pulsed axial epitaxy of colloidal quantum dots in …...article pulsed axial epitaxy of colloidal...

ARTICLE Pulsed axial epitaxy of colloidal quantum dots in nanowires enables facet-selective passivation Yi Li 1,2 , Tao-Tao Zhuang 1,3 , Fengjia Fan 4,5 , Oleksandr Voznyy 3 , Mikhail Askerka 3 , Haiming Zhu 6 , Liang Wu 1 , Guo-Qiang Liu 1 , Yun-Xiang Pan 7 , Edward H. Sargent 3 & Shu-Hong Yu 1,2 Epitaxially stacking colloidal quantum dots in nanowires offers a route to selective passivation of defective facets while simultaneously enabling charge transfer to molecular adsorbates features that must be combined to achieve high-efciency photocatalysts. This requires dynamical switching of precursors to grow, alternatingly, the quantum dots and nanowires something not readily implemented in conventional ask-based solution chemistry. Here we report pulsed axial epitaxy, a growth mode that enables the stacking of multiple CdS quantum dots in ZnS nanowires. The approach relies on the energy difference of incorporating these semiconductor atoms into the host catalyst, which determines the nucleation sequence at the catalyst-nanowire interface. This exible synthetic strategy allows precise modulation of quantum dot size, number, spacing, and crystal phase. The facet-selective passivation of quantum dots in nanowires opens a pathway to photocatalyst engineering: we report pho- tocatalysts that exhibit an order-of-magnitude higher photocatalytic hydrogen evolution rates than do plain CdS quantum dots. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07422-4 OPEN 1 Division of Nanomaterials & Chemistry, Hefei National Research Center for Physical Sciences at the Microscale, CAS Center for Excellence in Nanoscience, Hefei Science Center of CAS, Collaborative Innovation Center of Suzhou Nano Science and Technology, Department of Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China. 2 Anhui Key Laboratory of Condensed Matter Physics at Extreme Conditions, High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031, China. 3 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, 35 St George Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A4, Canada. 4 CAS Key Laboratory of Microscale Magnetic Resonance and Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026, China. 5 Synergetic Innovation Center of Quantum Information and Quantum Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026, China. 6 Department of Chemistry, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310027, China. 7 School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, Anhui 230009, China. These authors contributed equally: Yi Li, Tao-Tao Zhuang. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to E.H.S. (email: [email protected]) or to S.-H.Y. (email: [email protected]) NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2018)9:4947 | DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07422-4 | www.nature.com/naturecommunications 1 1234567890():,;

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Page 1: Pulsed axial epitaxy of colloidal quantum dots in …...ARTICLE Pulsed axial epitaxy of colloidal quantum dots in nanowires enables facet-selective passivation Yi Li1,2, Tao-Tao Zhuang1,3,


Pulsed axial epitaxy of colloidal quantum dotsin nanowires enables facet-selective passivationYi Li1,2, Tao-Tao Zhuang1,3, Fengjia Fan4,5, Oleksandr Voznyy 3, Mikhail Askerka3, Haiming Zhu6, Liang Wu1,

Guo-Qiang Liu1, Yun-Xiang Pan7, Edward H. Sargent 3 & Shu-Hong Yu 1,2

Epitaxially stacking colloidal quantum dots in nanowires offers a route to selective passivation

of defective facets while simultaneously enabling charge transfer to molecular adsorbates –

features that must be combined to achieve high-efficiency photocatalysts. This requires

dynamical switching of precursors to grow, alternatingly, the quantum dots and nanowires –

something not readily implemented in conventional flask-based solution chemistry. Here we

report pulsed axial epitaxy, a growth mode that enables the stacking of multiple CdS quantum

dots in ZnS nanowires. The approach relies on the energy difference of incorporating these

semiconductor atoms into the host catalyst, which determines the nucleation sequence at

the catalyst-nanowire interface. This flexible synthetic strategy allows precise modulation

of quantum dot size, number, spacing, and crystal phase. The facet-selective passivation of

quantum dots in nanowires opens a pathway to photocatalyst engineering: we report pho-

tocatalysts that exhibit an order-of-magnitude higher photocatalytic hydrogen evolution rates

than do plain CdS quantum dots.

DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07422-4 OPEN

1 Division of Nanomaterials & Chemistry, Hefei National Research Center for Physical Sciences at the Microscale, CAS Center for Excellence in Nanoscience,Hefei Science Center of CAS, Collaborative Innovation Center of Suzhou Nano Science and Technology, Department of Chemistry, University of Science andTechnology of China, Hefei 230026, China. 2 Anhui Key Laboratory of Condensed Matter Physics at Extreme Conditions, High Magnetic Field Laboratory,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031, China. 3 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, 35 St George Street,Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A4, Canada. 4 CAS Key Laboratory of Microscale Magnetic Resonance and Department of Modern Physics, University of Science andTechnology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026, China. 5 Synergetic Innovation Center of Quantum Information and Quantum Physics, University of Science andTechnology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026, China. 6Department of Chemistry, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310027, China. 7 School ofChemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, Anhui 230009, China. These authors contributed equally: Yi Li, Tao-Tao Zhuang.Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to E.H.S. (email: [email protected]) or to S.-H.Y. (email: [email protected])

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2018) 9:4947 | DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07422-4 | www.nature.com/naturecommunications 1




Page 2: Pulsed axial epitaxy of colloidal quantum dots in …...ARTICLE Pulsed axial epitaxy of colloidal quantum dots in nanowires enables facet-selective passivation Yi Li1,2, Tao-Tao Zhuang1,3,

Thanks to their size-tailored bandstructures, colloidalquantum dots (QDs) represent a class of materials ofinterest in nanoelectronics and nanophotonics1–6. The trap

states in colloidal quantum dots, which typically arise from sur-face dangling bonds, can strongly localize photoexcited carriersand impede charge carrier extraction7,8. Surface-coordinatedligands such as phosphonic acids, carboxylic acids, and halidesmitigate this problem9–11; however, efficient passivation forchalcogen-rich (111) facets is yet to be developed, largely due tothe fact that most ligands are Lewis bases that do not bindto electron-rich dangling bonds8,9.

Epitaxial shell passivation offers an alternative route todecoupling surface traps from the core material; however, theresulting charge carrier confinement inside the cores limitsapplications that require carrier transfer and extraction12,13, suchas photocatalysis. Technologies that seek simultaneously toachieve surface passivation and charge transfer in quantum dotsremain an important goal.

Recently, single and multiple QDs have been axially stacked ina nanowire (i.e. quantum-dots-in-nanowire, denoted as QDNW)via gas-phase substrate-based methods14–17, such as selective-area epitaxy and vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth. These havebeen used to showcase promising applications as single-photonsources18–21 and lasers22–24. Intriguingly, for semiconductorswith zinc blende (ZB) and wurtzite (WZ) structures, the epitaxialdirection of QDNWs tends to be [111]ZB/[0001]WZ.

We hypothesized that trap state recombination on the (111)facets of QDs could be mitigated, yet carrier extraction from thesidewalls maintained, in the QDNW system, thereby enhancingphotocatalysis. However, these substrate-based methods producethick nanowires with diameters of tens to hundreds of nan-ometers. Given that the large surface-to-volume ratio plays a keyrole in photocatalysts, and wide bandgap tunability offers newavenues for performance optimization, we sought strategies thatwould permit us to reduce the size of QDNW architectures25.

Colloidal synthesis provides access to small-sized QDs andnanowires26,27. Unfortunately, despite its tremendous develop-ment in the past decades28–33, controllable axial epitaxy of QDswithin nanowires remains technologically challenging, especiallyvia one-pot growth approach. Although cation exchange reactionshave been used to prepare colloidal superlattices exhibiting highstability34, a high–level control over structural parameters has yetto be demonstrated – a consequence of fast reaction kinetics.Solution-liquid-solid (SLS) and solution-solid-solid (SSS) methodshave been used to grow axial heteronanowires35. In particular,the in-situ growth of axial heteronanowires on a substrate hasbeen achieved via a flow-based SLS method36 – chemical pre-cursors inside the microfluidic reactor were dynamically switchedto grow the distinct segments. However, in colloidal synthesesnanowires are instead suspended in solution, and precursors arenot readily removed as in substrate-based methods, a fact thatrestricts dynamic control over precursor concentrations andresulting composition along the nanowire37,38.

Here we show that, in a catalyst-assisted growth process, thegrowth of semiconductor nanowires can be switched by injectingprecursors for quantum dots, which are then incorporated intothe host catalyst and nucleate first at the catalyst-nanowireinterface. Once the injected precursors are depleted, the originalsemiconductor will resume its growth. Thus, we can achieve thedynamical switching of precursors in conventional flasks. Weterm this one-pot synthetic strategy pulsed axial epitaxial growth(PAEG), highlighting its ability to modulate the stacking ofmultiple CdS QDs in ZnS nanowires by controlling the pulsedintroduction of the Cd precursor. These selectively-passivatedarchitectures provide a platform to achieve superior photo-catalytic performance in cocatalyst-free CdS-based photocatalysts.

ResultsDesign principles of QDNWs. In the SSS-based growth strategy(Fig. 1a), a solution-phase semiconductor precursor is incorpo-rated into a solid superionic conductor catalyst to form solidsolution through high-density cation vacancies39. When theconcentration of a foreign cation in the catalyst reaches super-saturation, the semiconductor starts to grow at the solid-solidinterface in a layer-by-layer manner. SLS growth is similar to SSSgrowth, except that liquid nanoparticles are used instead as thecatalyst.

