pulse sequences for interventional mri

Pulse Sequences for Interventional MRI Walter F. Block and Benjamin P. Grabow Contents 1 Introduction .............................................................. 18 2 Rapid Contrast ......................................................... 18 3 Device Tracking ....................................................... 19 3.1 Active Tracking ......................................................... 19 3.2 Passive Tracking ........................................................ 20 4 Non-Cartesian Trajectories .................................... 20 4.1 Non-Cartesian Trajectory Design ............................. 21 4.2 General Considerations ............................................. 22 4.3 Spiral Trajectory Design ........................................... 23 4.4 Projection Imaging .................................................... 23 5 General Reconstruction of Non-Cartesian Acquisitions .............................................................. 25 5.1 Filtered Backprojection ............................................. 26 5.2 Reconstruction by Gridding ...................................... 26 5.3 Image Degradation Due to k-Space Sampling Errors ......................................................... 27 6 Dynamic MR Systems ............................................. 28 7 Conclusion ................................................................ 32 References .......................................................................... 32 Abstract Diagnostic MRI sequences aim to provide varied contrast mechanisms to increase the sensitivity and specificity of characterizing abnormal or degener- ative tissue. Sequences are normally run in a ‘‘batch mode,’’ with each sequence being completed before another is begun. Interventional imaging sequences have numerous important differences from their diagnostic counterparts. First, they serve other roles besides providing imaging contrast. These include device visualization and tracking, 2D and 3D visualization of tissue near the device, and therapeutic monitoring. Pulse sequences for MRI- guided procedures are not run in batch mode and require interactive control. The sequences are interleaved and swapped in and out as the procedure demands. Finally, when latency is crucial, the design of these pulse sequences and their recon- struction algorithms must be constrained to mini- mize the time between the start of the acquisition and display of the reconstructed output. These differences create different requirements for pulse sequences and the way pulse sequences communi- cate with the rest of the scanner. Fortunately, recent developments in rapid contrast generation, k-space trajectory schemes, and interventional software environment platforms provide foundations for flexible configurations to meet the imaging needs of interventions. This chapter presents an overview of some of the methods used in designing and implementing pulse sequences for MRI-guided interventional procedures. The last section of the chapter describes platforms that integrate interac- tive control, acquisition, reconstruction, scan plane W. F. Block (&) B. P. Grabow Department of Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA e-mail: [email protected] T. Kahn and H. Busse (eds.), Interventional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging, DOI: 10.1007/174_2012_586, Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012 17

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Page 1: Pulse Sequences for Interventional MRI

Pulse Sequences for Interventional MRI

Walter F. Block and Benjamin P. Grabow


1 Introduction .............................................................. 18

2 Rapid Contrast......................................................... 18

3 Device Tracking ....................................................... 193.1 Active Tracking ......................................................... 193.2 Passive Tracking........................................................ 20

4 Non-Cartesian Trajectories .................................... 204.1 Non-Cartesian Trajectory Design ............................. 214.2 General Considerations ............................................. 224.3 Spiral Trajectory Design ........................................... 234.4 Projection Imaging .................................................... 23

5 General Reconstruction of Non-CartesianAcquisitions .............................................................. 25

5.1 Filtered Backprojection ............................................. 265.2 Reconstruction by Gridding ...................................... 265.3 Image Degradation Due to k-Space

Sampling Errors......................................................... 27

6 Dynamic MR Systems ............................................. 28

7 Conclusion ................................................................ 32

References .......................................................................... 32


Diagnostic MRI sequences aim to provide variedcontrast mechanisms to increase the sensitivity andspecificity of characterizing abnormal or degener-ative tissue. Sequences are normally run in a ‘‘batchmode,’’ with each sequence being completed beforeanother is begun. Interventional imaging sequenceshave numerous important differences from theirdiagnostic counterparts. First, they serve otherroles besides providing imaging contrast. Theseinclude device visualization and tracking, 2Dand 3D visualization of tissue near the device, andtherapeutic monitoring. Pulse sequences for MRI-guided procedures are not run in batch mode andrequire interactive control. The sequences areinterleaved and swapped in and out as the proceduredemands. Finally, when latency is crucial, thedesign of these pulse sequences and their recon-struction algorithms must be constrained to mini-mize the time between the start of the acquisitionand display of the reconstructed output. Thesedifferences create different requirements for pulsesequences and the way pulse sequences communi-cate with the rest of the scanner. Fortunately, recentdevelopments in rapid contrast generation, k-spacetrajectory schemes, and interventional softwareenvironment platforms provide foundations forflexible configurations to meet the imaging needsof interventions. This chapter presents an overviewof some of the methods used in designing andimplementing pulse sequences for MRI-guidedinterventional procedures. The last section of thechapter describes platforms that integrate interac-tive control, acquisition, reconstruction, scan plane

W. F. Block (&) � B. P. GrabowDepartment of Medical Physics,University of Wisconsin-Madison,Madison, WI, USAe-mail: [email protected]

T. Kahn and H. Busse (eds.), Interventional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Medical Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging,DOI: 10.1007/174_2012_586, � Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012


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control, and visualization that significantly simplifythe design of imaging capabilities for MRI-guidedprocedures.

1 Introduction

Advances in MRI are often led by the imagingdisciplines that have the highest performance needs.Cardiac imaging, with its needs for rapid temporalresolution to capture physiological motion, breathingmotion, and B0-induced inhomogeneity, is a promi-nent example. A similar argument can be provided forthe impact on MRI for interventional procedures, withtheir needs for rapid imaging, rapid data processing,interactive control, varied image contrast, andvisualization. For example, the need for rapid imagingin interventions fueled the renewal of interest inbalanced steady-state free precession (SSFP) (Duerket al. 1998). In this chapter, aspects of pulse sequencedesign useful in several areas of interventionalimaging are discussed. Robust implementations ofMRI-guided procedures also require system interfacemodifications that affect pulse sequences to provideinteractive capabilities. System development envi-ronments that provide interactive capabilities aredescribed at the end of this chapter.

