psyche nursing

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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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  • 8/13/2019 Psyche Nursing


  • 8/13/2019 Psyche Nursing


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    Cry < Suc% mouthChild Cries

    Feed the Infant Ignore the Infant

    Successful )nsuccessful&arcissistic

    Defense Mechanism:

    o FI3$TI.& 'hen a person is stuc% in a certain developmental


    o */*SSI.& return to an earlier developmental stage

    EGO is develop in the 6thmonth

    =8 $&$ ST$/ $teen : > years old (7; mos : > y8o8!

    Toilet training

    Super go develop

    Toilet Training

    /ood #other Bad #other

    Successful )nsuccessful

    Too *igid Training "irty

    "isorgani4edClean "iso0edient


    .0edient $&TIS.CI$

    ($nal 2pulsive!.BSSSI? : C.#P)SSI?

    ($nal *etentive!

    >8 P6$IC

    > : @ y8o8

    PenisA ?agina

    Parents is the significant person

    Called as Preschooler


    BIG SE


  • 8/13/2019 Psyche Nursing


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    .edipus Comple2 little 0oy loves mommy

    lectra Comple2 little girl loves daddy

    Identification 0oy associates 'ith daddy, girl assoc8 'ith mommy

    Castration fear of the little 0oy to daddy Penis nvy envy of little girl to'ards daddy

    "r8 aren 6orney opposition to penis envy

    evel of $'areness

    o Conscious highest level of a'areness

    o Preconscious Tip of the tongue

    o )nconscious deepest level of a'areness

    Birth Trauma First traumatic e2perience of child

    *P*SSI.& unconscious forgetting of an an2iety provo%ingconcept

    S)P*SSI.& conscious forgetting of an an2iety provo%ingconcept

    8 $T&C5 ST$/

    @ : 7= years old


    Se2ual energy is dormant

    *eading, *iting, *ithmetic

    S)BI#$TI.& placing se2ual energies to'ard a moreproductive endeavors

    D8 /&IT$ ST$/

    7= y8 o8 : a0ove



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    $&TI$&3IT5 ?$ST # ?$IB?alium : ate ? #ilto'n 1 #eal ?istaril 1 largavista

    i0reum 1 quanil : $qua neel $ttara2 : #ga 0ato (roc%s!$tivan 1 $te /uy Inderal : hindi ralphSera%s : Sera )lo Busfar : sasa%ay ng 0usTran2ene 1 Transit

    *I *IS.&

    PS5C6.S.CI$ T6.*5 .F "?.P#&T

    $ge E 1 $ffecting #aorFactor

    917; mos8 Trust #istrust Feeding

    7; mos8 : > y8o8 $utonomy

    $) nalT. ilet training&. favorite 'ord#5

    ShameA dou0t Toilet Training

    > : @ y8o8 Initiative /uilt Independence

    @ : 7= y8o8 Industry Inferiority In da1school

    7= : =9 y8o8 Identity *ole confusion Peer

    =9 : =D y8o8 Intimacy Isolation ove

    =D : D y8o8 /enerativity Stagnation Parenting

    D y8o8 and a0ove go Integrity "espair *eflection

    #$S.W+S 6I*$*C65 .F &"S

    78 Physiologic &eedso $ir, food, 'ater, shelter, rest, sleep, activity and temperature

    maintenance that are crucial for survival=8 Safety and Security &eeds

    o Safe in physical and psychological aspects

    >8 ove and Belonging &eedso /iving and receiving affection, attaining a place in a group,

    maintaining the feeling of 0elonging8 Self : esteem &eeds

    o Self esteem : feelings of independence, competence and self

    respecto steem from others : recognition, respect, appreciation

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    D8 Self $ctuali4ationo .ne+s ma2imum potential and reali4e one+s a0ilities and qualities

    B6$?I.*$ #."S78 Ivan Pavlov

    Classical Conditioning #odel

    $ll 0ehavior are learned Food dog Salivation

    Bell Food "og Salivation

    Bell Salivation=8 B8F8 S%inner

    .perant Conditioning

    $ll 0ehaviors are unlearned

    *e'ard (E reinforcement! and Punishment (1*einforcement!

