purpose & overview

The Mentor Network The Mentor Network is founded on the principle that mentoring is a voluntary, mutually-agreeable, and self- selected interaction between two people. It is not a program for trying to force what can only come about naturally if it’s to be truly effective. Welcome

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Page 1: Purpose & Overview

The Mentor Network

The Mentor Network is founded on the principle that mentoring is a voluntary, mutually-agreeable, and self-selected interaction between two people. It is not a program for trying to force what can only come about naturally if it’s to be truly effective.


Page 2: Purpose & Overview

The Mentor Network

Why are you reading this?

You are intrigued and want to find out if The Mentor Network will work for you and your Organisation


Someone in your Organisation is already signed up and wants to share the exciting potential The Mentor Network can unlock in you and your Team

Page 3: Purpose & Overview

The Mentor Network

In the workplace mentoring has tended to describe a relationship in which a more experienced colleague uses their greater knowledge and understanding of the work or workplace to support the development of a more junior or inexperienced member of staff.

A mentor may pull on a variety of techniques, eg, coaching, training, discussion, counselling, story-telling etc. to promote intentional learning.

Mentoring is a tool that organisations can use to nurture and grow their people. It can be an informal practice or a formal program. Mentees observe, question, and explore. Mentors demonstrate, explain and model. The following assumptions form the foundation for a solid mentoring program

Setting the Context

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The Mentor Network

Setting the context

1. Deliberate learning is the cornerstone. The mentor's job is to promote intentional learning, which includes capacity building through methods such as instructing, coaching, providing experiences, modelling and advising.

2. Both failure and success are powerful teachers. Mentors, as leaders of a learning experience, certainly need to share their "how to do it so it comes out right" stories. They also need to share their experiences of failure, ie., "how I did it wrong". Both types of stories are powerful lessons that provide valuable opportunities for analising individual and organisational realities.

3. Leaders need to tell their stories. Personal scenarios, anecdotes and case examples, because they offer valuable, often unforgettable insight, must be shared. Mentors who can talk about themselves and their experiences establish a rapport that makes them "learning leaders."

4. Development matures over time. Mentoring -- when it works -- taps into continuous learning that is not an event, or even a string of discrete events. Rather, it is the synthesis of ongoing event, experiences, observation, studies, and thoughtful analyses.

5. Mentoring is a joint venture. Successful mentoring means sharing responsibility for learning. Regardless of the facilities, the subject matter, the timing, and all other variables. Successful mentoring begins with setting a contract for learning around which the mentor, the mentee, and their respective line managers are aligned.

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The Mentor Network

Phases of Mentoring


1 2 3 41. Orientation

2. Progression

3. Dissolving the relationship

4. Redefining the relationship

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The Mentor Network

Phases of Mentoring

1. Orientation – This could take as long as 3-6 months, both the

mentor and mentee are getting to know each other, and building trust. At this time, both the mentee and the mentor are developing expectations of each other. The interaction which occurs at this stage will lay the foundation for a strong and beneficial relationship.

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The Mentor Network

2. Progression – The middle phase is typically the most rewarding time for both mentor and mentee. The mutual trust which has developed between the two can give the mentee the confidence to challenge the ideas of the mentor, just as the mentee's ideas will be challenged by the mentor.

Phases of Mentoring

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The Mentor Network

3. Dissolving the relationship - Typically, the relationship begins to draw apart between 1-2 years. It is important, at this stage, that the mentor step back from the formal relationship to discuss together with the mentee, how they wish to continue their relationship.

Phases of Mentoring

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The Mentor Network

4. Redefining the relationship – The mentor-mentee relationship enters

a new phase, where both parties can regard one another as equals. They continue to have some form of interaction, although it is now on a more casual basis.

Phases of Mentoring

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The Mentor Network

The Mentor Network

• With the economic climate as it is, we are continuously looking for more creative ways to support and develop our people. With this in mind, we are establishing this cross company mentoring program.

• Participation is on a voluntary basis and the only cost is the time commitment from the mentors and mentees themselves.

• We are looking to identify a number of high performing, high potential people to volunteer for mentoring or to be a mentor.

• Once volunteered internally, that Organisation will promote the volunteer to others in The Mentor Network and seek to gain a partner who will mutually benefit form a mentoring relationship.

• To facilitate this we have set up The Mentor Network group on the LinkedIn business networking site.

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The Mentor Network

The Mentor Network

• Each participating Organisation will have an appointed person responsible for HRD/OD matters

• It is this persons responsibility to monitor the Group’s activity; keep their volunteers details up to date; and facilitate initial introductions

• It is also this person who will be responsible for ensuring the Mentoring relationship is assessed on an ongoing basis to ensure is of maximum benefit

• It is this person who will participate in Group discussions and share learnings to continuously improve the Mentoring experience

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The Mentor Network

The benefits to the Organisation of joining The Mentor Network are:

• significant impact upon recruitment and retention • effective succession planning • makes organisations adapt to change• line managers and HR also benefit from better employee

focus and engagement• increased productivity through better engagement and job


The Mentor Network

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The Mentor Network

The benefits to the mentor or mentee from joining The Mentor Network are:

• development outcomes which may include, knowledge, technical and behavioural improvements

• better management of career goals • developing wider network of influence • increased confidence and self awareness which helps build

performance and contribution • mentors also benefit from the satisfaction of developing their

colleagues and of passing on their knowledge, skills and expertise

The Mentor Network

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The Mentor Network

Thanks for your attention.

We look forward to your participation in growing the Mentoring experience!