2 Rapid Contrast

MRI has been able to generate quite high frame rates ifimage contrast is not a concern. However, soft-tissuecontrast is often the motivation driving the creation ofMRI-guided interventional procedures. The task thenis to create high-performance rapid imaging sequenceswhile still providing high image contrast.

The need for imaging speed, especially when cap-turing physiological motion or providing image-guidedfeedback on device location, often limits the range ofpulse sequences available to the interventional devel-oper. For example, sequences based on rapid acquisi-tion with relaxation enhancement that provide highlydesirable T2 contrast are often significantly too slow touse in an interventional setting. In general, generatingthe level of image contrast provided by diagnosticimaging methods, which normally take much moretime, is difficult and some compromises are necessary.

Gradient-recalled steady-state imaging oftenprovides the brunt of the imaging tools used ininterventional MRI procedures. By simply switchingschemes for setting the RF phase between excitationsand echo location and making modest changes ingradient spoiling, one can quickly switch betweenheavily T1 weighted imaging [spoiled gradient(SPGR), fast low-angle shot (FLASH), T1 fast fieldecho (FFE)], mixed T1- and T2-weighted imaging[gradient-recalled acquisition in the steady state(GRASS), fast imaging with steady-state precession(FISP), FFE], T2*-weighted imaging, and fullybalanced SSFP with T2/T1 weighting [fast imagingemploying steady-state acquisition (FIESTA), trueFISP, balanced FFE].

T1-weighted gradient-recalled imaging can beutilized to provide 3D vascular road maps or guideendovascular catheters with active catheter localiza-tion. Alternatively, imaging with T1-weightedsequences while periodically injecting small amountsof diluted contrast medium through catheters canhighlight the catheter location without active locali-zation. Delaying the echo time in gradient-recalledimaging provides T2*-weighting that sensitizes imagecontrast to the presence of drug therapies tagged withiron oxide particles.

T2 weighting is often desirable for visualizingtumors with positive contrast. Creating bright fluidimages is often more desirable than viewing fluid asa void. Often, fully balanced SSFP sequences, eventhough they actually provide T2/T1 weighting, fulfillthis need. If one desires to remove unwanted T1contamination in balanced SSFP images, one canadd unequally spaced 180� pulses to the balancedSSFP readout that switch the magnetization betweenstates aligned with and inverted with respect tothe static magnetic field (B0) using T1-insensitivesteady-state imaging (TOSSI) (Schmitt et al. 2011)(Fig. 1).

Balanced SSFP sequences often suffer from brightfat signal that is undesirable. Diagnostic methods suchas iterative decomposition of water and fat with echoasymmetry and least-squares estimation (IDEAL)(Reeder et al. 2005), linear combination SSFP(Vasanawala et al. 2000), and fluctuating equilibriumSSFP (Vasanawala et al. 1999) essentially requireredundant acquisitions, which make them less desir-able for interventional imaging. Instead, methods that

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create nulls near the fat resonance using combinationsof alternating repetition times and RF phase cyclingare more likely to be useful (Leupold et al. 2006;Cukur and Nishimura 2008).

Interventional imaging often requires interleavingseveral imaging sequences, each of which has adifferent purpose. Examples include interleavingactive tracking and continuous road map imaging forendovascular procedures. Although several methodshave been proposed for interleaving these acquisitions,many interventionalists still separate road mapimaging from active tracking. Another commoninterleaving of sequences occurs in biplane imaging.

Such interleaving requires some care in maintain-ing, or at least minimally disturbing, the magnetiza-tion steady states set up in each sequence. In general,maintaining the balanced SSFP steady state requiresmore care than maintaining the GRASS (gradientecho) steady state, with the RF-spoiled gradient echosequence requiring the least effort. Methods to sche-dule the order of phase encoding such that the centerof k-space is acquired when transients in the steadystate have damped out (reverse centric) have proveneffective in biplane imaging (Derakhshan et al. 2010).

Parallel imaging can also be used to reduce theacquisition time, but only if other imaging parameters(voxel dimension, field strength) provide a surplus ofsignal-to-noise ratio that can be traded off for imagingspeed. Methods that are autocalibrating are generallypreferable to methods that require prior coil sensi-tivity scans in interventional procedures.

3 Device Tracking

3.1 Active Tracking

A common approach to device localization duringinterventional procedures is the use of an activereceiver microcoil on the device itself. This coil’slimited spatial sensitivity allows measurement oflocalized signal information, which can be used toaccurately determine device positioning.

Standard pulse sequences used in active devicetracking employ a frequency-encoding gradient butno phase-encoding gradient. This produces a signalpeak along the frequency-encoding direction thatindicates the coordinate of the active coil along thataxis. The pulse sequence is repeated multiple timeswith different axes chosen for the frequency-encodingdirection to determine the three spatial coordinates ofthe device. Several factors can lead to nonideal signalprofiles over the microcoil sensitivity volume,resulting in device localization being difficult.

