public relations strategy chapter 1 intro to pr

Chapter I Introduction of Public Relations Woo Hyun Won

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Chapter IIntroduction of Public Relations

Woo Hyun Won

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Jokes and Humor

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Definition of Public Relation

1. PR= Public Relation

= Relationship with Public

Deliver Message Desirable

Escape Message Undesirable

< 피 > 할 것은 피하고 < 알 > 릴 것은 알린다 .

To maintain good relationship with public is important

To build desirable relationship with public is PR objective

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Definition of Public Relation2. Get to know each other intimately, frequently

< 피 > 차 < 알 > 고 지냅시다

- Good relationship needs special management.

- Knowing your self first.

- 知彼知己 : If you know your enemy and yourself, you can win every battle.

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Definition of Public Relation3. Human is a social animal

People’s identity can clarify through relationship with others.

RelationshipPublic Relations as Relationship Management-John, Ledingham / S, Bruning, S, A relational approach to practice of Public relations <p178>

• A relationship defined as a self expectations

• Successful relationships are mutuality of awareness, influ-ence, benefit, and behavior.

• Thus relationship management implies the development, maintenance, growth, and nurturing of mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and (their significant) publics

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Definition of Public Relation

For Interpersonal Relationship: Use 4 essential dimensions

① Investments • refers to time/energy/feelings/effort/and other resource (The perception of equality of investments is important)

② Commitment• The personal choice to continue a relationship problem as opportunities to mutu-

ally solve and strengthen the relationship.

③ Trust a feeling to rely on a high degree of predict ability

④ Comfort with relational dialectics• Most people feel a natural desire to be connected to others but to require auton-

omy.• Autonomy / connection, openers / close mess / novelty / predictability• Dialectical tension can generate frustration, distrust, disloyalty in both personal

and organizational settings

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PRs concerned with all the publics of the organization to save money for the organization by building rela-tionship with publics that constrain or enhance the ability of the organization to meet its mission

Public can arise within stakeholders categories- employees, communities stockholders, governments, members, suppler consumers

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Definition of Public Relation

Management of communication between an organization and publics

The planned effort to influence opinion through good character and responsible per-

formance, based on mutually satisfactory two-way communications

To reconcile or adjust in the public interest those aspects of our personal and corporate

behavior which have a social significance




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Public Relations(2)

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Communication and Public opinion -by Effective public relations / Glen M. Broom, Scott M. Cutlip, Allen H. Center. Edition Statement 10th ed. pp.203-209

Individual Orientations (by 2 values)

1) Salience: Feelings about an object derived from an individual’s experiences and re-inforcements from previous situations

2) Pertinence: The relative value of an object found by making object-by-object com-parisons on the basis of some attribute or attributes

- Attitude: The cross-situational predisposition or preference with respect to an object or issue

- Opinion: The judgment expressed about an object in a particular situation or given a specific set of circumstances

Model of Individual Orientation

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Communication and Public opinion

Individual Orientations Example

1) Salience• Judge someone by his appearance or character

• Mary is a girl of short height

→ ‘Mary must be an academic student. She will get a good mark at school.’

• Jane is a girl of great height

→ ‘Jane must be good on sports. However, she doesn’t seem good at schoolwork.’

2) Pertinence• Judge someone by experience or background knowledge

• Mary got 60 marks in PR final exam in KDI School

→ ‘I was wrong. Mary is not an academic student.’

• Jane got 90 marks in PR final exam in KDI School

→ ‘I was wrong. Jane is an academic student.’

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Communication and Public opinion

Coorientation Consensus

Model of Coorientation Source: Adapted from Jack M. McLeon and Steven H.Chaffee, "Interpersonal Approaches to Communication Research," in Interpersonal Perception and Communication, ed. Steven H. Chaffee and Jack M. Mcleod, special edi-tion of American Behavioral Scientist, 16, no.4(March-April 1973), pp.483-88.

• Congruency: The extent to which your own views match your estimate of another’s views on the same issue

• Accuracy: The extent to which your estimate matches the other person’s actual views

• Agreement: The extent to which two or more persons share similar evaluations of an issue of mutual interest

• Understanding: Measures similarities in the definition held by two or more persons

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Communication and Public opinion

Co-orientation+ Social or Interpersonal concept of public opinion requires two or more individuals oriented to and communicating about an object of mutual interest.

+ Intrapersonal communication: Communication within oneself (Inner talk)

+ Interpersonal communication: Communication within oneself and others.

Co-orientation Consensus + Including many individuals simultaneously oriented to issues of mutual concern and interest.

+ Perception agreement can be independent of actual agreement and more likely to af-fect public behavior than does actual agreement.

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Communication and Public opinion

Types of Co-orientation Consensus

Ex) Amending press law in Korea 2009

The concept of Mass:- Large aggregate

- Undifferentiated

- Mainly negative image

- Lack order of organization

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Types of Coorientational Consensus

• Monolithic Consensus

represents high levels of actual agreement accurately recognized by those involved

• DissensusHigh level of actual disagreement are accurately perceived.

• False consensus

Exists when there is actual disagreement but majority of those involved think they agree.

