enshrouding furnace which is heatedwithburners.Itisusedtosimulatetime-temperature profiles of material. The indirect kiln allows control of the atmosphere within the kiln. Heatedwithindirectflamefrompropane burners. Maximum temperatureabout800oC (1472oF).



Pelletizing circuitsPan pelletizers are used to generate balls of various sizes from fine particles of feed stock. The material to be pelletized may require additives to generate green balls of sufficient strength. The pans can be adjusted for slope and speed.



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Pot-Grate furnaceThe pot-grate furnace is a static bed heat transfer device.Itisusedtosimulatetime-temperature profile of material in a cross-flow gas to solids heat transfer device, such as, traveling grates and similar



mechanisms.Itcanbeoperatedinupdraftordown draft and switched from one to the other whileinoperation.Heatedwithdirectflamefrompropane burners. Maximum temperature about 1200oC(2192oF).

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Fluid-Bed systemThe fluid bed is device in which a bed of finely divided solid particles is lifted and agitated by a rising stream of gases. The fluid bed units haveadjustablebeddepths.Heatedunitcanbeoperatedbatchorcontinuous. Cold units are operated batch mode.

300mm(11.8”)diameterunitwithexternalcombustionchamber.Itis used to simulate time-temperature profile of material in a cross-flowgastosolidsheattransferdevice.Heatedwithtemperedcom-bustion gases from propane burner. Maximum temperature about 1100oC(2012oF).

290mm(11.4”)diameterPlexiglasunitforestablishingfluidizingvelocity profiles.

100mm(3.9”)diameterPlexiglasunitforestablishingfluidizingvelocity profiles when dealing with limited material.

Page 10: Pyro research and test cente - Metso · 2017-04-21 · Pyro Research and Test Center3 At Metso, sustainability is an integral part of our operations. Our goal is to do business in

Holo-FlitesIntheMetsoHolo-Flite®processor,individualparticlesareheatedorcooled as they come in contact with the surfaces of the hollow flights, shaft and trough. The product to be processed is continuously conveyed in an axial direction by means of the rotating screw flights along a jacketed trough. The heat transfer media is thermal oil heated to a maximum temperature of about 300 oC(572oF).

ModelD-0404-2Holo-Flite®withdual102mm(4”)diameterscrewsandascrewheattransferareaof0.93squaremeters(9.96squarefeet)andatroughvolumeof0.016cubicmeters(0.57cubicfeet).Thescrewisvariable speed to adjust material throughput and retention time.

ModelD-0710-4Holo-Flite®withdual178mm(7”)diameterscrewsandascrewheattransferareaof3.92squaremeters(42.2squarefeet)andatroughvolumeof0.127cubicmeters(4.5cubicfeet).Thescrewisvariable speed to adjust material throughput and retention time.

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The PRTC can also provide special custom-izedtesting.Alltestpricingandmaterialrequirements can be provided through the Danville PRTC manager upon request.

Chemical analysisAchemicalanalysiscanbeprovidedthroughtheDanvillePRTCmanager upon request. Pricing will be dependent upon the extent of analysis requested.

PRTC TEAMWORK is the ability to work togethertowardacommonvision.Itistheability to direct individual accomplishment towardcommonobjectives.Itistheimpetusfor allowing common people to attain uncommon results.

Photo: Fredric Alm

Page 12: Pyro research and test cente - Metso · 2017-04-21 · Pyro Research and Test Center3 At Metso, sustainability is an integral part of our operations. Our goal is to do business in

Metso Corporation, Fabianinkatu9A,P.O.Box1220,FI-00101Helsinki,Finland,tel.+35820484100,fax+35820484101,

SubjecttoalterationwithoutpriornoticeBrochureNo.3103-02-15MBL/Danville-English©2015Metso PrintedinUSA

Metso Minerals Industries Inc. 350RailroadStreet,Danville,PA17821-2046,USA



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