    B*$I& .BS $CTI.&

    Frontal anguage, earning, Personality, Gudgment

    Temporal hearing, smelling

    Parietal Taste, touch

    .ccipital ?ision

    SensoryIntegration ?oluntary


    ?.)&T$*5 &*?.)S S5ST# Somatic &ervous System $cetylCholine

    Brain Spinal Cord #otor &erve #uscle Fi0er

    I&?.)&T$*5 &*?.)S S5ST#

    $utonomic &ervous System

    Sympathetic Parasympathetic

    6* **

    /I Constipation


    /) )rinary




    &euro piA &or $cetyl Choline

  • 8/13/2019 Psyche Nursing


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    #.&.$#I& .3I"$S I&6IBIT.*S $*

    # P$&& "IP &$T

    $&TIP$*I&S.& C$P$BS



    T6*$P)TIC C.##)&IC$TI.&Therapeutic &on1Therapeutic

    .ffer your self I+ll stay 'ithyou

    Silence #a%ing o0servations

    o 5ou seem sad

    $ctive listeningo &odding

    o ye contact

    o ean for'ard

    Who, 'hat, 'hen, 'here

    /eneral leadso /o on, I+m listening,

    'hat elseH

    Broad opening 1 0est .peningline

    o 6o' are you todayH

    o 6o' are youH



    *efocusing 'e are tal%ing

    "on+t 'orry 0e happy

    verything+s gonna 0e alright

    Ignoring the client Changing the su0ect

    &ice 'eather 'e+re havingo $dectives : value

    0ased perception,should not 0e use

    5ou are the most 0eautifulclient




    5ou should do this no' In my opinion

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    a0out the e2am

    Focusing tell me a0out

    "F&S #C6$&IS#S Fight for stress

    "ISP$C#&T Transfer of feelings to a lessthreatening o0ect rather than the

    one 'ho provo%e it

    Boss shouts atyou, you shout at

    your su0ordinate"&I$ Failure to ac%no'ledge an

    unaccepta0le trait or situation I+m not an


    "ISS.CI$TI.& Psychological flight from self

    $ type of amnesia

    Sino %a, Sinoa%oH-

    */*SSI.& *eturn to an earlier developmentalstage

    *eturn tothum0suc%ing

    *P*SSI.& )nconscious forgetting of anan2iety provo%ing concept

    6indi %o maalala

    *$TI.&$I$TI.& Illogical reasoning for a socially

    unaccepta0le trait sayang ang 0eer sa ref, %aya %oininum-

    I drin% 0ecause I

    don+t 'ant to'aste the 0eer inthe ref


    doing the opposite of yourintention


    sasa0unutan%ita8 8 8 ay%u%lulutin lang %ita

    )&".I&/ "oing the opposite of 'hat youhave done due to guilt

    orocan, plastic, Tupper'are

    ay pinatid %ita,hali%a punta %itasa clinic-

    I"&TIFIC$TI.& $ssume trait for personal, social,occupational role

    Tulad niya

    P*.GCTI.& $ttri0uting to others one+saccepta0le trait

    Pasa load

    hindi a%oalcoholic, sila yon-

    I&T*.GCTI.& $ssume another person+s trait asyour o'n

    a%o din-

    &ot ust you, metoo

    S)PP*SSI.& Conscious forgetting of an an2ietyprovo%ing concept

    6indi %o alam yan

    S)BI#$TI.& Placing se2ual energies to'ard amore productive endeavors

    $ngry at life, putanger in singing

    C.&?*SI.& *epressed angers put to'ardsphysical symptoms affectingnervous system leading to sensorynum0ness and motor paralysis

    Biglang mangingig

    C.#P&S$TI.& .verachievement in one area tocover a defective part

    Pilay peromagaling %umanta

    S)BSTIT)TI.& *eplacing a difficult goal 'ith amore accessi0le one

    /usto %o"isneyland8

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    @ years old $n2iety S.#$T.F.*#