• Pluralistic agreementThe state of public opinion in which a majority perceive little agreement, but in fact there is a widespread agreement. (So when they do not accurately recognize the state of actual agreement, they act on the basis of their inac-curate perception.

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Communication and Public opinion

Coorientational Relationships

Coorientational Model of Organization-Public Relationships

• Perceptions are far more influential than reality de-fined more objectively.

• Communication, not only moves information from one party in a relation-ship to another but also defines the relationships and social environment within which all people function: as students, cit-izens, employees, man-agers and policy makers.

• Mass media make possible the thinking together that shapes and represents the states of consensus in complex organizations in communities, and in the larger global society .

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Mutually Beneficial

Non Ps

Relations with

Stakeholderseach with a stake in something the Company does.

(Latent P /Aware P/Active Ps)

(Reverse term PR)



Principle Chart for PRs

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Publics and IssuesPublics and issues, are most important. Because publics define issues, publics play the central role in PRs. (text2 p236)

1) Publics A public is a group of people who see they have a common

interest Publics, they thought , are bets understood as an ongoing

process rather than just an entity As a process But publics are engaged in a continuing process of agreeing

on an interpretation The stockholders of a company are one of the important

publics of that company Members of a pro-managed publics of an organization Members of an antimanagement publics (e.g. militant stock

holders the same action as bad or inefficient) A public is what I have called an interpretive community (Botan, 1992)

Two publics are not static but can shift and change

so deciding which publics

one behaviors to continual.

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2) Issues Crable and Vibbert (1985), who said, “an issue is created when one or

more human agents attaches significant to a situation or perceived ‘problem’”.

Because publics define issues, publics play the central role in public re-lations.

In the 1990s, however, manufacturing and selling cigarettes became a big public issues, particularly when the targeted customers were teenagers.

a. Preissues• Relation as environmental scanning• If issues are what publics decide are important, then preissues are

occurrences in the environment to which publics have not yet at-tached significance

• Most preissues will not develop into issues that are important to sig-nificant publics.

b. Potential issues• Preissues become potential issues when some group or important in-

dividuals attach significant to them• Potential Stage may contain several substages

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3) Life Cycle an Issue Not an all-or-nothing proposition The existence of a life cycle for issues is to the idea of strategic campaigns Sometimes an issues is resolved or fades before becoming fully developed Moving along a continuum / a time stream (p 240)(Saini kweinan)

a. Public Issues • Once a developing issue is endorsed by major publics, such as consumer, en-

vironmental, or regulatory groups, the issues may acquire legitimacy in the eyes of others, often mass publics.

• The usual route for an issue to attain public status, according to Crable and Vibbert (1985), is through media exposure.

• Public exposure create a situation in which all parties have a lot invested.• Issues can become public by conversations in a community, door-to-door

campaigns, petition drives, direct mail campaigns, demonstrations, pickets, protests, and a host of other methods

• Movement from potential to public issues status can result from conscious ef-forts by activist or regulatory bodies as well as by other means such as inves-tigative reporting or blogging.

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b. Critical Issues• Issues reach a critical stage when, as Crable and Vibbert(1985)said,

they “are at a moment of decision”• Share two additional characteristics• A resolution is demanded in a time frame that is too short in its normal

decision-making process. The situation is underdetermined by the avail-able data.

• It is unlikely to return fully to its precrisis state, whether for better or for worse

c. Dormant Issues• Issues do not go away, but can come back to the preissues or develop-

ing stage where they should continue to be monitored and responses developed.

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4) Up the Time Stream Public policy issues go through five stages: potential, imminent, current,

critical, and dormant. This is a fundamentally humanistic approach because it acknowledges

human will and decision making on the part of publics. Publics play the central role in determining issues.

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Purposes for Relationship

• Achieving the organization’s mission• Enhancing its reputation• Protecting its long term survival

2 PR Process Models (4 major aspects of the PR process)

RACE ① Research ② Action planning ③ Communication ④ Evaluation

ROPE ① Research ② Objectives ③ Programming ④ Evaluation

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PR Process

D ~ PP ~ AC ~ E

Situation Strategies Implementation Assessment

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Assess-ment -

“How did we do?”

Situation Analysis - “What’s

happening now?”

Implementa-tion - “How and when do we do

and say it?”

Strategy - “What should we

do and say?”

Tool: 4 Step Public Relations Process(A circle you can start anywhere)

1. Defining Public Rela-tions Prob-


2. Planning and Pro-


3. Taking Action and Communi-


4. Evalu-ation the Program

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PRs: Parts of the Function










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PR- For what: Rs/Good will

- How to: hospitable envi-ronment for org

- GoalImplicit: Positive perceptions

Positive predisposition- GoalImmediate: Mutual under-

standing Positioning of

the org with its public- To whom: Publics

Audiences Stakeholders

Marketing- To sell product and service

- To maintain markets for an organization’s product and service

- Profit

- Sales

- ConsumersCustomers

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Advertising and PR

Advertising- Mainly use Mass Media

- To whom: Customers,

external audiences

PR- Use communication tool

Ex: Campaign, Special events, petition drive

- To whom: Internal public (employees)

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Rhetoric: art of using language persuasively

Aristotle the first to set down the ideas of ethos, logos and pathos which translate as “source credibility”, “logical argument” and “emotional appeal”.

