putting your benefits to work

HR Solutions From Design to Delivery. Employee Communications | Benefits Administration | Benefits Outsourcing

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HR Solutions From Design to Delivery.


Page 1: Putting your benefits to work

HR Solutions

From Design to Delivery.

Employee Communications | Benefits Administration | Benefits Outsourcing

Page 2: Putting your benefits to work

Recruiting and retaining top talent is a major

challenge facing HR departments today.

Employers must have the right tools to help

HR achieve these critical objectives.

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Custom Communications—The Unique Difference

We provide thetools to transform

your employeeprograms from

theory totargeted action.

Your employees are key to your success.And now, you can partner with CustomCommunications to help maximize yourinvestment in them. With our effectivecommunications and outsourcingstrategies, you can concentrate on yourcore business objectives.

Whether the economic climate is robust or slow, one constant holds true—employees who feel valued willgive their all. Our solutions will bring that energy to your workforce—and help keep it there.

The dictionary defines “Communication”as a transmission of messages. Here atCustom Communications, we take it onestep further. We call it the gateway tosynergy. Because information not justtransmitted to employees—butunderstood and embraced—creates acorporate whole that is greater than thesum of its parts.

Why Custom Communications? We maximize the value of your HRprograms by building a bridge ofunderstanding with employees. It’s synergy at its best.

Custom Communications offers faster, smarter, moreeffective HR solutions by embracing a client-focusedapproach. Our solutions can help you:

> Motivate and retain top talent

> Achieve an internal strength that helps you staycompetitive

> Maximize the value of your offerings to employees

> Regain time for core functions that maximize your growth

From Design to Delivery.

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Communication Equals Greater Value

Employee satisfaction is vital to the success of any organization. And effective communication goes farther than any other measure to ensure that satisfaction.

Regardless of the topic, our specialty is blending technical expertise with powerful, creative and proven communication skills. This enables us to develop and execute sound communicationstrategies for our clients.

Custom Communications will work with you to engage, educate and empower your employees.Our diverse offerings of print and online materials will allow us to find the right mix ofcommunication vehicles for your organization. As a result, your employees will have theresources to make informed decisions, and that’s empowerment for them.

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Employee Communication Solutions

From Design to Delivery.

View our products as tools from your HR toolkit that can be accessed again and again. An annual folder filled withbenefits data won’t go far to empoweryour employees—especially if they, like others, are being asked to do more with less.

Our materials, by contrast, are engagingand empowering. They help you embarkon an ongoing communications journeywith your employees. What better way to let them know they matter?

From recruitment to retirement, we offercommunications expertise in:

> HR identity and branding

> Annual enrollment

> Health care plans

> Total compensation

> Retirement plans

> Financial planning education

> Summary plan descriptions

> Health and wellness campaigns

> Pay programs

> Executive compensation

> Human resources policies andprocedures

> Recruitment

> Employee orientation

> Communications measurement

Personalized Solutions.

We embrace creativity. That means we do what ittakes to deliver the right message, at the right time,to the right audience—your valued employees.

Strategy plays a big role. All our communicationsproducts stem from your own objectives and desiredoutcomes. We blend your key messages with thebest writing and design talent. The result? A uniqueend product. When you succeed, we all succeed.

Information isshared.

Questions areanswered.

Value is realized.

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Total Compensation Statements

Is there an optimum way to engage your best employees? Absolutely. Convey your company’svalue proposition to employees with a personalized Total Compensation Statement (TCS).

Workplace benefits are costing employers in the United States more every year. So it makessense to show employees how their benefits programs work, and to illustrate the true valuethey represent.

Our Total Compensation Statements allow you to stay competitive, maintain high morale, and attract the highest quality employees. These statements show your employees not onlywhat their benefits are, but what they are worth. To many HR managers, a TCS is the bestcommunication tool they can provide to employees.

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Valuable Support Services

From Design to Delivery.