In order to fabricate QDNWs with a finely controlled interfaceand QD composition, size, and spacing, it is important to use aslow growth rate. According to the Gibbs-Thomson (GT)effect36,40, higher supersaturation of foreign atoms in catalystsgives rise to a higher growth rate. For this reason, SSS growthrather than SLS growth is preferred because a lower solubility andsupersaturation in the solid catalyst can be achieved, therebyallowing for slower growth39,41. The low solubility facilitatesfaster depletion of foreign atoms in the solid catalyst, resulting ina sharper heterointerface. Aggregation or coalescence of the smallcatalyst, which takes place in the SLS growth, can be mitigated inSSS growth42,43.

Here we selected – in order to stack axially an array of spacedCdS QDs in ZnS nanowires in a one-pot growth – solid Ag2Sas the host catalyst. With the coexistence of Zn and Cd precursorsin the flask, the incorporation sequence of foreign semiconduc-tors into catalysts is key to determine the correspondingcompositional distribution in the nanowires.

The following reactions describe single Cd/Zn atom incorpora-tion:

Ag2nSnþCdR2 ! Ag2n�1SnCdþ byproducts ð1Þ

Ag2nSnþZnR2 ! Ag2n�1SnZnþ byproducts ð2Þ

where CdR2 and ZnR2 represent the Cd (Cadmium diethyl-dithiocarbamate) and Zn (Zinc diethyldithiocarbamate) precur-sors, respectively. In each reaction, the resultant catalysts(Ag2n−1SnCd and Ag2n−1SnZn) can be either neutral (+0) orsingly-charged (+1). Thus, we define the relative intercalationenergy (RIE) of Cd/Zn atoms into Ag2S lattice as:

RIE ¼ E Ag2n�1SnCd� �þE ZnR2½ ��E Ag2n�1SnZn

� ��E CdR2½ �ð3Þ

The relative intercalation energies for Cd/Zn atom incorporat-ing into the Ag2S lattice were calculated using density functionaltheory (DFT) (Fig. 1b and Supplementary Fig. 1). For the neutralinsertion, RIE is −0.53 eV per unit cell, indicating that Cd isenergetically preferred over Zn for incorporation into Ag2S. Asimilar result was also obtained for the charged insertion with RIEof −0.29 eV per unit cell. Therefore, once the Cd precursor isadded, the growth of ZnS nanowires switches to epitaxial growthof CdS QDs, and re-epitaxy of ZnS can take place after thedepletion of Cd precursor (Fig. 1c). Thus, we dynamically switchthe axial composition in nanowires by controlling the introduc-tion of the Cd precursor, an advantage not readily achieved inprior flask-based syntheses.

Controlled synthesis of colloidal CdS–ZnS QDNWs. Figure 2aand Supplementary Figs. 2, 3 present low-magnification trans-mission electron microscopy (TEM) images of mCdS-nZnSQDNWs, where m is the number of CdS QDs (also addition timesof Cd precursor) and n is the number of ZnS segments. Withincreasing times of Cd addition, we observed an increasingnumber of CdS QDs in the nanowire, as seen in the contrast in

ARTICLE NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07422-4

2 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2018) 9:4947 | DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07422-4 | www.nature.com/naturecommunications

Page 3: Pulsed axial epitaxy of colloidal quantum dots in …...ARTICLE Pulsed axial epitaxy of colloidal quantum dots in nanowires enables facet-selective passivation Yi Li1,2, Tao-Tao Zhuang1,3,

the TEM images. Correspondingly, the UV-vis absorption spectraand powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) patterns (SupplementaryFig. 4) suggest that the number of CdS QDs in each nanowireincreases stepwise as well. Without replenishing Zn precursorduring the growth, we stacked up to five CdS QDs in a singlenanowire (Supplementary Fig. 5).

We further used EDS element mapping (Fig. 2b andSupplementary Fig. 6) and linescans (Fig. 2c and SupplementaryFig. 7) to characterize the axial composition distributions inrepresentative 3CdS-4ZnS QDNWs. We found that CdS QDsare incorporated into ZnS nanowires with substantially equalspacing, a finding that is further confirmed using dark-fieldscanning TEM (STEM) images (Fig. 2d–f and SupplementaryFig. 8). The typical high-resolution TEM (HRTEM) images(Fig. 2g and Supplementary Fig. 9) of ZnS/CdS/ZnS segmentsreveal two epitaxial modes along the [111]ZB/[0001]WZ crystallinedirection: ZB-ZnS/ZB-CdS/WZ-ZnS epitaxy and WZ-ZnS/ZB-CdS/WZ-ZnS epitaxy (see details in Supplementary Note 1 andSupplementary Fig. 10). Fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) of theHRTEM images confirm the high crystallinity of CdS segmentsand a lack of observable stacking faults. We interpret theseimages as consistent with the view that strain induced by alattice mismatch is elastically released by the lateral surface44,45.The axial length of CdS segments is 3.9 ± 0.5 nm (Fig. 2h), whichis close to 12 monolayers of CdS (111) facet, in agreement withthe view that CdS segments in our QDNWs are within thequantum-confined size regime (exciton Bohr diameter of CdSis ca. 5.5 nm)46.

