pyp gutz hannahk

By, Hannah K. The Seed

Upload: todspedding

Post on 19-May-2015




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By, Hannah K.

The Seed

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1. Parts of a Seed2. The Process of Germination3. Organs of a Plant4. How the Seed Connects to Our Central Idea5. Conclusion 6. Fun Facts7. Questions8. Quiz

Table of Contents

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The parts of a seed are:★ Seed Coat★ Cotyledon★ Radicle★ Epicotyl★ Hypocotyl

Parts of a seed

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The seed starts with the seed coat on the exteriorof the seed. As the seedprogresses, more and more of the seed are Shown and some partseven fall off.

The process of germination

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The three main organs of any seed plant are:

★ The roots★ The leaves★ The stem

Organs of the Plant

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The seed connects to our Central Idea because seeds have structures and processes too. A few processes are: ★ Germination★ Photosynthesis★ TranspirationSome structures are:★ Seed Coat, Cotyledon, Hypocotyl, Epicotyl,★ Roots, stem, leaves

Central Idea: Systems have structures and processes that interact to sustain life.

How the Seed Connects to Our Central Idea

Central Idea!

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★ Plants don’t germinate in an exact time period, itdepends on the size and shape of the plant and/or seed★ Every tiny seed you plant becomes it’s own plant★ All seed plants have two things in common, produce vascular tissue and

seeds★ Scientists have found that there are over 25, 000 seeds in the world★ Seeds can be many different ways★ Seeds come in very different colors, shapes, and sizes★ Seeds are the first step in the plant growth process, germination

Fun Facts

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In conclusion, I gained a lot of knowledge from this topic. The seed is a very fascinating organism. I learned all about the parts, the systems, and the structures. I hope you learned a lot from my project.


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Any Questions?

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Time for the...

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What are the three main organs of the plant?What is the outside or shell of the seed called?How long do plants take to germinate?What do all seed plants have in common?What is the first step in the process of the plant?What does the Cotyledon do?


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