    K no pretension

    $ssignmentsA I am sic%- K no organic6ome'or%s 0asis

    #$I&/*I&/ K unconscious&o $ssignmentsA pretending to 0e sic%6ome'or%s (Conscious! PS5C6.S.#$TIC

    K *eal painsA illness5ou Thin% $0sent K *eal symptomsTeacher may K maor typesget angry- L 6ypertension

    L #igraine

    scape from #ama Care L Stress )lcer Teacher L $sthma

    P*I#$*5 /$I& $ttention

    (Behavior an2iety! SC.&"$*5 /$I&

    S.#$T.F.*# "IS.*"*S


    &ervous System Illusion of structural defectC.&?*SI.& "IS.*"* B."5 "5S#6.*PIC "IS.*"*a Belle Indifference

    emotional disattachmentfrom disa0ility

    #inor "iscomfort

    Interpreted as maor illness65P.C6.&"*I$SIS

    #aliit na 0utas, pinalala%i-

    Favorite Past TimeJ "octor 6opping &ursing FocusJ Feelings

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    PS5C6.S.#$TIC "IS.*"*S


    S&S P&S

    BP ?asoconstriction Bronchoconstriction

    6ypertension Cere0ral $rtery eft /astric $rtery $sthma

    #igraine Stress )lcer

    .BSSSI? : C.#P)SI?

    BeliefA thought Feelings

    "oor .pen $n2ietyBurglar may go inside

    .0session an2iety

    (thought! *eturns to house ($ction!

    $n2iety Compulsion

    P6.BI$ Irrational fears

    tiologyo no'ledge

    o 2perience

    Immediate &ursing Intervention remove the stimuli

    S5ST#$TIC "S&SITI$TI.&o /radual e2posure to feared o0ect


    $&TIPS5C6.TIC $/&T SSTTC#6P

    Stela4ine 1 se2y star Clo4aril : closed reelSerentil : serena #ellaril : maraming reelThora4ine : 0a0aeng Tora 6aldol : hahahaTrilafon 1 tri10and phone Proli2in : pero lic% scene

  • 8/13/2019 Psyche Nursing


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    Intergenerational Transmission From one generation to another generation


    Blac%out a'a%e 0ut una'are

    Confa0ulation inventing stories to self1esteem

    "enial I am not an alcoholic-"ependence I can+t live 'ithout it-

    na0ling significant other tolerates a0users$nother term C. : "P&"&C5

    T.*$&C Su0stance to achieve a previous effect


    Withdra'al 'ith #" supervision

    Chec% $lcohol, #outh'ash, li2er

    void alcohol version therapy

    lcoholics $nonymous self help group

    nta0use "IS)FI*$# &ever drin% alcohol

    7= hour intervalA 7= h last alcohol inta%e

    B7 ?itamin "eficiency or elseJ nausea, vomiting and hypotension Wernic%e+s ncephalopathy motor


    orsa%off+s Psychosis

    memory"elirium Tremens = : M= h after last dose of alcohol

    untreated 'ithdra'al syndrome

    ormocation 0ugs cra'ling under the s%in

    amily Therapy mother, father, 0rother

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    $)TIS#$utistic Savantautistic 'ith a special talent


    $ppearance flat affect, consistent movement Behavior repetitive, ritualistic Communication echolalia, incomprehensi0le

    &2 "2

    Impaired ver0al communication

    Impaired social interaction

    Self mutilation

    *is% for inuryPlanningA Implementation

    #aslo'+s hierarchy of needs

    Constancy, promote safetyvaluation

    2pressive therapy dra'ing, muscic etc

    nhanced communication

    Improved social interaction


    $TT&TI.& "FICIT 65P*$CTI? "IS.*"* .nset J M y8o8 and 0elo'

    "uration J @ months and a0ove

    Settings J = 6ouse and school

    Id "ominant J #om or *& 'ill act as superego

    $"6" /lucose Frontal o0e impaired udgement $"6" SAS2

    *italin Frontal o0e Gudgement $"6" SAS2(stimulant!