We sought to further challenge the flexibility of the PAEGstrategy, and found that – with controlled growth temperature,time, and introduction sequences of precursors – we modulatecontrollably the size of each segment in the QDNWs. The sizeof initially-nucleated Ag2S catalysts increases when we raise thetemperature from 190 °C to 250 °C, yielding nanowires withlarger diameter (from 4.6 nm to 12 nm, Fig. 3a, b, SupplementaryFig. 11, and Supplementary Note 2).

Using time-dependent growth experiments, we find thatQDNW growth proceeds at a constant rate (roughly 1 nmmin−1, see Fig. 3c and Supplementary Fig. 12). This suggests thatvariation in the concentration of the Zn precursor in the earlystages has a modest influence on the nanowire growth rate. Wecan replenish the Zn precursor and elongate ZnS segments thatsandwich the CdS QDs (Supplementary Figs. 13, 14). In this waywe control the spacing of CdS QDs (Fig. 3d and SupplementaryFig. 15) via growth time. As a proof of concept, we furthersynthesized ultralong QDNWs with 10 CdS QDs (i.e., 21 segmentsin total, see Fig. 3e and Supplementary Fig. 16). We alsodemonstrated that we can increase the length of CdS segments byrepeatedly injecting the Cd precursor (Supplementary Fig. 17).

Photocatalytic performance and physical mechanism analysis.We explored the application of the QDNW architecture in pho-tocatalytic water splitting. In the as-synthesized QDNWs, CdS(111) facets are selectively passivated by ZnS segments, allowinglong-lived charges from the sidewalls of CdS segments (Fig. 4a) to




n in




Addition of Cd precursor



Solid semiconductor

Solid catalyst

Growth direction






0.0 –0.1 –0.2 –0.3 –0.4 –0.5


RIE of Cd/Zn incorporation (eV)


Depletion of Cd precursor




r in



Neutral insertion

Charged insertion

Pulsed axial epitaxy





+ ZnS + CdS + ZnS

CycleZn&Cd precursorsZn precursor Zn precursor

Fig. 1 One-pot growth of colloidal QDNWs via pulsed axial epitaxy. a Schematic of the SSS growth mechanism for one-dimensional (1D) semiconductornanowires. b DFT-calculated relative intercalation energies (RIE) for neutral (+0) and charged (+1) insertion of Cd/Zn into Ag2S catalysts, respectively.In both cases, Cd insertion is energetically favorable over Zn. c (Upper panel) Schematic concentration evolutions of semiconductor atoms in catalystswith reaction time during the pulsed axial epitaxy. Addition of Cd precursor results in overwhelming incorporation of Cd into the Ag2S host catalystscompared with that of Zn. In each cycle, CdS QDs epitaxially stack in nanowires right after the introduction of Cd precursor, followed by re-growth ofZnS segments, enabling the in-situ axial epitaxy of QDs in nanowires (bottom panel)

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07422-4 ARTICLE

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2018) 9:4947 | DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07422-4 | www.nature.com/naturecommunications 3

Page 4: Pulsed axial epitaxy of colloidal quantum dots in …...ARTICLE Pulsed axial epitaxy of colloidal quantum dots in nanowires enables facet-selective passivation Yi Li1,2, Tao-Tao Zhuang1,3,

participate in the redox process. We further investigated thehydrogen evolution rates of different photocatalysts (Fig. 4band Supplementary Fig. 18) under visible-light irradiation( > 420 nm). The 3CdS-4ZnS QDNWs exhibit an enhancedhydrogen evolution rate, achieving 15 ± 2 μmol h−1 comparedwith both ZnS (2.2 ± 0.4 μmol h−1) and plain CdS (9 ± 3 μmol h−1) counterparts. The apparent quantum efficiency (AQE) at420 nm is 1.4% for QDNWs (Supplementary Fig. 19), the valuearising due to lack of efficient cocatalysts. Since the CdS com-ponent acts as light absorber, we normalized the evolution ratesaccording to the total mass of CdS, which were determinedusing inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)

analysis. In this way, the QDNWs achieved superior photo-catalytic activities compared to prior cocatalyst-free CdS-basedphotocatalysts (Supplementary Table 1).