Microcoil design limitations often prevent completedecoupling between the microcoil and the scanner’sbuilt-in receive coil, leading to a sensitive imagingvolume larger than desired. To limit the sensitivevolume to the microcoil’s immediate vicinity, adephasing gradient can be added to the tracking pulsesequence, applying a spatially dependent phase shift indirections orthogonal to the frequency-encoding axis(Dumoulin et al. 2010). This phase shift dephases

Fig. 1 Left: Balanced steady-state free precession (SSFP)readout (center block) is flanked by 180� pulses. Two readoutblocks are created with differing magnetization by changing theinterval between the 180� pulses. Right: a the standard balancedSSFP image shows bright cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) but poorgray matter/white matter contrast; b the T1-insensitive steady-state imaging (TOSSI) image shows much more improved gray

matter/white matter contrast by removing T1 contaminationwith less than 2-s scan time; c the reference turbo spin echoimage shows similar contrast in 66-s scan time. True FISP truefast imaging with steady-state precession, TA Evolution time ofanti-parallel orientation train of inversion pulses, TP Evolutiontime of parallel orientation train of inversion pulses, NANumber of acquisitions during TA

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signal over large spatial distances, but has a relativelysmall effect over the small volume of microcoil sen-sitivity. This results in suppression of unwanted signaldue to coil coupling while retaining the desiredmicrocoil-localization signal.

3.2 Passive Tracking

In cases where the technical demands and hazards ofRF-induced heating of microcoils limit the potentialuses of active device tracking, passive device trackingcan be used instead. Passive devices create a positiveor negative contrast because of their properties oftheir magnetic material and do not use a separatereceiver coil.

Guidance of the needle trajectory for subcutaneousinterventions has been performed using a cylindricaltrajectory marker around the external trajectory axis(Maier et al. 2011). This marker is fluid-filled and MRI-visible. Two parallel slices through the marker areacquired using a FLASH sequence. As shown in Fig. 2,a 3D position-detection algorithm locates the marker inboth slices and then calculates the current theoreticaltrajectory of a needle guided through the marker.

Intravascular catheter guidewires have been visu-alized using a combination of a passive double-echopulse sequence technique and outer-volume suppres-sion to achieve a total passive tracking acquisition time

of less than 0.5 s (Krafft et al. 2011). The double-echopulse sequence generates a positive contrast image of aguidewire by applying a compensating gradient tocorrect for distortions of B0 near the guidewire, whichdephases signal from the surrounding volume. Outer-volume suppression enables reduced field of view(FOV) imaging in the phase-encoding directionwithout aliasing by applying a saturation pulse whichsaturates the spins outside the FOV.

Imaging of active devices and some passive devicesis naturally done infrequently and these are thereforegood candidates for acceleration using compressedsensing. Use of compressed sensing in real-time devicetracking applications was previously avoided becauseof its noncausal attributes and time-consuming recon-struction methods. A method for generating causal,real-time imaging of an active device accelerated bycompressed sensing has recently been implemented(Ouyang et al. 2011).

4 Non-Cartesian Trajectories

Using Cartesian trajectories in interventional imagingusually simplifies pulse sequence design, reconstruc-tion design, and the requirements for reconstructionprocessing power and reduces the sensitivity to sys-tem instabilities and the sensitivity to patient-inducedB0 inhomogeneity. In short, Cartesian-based trajec-tories are the simplest way forward for getting aninterventional application operational.

However, often non-Cartesian trajectories are worththe added effort because of the alignment of theirstrengths with the needs of interventional imaging.Non-Cartesian trajectories can offer increased perfor-mance in several ways, although not always simulta-neously. Non-Cartesian methods can better utilizelimited gradient hardware speed, improve theefficiency with which k-space is covered, decrease thesensitivity to motion, and improve flow properties.Increased performance is especially necessary when aquantitative image sensitive to some physiologicalparameter is required. Examples include thermometryand quantitative flow imaging. Quantitative imagingoften requires sampling a larger-dimensional space,and thus imaging speed is at a premium.

Some non-Cartesian methods often offer a variablesampling trajectory where the center of k-space issampled more often than higher spatial frequencies.

Fig. 2 Image slice aligned with a passive marker for needletrajectory guidance with the theoretical trajectory shown ingreen. The location and orientation of the slice are automat-ically aligned to the center of the passive marker and areupdated every 0.9 s

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These sampling patterns support time-resolvedimaging reconstruction algorithms that differ in per-formance, speed, accuracy, and complexity. In gen-eral, accuracy and performance generally improvewith allowance for increased complexity and timewithin the reconstruction task.

However to produce real-time, causal imaging,reconstruction processing in interventional imaging isgenerally much simpler compared with application ofthe cutting-edge algorithms used in compressed sensingand constrained reconstruction. Sliding window recon-structions, where each displayed frame is built from theprevious few interleaved trajectories, is a relatively easymethod to produce time-resolved imaging withoutexceedingly complex acquisition or reconstructionstrategies. Recently, causal algorithms with modestcomputing requirements have been proposed for uti-lizing compressed sensing to improve the frame rate(Ouyang et al. 2011; Sumbul et al. 2009). Fortunately,many of the hurdles for using non-Cartesian trajectorieshave diminished over the past decade. Computingpower has grown much faster than 2D reconstructionprocessing needs, even when considering the addedprocessing needed for many large, phased-array coils.The advent of imaging development platforms, such asthe Interactive Front End (IFE) from Siemens (Lorenzet al. 2005), RTHawk from HeartVista (Santos et al.2004), and the eXTernal Control (XTC) interface fromPhilips (Smink et al. 2011), has simplified the datapathways for syncing driving gradient hardware withnon-Cartesian k-space trajectories while informing thereconstruction algorithms of the trajectory path. Thesesystems also provide standard methods for periodicallycomputing B0 maps that are necessary for robustimaging with many non-Cartesian methods.

