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PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Energy 21 June 2012

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    Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Energy 21 June 2012


    • Eskom’s Strategic Contribution

    “Together we are the heart of economic growth and quality of life in south Africa, through accessible electricity services”.

    • Eskom’s goal

    ZERO harm to employees, contractors and members of the public.

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    • To promote public safety and reduce injuries and deaths

    • Highlight issues regarding electricity safety in SA

    • To educate the public: Why electricity safety is important?

    • To encourage legal, safe and efficient use of electricity

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    3 Year Overview of Distribution Division as of end March

    Measurement /Fiscal Year 2012

    Target 2010 2011 2012

    Member of Public Fatalities (Sustainability Index) 0 28 38 33

    Member of Public Fatalities 0 71 82 74

    Member of Public Injuries 72 144 138 179

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  • Major Causes of SI fatalities

    Illegal connections have increased especially in informal settlements

    Illegal and unsafe connections in communities puts innocent lives at stake.

    Employee’s lives are threatened when they go to remove illegal connections.

    Continuous education on dangers of unsafe and illegal connections

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  • Major Causes of SI Fatalities Direct Contact with Electricity due to:

    • lying conductors caused by:

    • Poor maintenance on line

    • Environmental conditions

    • Storms

    • Wind

    • Veld fires

    • Accidental damage

    • Vandalism

    Motor Vehicle Accidents

    • Eskom vehicles collides with pedestrians crossing the road.

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    • Potential Customers

    • Industry

    • School children

    • Parents

    • Rural Communities

    • Peri-urban Communities

    • Informal Settlements

    • Agricultural Industry

    • Construction Industry

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    School Campaigns

    • School training material will be developed to cater different levels i.e

    • Day Care/ Creches – Primary Grade R - 3

    • Primary School Grade 4 – 7

    • High SchoolsSchool

    • School Visits

    • Safety Presentation

    • Edutainment/Industrial Theatre

    • Promotional material hand-outs

    • Hand-out Posters to the school

    • Long Term

    • Develop a school curriculum

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    Community Engagement

    • Site Visits

    • Gig Rigs

    • Advocacy

    • Involve internal stakeholders

    • IDM

    • Operation Khanyisa

    • 49M

    • Hand–out pamphlets

    • Hand-out promotional material

    • Radio Crossover during the event

    • Wiseman

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    • Electricity Safety Week

    • Community Engagement – Selected HotSpots

    • School Visits

    • Outdoor Broadcast

    • Radio & TV

    • Adverts Flighting

    • Radio Interviews

    • Radio Competitions after each interview

    • Morning Live

    • AgriTv

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    • Drama – Community Radio stations

    • Radio/TV adverts

    • Radio/TV interviews

    Agricultural Sectors

    • Develop training material focusing on electrical hazards in the agricultural sector

    • Participate in National and Regional agricultural forums

    • Agritv Interviews

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    Construction Industry

    • Develop training material

    • Form partnership with

    • Department of Labour

    • BuiltSafe SA

    • Host Seminars at regional levels

    Motor Vehicle Safety

    • Implementation of vehicle safety strategies and plans

    • Driver training and assessments

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  • Operation Khanyisa & Safety

    • Similar Electricity Safety messages are incorporated in the Operation Khanyisa Campaign

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    Electricity Theft


    Energy Efficiency


    Infrastructure Theft

  • To influence the voluntary behaviour of South

    Africans to be legal, safe and efficient electricity

    users by:

    Reducing the number of energy loss incidents

    Mobilising SAs to report and prevent energy losses

    Building partnerships to deal with losses

  • 2012/06/19 18


    Activities Budget

    School Campaigns R500 000

    Community Engagement R600 000

    Electricity Safety Week R 1,100 000

    TV & Radio R12, 700 000

    Newspaper, Magazine and Outdoor


    R400 000

    Printing R500 000

    Promotional Materials R1,250 000

    Agricultural Forums R300 000

    Construction Industry R 300 000

    Research/ Survey R 350 000

    Total R18,000 000

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  • 2012/06/19 20

    Thank you!

  • Typical ESKOM pre- and post electrification Public Safety Education Presentation


  • Introduction

    Eskom is committed to its mandate of providing reliable and safe electricity, and educating members of the public about legal, safe and efficient use of electricity

    We must treat electricity with respect at all times, and we must also know what we are expected to do when we noticed dangers on the electricity infrastructure

    As a “model corporate citizen”, Eskom has undertaken to educate the Public on the legal, safe and efficient use of electricity, and the emphasis is on electricity outside & inside the house

    “Unfortunately” people often endanger their own lives and the lives of their families by not treating electricity with respect.


  • Safety Tips : Outside the House





  • Electricity network Structures

    Do not:

    Climb up pylons

    Throw stones to the insulators

    Shoot insulators

    Remove any of the supports

    Make fire in the vicinity or under the pylons


  • Do not

    Place cables across roads, walkways and under carpets

    Use frayed or worn cables


    That all joints are properly insulated

    That the correct size of cable is used

    When using extension leads, make sure that it is unrolled completely


  • Do not play on or near mini substations or meter boxes

    Call Eskom should you find damaged or opened meter boxes

    Keep children away from damaged or opened meter boxes

    Do not touch, try to close or repair anything



  • Do not

    Climb over the fence

    Enter the fenced area


    Warn children not to play near substations

    Report opened gates and damaged fences

    Call 0860 037 566



  • Do not

    Build under or near power lines

    Stack under power lines

    Use mobile equipment under or near power lines

    Climb on anything that will cause you to encroach the power line clearance


    Report to Eskom all existing buildings under the power lines

    Call 0860 037 566 if you are in doubt

    Structures under lines


  • Treat all conductors as though they are live

    Do not touch

    Keep other people and animals away

    Report all abnormal conditions to Eskom or the Police

    Be more careful after a wind or rain storm

    Low Hanging Conductors


  • Take care when working close to power lines.

    Never fly kites near power lines

    Be careful when working with irrigation pipes or mobile equipment near power lines

    Do not burn fires near power lines

    Do not cut wooden poles that support power lines

    Be aware of power lines where you are working

    Overhead Power lines


  • Never climb trees that are growing into power lines

    Do not attempt to cut branches that are growing into power lines

    Do not plant trees within the Eskom servitude

    Report these to Eskom

    When in doubt call Eskom on 0860 037 566

    Trees into Power Lines


  • Objects into lines

    Be careful when carrying long objects e.g. irrigation pipes and ladders in the vicinity of power lines

    Do not fly kites in the vicinity of power lines

    Do not stack under power lines

    Be careful when working with mobile equipment or when off-loading trucks in the vicinity of power lines

    Be careful that TV and radio masts/aerials do not come into contact with overhead lines


  • Safety: Inside the House


    INSPECT AND PROTECT Have your home’s electrically inspected

  • Connecting a plug

    We create most of the electrical hazards in and around the home ourselves

    Some of the electrical appliances people buy will not have a 3-point fitted plug

    Be sure to know how to fit a 3-point plug to a lead


    Green / Yellow



    (right - live)


    (left - neutral)

  • Never to use damaged or frayed flex or cords. Sparking could take place and this could cause a fire.

    Never to pull a plug out of a wall socket by the flex / cord


    Damaged flex / cords / leads

  • The Dangers of Home made Stoves

    No earth wire - and therefore no protection against the earth leakage

    device and against electrical shocks or


    No regulating switch - the plate stays red hot until switched off

    Incorrect electrical cable/wire sizes e.g. speaker wire that is too thin to carry


    Children can pull or fall over the wire

    and burn

    Can cause a fire and burn house down