We sought to investigate further the underlying photophysicalprocesses in quantum-dot-in-nanowire structures using transientabsorption (TA) spectroscopy. To characterize the bandstructureof the 3CdS-4ZnS QDNWs, we first subtracted the absorption ofAg2S tips and obtained the ground state transition energies fromabsorption spectra by fitting with Gaussian functions (see detailsin Supplementary Note 3, Supplementary Fig. 20, and Supple-mentary Table 2). Figure 4c shows the absorption spectrumand Gaussian-fitted first exciton transition (1Se−1Sh) of the


b c

d f

0.31 nm(0001)WZ-ZnS

0.33 nm(111)ZB-CdS

0.31 nm(111)ZB-ZnS



2 3 4 5 60










Size (nm)

CdS segment




0 10 20 30 40 50 60



Position (nm)


Fig. 2 Synthesis and characterization of CdS–ZnS QDNWs. a TEM images of QDNWs with zero to three CdS QDs (from left to right). b Dark-field STEMimages and EDS element mapping images of 3CdS-4ZnS QDNWs, shown with Ag-K (yellow), Cd-K (green), Cd-L (blue), Zn-K (orange), and S-K (red)signals. c EDS line-scan profiles of the 3CdS-4ZnS QDNW along the red dash line in dark-field STEM image. d Representative dark-field STEM image of3CdS-4ZnS QDNWs. e Enlarged dark-field STEM image of single 3CdS-4ZnS QDNW. f Low-magnification pseudocolored dark-field STEM image of 3CdS-4ZnS QDNWs. CdS QDs with high contrast are uniformly distributed in nanowires. g Representative HRTEM image of one CdS QD sandwiched betweentwo ZnS segments, featuring a [111]ZB/[0001]WZ epitaxial direction. Inset: the FFT image of CdS segment (red square). h Axial length distribution of CdSQDs in 3CdS-4ZnS QDNWs. Scale bars are 50 nm for a, d, and f, 20 nm for b, c, and e, and 2 nm for g, respectively

ARTICLE NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07422-4

4 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2018) 9:4947 | DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07422-4 | www.nature.com/naturecommunications

Page 5: Pulsed axial epitaxy of colloidal quantum dots in …...ARTICLE Pulsed axial epitaxy of colloidal quantum dots in nanowires enables facet-selective passivation Yi Li1,2, Tao-Tao Zhuang1,3,

3CdS-4ZnS QDNWs. The bottom panel in Fig. 4c is a typical TAspectrum recorded at 50 ps following a 365 nm photoexcitationthat selectively excites CdS. The ground state bleach (GSB)centered at 460 nm is attributed to the state filling of the 1Se−1Shexcitonic transition. As the degeneracy of the valence band ismuch higher, the GSB is dominated by electrons in theconduction band47. We found that electrons in the 1Se state ofCdS–ZnS QDNWs depopulate faster than those of plain CdSQDs (Fig. 4d and Supplementary Fig. 21). We attribute thelonger electron lifetime to a lower density of trap states in thisselectively-passivated architecture, where the two (111) end facetsof CdS QD account for around 42% of its total surface area.The photoluminescence (PL) spectra of QDNWs and plain QDsshare similar features (Supplementary Fig. 22a), while the PLQYof QDNWs (11 ± 0.4%) is 4.5x higher than that of plain QDs(2.5 ± 0.2%), indicating improved passivation in the QDNWs(Supplementary Fig. 22b).

We further performed DFT calculations on the electronicstructures of plain CdS QDs (Fig. 4e) and CdS QDs axiallystacked in a nanowire (Fig. 4f and Supplementary Fig. 23),respectively, to understand the nature of trap state passivation.In the plain CdS QDs, trap states originate principally from (111)facets and strongly localize the photoexcited charges. The(111) facets of QDs stacked in a nanowire are well passivated,allowing charges to spread over the entire QD, a fact thatfacilitates charge transfer during photocatalytic processes. Over-all, the DFT results indicate that epitaxy on the (111) facetsbalances surface passivation and charge transfer.

To extract efficiently the long-lived electrons in the QDNWs,we further decorated gold nanoparticles (NPs) on CdS QDs(Supplementary Figs. 24-26). Dark-field STEM images and EDSelement mapping images of (3CdS/Au)-4ZnS confirm the site-selective nucleation of Au NPs on CdS QDs, which is attributedto the smaller lattice mismatch between CdS and Au than thatbetween ZnS and Au (see details in Supplementary Note 4 andSupplementary Fig. 27). The amount of Au in (3CdS/Au)-4ZnSQDNWs, as quantified by ICP-MS, is about 4.5 wt% of thenanowires. TA decay kinetics show a fast decay of electronpopulations in CdS excited state after Au decoration, evidencingthat the photoexcited electrons in CdS QDs are efficientlytransferred to Au NPs. Such facilitated charge separationcontributes to a substantially increased hydrogen evolution rate,reaching 34 ± 3 μmol h−1 (20 mg photocatalyst with 3.2 mg CdSinside). The sample of 3CdS-4ZnS showed good photocatalyticstability with <8% degradation following 8 cycles (totally 32 h);while the (3CdS/Au)-4ZnS shows a modest photocatalyticstability with 25% degradation following 8 cycles. We observedripening of Au NPs and the losses of Au NPs on parts of CdSsegments (Supplementary Note 5 and Supplementary Fig. 28).