The following sections describe non-Cartesianacquisition and reconstruction theory, loosely classifiedas spiral and radial trajectories. A brief summary ofmethods being utilized to provide consistent perfor-mance with non-Cartesian methods is provided as thesetrajectories are generally less robust to several systemand patient-induced imperfections than Cartesianmethods.

4.1 Non-Cartesian Trajectory Design

In MRI, data can be sampled in k-space on any 2Dor 3D trajectory that the time-varying gradients and

safety regulations regarding peripheral nerve andmuscle stimulation and tissue heating can support.Although the first MRI method proposed the acqui-sition of projections (Lauterbur 1973), spin-warpimaging on a Cartesian sampling grid (Edelstein et al.1980) became the predominantly used trajectory. Theacquisition of data on such a rectilinear grid is fairlyrobust to inhomogeneities in B0; imperfections in thesystem cause geometric distortions but little degra-dation of the point-spread function.

In non-Cartesian acquisitions, these inhomogenei-ties introduce off-resonance effects which in turncause blurring of the point-spread function. Advancesin scanner hardware improved the field homogeneity,and alternative sampling patterns with nonuniformsampling densities were revisited. Projection imaging(Glover and Pauly 1992) is a computed tomography(CT)-like acquisition where each echo represents aradial line traversing through the center of k-space.This method offers good suppression of motionartifacts and allows imaging with very short echotimes when the projections start in the center becausethey do not require any prewinding gradients. A dis-advantage is the prolonged total imaging time tocompletely cover k-space because of the redundantoversampling of the central k-space region. Thisprolongation is mitigated by the time-resolved imag-ing capabilities provided by sliding window recon-structions. With spiral trajectories, k-space can besampled with fewer excitations (Meyer et al. 1992),depending on the length of data acquisition one iswilling to utilize with each repetition time. Thesampling grids for these acquisition schemes areshown in Fig. 3.

The trajectories can also be extended or combinedinto 3D acquisitions, for example, for truly 3D radial,3D spiral, cone, stack of spheres, shells trajectory,cones, and spiral projection reconstruction. Hybrid 3Dsampling patterns with non-Cartesian in-planeencoding and traditional Fourier slice encoding havealso been implemented, predominantly for the sam-pling of imaging volumes of shorter dimensions in thethrough-plane direction. In general as in Cartesianimaging, 2D imaging is useful for tasks that must bedone in real time, whereas 3D imaging is useful forcovering wider territories where true real-time imag-ing is not crucial. More complete reviews of samplingpatterns can be found elsewhere (Irarrazabal andNishimura 1995).

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4.2 General Considerations

4.2.1 Sampling RegionSampling a cylinder of k-space saves 21.5% of thesampled space relative to a cube, whereas sampling asphere will save 47.6% of the required samples.Whereas non-Cartesian trajectories can easily be tunedto cylindrical and spherical k-space regions, selectionof phase-encoding and slice-encoding locations canachieve cylindrical sampling spaces.

4.2.2 Gradient SpoilingAs the readout direction changes throughout anon-Cartesian scan, some attention has to be given tothe method that spoils the transverse signal in gradient-recalled sequences. Winding the magnetization to thesame physical k-space location after each readout isgenerally a good way to remove variations in thetransverse steady-state signal throughout the scan.

4.2.3 Field of ViewIn general, non-Cartesian trajectories are designed tosample along the readout direction at k-space intervalsof 1/FOV as in Cartesian trajectories, where the FOVis the largest dimension of the acquired volume.Sampling along the readout dimension is constrainedby the maximum slew rate achievable, and thusk-space sampling intervals often vary, especially atthe beginning of the readout. Repetitions of the spiralor radial readout are then rotated in such a way to fillk-space. To provide full k-space sampling, enoughrepetitions of the model readout are needed such that

the space of the interleaves is less than 1/FOV in allareas of k-space.

4.2.4 Off-ResonanceThe extent of phase accrued by off-resonance spinsduring each readout is directly proportional to thereadout duration. The amount of effort needed toremedy off-resonance effects thus increases withreadout duration. The sophistication of any neededoff-resonance processing depends also of course onthe amount of inhomogeneity present in the vascularterritory of interest. Whereas the appearance ofoff-resonance varies with trajectory, off-resonanceeffects are generally manifested by blurring and signaldropout in non-Cartesian trajectories. Whereas radialacquisitions are less sophisticated than spiraltrajectories, the short acquisition time required foreach radial line or projection significantly limits off-resonance effects. The advent of dynamic magneticresonance (MR) development systems can providefeatures that periodically acquire and reconstruct datato generate rapid B0 maps, making it easier toimplement and utilize different non-Cartesiansequences.

4.2.5 Flow SensitivityIn general, trajectories whose first moment is smallnear the center of k-space have better flow properties(Nishimura et al. 1991). Trajectories for which thefirst moment changes smoothly as a function ofk-space radius also are more robust in MR angiogra-phy. In general, trajectories which originate at the

Fig. 3 Strategies for 2D k-space sampling. The spin-warp (a), radial sampling (b), and interleaved spiral (c) imaging trajectoriesare shown as examples of sampling patterns used in magnetic resonance angiography

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center of k-space without previous slice encoding willhave more advantageous flow properties.

4.2.6 Sampling DensityThe sampling density of radial trajectories varies sig-nificantly with k-space radius, falling off as 1

kðrÞ for 2D

radial trajectories and 1k2ðrÞ for true 3D radial trajecto-

ries. Sampling some spatial frequencies more often atthe expense of others has liabilities when trying tocover all of k-space rapidly and has deleterious effectson the signal-to-noise ratio compared with flat sam-pling trajectories (Tsai and Nishimura 2000). Over-sampling lower spatial frequencies has significantadvantages for interventional imaging, as it has shownadvantages for representing time-resolved imaging(Korosec et al. 1996; Barger et al. 2002; Song andDougherty 2004), motion artifact suppression, inherentfield map and coil sensitivity generation, and con-strained reconstruction methods (Mistretta et al. 2006;Johnson et al. 2008; Lustig et al. 2007).

