psychological and psychiatric foundations of criminal behavior

Psychological and Psychiatric Foundations of Criminal Behavior

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Page 1: Psychological and Psychiatric Foundations of Criminal Behavior

Psychological and Psychiatric Foundations of Criminal Behavior

Page 2: Psychological and Psychiatric Foundations of Criminal Behavior


In what way would psychological theories differ from sociological theories?

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Conditioned Behavior



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Psychological Theories of Crime Causation

Fundamental Assumptions Include:

The individual is the primary unit of analysis.

Personality is the major motivational element within individuals.

Crimes result from abnormal, dysfunctional, or inappropriate mental processes within the personality.

Normality is generally defined by social consensus.

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Psychological Theories of Crime Causation


Criminal behavior may be purposeful for the individual insofar as it addresses certain felt needs.

Defective, or abnormal, mental processes may have a variety of causes, i.e., a diseased mind, inappropriate learning or improper conditioning, the emulation of inappropriate role models, and adjustment to inner conflicts.

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Does society have a responsibility to treat offender’s diagnosed with a personality disorder,

i.e., psychopathic or psychotic behavior?

If so, for how long?

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Forensic psychology or criminal psychology is the application of science and the profession of psychology

to questions and issues relating to law and the legal system.

(Psychology vs. Psychiatry)

Forensic psychology is concerned with a complex set of drives and motives operating within the personality that ultimately determines

behavior (both biological and psychological urges).

Key Concepts: Psychopath, sociopath, antisocial and asocial personality.

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Refers to people who repeatedly commit criminal acts for which they

feel little or no remorse.

Psychopaths are characteristically:

Superficial in their interpersonal relationships.

Lack empathy, selfish, and irresponsible.

Blame others for their misfortunes and offer excuses for their behavior.

Deceitful and manipulative – yet charming and glib at the same time.

Example: Ted Bundy

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According to recent studies,

the best predictor of violence and

recidivism, is psychopathy.

The concept of psychopathy has repeatedly demonstrated a robust relationship to the risk of repeat criminality and violence in offender and

patient populations.

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“When we seek to explain the riddle of human conduct in general and antisocial behavior in particular, the solution must be sought in the

personality.” Abrahamsen (1944).

A psychopathic personality appears early in life,

often in the teenage years.

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Antisocial (asocial) personality types who are basically unsocialized and whose behavior

pattern brings them repeatedly into conflicts with society.

The focus is on the type of behavior exhibited

as opposed to the identifiable personality traits

of a sociopath or psychopath.

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Characteristics of APD:

Incapable of significant loyalty to individuals, groups, or social values.

Impulsive and irresponsible.

Blames others or offers plausible rationalization for their behavior.

Selfish and callous to concerns of others.

Unable to feel guilt or to learn from experience and punishment.

Very low tolerance to frustration and a low threshold for discharge of aggression, including violence.

Inflated self-appraisal, glib, and superficial charm.

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The psychoanalytic perspective was developed by Freud and emphasizes the role of personality in human

behavior and which sees deviant behavior as the result of dysfunctional personalities.

Significant inadequacies may result in full-blown mental illness, which in itself can be a direct cause of crime.

Key Concepts: Personality (Id, ego, and superego), neurosis, psychosis, sublimation, Thanatos, psychosis, schizophrenia.

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Freudian Terms

The id is based on the pleasure principle (primitive instincts).

The ego is based on the reality principle.

The superego is based on the ethical principle.

Sublimation is the psychological process whereby one item of consciousness comes to be be symbolically substituted for another.

Thanatos is based on the existence of a death instinct.

Neurosis is a minor form of mental illness which may also lead to crime. Neurotic individuals are well in touch with reality but many find themselves anxious, fearful of certain situations, or unable to help themselves in others (compulsive behavior).

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The Psychotic Offender

Psychotic people are out of touch with reality in some fundamental way. They may suffer from hallucinations, delusions, or other breaks with


Psychosis is more severe than neurosis.

Psychotics have also been classified as schizophrenic or paranoid schizophrenic.

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Other Types of Psychological Perspectives

Frustration- Aggression Theory: Frustration is a natural consequence of living and a root cause of crime. Aggressive behavior is a response to frustration.

Modeling Theory: People learn how to behave by modeling themselves after others whom they have the opportunity to observe.

Behavior Theory: Individual behavior which is rewarded will increase in frequency, while that which is punished will decrease.

Self-Control Theory: The root cause of crime can be found in a person’s inability to exercise socially appropriate controls over the self.

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Predictive Schemes

A primary goal of psychological assessment

is to attempt to make predictions about

future behavior based on some set of factors

that are combined in some fashion

into a predictive scheme.

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Prediction of future criminal conduct

is an essential element in many of

the decisions rendered throughout

our criminal justice system.




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Risk Assessment

The process of conceptualizing varioushazards in order to make judgments about

their likelihood and the need for various preventative measures.

The concept of risk includes:The nature of, the likelihood of, the frequency of, the

seriousness of,and the imminence of.

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Types of Predictive Schemes

Clinical prediction: The prediction is based on clinical experience and judgment.

Actuarial prediction: The prediction is based on a statistical scheme or formula.

Anamnestic prediction: The prediction is based on a specific analysis of how a particular person has acted in the past in similar situations.

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In the field of criminal justice,

what are psychiatrists, psychologists,

and researchers trying to predict?

How would this relate to the crimes of

domestic violence, child abuse, suicide,

and the sexual offender?

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Prediction of Sexual Offending

The task is to assess a sex offender’s

degree of risk to the community.


Most jurisdictions have laws governing sex offenders – for example, if there is a “likelihood” of

committing a similar offense in the future, then certain procedures such as registration

with the police or community takes place.

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Prediction of Sexual Offending

Convicted rapist reconviction rate:* 22.8% (10%-36%).

Child molesters reconviction rate:* 20.4% (4%-38%).

Homosexual child molesters reconviction rate:* double that of heterosexual child molesters (18.3%-35.2%).

Incest child molesters reconviction rate:* 8.5%.

* Based on follow-up studies (Quinsey, Lalumiere, Rice & Harris, 1995). Weighted averages. Measured only those offenses that were discovered.

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Despite the “moderate” predictive power that psychologists and psychiatrists display;

and despite the warnings from mental health professionals

that predictions may be problematic, the courts

often ignore the warnings and at times invite such predictions.

(Barefoot v. Estell, 1983)

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Criminal Profiling

A method used by behavioral scientists

and the police to narrow the field of criminal suspects who possess certain behavioral and personality characteristics that are revealed by

the way a crime was committed.

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Criminal Investigative Analysis


Does Not Identify a Specific Suspect,

It Formulates an Initial Description

Of the Most Likely Suspect.

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How might forensic psychology

assist social policy in the future?