DiscussionThe PAEG strategy provides control over the composition,dimension, number, and spacing of the segments in QDNWs.The strategy may be extended to other colloidal QDNW systemsby selecting judiciously the host catalyst, semiconductor material,

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 180






250 °C 12 ± 1.3 nm

230 °C 8.8 ± 0.7 nm

210 °C 5.7 ± 0.5 nm



Diameter (nm)

190 °C 4.6 ± 0.4 nm

0 5 10 15 20 250










Reaction time (min)

a b

c d


40 60 80 100 12040









th (


Reaction time (min)

30 min

40 min

60 min


Fig. 3Modulation of geometric parameters in QDNWs. a, b Representative TEM images (a, from left to right) and the corresponding diameter distributions(b) of CdS–ZnS QDNWs grown at temperature of 190 °C, 210 °C, 230 °C, and 250 °C, respectively. c Time dependence of nanowire length for QDNWswith different initial ZnS growth time. Error bars in c correspond to standard deviation values of each newly grown ZnS segment. d (Left panel) Dark-fieldSTEM image of QDNWs with modulated spacings of CdS QDs. (Right panel) The spacing of two adjacent CdS QDs (i.e., ZnS length) versus ZnS growthtime. Error bars in d correspond to standard deviation values of each newly grown ZnS segment. e Representative STEM image of an ultralong QDNW with10 CdS QDs (i.e., 21 segments in total). Scale bars are 20 nm, 50 nm, and 20 nm for a, d, and e, respectively

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07422-4 ARTICLE

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Page 6: Pulsed axial epitaxy of colloidal quantum dots in …...ARTICLE Pulsed axial epitaxy of colloidal quantum dots in nanowires enables facet-selective passivation Yi Li1,2, Tao-Tao Zhuang1,3,

and precursor. QDNWs with fine-tuned structural parameterscan be fabricated with the aid of programmed precursor injectionusing a syringe pump. The optical properties of QDNWs can beimproved by shell passivation. Ultimately, QD-based applicationsin lasers22, single-photon sources48, and single-electron detec-tors49 can be envisioned.

MethodsSynthesis of CdS–ZnS quantum-dots-in-nanowire. First, the metal-diethyldithiocarbamate (dedc) precursors of Ag(dedc), Zn(dedc)2, and Cd(dedc)2were prepared using a previously-reported method31. The ultrathin CdS–ZnSQDNWs were then synthesized via a catalyst-assisted method. Ag(dedc) (14.3 mg)and Zn(dedc)2 (235.5 mg) were added into 10 mL 1-dodecanethiol in a three-neckflask and heated to 210 °C within 22 min. 10 mL oleic acid was then slowly injectedafter keeping the solution at 210 °C for 5 min. The reaction mixture color graduallyturned turbid gray. After initial ZnS growth for a selected time (30-60 min), 40 mgCd(dedc)2 was added in situ into the reaction at a time interval of 20 min. Analiquot of products in each stage was taken and precipitated using ethanol for

analytical studies. The final QDNWs were collected and centrifuged. The productswere washed twice with hexane and ethanol for further use. The synthetic proce-dures for other quantum-dot-in-nanowires with different structural parameters aresimilar to the above case, and are detailed in Supplementary Methods.

Synthesis of CdS quantum dots. CdS QDs with average diameter of 3.2 nm weresynthesized in a similar reaction system to ensure the same crystalline and surfaceproperties with the CdS segment in QDNWs. Typically, 250 mg Cd(dedc)2 in 2 mL1-dodecanethiol and 10 mL oleic acid was heated to 260 °C within 25 min and keptfor 5 min before 10 mL oleic acid was injected into the hot solution. The reactionwas kept for another 30 min and then cooled to room temperature. The resultingnanocrystals were cleaned using the procedure mentioned above.

Synthesis of Ag2S quantum dots. 15 mg Ag(dedc) in 10 mL 1-dodecanethiol washeated to 140 °C within 15 min and kept for 10 min. The resulting nanocrystalswere cleaned using the procedure mentioned above.