    $ppearance dirty Behavior clumsy, impatient, easily distracted, hyperactive Communication tal%ative, 0lurts out in class

    &2 "2

    *is% for inury

    Impaired social interactionPlanningA Implementation

    tructure separate room for eating, playing, sleeping and etc

    chedule time for everything

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    et limits afety


    #inimi4e *is% for Inury

    Improved social interaction


    *esidual $"6" gro's up not antisocial

    #edsJ *italin, de2edrin, pemoline, adderalBest time to giveJ once a dayJ $FT* #$SJ prevent lost of appetite

    "on+t give at 0edtime STI#)$&T causes insomnia /ive @ hours prior 0edtime if 0id

    $TI&/ "IS.*"*S

    7; mos8 : > y8o8 @ y8o8 class valedictorianA model student

    Toilet Training social inactiveA no BF

    Clean 'eighing .0edient .rgani4ed

    Thought Feeling Behavior

    I $m Fat Self steem "iet, "iet, "iet

    $nore2ia &ervosa ating "isorders Bulimia

    "iet, diet, diet ating Pattern at, eat, vomit

    N;DO of e2pected 0ody Weight &ormal 'eight

    > mos8 ammenorhea #enstruation Irregular menstruation

    aren Carpenter "ao #ing 3i"a #ing SugatA su%a

    ?omiting"ental caries

    Wounded %nuc%les#eta0olic al%alosis#eta0olic acidosis


    Fluid ?olume "eficit $**65T6#I$ (fatal complication!

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    *estore fluid and electrolyte 0alance

    Colla0orative regarding menu contract

    Target 'eight gain $fter mealsJ stay >9 mins : 7 hour



    evel 98@ : 78= mqA ausea, vomiting, diarrhea Increase urination ithium To2icity

    Tremors, fine hand aE

    6ydration > Aday Increase

    idney )u diarhea #outh, dry




    $rtane Parlodel

    $%ineton arodopa

    Benadryl SymmetylCogentin ldepryl

    SC6I.P6*&I$ go disintegration

    Impaired reality perception

    /enetic vulnera0ility

    Stress : "iathesis #odelo Too much stress in the reality 'ill lead client to escape it and go to

    the fantasy 'orld

    Biological Theoryo "opamine level is 6igh

    The e2act cause is un%no'n

    ffect appropriate, inappropriate, flat, 0lunt (incomplete emotion!

    m0ivalence torn 0et'een = opposing forces

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    utismssociative ooseness


    &egative Positive

    6ypoactive 6yperactiveWithdra'n Socia0le

    $pathy Flight of Ideas


    $ssess J Content of Thought&2 "2 J "istur0ed thought processPlanningA ImplementationJ

    Present reality

    Provide safetyvaluation J Improve thought process

    $ssess J 6allucinationA Illusions&2 "2 J "istur0ed sensory perceptionPlanningA ImplementationJ

    Present reality

    Provide safetyvaluation J Improve sensory perception

    $ssess J Suspicious

    &2 "2 J *is% for other directive 0ehaviorPlanningA ImplementationJ

    Present reality

    Provide safetyvaluation J liminateA minimi4e ris% for other1directed violence

    $ssess J Suicidal&2 "2 J *is% for self directive 0ehaviorPlanningA ImplementationJ

    Present reality

    Provide safetyvaluation J liminateA minimi4e ris% for self1directed violence

    Flight or ooseness

    I am going to the mall8 I am going to the mall8

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    Where is the lightH The mall is 0ig8/o here8 Big is the tree8#ineral Water8 The tree is tall8