Richard Perloff  “Persuasion is an activity or process in which communication attempts to induce a change in the belief, attitude or behavior of another person or group of persons”

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A sampler on persuasion

Positive appeals are more effective persuasive than negative ones

Radio and TV more effective than print

Strong emotional appeals and fear arousal are most effective when the audience has minimal concern about the topic

Logical appeals using facts and figures are better for highly educated

A celebrity or attractive model is most effective when the au-dience has low involvement, the theme is simple.

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Case Study

KT&G: Image Building

PR Case StudyKT&G

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About KT&G• After successfully completing its privatization in 2002, KT&G has capitalized

upon lessons of its experiences to take stronger initiatives to reform and innovate

its businesses, thereby effectively executing its business model diversification strate-

gies and achieving solid management performance results. As a consequence, KT&G

has grown into a globally competitive business, facilitating enhanced communica-

tion among stakeholders and practicing a sustainable growth management.

• KT&G business include:o Cigarette businesso Health Functional Food businesso Pharmaceutical businesso Real estate managemento Investment assets management

 • KT&G Vision and Objective:

o Executing KT&G’s Value base business by regaining domestic market share and creating stable profits from overseas business

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PR Issues

• After corporation privatized in 2002, KT&G continuously implemented PR activi-

ties in diverse ways, i.e. campaign of 상상마당 , KT&G welfare foundation,

campaign of 예절문화 and professional sports group but not appealed to pub-

lic effectively. They also have ingrained negative image as cigarette com-


As concern and interest for health increased in the “Well-being decades”

KT&G should mitigate that they are harmful to the people for their sustainable


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SWOT analysisStrength Weakness

Opportunity Threats

• Dominant position in do-mestic market

• Settle down of high price/quality Brand

• Stable management under long term monopoly

• Huge cash flow

• Aggressive activity for so-cial responsibility

• demand for low-tar cigarette• Conventional demand• Global market

• Probability for litigation under product liability law

• Mood of quitting smoking• Regulation by WHO and

Korean Gov.• Spreading Well-being trend

• Limitation for sales activity • Well-known Brand for

competitors• Price increase• Negative image

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Stage 1: Define Problems & Key Publics







Invol-untary smoke


• Negative image as cigarette company

• Limitation of method of adver-tisement

• Lack of recognition what KT&G doing as business

• Strong regulations for warning sign on the product package

Define PR Problems Identify Key Publics

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Note:Proposition of PR- Deliver message desirable, Escape message undesirable- 알릴 것은 알리고 , 피할 것은 피한다 .Desirable message of KT&GKT&G is not just cigarette company but it has diverse business area.KT&G is most active company in CSR in Korea

Stage 2: Planning and Program-ming

Planning and Programming:After the seeing the problems, KT&G has been initiating the following plan and pro-gram: • KT&G plans to build better image for the company; that is to deliver desirable

message of KT&G• KT&G would like to let the public aware that it is not just cigarette company but it

has diverse business area.• KT&G would like to be one of the most active companies in CSR in Korea

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Stage 3: Implementation

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1) Corporate Social Responsibility• Social responsibility business: Consider the non-smoker and health smoking culture• Social value creation: Sponsored the film, photo, literature and Art• Social welfare: all employee is participating the social welfare• Protection of environment: support the research for the environment

For example: So far KT&G has done some of the following PR activities:• Welfare foundation distribute ‘Kimchee’ (Korean traditional dish) to the underprivileged. (Jan-

uary 15, 2009)• Welfare foundation donated computers and appliances to 124 facilities (December 17, 2008)• KT&G participated in ‘World Tax Free exhibition’ (October 27, 2008)• Welfare foundation donated ‘newly harvested rice’ to low income households (September 04,

2008)• Welfare foundation donated 5,500 walking aids to the aged and the disabled (August 26, 2008)• Welfare foundation offered oversea English program to students from lower bracket of income

(July 22, 2008)

Stage 3: Implementation (Cont)

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Concept of 상상마당 Activities of 상상마당

Stage 3: Implementation (Cont)

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Stage 3: Implementation (Cont)

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TV Commercials4)

Stage 3: Implementation (Cont)

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KT&G Social Responsibility Area


• 사랑의 집짓기 운동지원• 골수의 집 ‘나누는 사람들’ 개설• 정신대 할머니 돕기• 국민건강 연구 지원


• 우수학생 선발 장학 지원• 키드넷 운동참여• 경제포럼지원• 통일경제정책 워크샵지원• 동아리 최강전

Protection Teenager

• 실직가정 자녀 돕기• 청소년 금연운동 지원• 피학대아동 보호 운동• 자녀안심운동 시범학교지원

Stage 3: Implementation (Cont)

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Do you know there is advertising event targeting young people by KT&G ?

Don’t Know - 21%

Know- 79%

How much relation between KT&G and culture you enjoy?

Stage 4: Assessment

Entirely Not related - 6%

Related- 53%

No related - 27%

Strongly related -14%