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  • 8/13/2019 psiho book


  • 8/13/2019 psiho book


    pliers. gain, push the wire with your thumb as close to the pliers as possible.

    Step Step ! Step4

    Step ": n order to complete the loop you will ha!e to reorientate the wire in your pliers

    otherwise the lower -aw of your pliers will pre!ent you from completing the loop. ee the

    picture belowleft

    Step #: /ith the wire reorientated in your pliers, continue pushing the wire until youha!e completed the loop as shown belowcenter.

    Step $: t this point we need to !isually inspect the loop and ensure that it is centered. f

    it is slightly off center, insert the loop fully in your pliers and twist it one way or the other

    until the loop is centered o!er the !ertical wire segment abo!e the beads. ee the picturebelowright.

    Step " Step # Step $

    Step %: 0ow we are ready to cut the e1cess wire. 2rientate your flush cutter so that the

    flat side of your cutter is toward the finished wire component and cut the e1cess wire atthe point were it o!erlaps the beginning of the loop.

    Step &: fter cutting the e1cess wire the loop will be slightly open as shown at left. /e

    need to close this opening. This is done with your bent chain nose pliers, grasping the

    loop and twisting so that it is closed. The finished, closed loop will appear as shown at

  • 8/13/2019 psiho book



    Step % Step &'inished Bead


    2ur -ewelry making instructions continue with instructions on how to make a wrapped

    loop and with other techniques for making an open loop. The wrapped loop is !erypopular in making wire components because it is strong and can be used essentially in any

    -ewelry component. +lease !isit our instructions for these -ewelry techniques.

    Many e1pensi!e gemstones are made in a style

    called 3riolette, shown at right. This style of bead

    is teardrop shaped with a hole hori#ontallythrough the top of the teardrop. Mounting these

    briolette beads in -ewelry can be a challenge

    because you can not use a headpin as you would

    with normal teardrop beads. These instructionswill describe one way to mount a briolette bead.

    Je(elry Making S)pplies: *ools +e,)ired:

    # inches o- # (ire

    Briolette bead

    Je(elry Making Skills +e,)ired:

    /bility to bend (ire )sing bent chain

    nose pliers

    /bility to (rap (ire aro)nd itsel-0

    +o)nd ose 2liers

    'l)sh 3)tter

    3hain ose or Bent 3hain ose 2liers


    " 6in)tes o- -ree ti6e

  • 8/13/2019 psiho book


    6aking a (rapped loop.

    Step 14 5ut and straighten a 6 inch segment of &6 gauge wire. (/ith some briolettebeads, &7 gauge will also work.)

    Step 4 lide & inches of this wire through the hole in the top of the bead. 0ow bendboth sides of the wire up to form an "8" abo!e the bead. The wire should appear as

    shown at right.

    Step !4 rasp the longer segment of wire -ust before the cross in the "8" and bend this

    wire segment up. ee the picture, below left.

    Step 44 /rap the short segment around the long segment about two times.

    Step "4 5ut the e1cess wire. sing one pair of bent chain nose pliers grasp the two wire

    segments below the wrap. /ith a second pair of bent chain nose pliers squee#e and twist

    the short segment of cut wire so that it is flat. t this point your 3riolette bead shouldappear as shown bottom, right and you can use this as you would any bead dangle made

    with a headpin.

    Step Step ! Step 4 Step "

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    The first question is e1actly what is a bead dangle and why do need toknow how to make one9 0ormally, a bead dangle is one or more beads held in place by

    -ewelry wire, with a loop at one end so that the bead dangle can hang from that loop.

    3ead dangles can be an important -ewelry making component of earrings or necklaces.

    bead dangle is an important -ewelry making component, frequently made using a-ewelry finding called a headpin. headpin is a piece of metal with a "head" like the

    head of a pin on one end and a straight wire tail usually between $ and :" long. nlike a

    regular straight pin, the head pin is not sharp on the end opposite the "head", but ends in aflat or flush cut end. The "head" of the head pin holds the beads in place, the wire tail of

    the head pin is used to make the loop on the opposite end. ;ou can !iew a selection of

    head pins here.