Site-selective deposition of Au NPs on CdS of the QDNWs. In the synthesis ofternary (3CdS/Au)-4ZnS QDNWs, 1 g AuCl3 was first dissolved in 20 mL hexane


aFacet-selective passivation

Well-passivated (111) facet by ZnS

Electrons participate in redoxreactions from sidewalls



0 200 400 600 800 1000–6







CdS QDs (short-lived)

3CdS-4ZnS (long-lived)












Delay (ps)

GSB from 1Se in CdS

Zn Cd S

e fPlain CdS QD(111) facet-unpassivated

CdS QD in NW(111) facet-passivated











e of




n (μ



400 450 500 550 600–4



Wavelength (nm)

50 psGSB


Fig. 4 Facet-selective passivation for photocatalytic hydrogen production. a Schematic of selective passivation of CdS (111) facets by ZnS segments,allowing photoexcited electrons to participate in redox reactions from sidewalls. b Photocatalytic hydrogen evolution rates of different photocatalysts,including Ag2S-tipped ZnS NRs, plain CdS QDs, and Ag2S-tipped 3CdS-4ZnS QDNWs. c (Upper panel) Absorption spectrum (blue solid line) andGaussian-fitted 1Se–1Sh exciton transition (grey dash line) of 3CdS-4ZnS QDNWs. (Bottom panel) A typical TA spectrum (red solid line) recorded at 50 psafter 365 nm pump. d TA decays for plain CdS QDs (blue) and 3CdS-4ZnS QDNWs (red) after 365 nm pump, monitored at the ground state bleach (GSB)in CdS component. e, f Spatial distributions of charge density of plain CdS QD (e) and CdS QD in a nanowire (f). Charges spread over the entire QD after(111) facet passivation

ARTICLE NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07422-4

6 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2018) 9:4947 | DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07422-4 | www.nature.com/naturecommunications

Page 7: Pulsed axial epitaxy of colloidal quantum dots in …...ARTICLE Pulsed axial epitaxy of colloidal quantum dots in nanowires enables facet-selective passivation Yi Li1,2, Tao-Tao Zhuang1,3,

and 20 mL oleylamine, forming a clear yellow solution. Then 15 mg as-prepared3CdS-4ZnS nanowires was well dispersed in 6 mL oleylamine in a three-neck flaskand 150 μL HAuCl4 solution was added. The reaction was heated slowly to 100 °Cwithin 12 min under magnetic stirring and kept for 30 min. The resultant nano-crystals were collected and centrifuged at 8000 r.p.m. for 5 min. The products werefurther washed twice using hexane and ethanol.

Photocatalytic water splitting experiments. The hydrophobic nanomaterialswere transferred from hydrophobic to hydrophilic media via a ligand exchangemethod in a two-phase solution31,50. Photocatalytic H2 production was carriedout in a Pyrex top-irradiation reaction vessel connected to a glass-closed gascirculation system. For each reaction, 20 mg catalyst was dispersed in an aqueoussolution (100 mL) containing Na2S (0.25 M) and Na2SO3 (0.35 M) as holescavengers. The reaction solution was evacuated several times to remove aircompletely prior to visible-light irradiation under a 300W Xe lamp (NewportCorporation) coupled with a UV-cutoff filter (>420 nm). The temperature of thereactant solution was maintained at 20 °C by a flow of cooling water during thereaction. Hydrogen was analyzed by a gas chromatograph (Agilent TechnologiesCorporation) equipped with a thermal conductivity detector. The final contentof Cd in each photocatalyst was further quantified using ICP-MS analysis. Theapparent quantum efficiency (AQE) was measured under the identical photo-catalytic reactions by using 420 nm, 450 nm, 475 nm, 500 nm, and 520 nm bandpass filters. The light intensity was calibrated using an irradiation meter. The AQEwas calculated by equation (4):

AQE ¼ 2NH=NP ´ 100%; ð4Þ

where NH denotes the number of H2 molecules and NP denotes the number ofincident photons.

Characterization. The X-ray diffraction patterns (XRD) were measured using aPhilips X’Pert Pro Super X-ray diffractometer equipped with graphite-monochromatized Cu Kα radiation (λ= 1.5406 Å). Nanocrystals dispersed inhexane were drop-cast on carbon-supported Cu grids for transmission electronmicroscopy (TEM) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy(HRTEM) observations, which were performed using Hitachi H-7700 (Japan) andJEOL-2100F (Japan) with an acceleration voltage of 100 and 200 kV, respectively.Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) with linescan and mapping modes andhigh-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy(HAADF-STEM) were carried out using Talos F200X electron microscope (FEIInc.) operated at 200 kV. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)was carried out on Optima 7300 DV to analyze Cd and Au content in eachphotocatalyst. UV-vis absorption spectra were collected on UV-2600 (ShimadzuCorporation, Japan) at room temperature with nanocrystals dispersed in toluene.Fourier transform infrared spectra (FTIR) were collected on Thermo Nicolet 6700.Photoluminescence spectra were collected using Fluorolog-3-Tou spectrometer(Jobin Yvon Inc.) at room temperature with nanocrystals dispersed in toluene. Theabsolute photoluminescence quantum yields (PLQY) were measured on an abso-lute PLQY spectrometer (c11347, Hamamatsu Inc.) with nanocrystals dispersed intoluene. All the size distributions of nanomaterials were analyzed by measuringmore than 200 particles in TEM images using ImageJ software.

