
Homaira Kavde PURPOSE

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University portfolio


Homaira KavdePURPOSE

Homaira KavdePURPOSE

PROJECTSelected works



DesignerHomaira Kavde

[email protected]


EstablishmentUniversity for the Creative Arts


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Pg 2

Pg 3

Purpose and design are inseparable.

The first step to achieve an effective design solution is to determine the purpose. Although any purpose is simple. To achieve this simplicity one must go through a complex and well thought process.


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Pg 4


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Pg 5



Editorial project based on two random words

01Organised Chaos

Telephone directory translated into cartographic format


Grapes of Wrath

Book Jacket design for well known Puffin classic


Friends of Earth

Postcard designs


Killer in the making

Neglected upbringing and it’s effect


Mist (gishaawa)

Graphics for an exhibition



D&AD 2011


Humans and the natural world

Realisation visual piece



DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Design without purpose is art.

Pg 6

The form of design is always driven by it’s purpose. The information must always communicate with the target audience.


What defines me as a designer is how I see the world and everything that is around me. Whatever I look at I try to find out what it has been put there to do, who would engage with it, why it is designed in a certain way and not in any other way and whether is serves it’s purpose. I absorb almost everything I see, touch, hear and experience through my day to day life and implement it into my design. This approach has enabled me to see and design all my work around the purpose it intends or should serve.

I believe the difference between a mediocre result and a great result is defining a purpose. When a purpose is defined, communicating to your chosen or given audience becomes much more easier and effective. Many people work differently but for me finding the purpose first is the most important part of the whole design process.

Pg 7


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Pg 8


Pg 9


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Pg 10


Exploring how the same information can be translated in different ways. How something so organ-ised can become chaotic.



The starting point for this project was simply a copy of a page from the local telephone directory. The telephone directory is a ingenious piece of de-sign the typeface although small and compact has been specially designed for the directory to make the information provided within it legible for all..

During my research of the telephone directo-ry I found countless pieces of artwork created by the book itself and found that not many artists or designers were interested in the information foundwithin it. For this very reason I decided to focus on the information and used it as the basis for my work.

Pg 11

The telephone directory started from a single sheet of paper in the year 1987 and since then has been growing and de-veloping in terms of design that it can proudly be sat besides great designs.


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Objective To find or make relationships with the information provided within the telephone directory to create information in another format..

SolutionThe format I chose to work with is cartological. To limit the information I use within this format I firstly chose to work with all the information under the letter A then further reduced it by selecting door numbers 1-100.

The final piece of work is a map displaying the relationship of people under A with the same door number in the order they appear in the telephone directory. All the information was plotted on a geo-graphically correct map and therefore the work has become a clear indicator of the links these people have with each other. The map was created using 100 different layers (door numbers).

Pg 12


Pg 13

PROJECTOrganised Chaos

Organised ChaosSketchbook

Pg 14


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Organised ChaosSketchbook

Pg 15

PROJECTOrganised Chaos


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Organised ChaosCartology

Pg 16

PROJECTOrganised Chaos

Pg 17

Door numbers


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Pg 18


Pg 19



A quarterly limited edition maga-zine to showcase the design beauty of the 10 toughest cars in the world.

There are countless magazines on the shelves of shops nowadays that every magazine looks like the other. It is important to make your magazine stand out or different you need to give it that something extra.

Beast is a Tough magazine both in terms of what informtaion is within it and the structure that showcases the interiors of the 10 most toughest cars in the world at the moment. The magazine leaves noth-ing unturned and fulfils the wishes of any car lover. The magazine is a quarterly limited edition, making it into a collection item. The magazine can be found at all the usual shops that stock magazines such as WHSmiths.

For this project I was given two words at random, tough and interior design.


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Pg 20


Objective To create a magazine that demonstrates the two words, tough and interior effectively.

SolutionTo leave nothing unturned and display each and every part of the interior of the car within the magazine. This includes everything from the engine to exhaust pipe. The magazine is to be clean and professional magazine so that the purpose of the magazine doesn’t become background informa-tion. The target audience for the magazine are car lovers, most probably men that are aged 18 to 38.

The magazine needs to have a tough feel so the use of medium will have to be thought out prop-erly. The binding will also need to match the rest of the magazine keeping the tough element intact.

The magazine will need artwork that will be suf-ficient for both the simplistic and more in your face person as this will be a collectable and the tar-get audience need to get what they are expecting.