Spiral waveform design initially emphasized effi-cient, rapid k-space coverage with flat samplingdensity (Irarrazabal and Nishimura 1995; Meyer et al.1992), where only a minimum portion of the wave-form was slew-rate-limited. Very simple methods thatgrid spiral data points to the nearest neighbor on anoversized Cartesian matrix have also been demon-strated (Oesterle et al. 1999) and simplify the densitycompensation computation. More recently, spiraldesign has incorporated variable sampling density tomitigate effects from aliasing from outside the FOVand to provide some of the advantages oversamplingprovides for representing time-resolved image vol-umes (Tsai and Nishimura 2000).

4.3 Spiral Trajectory Design

Although numerous implementations are possible,most spiral trajectories have been based on anArchimedes spiral. These trajectories follow the basis

equation kðtÞ ¼ khðtÞe�ihðtÞ. The desired gradientwaveforms are given by derivative of the k-spacetrajectory and are scaled by the inverse of the gyro-magnetic ratio. Linear functions of h(t) lead to inef-ficient spirals with constant angular speed. Theintuitive choice for efficient coverage of k-spacewould use a constant-velocity spiral where hðtÞ ¼




As this choice is not realizable in regions of thespiral where the slew rate is limited, trade-offs in theformulation of h(t) between constant angular speed andconstant velocity were formulated by Bornert et al.(1999). Although a more accurate solution for optimaluse of gradient slew rate was formulated by King et al.(1995), this solution required significant computation.A closed-form expression which produces imageswhich are indiscernible from the optimal solution wasprovided by Glover (1999).

The complexity of the spiral trajectory has resultedin numerous publications reporting the use ofcomputational power to create shorter trajectories,more accurate sampling density functions, and morepowerful off-resonance correction methods. In manycases, simpler approximations can provide adequateperformance for many MR-guided imaging applica-tions. A good review of these trade-offs is provided byBlock and Frahm (2005).

The advantages of spiral acquisitions grow withlonger readout duration, although these increaseproblems with off-resonance. An example of the useof spirals to provide short echo times for visualizingcryoablation (Butts et al. 2001) in an MRI-guidedprocedure is shown in Fig. 4.

4.4 Projection Imaging

More specific aspects of the design of various radialtrajectories and their effects on point-spread functionsare provided next.

4.4.1 Two-Dimensional Projection ImagingIn 2D projection imaging, each readout traversesthrough the center of k-space (Fig. 5). The samplingtrajectory can be described in polar coordinates with aradial component kr and an angle u. A total of Np

repetitions are acquired with Nr samples and a sam-pling interval Dkr along the readout direction. As the1D Fourier transform of each repetition provides aprojection of the object, the technique is also known aprojection reconstruction.

Projection or radial imaging leads to a nonuniformsampling density. The radial sampling interval Dkr

supports an alias-free reconstruction of distanceD = 1/Dkr along the readout. According to the Nyquisttheorem, sampling with Dku,max = Dkr, as shown inFig. 6 produces isotropic resolution over a circular

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FOV with a diameter D. This optimal samplingrequires

Np;opt ¼p2

Nr ð1Þ

projections. More projections do not provide betterspatial resolution or a larger FOV. In comparison, spin-warp imaging requires only Nr readouts (2/p = 63.7%less) for a squared FOV with identical resolution. This

decrease in sampling efficiency is due to the over-sampling of central k-space. It is important to note thatany signal from outside the circular FOV causes datainconsistencies in the projections and results in streakartifacts in the image. The bandpass filter applied to thereceived signal limits the signal contributions along thereadout direction but not perpendicular to it.

Although the repeated sampling of low spatialfrequencies in each readout decreases the scan effi-ciency, radial sampling has very desirable propertiesfor certain applications. Projection imaging is morerobust to bulk motion because of the averaging effectsfrom repeated sampling of the low spatial frequenciesand more tolerable streak artifacts (Glover and Pauly1992; Gmitro and Alexander 1993). The trajectory canbe modified so that each projection starts at the k-spaceorigin (kr = 0) as shown in Fig. 6b. A free inductiondecay can then be acquired for the imaging of tissueswith very short transverse relaxation times (T2), suchas in the lungs (Bergin et al. 1991; Gewalt et al. 1993).Projection imaging can also be advantageous tosuppress displacement artifacts in flow imaging(Nishimura et al. 1991). Continuous and interleavedradial acquisitions have been proposed for dynamicimaging in studies of the joints (Rasche et al. 1995,1999), catheter tracking in interventional MRI (Rascheet al. 1997; Shankaranarayanan et al. 2001), endovas-cular procedures (Buecker et al. 2000), and swallowingexaminations (Zhang et al. 2012). The properties ofangular undersampling for faster imaging have beenexplored in various studies and will be discussed next.

4.4.2 Undersampled 2D Projection ImagingIf the number of projections is decreased below Np,opt,then the angular sampling interval Dku,max exceeds theradial interval Dkr and the high spatial frequencies arenot sampled adequately. This leads to a reduced artifact-free FOV with diameter d. The ratio of the diameters ofthe reduced FOV (d) and the full FOV is given by


D¼ Dkr


¼ 2p



: ð2Þ

Figure 7 shows the point-spread functions for a fullysampled radial trajectory (Np = p/2Nr) and with areduced number of projections (Np � p/2Nr).