    bead dangle is made by sliding one or more beads onto the head pin. /ith the head pinheld !ertically, with the head on the bottom and the wire tail point up, push the beads to

    the bottom against the head of the head pin and grasp the wire tail -ust abo!e the beads

    with your chain nose or bent chain nose pliers. Then bend the wire to an angle of aboutet us start with a simple definition of a bead dangle. bead dangle is one or more

    beads hanging from a -ewelry component like an earring body. ;ou can !iew a simplebead dangle at right. n most cases, beads will be strung on a head pin to make the bead

    dangle. ?inally, a bead dangle may ha!e a wrapped loop at the top like the one shown at

    right, or they may ha!e an open loop at the top like the large bead in the center of the

    earrings shown at left. The bead dangle is a !ery important -ewelry making skill becausewe use it so often. n fact, being able to make a bead dangle may be the one skill that

    differentiates a rank beginner from an ad!anced beginner.

    2ur approach for making a bead dangle is slightly different from the approach that was

    commonly taught $@ years ago. This modification is based upon the fact that we ha!e
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    de!eloped some new bent chain nose pliers, with thinner tips that we call fine bent chain

    nose pliers. n order to be successful with our approach you need bent chain nose pliers

    with tips that are about $mm wide. ;ou also need round nose pliers and a second pair ofchain nose or bent chain nose pliers. The steps in!ol!ed in making a bead dangle are

    described starting below.

    Step 1: Thread a head pin through your beads or beads.

    Step : +ush the bead all the way to the bottom of the head pin (touching the "head" of

    the head pin.

    Step !: rasp the head pin in your bent chain nose pliers immediately abo!e the bead as

    shown at right. The distance that you grasp the head pin from the tips of the -aws of your

    pliers will determine where the loop in the bead dangle begins. /e want this distance to

    be the same for all bead dangles in a particular -ewelry item, so please notice where on

    your pliers you gripped the head pin. 2n your second bead dangle, you will want to gripthe head pin at the same point on your pliers.

    Step 1 Step Step !

    Step 4: sing your thumb, while gripping the head pin firmly in your pliers, push thewire o!er to an angle of

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    Step 4 Step "

    Step #: 0ow we need to begin the process of making a loop in the head pin, centered

    abo!e the bead. sing your round nose pliers, grip the head pin on the longer, hori#ontal

    wire segment, but as close to the oosen your grip on the pliers enough to allow you to

    rotate the head pin as shown belowright. 2nce the head pin is in the position shown,

    grip the head pin firmly. +lease note that to make the best possible loop, you will want to

    grip the head pin at the same point in the -aws of the pliers in both steps A and

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    Step # Step $ Step %

    Step &: 0ow, while holding your pliers in your nondominant

    hand, use the forefinger on your dominant hand to push the wire to complete the loop.

    ee the picture at right for how the wire component should appear after you ha!e pushed

    the wire to complete the loop.

    Step 18: Bemo!e the wire component from your pliers. t this point the head pin with

    bead should appear as shown at left. ?requently at this point, you will notice that the

    loop is not centered abo!e the bead. n those cases, reinsert the loop on one of the -awsof your round nose pliers and slide it down the pliers until the entire loop is touching the

    pliers. t that point, you can twist the loop to the left or to the right until the loop is

    centered abo!e the bead.

    Step 11: t this point you can choose if you want to make an open loop bead dangle or awrapped loop bead dangle. ;ou can !iew an open loop bead dangle, belowleft and a

    wrapped loop bead dangle below center. f you choose to make the open loop beaddangle, you would cut the e1cess wire at the point where it starts to o!erlap, as shownbelowright. 2nce you'!e cut the e1cess wire, you ha!e essentially completed the open

    loop bead dangle. n order to add that dangle to a piece of -ewelry, you would use your

    bent chain nose pliers to twist the loop up, allowing it to be added to the -ewelry item.

    2nce it is in position, then you would twist the loop down to close the open loop. Thatwould complete the process of making and using an open loop bead dangle.

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    Open Loop Wrapped Loop3)tting the 9cess -or an Open


    Step 1: The wrapped loop bead dangle, is stronger and more

    permanent than an open loop bead dangle. fter the wire is wrapped closed, that bead

    dangle will remain in that position until it is cut off. ?or this reason, when making awrapped loop bead dangle, you need to put the bead dangle in its final position before

    you begin wrapping it closed. n the picture at right you can !iew how the wire

    component was positioned prior to wrapping. ometimes you may find that using yourpliers to open the loop slightly will make it easier to position the wire component.