Custom Communications supplements its product and service offerings with a host of value-added services tocomplement your communications oroutsourcing project. Our flexible, client-driven approach means you canselect only those services you feel areright for your organization.

Our support solutions include:

> Multilingual capabilities

We offer translation of English andSpanish communications, as well asother languages.

> Personalized print services

Our personalized communicationsinclude welcome letters, enrollmentworksheets, and confirmationstatements. Because the bestcommunications are those that speakdirectly to your employees.

> Fulfillment & mailing services

Our distribution expertise and on-sitefulfillment facility mean that yourprinted materials can be mailed cost-effectively and accurately.

Total Compensation Statements That Deliver

We tailor our statements to fit your needs. And we offer them in various print and online formats—including brochures andsingle-sheet summaries. Our statements provide:

> A complete view of compensation and benefits: includingsalary and benefits, such as health care, retirement plans, lifeand disability insurance.

> A Total Compensation Summary: employer and employeecontributions with pie chart graphics.

> Detailed plan information: key features for each benefit plan.

> Retirement Savings: projections to help your employeesestimate their retirement income.

Build employeeloyalty and

commitment.Provide the bestcommunication

tool you can offer.

Employers who want to demonstratethe value of their benefit programsuse the right vehicles throughout theyear—with consistent messaging thatcommunicates to employees howmuch their benefits program canenhance their well-being.

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Premier HR/Benefits Administration

Custom Communications offers a proven, full-featured, web-based solution that willfacilitate better communication by allowing you, your employees and service providers to connect seamlessly.

And because this easy-to-use solution is web-based, it eliminates the costs, risks andlimitations of traditional software and outsourcing options.

With this solution you can:

> control benefits costs by streamlining administration and communication

> improve employee retention

> provide online access to resources anytime and anywhere

> reduce labor costs

> allow employees to make benefit changes via life events or open enrollment

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Benefits Outsourcing Services

From Design to Delivery.

The high cost of benefits administrationcreates a tremendous challenge for manyemployers. You can lower that cost byturning to Custom Communications’benefits outsourcing services for support.

Our dedicated, professional staff willmanage your benefit processes while you stay focused on your core businessmatters. Custom Communicationsprovides ongoing, integrated benefitsmanagement services.

Our personalized outsourcing supportservices include:

> Enrollment services

> Billing services

> Vendor management

> Eligibility audits

> HIPAA administration

> COBRA administration

> Fulfillment

Whatever your objectives, CustomCommunications provides the rightblend of applications and services to help your company function mosteffectively.

From HR to Benefits Administration, key features in yoursingle solution include:

> Payroll Integration

> Manager Self Service

> Employee Self Service

> Open Enrollment

> Life and Work Events

> Carrier Connections

Optimize yourorganization’s

benefits programswith a proven


> Performance Management

> Leave Management

> Compensation Analysis

> Talent Management

> Recruitment/ApplicantTracking

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Empowering organizations and their employees

HR communications and benefits administration are important functions for your business,since they can significantly enhance employee relations. Unfortunately, these time-consumingfunctions can also shift valuable resources away from the pursuit of your firm’s key strategicinitiatives.

That’s why, since 1995, Custom Communications has offered premier employeecommunications programs, state-of-the-art online technology, and innovative benefitsoutsourcing solutions that enable you to focus on what matters most—your company’ssuccess.

We help you achieve the greatest value from your benefits and communication strategies, by providing you with effective and cost-efficient solutions.

Our Ongoing Promise to You

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From Design to Delivery.

We hold fast to our Core Values,because we respect yours.

> Integrity

> Accountability

> Dedication

> Excellence

Those values translate to premierproducts and services for you.

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800 Marshall Phelps Road, 5-E

P.O. Box 338

Windsor, CT 06095

Tel 860-688-7541

Toll-free 866-688-7541

Fax 860-688-7620


From Design to Delivery.