Pg 21



DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

BeastBrand identity

Pg 22

Page layoutsBeast


Pg 23


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Pg 24

BeastFlip book


Pg 25


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

BeastSelected artwork

Pg 26


Pg 27


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Pg 28




The starting point for this project was an article about two brothers aged ten and eleven from Edlington who tortured two other children physically (sexually) to such an extent that one of the victims almost died. My research for this project began in investigating why these children carried out such actions and who was to blame. Like they say that children do not know what they are do-ing and cannot be held responsible - I wanted to find out whether this was true or not. My research lead me to read upon other child killers such as the two boys from the James Bulger case and the uncle of baby P.

The results of all the cases were very similar all the culprits had a poor or neglected upbring-ing, where they were exposed to things children of that age should not even know about, were not disciplined for their wrong doings and in some cases the parents never asked for help when their child was dominant and uncontrollable. .

Pg 29

A child’s upbringing pays a very big part in shaping what the child will become and how he treats others around him/her.

Objective A child is responsibilty parent(s)/guardians should not take lightly - a childs upbringing determines what kind of individual they will later become. If a parent\guardian is unable to control or discipline their child(ren) they should not push it aside thinking the problem will disappear neither should others who know of children who may be putting others at risk remain silent as this could result in incidents such as James Bulger case and sadist brothers. By showing adults what is classed as inappropriate or wrong instead of right should urge them to seek help and unafraid to make a change.

SolutionDesign posters that will be found on bus shelters to provide a short snappy message that will hit the selected audience immediately. The design layouts will be simple and each poster will contain a fact from the childhood/upbringing of children that became killers. The poster will include a web address for those who are interested in finding out more or wanting help.

Pg 30


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde


PROJECTKiller in the making

Pg 31

Killer in the makingIdentity


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Pg 32

PROJECTKiller in the making

Pg 33

Killer in the makingIdentity exploration


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Pg 34

Killer in the makingPosters

PROJECTKiller in the making

Pg 35


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Pg 36




I have a strong interest in the art of graffiti as well as the Arabic language, so when I came across the work of graphic designer Saad Boksmati - I knew instantly that I wanted to do a project that will enable me to practice and explore my interest as well as showcase its beauty to others.

The brief I set my self was to create graphics to promote an exhibition that will showcase his wok. For the duration of the project I remained in contact with Saad Boksmati as he was very much interested in what I proposed to create.

Pg 37

Graphics for an exhibition showcasing the work of graphic designer Saad Boksmati who is known for his graffiti inspired artwork.


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Objective To create graphics for an exhibition which will showcase the work of Saad Boksmati. The graph-ics created for this exhibition need to only show-case his work but show-off my design skills.The target audience for this will be anyone in-terested in graffiti or/and the Arabic language.

SolutionTo design and create an invitation, poster, exhibition catalogue, stationery and merchandise for the exhibition. The design of every piece will be inspired by his work hence will be fairly urban but will have an essence of what the target audience is looking for (addressable for both the English and Arabic speakers). All design will have uniform and merchandise is to tie in seamlessly.The Colour palettes and design ideas will also reflect the designers background and the target audience.

Pg 38



Pg 39


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Mist/GishaawaExhibition identity

Pg 40


Mist/GishaawaIdentity explorations

Pg 41


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde


Pg 42


Pg 43


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde


Pg 44



Pg 45

MistExhibition poster


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Pg 46

MistExhibition catalogue


Pg 47



DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Pg 48

MistStationery system


Pg 49


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Pg 50




The book jacket of The Grapes of Wrath has been recreated many times. The idea behind every one was to capture the tone of the book. I found that this approach has left the existing book covers (besides one) to lose their edge very quickly and become unappealing and dated.

The novel revolves around the Joad family and what they as well as other people en-dure during this tough time - so to keep a person or figure in the artwork is essential and therefore found on every existing cover. .The idea of the book jacket is not to create something completely different but to use the existing ones as guidelines in order to create something that is timeless.

The Grapes of Wrath is a novel published in 1939 and written by John Steinbeck based around the event of when the people of Oklahoma were forced to leave their home land.

Pg 51


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Objective To recreate the book jacket of infamous novel The Grapes of Wrath. To ensure the art-work is relevant to the story line and the time it was written as well as be appealing to the new generation.

SolutionUse ideas from current and past artwork to help create a piece of art that is appealing to previous and current generations.

The basis of the artwork is a photograph of Oklahoma at the time of the exile. The photograph has been edited, vehicles have been re-moved to be replaced by a figure of a man as the pro-tagonist of the novel is a character called Tom Joad.