In contrast to Cartesian acquisitions, where under-sampling leads to coherent ghosts, undersamplingcreates a noise-like appearance. The property of

Fig. 4 In vivo results in the dog prostate after cryoablation.Spiral imaging provides the short echo times necessary tovisualize the iceball with positive contrast. Echo times of0.2 ms (a) and 1.2 ms (b) allow calculation of R2* (c).Elevated R2* is evident in the prostate

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spreading the artifact at a distance from the object isused for interventional MRI with a large static FOVand a reduced dynamic FOV (Scheffler and Hennig1998; Weiss and Rasche 1999). In another approach,Shimizu et al. (1998) purposefully undersampled atvery high ratios to utilize the streaks for tracking the tipof a biopsy needle.

5 General Reconstructionof Non-Cartesian Acquisitions

In principle, there are many methods to reconstructimages from data acquired along non-Cartesian tra-jectories. In practice, methods that grid the acquired

a bΔkϕ,max


Fig. 6 Radial sampling schemes for projections from -kr,max

to +kr,max (a) and from 0 to +kr,max (b). The starting point foreach readout is shown as an unfilled circle and the end point is

shown by an arrowhead. Both schemes are characterized by aconstant radial sampling interval Dkr and a maximum angularsampling interval Dku,max

Fig. 5 Hybrid 3D projection reconstruction sequences useradial imaging in the through-plane direction (left) and fullysampled Fourier encoding in the slice direction. This ensemble

trajectory is often referred to as the stack of stars (middle). Atruly 3D radial trajectory is shown on the right

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data onto a Cartesian grid are most utilized in MR-guided imaging procedures. A more thoroughdescription of gridding is provided in Bernstein et al.(2004).

5.1 Filtered Backprojection

Filtered backprojection was developed for CT and isan approximate implementation of the inverse Radontransform. In CT, the projections are directly mea-sured and in MRI the projections are obtained by aninverse 1D Fourier transform of each radial line alongkr. Whereas filtered backprojection is still usedextensively in CT, it has been widely replaced bygridding in radial MR image reconstruction.

5.2 Reconstruction by Gridding

MR data acquired along non-Cartesian trajectories aregenerally reconstructed with a process known asgridding (O’Sullivan 1985). If one represents M(k) asthe continuous Fourier transform of the magnetizationof the object m(x) and the k-space sampling points as

S(k), sampled data are represented as MsðkÞ ¼MðkÞSðkÞ: Gridding interpolates the sampled MR dataonto a Cartesian grid using a convolution kernel, C(k),after compensating for differences in sampling den-sity, q(k), using the expression

McðkÞ ¼MsðkÞqðkÞ � CðkÞ

� �

� IIIðkÞ:

Several methods exist to compute the sampling den-sity function q(k). A simple operation is simplyqðkÞ ¼ SðkÞ � CðkÞ, whereas a more accurate iterativeapproach is given by Pipe and Menon (1999). Thereconstructed image volume is then

mcðxÞ ¼1

cðxÞ FTFT�13D McðkÞð Þ;

where x describes the position in the object domain.The resultant image must be divided by the Fouriertransform of the convolution kernel, as convolution inone domain results in multiplication in the other.

The choice of the interpolation kernel is ultimatelya trade-off between precision and speed and can havegreat impact on the reconstruction results (Jacksonet al. 1991). In general, good convolution kernels act

Fig. 7 Radial sampling with adequate sampling (Np = p/2Nr)results in a symmetric point-spread function with an artifact-freecircular field of view inside the first lobe (a) up to r = 1/Dkr.Angular undersampling causes streak artifacts outside a

reduced FOV with a smaller diameter as shown for anundersampling factor of 2.5 in b. (Modeled after Scheffler andHennig 1998)

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over a quite localized region of k-space. As one triesto reduce error due to interpolation with wider ker-nels, the time necessary for interpolation grows rap-idly. A simple and fast convolution kernel is thetriangular window with a total width of two k-spacesamples. A popular kernel with more precise inter-polation is the Kaiser–Bessel window. Dale et al.(2001) introduced the use of a precalculated lookuptable that allows very rapid gridding in real-timeapplications. Gridding introduces some errors fromthe interpolation process but has been shown to pro-duce images with better spatial resolution than filteredbackprojection (Lauzon and Rutt 1998).

As sampling in one domain connotes replicationin another, the choice of interpolation kernel alsodetermines the amount of aliasing error that will resultfrom adjacent image replicates in the image domain.In practice, this problem primarily affects tissue at theedge of the FOV. As the focal point in interventionalimaging is usually not at the edges of the image, thisproblem is of less concern in vascular imaging.Intentionally gridding the data onto a finer grid arti-ficially creates a larger FOV in which the replicatesare further apart. Known as overgridding, this processreduces aliasing error. Although initially manyworkers overgridded by a factor of 2, recent workwith improved interpolation kernels demonstratesminimal error with overgridding factors as small as1.25 (Beatty et al. 2005). As an alternative to thecomputation involved in interpolating data onto aCartesian grid, it is possible to simply use nearest-neighbor interpolation with a significantly enlargedCartesian k-space matrix (Oesterle et al. 1999).

5.3 Image Degradation Due to k-SpaceSampling Errors

The effects of uncompensated system delays and eddycurrents lead to sampling errors between the theo-retical k-space sampling locations and the actualk-space location. These errors manifest themselves assome type of blurring in non-Cartesian methods,particularly as one moves away from the center of theimage. These errors are much more benign in Carte-sian imaging, as the errors are predominantly thesame along each phase-encoding acquisition. As thesedelays and eddy currents can change simply withgradient coil heating, measuring these errors quickly

without a service procedure is essential for robustimaging.