    Step 1!: 0ow we need to grip the loop in the -aws of our fine bent chain nose pliers andhold the loop firmly. 3y holding the loop in our pliers while we wrap the wire around

    itself, we preser!e the round shape of the loop. ee the picture at left for how you should

    grip the loop with your pliers.

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    Step 14: t this point you are ready to wrap the wire around itself. Cold your bent chain

    nose pliers in your nondominant hand and with the fingers of your dominant hand push

    the wire to begin wrapping. 2ne important thing while you are wrapping is to keep thewire tail perpendicular to the wire you are wrapping around as you wrap.

    Step 1": 5ontinue wrapping until you ha!e filled almost all of the space between the

    bead and the loop at the top of the bead dangle. gain, keep the wires perpendicular for

    the entire wrap as this will allow a tight wrap without gaps.

    Step 1#: /hen you ha!e completed the wrap you will still ha!e some e1cess wire thatyou will need to cut. 5ut the wire with the flat side of your flush cutter toward the bead

    dangle so that you won't ha!e a sharp end left on your wire. 5ut as close to the bead

    dangle as your cutter will allow.

    Step 1$: The final step in making a wrapped bead dangle is to

    squee#e and twist the small cut end of the wire flat. This step requires two pair of chain

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    nose pliers. 2ne pair of chain nose pliers is required to hold theloop in the wire -ust as we did in step $: The second pair of chain nose pliers is used to

    squee#e and twist the !ery short cut end of the wire flat. n the picture at left, the pliers at

    the bottom hold the loop while the pliers on the top squee#e and twist the cut end of thewire until it is flat. The end result is the finished wrapped bead dangle shown at right.

    "5age" is a wire pattern around abead. The pattern is based upon spiraled

    wire wrapped around a bead held on

    either a head pin as shown at right oraround a wire similar to a wrapped bead

    link. 3age O;er #66 bead

    These earrings are a quick -ewelry

    making pro-ect and are rather unique.The finished product emphasi#es the

    cage and the wire and deemphasi#es the

    beads themsel!es.

    Je(elry S)pplies:

    3age 9arrings ;ie(s

    Je(elry *ools +e,)ired:

    $< inches of &* soft goldfilled


    Bound 0ose +liers

    ?lush 5utter

  • 8/13/2019 psiho book


    Two &" goldfilled head pins

    Two 6 mm crystal beads

    Two & or &.@ mm round gold

    filled beads

    5hain 0ose or 3ent 5hain 0ose +liers


    ny /igDig acrylic -ig

    piral Maker for -ig

    & metal pegs and one $%7 or @%

  • 8/13/2019 psiho book


    Step 4: 0ow, by hand, continue wrapping the

    smaller of the two spirals until it completelyo!erlaps the other spiral. The two spirals

    should be flat like two pancakes stacked oneon top of the other, with the center wires

    pointed in opposite directions. The picture atright shows how this should appear.

    Step 4 O;erlapping Spirals

    Step ": t this point you can easily see the ad!antages

    of using the /igDig piral Maker to make this cage.

    The two center wire tails become natural handles to pullthe cage apart, making a figure as near to a sphere as

    possible. Try to space the wire loops e!enly.Step " 2)ll /part 3age

    Step #: 0ow we need to open the cage so that we can

    put a bead in the center of the cage. This is done byhand, pulling apart two sides of the cage as shown at


    Step $: t this point we need to cut the wire tails off

    using our flush cutter. This lea!es us with an openclamshell of wire.

    Step %: n the center of the clamshell place a 6mm

    bead. Thread a & or &.@mm metal bead onto a &" head

    pin and thread the headpin into the hole of the 6mmbead.

    Step &: 0ow close the cage by hand and thread the

    headpin completely through the 6mm bead and theopposite center of the cage.

    Step # Open 3age

    Step & 'inished 3age

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    Step 18: To finish this earring, attach the headpin tothe ear wire with a wrapped loop. ?or this earring

    made the ear wire using a pattern like the one here. The

    steps for making the wrapped loop are also

    shown here. The finished earring is shown at right.

    Step 18 'inished 9arring

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    tart with a flush cut at one end of the wire. sing round nose pliers, place the wire between the

    -aws with the wire end flush with the edge of the pliers. ently press the wire tail around the nose toform the ma-ority of the loop. Belease pliers' grip, and mo!e pliers slightly to e1pose the unwrapped

    portion of the loop. ?inish loop by either twisting pliers slightly to close loop, or use fingers yto

    wrap wire around the -aw to complete.

    sing round nose pliers, place one -aw inside loop and grasp at thebase. Turn pliers slightly to align the loop directly on top of the wire


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    O*94 The length of the wire tail after the cut is critical. ee ne1t

    page for important details.