Transient absorption measurements. The 1030 nm fundamental (5 kHz) wasproduced using a Yb:KGW regenerative amplifier (Pharos, Light Conversion). Aportion of this beam was sent through an optical parametric amplifier (Orpheus,Light Conversion) to generate the 3.4 eV photoexcitation pulse (pulse duration~250 fs). Both the photoexcitation and fundamental were sent into an opticalbench (Helios, Ultrafast). The fundamental, after passing through a delay stage, wasfocused into a sapphire crystal, generating the probe as a white light continuum.The frequency of the photoexcitation pulse was reduced to 2.5 kHz using achopper. Both beams were then focused onto the sample, which was housed in a 1mm cuvette. The probe was then detected by a CCD (Helios, Ultrafast). Sampleswere translated 1 mm/s during the measurement.

Calculations on the relative intercalation energy. We used ground state DFTwith the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE)51 GGA exchange correlation functional asimplemented in the Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP)52 to performstructural optimization of the materials. All calculations allowed for spin polar-ization. We used plane wave energy cutoff of 520 eV and Gaussian smearing of 0.2eV to converge the electronic problem. The Monkhorst-Pack k-points mesh of 900atom−1 and the force convergence criterion of 0.0005 eV per atom ×N atoms inthe unit cell were used as implemented in the MPRelaxSet class of the PymatgenPython package51–55.

The structure of the acanthite Ag2S unit cell was taken from ref. 56. Tominimize the effect of image charge images interaction, the unit cell was replicatedtwice in x, y, and z directions resulting in a supercell of 96 atoms. In theintercalated supercells, one Ag+ ion was replaced with a Zn2+/Cd2+ ion. Both thecharged (+1) and neutral resulting supercells were considered.

Calculations on the facet-selective passivation. DFT calculations wereperformed using the Quickstep module of CP2K software57, using a mixedGaussians-plus-planewaves basis set. Godecker-Teter-Hutter pseudopotentials58

were used along with PBE generalized gradients approximation exchange-correlation functional51, molecule-optimized double-zeta basis set59, and a 500 Rygrid cutoff.

The nanostructures of ~2.5 nm in diameter (~1000 atoms) were simulated ina (50 Å)3 box. They were prepared starting from a zincblend CdS structure. Allthe surface atoms with 2 dangling bonds were passivated with an SH molecule,mimicking a thiol, or by creating an S-S dimer and converting these atoms to aconfiguration with a single dangling bond (XYZ structures attached). Similarresults were obtained by terminating all surface Cd atoms having 2 dangling bondswith Cl, which is a computationally convenient model ligand that is electronicallysimilar to oleic acid. Surface atoms with a single dangling bond were leftunpassivated. Such surface structure underestimates the true surface passivationbut is known to be sufficient to open the bandgap, i.e., eliminates the deep traps.Cd-rich (111) facet was left unpassivated, with the exception of several Cdvacancies to release the strain that arises from such unpassivated Cd adoptingthe planar sp2 geometry. S-rich (111) facet was also left unpassivated as no L-typeor X-type ligand can bind to electron-rich S dangling bonds. In the periodiccase that is representative of a longer nanowire, traps on (111) facets are eliminatedby the selective passivation.

Data availabilityThe data that support the findings of this study are available on request from thecorresponding authors (S.-H.Y. or E.H.S.).

Received: 22 June 2018 Accepted: 25 October 2018

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AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants51732011, 21431006, 21761132008, 81788101, 11227901), the Foundation for InnovativeResearch Groups of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant21521001), Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences, CAS (Grant QYZDJ-SSW-SLH036), the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant 2014CB931800), theUsers with Excellence and Scientific Research Grant of Hefei Science Center of CAS(2015HSC-UE007), Anhui Initiative in Quantum Information Technologies (Grant No.AHY050000), Ontario Research Fund – Research Excellence Program, and the NaturalSciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada. DFT calculations wereperformed on the IBM BlueGene Q supercomputer with support from the SouthernOntario Smart Computing Innovation Platform (SOSCIP).

Author contributionsS-H.Y. and E.H.S. supervised the project. Y.L., T-T.Z., and F.F. conceived the idea. Y.L.carried out the experiments, analyzed the results, and wrote the paper. F.F. and T-T.Z.collected and analyzed the transient absorption spectra, and revised the paper. H.Z.helped to analyze the TA data. O.V. and M.A. performed DFT calculations. L.W. helpedto analyze the crystal structure and growth mechanism. G-Q.L. and Y-X.P. helped withthe photocatalysis experiments. All authors discussed the results and assisted duringmanuscript preparation.

Additional informationSupplementary Information accompanies this paper at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-07422-4.

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