Pg 52


Pg 53

PROJECTThe grapes of wrath

Grapes of WrathExamples of existing covers


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Pg 54

Grapes of WrathFront cover

Grapes of WrathBack cover

PROJECTThe grapes of Wrath

Pg 55

The Grapes of WrathBook Jacket


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Pg 56

PROJECTThe grapes of wrath

Pg 57


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Pg 58




Friends of the Earth Friends are the most extensive environmental network in the world, with around 2 million supporters across five continents and more than 75 national organisations worldwide.Unique network of campaigning local groups, Friends of the Earth work in more than 220 communities throughout England , Wales and Northern Ireland and are dependent on individuals for over 90 per cent of its income.

The three main points Friends of the Earth stand for are;1) The planet should be used like there is a tomorrow.2) Everyone everywhere deserves a good life.3) We need to change the rules so that the economy works for people and the environment, not pit one against the other.

Pg 59


Friends of the Earth Friends of the Earth is UK ‘s most influential environmental campaigning organisation.


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Objective Friends of the Earth want to create more awareness by creating postcards that can be kept as artwork or used as standard postcards. The proceedings from them will be donated to them to help towards their current works.

SolutionTo base the postcards around the three most important beliefs of the charity;1) The planet should be used like there is a tomorrow.2) Everyone everywhere deserves a good life.3) We need to change the rules so that the economy works for people and the environment, not put one against the other.The artwork needs to appeal to a large demo-graphic as well as provide some information. If there is no information on the postcard the artwork should urge the viewer to research the company.

Pg 60


PROJECTFriends of the Earth

Pg 61



DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Pg 62

PROJECTFriends of the Earth

Pg 63

Friends of the EarthPostcards


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Pg 64




At the centre of the business world, Bloomberg helps people see things they couldn’t otherwise see. Find things they couldn’t otherwise find, learn things they wouldn’t otherwise know, so that they can profit from smarter, faster, more informed decisionsBloomberg have introduced a visual identity systemto talk both internally to staff and externally to their customers.

Bloomberg’s visual expression is message led. They are currently building a photo-library of fresh and forward thinking imagery that can tell stories and communicate interesting and relevant mes-sages to reinforce Bloomberg’s business offering.

Pg 65

Founded in 1981 Bloomberg gives key decision makers in business, finance, and government a critical edge by providing access to dynamic, living network of information, people and ideas.


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Objective To define a style and generate examples of creative ways to portray humanity, in particular the essence, energy and varied perspectives associated with what it means to be human in a fast moving communication and knowledge era.

SolutionHumans can be expressed by the spaces they occupy. The solution to this brief is to take photographs of people in their spaces without the actual person being photographed. A range of different people and spaces is relevant to Bloomberg as they provide information to everyone. The spaces that will be photographed will tell the story of who this person is and how Bloomberg can or does help them.

Pg 66



Pg 67


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Pg 68


BloombergPhotograph 1-4

Pg 69


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Pg 70



Humans and the natural world

There is a lot to talk about when we think about Humans and the natural world together. Humans live alongside nature all across the world but the relationship between the two is different in every country. Research has shown me that people who do not come in contact with nature for example people who live in well developed countries have forgotten or very rarely think about nature and what it gives to them whereas people who live in poorer countries and make a living from what nature gives them have a strong loving relationship with the natural world. - This isn’t to say that it is impossible for people who live in well developed countries to have a strong relationship with the natu-ral world because they are people out there who do.

Pg 71

What kind of relationship do you have with nature?


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Objective To explore my own personal relationship with the natural world to reveal the cause of the relation-ship I have with the natural world. This work should help me find my way and urge others to start their own journeys in finding their relationship with nature.

SolutionTo film the world as I see it and create a realisation piece by speeding up or slowing down day to day things to provoke questions with the self on the sub-ject matter. At times the visual piece will have shots fo-cused solely on nature (to show what we are missing out on) and solely on humans (to show the cause of my relationship) as well as shots where the two meet.The piece will either have no sound or very lit-tle sound so that the attention will not be di-verted by the purpose of the visual piece..

Pg 72


PROJECTHumans and the natural world

Pg 73


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Humans and the natural worldScreenshot

Complete work

Pg 74

PROJECTHumans and the natural world

Pg 75

DesignerHomaira Kavde

[email protected]


EstablishmentUniversity for the Creative Arts


Pg 76


DESIGNERHomaira Kavde

Pg 77

PROJECTSelected works