5.3.1 Linear Eddy Current CorrectionMultiecho, echo-planar, and non-Cartesian trajecto-ries place high demands on the gradient hardware,leading to increased induction of eddy currents. Forconventional Cartesian acquisitions, these trajectoryerrors may be ignored as the resulting phase shiftacross the single readout direction is constant anddoes not appreciably affect image quality. This is notthe case for multiecho, echo-planar, and non-Carte-sian trajectories, especially those employing bipolarreadouts.

Methods to compensate for these errors fall into twocategories: system characterization and k-spacemeasurement. System characterization methods modelthe gradient system as a linear system and then deter-mine a modulation transfer function to relate thetheoretical input waveforms and the actual waveformsthat are created. Although this method seems wellsuited for interventional imaging as the characteriza-tion needs to be performed only once, most correctionschemes use k-space measurement algorithms becauseof drift and other complexities in MR systems.

One can further break down k-space measurementmethods into methods that use numerous self-encod-ing pulses of different amplitudes prior to examiningthe readout gradient and methods that exploit local-ized signal. Owing to the limitations in speed pro-vided by these methods, methods that exploit thephase of localized signal are gaining interest. Thesemeasurement methods can be performed periodicallywhen scan planes and imaging trajectories are chan-ged during an interventional procedure, similar toperiodic acquisitions of B0 maps.

If a small slice off-isocenter is excited and thensubjected to the readout gradient under consideration,the entire test slice develops a phase that is the inte-gral of the applied gradient field. The integral, ofcourse, is proportional to the k-space trajectory. Thesemeasurements can be repeated on each physical gra-dient, or logical gradient if an oblique slice is beingimaged. This method, suggested by Duyn et al.(1998), can be performed in only a few excitationsand thus can be performed easily prior to each patientscan. The difference in actual k-space trajectory andthe ideal trajectory can then be provided to thereconstruction.

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5.3.2 Off-Axis ImagingTiming errors in the hardware demodulator may lead tophase errors if one uses real-time frequency demodu-lation to center at a location off-isocenter. The easiestway to mitigate this problem, if one can increase thedata acquisition rate, is to avoid using the real-timefrequency demodulation feature and to do all demod-ulation digitally during reconstruction. This solutiondoubles the input data rate for the reconstruction pro-cessing chain, but the size of the k-space matrix neednot double. A fractional overgridding factor of only1.25 is often sufficient (Beatty et al. 2005). If one cannotsimply increase the receiver bandwidth of an acquisi-tion as if one is at the isocenter, then one must take careto account for these errors. A method to quickly mea-sure the actual delay and produce the necessary phaseshifts is provided in Jung et al. (2007).

6 Dynamic MR Systems

Typically much of the needed MR-guided imaginginfrastructure is consistent from application to appli-cation. Although interventional tasks differ widely,they all require similar basic capabilities of scannercontrol, data acquisition and reconstruction, geometrytransformations, 3D visualization, and interactive userinterfaces. To accomplish dynamic MRI capabilities,two-way communication is required between severalhardware and software subsystems, as shown inFig. 8. However, MRI system manufacturers firstdesigned their architectures to operate as a one waypipeline. Thus real-time MRI requires a significant

investment in designing, coding, and testing analternative data and control pathway for researchsites and the imaging tools needed to translate newMRI-guided procedures into widespread clinical usethrough commercialization.

Tight coupling of the software that controls a man-ufacturer’s acquisition, reconstruction, control, andvisualization systems often requires intimate knowledgeof many software modules before researchers anddevelopers can build image-guided capabilities. Evenwith that knowledge, building a flexible system that cansupport device visualization, rapid real-time imaging atlower resolution, and high-resolution imaging withmultiple contrast mechanisms has proven challenging.Traditionally, these tasks have been provided by dif-ferent pulse sequences, and switching between pulsesequences required a large overhead cost in terms oftime and complexity. Fortunately, MRI system manu-facturers and some third-party providers are providingalternative real-time imaging development environ-ments that pave the way for this paradigm shift fromone-way data pipelines to interactive, two-way MRIsystems.

There are some predominant interventional tasks thatreal-time systems may be designed to perform. Roadmap and real-time images may be visualized together inthe same geometry, typically including biplane views.When a catheter or needle is being tracked, the tip maybe colorized and overlaid on anatomical images. Scanplane and pulse sequence parameters may be changed inreal time. Some specialized tasks that real-time systemscan accomplish include automatic, dynamic imageparameter adjustment in response to active device

Fig. 8 Vendors first designedMRI systems primarily fordiagnostic purposes wheredata flows one way as apipeline. The interactive,dynamic nature ofinterventional MRI requiresthat all subsystems be able tocommunicate simultaneouslyin both directions

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movement (Zhang et al. 2000) and, more recently,passive device movement (Patil et al. 2009). Systemsdesigned specifically for real-time interventionalapplications are advantageous because they enablerapid and flexible incorporation of these specializedtasks.