    #agical Thin%ing

    Believes to have a magical po'er

    I can turn you into a frog

    cholalia I repeat 'hat you say Parrots

    chopra2ia I repeat 'hat you do

    Word Salad 'ords, no rhyme

    Clang $ssociation 'ords 'ith rhyme J "un%, plan%, sun%

    &eologism creation of ne' 'ords Plin%ing, hustash

    Clarification done in case of neologism"elusionJ

    Persecutory &BI is out to get meA someone 'ill harm the client

    *eligious I am Gesus Christ

    /randeur I am the queen of the 'orld8

    Ideas of reference &urses are tal%ing a0out me8

    Concrete $ssociation pilosopo 'hat 'ill you 'earH- clothes-

    Thought Bloc%ing



    Stimulus $0sent Present

    ?isual 3 $uditory 3

    Tactile 3

    In case of hallucinations doJ


    I %no' you the voices are real to you

    *eality orientation But I don+t hear them

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    "iversion ets go to the garden

    Bt if nothin! in the p"eceedin! inte"vention a"e seenAssess #hat the voices a"e sa$in!


    &ormally$cetylcholine .& "opamine .FF

    5our al'ays .& 6igh "opamine Schi4ophreniaWith par%ins.&


    Sad 0ut smileso Inappropriate affect

    &o reactiono Flat affect

    Flight of ideaso HEBEPHRENIC


    Positive and &egativeSAS2


    Wa2y Fle2i0ilityo Ini'an na posture,

    ganun forever

    &o : favorite 'ord

    &e ativism

    Paranoid Suspicious

    Tendency to 0e violent

    #istrustScaredWithdra'n&rsg8 IntJ"evelop trust

    7 to 7 short interaction

    frequent visit

    foods in sealedcontainer

    meds 'rappedfor violent pt8

    "oors open

    &ear the door

    "on+t touch the pt8

    ye contact

    7 arms length a'ay

    call reinforcement


    &o more positive sAs2,ust 'ithdra'n


    #i2ed classification

    Can+t 0e classified

    7stparanoid, thendisorgani4ed thencatatonic, etc etc

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    $ntipsychotics ma%es "opamine goes do'n

    .& 2trapyramidal Side ffects

    $$T6ISI$o *estless, ina0ility to sit

    o #a%ati siya, ahh %ati siya

    $I&SI$o #uscle rigidity

    o $hh %iniss siya

    "5ST.&I$o > features


    Wry nec%

    .C)./5*IC C*ISIS

    Fi2ed stare


    $rched 0ac%

    T$*"I? "5SI&SI$o Irreversi0le side effects of

    antipsychoticso ip smac%ing

    o Tongue protruding

    o Chee%s puffing

    &)*.PTIC #$I/&$&TS5&"*.#

    o 6yperthermia among client

    ta%ing antipsychotico 6yperthermia 'ith muscle


    .ther Side ffects Photosensitivity

    o Sunscreen

    o Wide 0rimmed hat

    $granulocytosiso *eport immediately Sore throat

    7stsign to appear


    D"!s that #ill ma%e theAcH do#n

    o $rtane

    o $%ineton

    o Benadryl

    o Cogentin


    Dopamine !oes po Parlodel

    o arodopa

    o Symmetryl

    o ldepryl

  • 8/13/2019 Psyche Nursing


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    $&TI"P*SS$&TS$&TS$$? PP

    $sendin : ascending&orpramin : sa0a' ng %norrTofranil : TofuSinequan : nood ng Sine Quan ang title

    $nafranil : %ina $na Praning$ventyl : %ina $ven Til #idnight tayo?ivactil : Bye Bac% till ne2t 'ee%lavil : h love mo 0a a%oPro4ac : Pero sa%a naPa2il 1 Ta%siloloft : mag Solo %a

    BIP.$* "IS.*"* : #ania more common


    =9 years old and a0ove Stressful life


    T$S Caregiver *ole Strain

    Safety Safety

    ithium : = : 'ee%s 0efore effect

    Self $ctuali4ation

    Self steem

    Impaired social interaction

    *is% for inuryA other directed violence

    ating Sleep 6yperactive Se2finger food Private room $n2iety

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    S Compensation interfere $"s, harm others

    S Compensation interfere $"s, harm others

    T$S increases client+s self esteem

    /ross motor s%ills via su0limation

    scorted 'al% outdoors

    Punching 0ag

    &o group games compition 'ill increase an2iety

    > or more signs confirms disorder



    randioselight of ideasleeplessnessressured speech2agerated S2traneous stimuli (easily distracted!