The Siemens IFE has arguably the longest devel-opment track record in promoting a real-time, inter-active environment for MRI-guided procedures. TheIFE is a prototype designed to work together with aninteractive real-time pulse sequence (BEAT_IRTTT)to enable navigation during interventional or otherreal-time examinations. It replaces common scanner

controls with a graphical control, and allows the user tofocus on navigation rather than on manipulating classicMR parameters. The IFE has three modes: (1) real-timenavigation (Fig. 9), (2) planning for percutaneousprocedures, and (3) thermal visualization (Fig. 10). Inthe navigation mode, the user can superimpose previ-ously acquired DICOM images or segmented 3Dobjects along with real-time images in order to aidnavigation. In the planning mode, the user can plantrajectories in three dimensions for needle-based pro-cedures and verify that no critical structures are in thepath. The planning mode also transfers determinedscan planes to the real-time navigation mode to reduce

Fig. 9 Interactive Front End(Siemens) user interface forgeneral MRI-guidednavigation. (Courtesy ofChristine H. Lorenz, SiemensCorporate Research,Baltimore, MD, USA)

Fig. 10 Interactive FrontEnd (Siemens) user interfacefor MRI-guided thermalmonitoring of a liverprocedure. Various planes,with both grayscale andtemperature monitoringviews, are provided to guidethe procedure. (Courtesy ofChristine H. Lorenz, SiemensCorporate Research,Baltimore, MD, USA)

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the preparation time. The thermal visualization modeworks together with a proton resonance frequencybased thermography sequence to allow the user flexi-bility in evaluating thermal parameters, including set-ting points for thermal monitoring, peak temperaturealerts, and a variety of display methods.

A third-party platform is based upon two integrated,extensible software architectures—the RTHawkTM

system for real-time acquisition and reconstruction andthe Vurtigo system for interactive visualization.RTHawkTM (HeartVista, Palo Alto, CA, USA) is anextensible software platform that permits a variety of

Fig. 12 Biplanevisualization of an imported3D data set depicting aporcine heart on the Vurtigoplatform. Multiplecoregistered data sets can bevisualized and manipulatedsimultaneously

Fig. 11 Most interventional research and development plat-forms require extensive software development of user inter-faces (above the first dotted line) and scanner control andreconstruction software at the vendor-specific level (below the

second dotted line). The RTHawkTM/Vurtigo platform allowsone to work at the conceptual level (between the dotted lines),allowing concentration on the actual application

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pulse sequences, acquisition trajectories, and recon-struction techniques to be easily developed andinterleaved (Santos et al. 2004). The acquisition iscontrolled by a ‘‘stub’’ pulse sequence program thatruns on the scanner computer and communicates witha program running on another computer. Acquiredraw data (views) are tagged with contextual infor-mation and are sent to this external program forprocessing. The reconstruction, user interface, andvisualization are written in JavaScript as a pipeline ofprocessing blocks. A base set of blocks is includedwith the RTHawkTM system, and additional blockscan be programmed as C++ objects and addedthrough a ‘‘plug-in’’ architecture. The user interfaceis built upon the Qt open-source cross-platformapplication. Vurtigo (Sunnybrook Health SciencesCentre, Toronto, Canada) is an open-source visuali-zation system that simplifies simultaneous display

and interaction with multiple 3D and 2D data sets(Pintilie et al. 2009). Its user interface is builtupon Qt, with visualization based on VTK (Kitware,Clifton Park, NY, USA), with OpenGL rendering.It has built-in support for object types, including 3Dvolume images, 2D slice images, device positions,and 3D point meshes, with multiple rendering modesfor each.

These objects can be manipulated manually by theend user and automatically by user-developed plug-ins, which are written as C++ objects. Plug-ins canimplement a variety of behaviors, anything fromautomating simple object interaction up to the‘‘workflow’’ for entire interventional applications.The implications for developing MRI-guided proce-dures with such a platform are depicted in Fig. 11. Anexample of visualization of prior acquisition of aporcine heart using Vurtigo is shown in Fig. 12.

Fig. 13 The eXTernal Control (Philips) interface used to guide a cardiac electrophysiology procedure

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The XTC interface (Smink et al. 2011), developedby Philips, provides fast, low-latency, low-jitter accessto output data, and flexible access and update of scanparameters during scanning. The system is applicableto all scan protocols; the only restriction is a slightincrease in the minimum echo time. Communicationwith the reconstruction and scanner processes on thehost and interfaces to a networked application isaccomplished using a minimalistic CORBA interfacewhich uses TCP/IP as the transport layer.

XTC has been successfully used in four applications.In the Philips Sonalleve MR–high-intensity focusedultrasound platform, CE-approved for the ablation ofuterine fibroids, the planning console selects remotelythe required scan protocols, downloads DICOM datasets for planning subsequent scans and high-intensityfocused ultrasound therapy, starts and stops dynamicscanning, retrieves reconstructed image data as theybecome available, and calculates temperature mapsfrom the data. The second example is the RealTI open-source environment available for Windows and Linux.A graphical user interface is developed in IDL and awrapper layer is made in C++. The environment formsa modular framework and is now used for MRI-guidedthermotherapy and local drug delivery applications andgene expression. Available modules include motiontracking, thermometry, and T1 and T2* calculation.The third example is the MRI-guided electrophysiol-ogy (EP) project, in which the MR–EP applicationintegrates MR images from the scanner with cardiac EPdata from an EP recorder (Fig. 13). The last example isthe XTC datadumper, written in C#, which can be usedas an example project for other standalone prototypeapplications. It runs on an external Windows PC anddumps all retrieved images and other data sources infiles on the local hard disk. It reads continuously localgeometry update files and sends this information, whennecessary, to the scanner.

7 Conclusion

Designing and implementing all of the imaging needsfor an MRI-guided procedure can sometimes be seenas a time-consuming, challenging task. Determiningthe imaging performance requirements beforehand(resolution, frame rate, FOV, etc.) will determinewhere shortfalls in performance require more sophis-ticated procedures and algorithms. Where performance

needs are moderate, more conventional imagingmethods can be utilized. The advent of dynamic MR-guided imaging development platforms provides tool-boxes of commonly used imaging procedures thatsignificantly reduce the scope of the overall imagingdevelopment task.


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