    P*S.&$IT5 "IS.*"*S


    I don+t 'ant people

    Believes he can stand on his o'n

    &ever had a 0est friend

    $void groups and social activitiesno enoyment

    Cares more a0out computers and pets


    I avoid people, I fear criticism

    6ave talent 0ut no confidence


    I 0rea% the la' as motto

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    #$. %ills Serotonin



    #$. Serotonin

    T5*$#I& *IC6 F.."S

    vocadoged Cheese





    $nticholinergic Side ffects


    #ale rectile "ysfunction

    Serotonin $&TI"P*SS$&TS

    7stine of "rug Prescri0ed 'o : 'ee%s'o neurotransmitter

    afest RI ! E"ECTI#E

    ide effects lo' C$C"IC MI!E ERT!I!


    6igher incidence of Side effects to 'ee%s SerotoninA pi affected !(IBITR !(IBITR

    PP) A!TSA#E M!P

    $ll neurotransmitter affected6ighest Side effects

    $void tyramine rich food

    may lead to

  • 8/13/2019 Psyche Nursing


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    ermented Foods

    ic%lesreserved Foods

    oy Sauce

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    $ntidepressantno effect CT

    C*.C.&?)SI? T6*$P5

    Preo Informed consent

    o &P. @ : ; hours prior


    o $tropine dry mouth

    o Bar0ituate Sedative

    o Succinylcholine muscle rela2ant, prevent sei4ure Post

    o Side1lying : lateral

    o SA

    headache, di44iness,

    T#P.*$*5 ##.*5 .SS distinct sign

    M9 : 779 volts

    =9 : >9 seconds

    R hour asleep post


    S)BST$&C $B)S

    "o'ners ($B. I&!$lcohol #orph

    Bar0ituates Code &$*C$& antidote.piates 6ero&arcotics


    )ppers (C6$!Cocaine6allucinogen


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    .?*".S$lcohol Cocaine


    Coma .C Sei4ure

    Psych 'ell 0eing

    &$*C$& &arcotic $ntagonist narcotic overdose

    "T.3IFIC$TI.& 'ithdra'al 'ith #" Supervision#T6$".&

    Withdra'al reverse of effect or opposite of overdose

    "P*SSI.& Serotonin, if unresponsive to drugs, CTThe /rief Process

    "enial no this can+t 0e true

    $nger'hy me, 'hy me, 'hy no'

    Bargaining if something happens, then I+ll give something 0ac%

    "epression I+m do'n = 'ee%s or more sAs2 maor depression

    $cceptance client acts according to situation


    Pupil constriction

    #oist mouthConstipation6ypotension


    Weight gain


    TachypneaPupil "ilation

    "ry mouth6ypertension


    Weight oss


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    C T$SStay

    Sensitivity to client needs


    ?er0al &on ?er0al

    I 'ont 0e a pro0lem anymore

    This is my last day on earth

    I+ll soon 0e gone

    Ta%e this ring, its yours (giving ofvalua0le!

    Sudden change in mood

    Who 'ill commit SuicideHSe2 : #ale (more successful!A female (hesitant!

    $ge : 7D := yAo or a0ove D"epressionPatient 'ith previous attemptT.6 : ethanol 1 alcoholics*irrationalSocial support lac%ing

    .rgani4ed plan greater ris%&o familySic%ness, terminal

    S)ICI" T*I$"

    oss of spouse

    oss of o0


    Is Patient is S)ICI"$ nurse shouldJ "I

    "irect question : $re you going to commit suicideH-

    Irregular interval of visit to pt8 room

    arly $# and period of endorsement : the time pt+s commit suicide

    Best approach for suicidal pt8 J "irect approach&ursing #anagementJ Close surveillance

    6ospital area maority sucide 'ill happens atJ

    'ee%ends 71 > am Sunday

    Wee%end less staff personnel

    arly $# every one is asleep

    Self $ctuali4ation

    Self steem


    *is% for self directed violence

    ating Sleep 6ypoactive Se2

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    /ive simple tas%8 "on+t give comple2 may cause depression e28 Gigsa'

    Water plants

    Wash the dishes e2cept sharps

    C6I" $B)S &thin% B' Burns, 0ruise, 0one fractures, B)&/I

    "on+t 0athe the child, don+t 0rush teet8 Body of evidence 'ill 0e lost

    Bantay Bata 7@>?S .F #&T$ *T$*"$TI.&

    Profoundo N =9

    o thin%s li%e an infants

    o can+t 0e trained

    o stay 'ith the patient


    o =9 : >D

    #oderateo >D : D9

    o can 0e train

    o mental age is = : M yAo

    o pre1operational stage

    #ildo D9 : M9

    o meantal age is M : 7=

    o educa0le

    o can go to school

    Borderlineo M9 1 U9

    &ormalo U9 : 799

    G.6& PI$/T+S C./&ITI? T6.*5

    9 : = Sensorimotor Ba0y can sense, see, perceive and hear8 .0ectpermanence

    = : Preconceptual anguage

    : M Intuitive )nidimentional classification characteristic8 Child can

    fi2 toys according to si4e, color, height one at a timeM : 7= ConservationConcrete



    7= Formal.peration

    /ood a0stract thin%ing8 Can interpret 'ords

    ero : = yAo ensorimotor


    #odera e hirtyfive : D9

    raina0le 'o : M yAo

  • 8/13/2019 Psyche Nursing


    - 29 -


    &.#I$ don+t %no' name of o0ects

    /&.SI$ pro0lem 'ith senses

    P6$SI$ can+t say it

    P*$3I$ can+t do it

    Cocaine &asal Septum perforation#ariuana impaired ung Structure

    eroine 'ithdra'ali%a0atsingu hu hu


    TST T$I&/ TC6&IQ)S78 $ssess the ans'er, use circle

    2. Initial priority T*)ST

    $BC $SSSS>8 /ood WordA Bad Word

    8 S Techniqueee% supportittayupervisedee o0servedeem notice

    assi t feeling

    D8 = same ans'erA = same mista%e@8 Words to 'atch out for

    Inappropriate#ost&ot included2cept

    $ll 0ut oneM8 )m0rella

    $ir food, 'ater


  • 8/13/2019 Psyche Nursing


    - 30 -

    *$TI.&S6IPPreorientation .rientation Wor%ing Termination

    Self a'areness Trust "iscussion valuation Setting Contract *esistance

    P*$CTIC .F &)*SI&/evel of Prevention

    7 = >

    6ealthy Ill *elapseCommunity "emog8 Crisis Intervention $$

    SF 6P /*.)PSnique

    niversality r not alone

    *ST$T e2act 'ords

    *FCT use other 'ords"P*SSI.&

    ndogenous *eactiveInternal e2ternalChemical

    Bar0ituate 'ithdra'al IB*I)# (Chloridia4epo2ide!

    T.F*$&I $ntidepressantA $nticholinergic pupil dilation midriasis

    Catharsis Feelings

    Free $ssociation Ideas

    $TTIT)" T6*$PIS

    $ctive friendlinessas% permissionassive Friendlinessaranoidanipulativenicatter of Fact

  • 8/13/2019 Psyche Nursing


    - 31 -

    &o "emand "epressed

    ind Firmness $nore2ic

    Crisis : @ 'ee%s

    /oal *eturn the client to the pre1crisis level of functioning

    PSCPerception 'hat do you thin% a0out itH

    Coping 'hat 'ill you do a0out itH

    Support 'ho 'ill 0e there for youH

    ulit %ulit %ulit %ulit Perseveration stic% to 7 topic

    )lit )lit )lit ?er0igeration"ISS.CI$TI.&

    "issociative $mnesia don+t %no' themselves

    Fugue Far"issociative Identity "isorder #ultiple Personality "8.8