    Thread bead onto wire and clip wire tail with the flat edge of cutters towards the bead to form astraight edge in wire tail. rasp wire tail in round nose pliers and form a basic starting loop.

    sing round nose pliers, place one -aw inside loop and grasp at the base.

    Turn the pliers slightly to align the loop directly on top of the wirer base.

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    >oops can be made in same direction as shown on left. 2r, they can be

    made in the opposite direction, depending on the design and%or yourperesonal preference.

    The wrapped loop is one of the more important skills in!ol!ed in the wireworking technique called "/ire /rapping". This technique is important

    because it allows us to make a loop in wire that is as strong as if itwere cast or soldered. This is !ery important for making beaded chains and for

    connecting wire components into chains that are !ery strong. ;ou can !iew a

    wrapped loop at right. This technique can also be used to make a bead dangleusing a head pin as shown at left. The steps in!ol!ed in making a wrapped loop

    bead dangle are described below.

    Step 1: lide your beads onto your head pin all the way down. /hile holding

    the head pin upright, grasp the wire immediately abo!e the beads with your bentchain nose pliers.

    Step : 3end the wire o!er to an angle of about * degrees. Ensure that you

    ha!e about $" or &@ mm of wire on the now hori#ontal wire segment.

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    Step !: rasp the hori#ontal wire segment in your round nose pliers on the

    hori#ontal segment, but as close to the * degree bend as possible.

    Step 1 Step Step !

    Step 4: sing your thumb, push the wire up and o!er the -aw of your roundnose pliers as shown below.

    Step ": t this point you will need to reorientate the wire in the -aws of your

    pliers so that you can complete the loop. Begrip the wire as shown at right.

    Step #: 5omplete the loop as shown at left.

    Step 4 Step " Step #

    Step $: Bemo!e the wire from your pliers. t this point we need to inspect the loop to

    see if the loop is centered o!er the !ertical wire. f the loop isn't centered (which happens

    most of the time), slide one -aw of your round nose pliers all the way into the loop so that

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    the entire inside of the loop is touching the -aw of your pliers. Then grip the loop and

    twist it slightly so that the loop is properly aligned so that the !ertical wire points to the

    center of the loop. ?or the loop shown at right, you would twist the loop slightlyclockwise as we are looking at it to center the loop o!er the wire and beads below it.

    Step %: 0ow we are ready to connect this loop into your -ewelry component. Thisob!iously must be accomplished before wrapping the loop closed if you are connecting to

    another closed loop as shown abo!eleft.

    Step $ Step %

    Step &: /ith your loop connected as described abo!e, grasp the loop using your bentchain nose pliers. rasp it firmly. /e aren't trying to crush the loop only to make sure

    that it doesn't mo!e. To be able to accomplish this step, as shown at right, you need one

    of two things Either you need pliers with -aws that are thin so that you can grasp theloop and still ha!e room to wrap the loop closed, or the other alternati!e is that you need

    to make a larger loop in steps :, 7, and @ so that you will ha!e room for the -aws of your

    bent chain nose pliers. /e ha!e worked with manufacturers to de!elop bent chain nosepliers with thinner -aws called our-ine bent nose pliers. f you don't ha!e these pliers,

    make a larger loop, so that you will ha!e room to grasp the loop with your pliers.

    rasping and holding the loop while you wrap the wire preser!es the round shape of your


    Step 18: /rap the wire around one, two or three turns according to the needs of your

    pro-ect. n general, it is good to wrap as many turns as necessary to co!er the wire

    between your loop and your beads. Try to be consistent and use the same number ofwraps each time. /hile wrapping the wire, keep the wire tail that you are wrapping

    perpendicular to the wire that you are wrapping it around.
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    Step & Step 18

    Step 11: /hen you ha!e completed your wrap, you will need to cut the e1cess wire. Fo this with yourflush cutter, holding the flat side of your cutter toward the finished piece as shown at right.

    Step 1: /hen you ha!e cut the e1cess wire, you will ha!e a !ery small wire tail that will stick out at the

    cut end of the wire. f done correctly it will only protrude about $mm, but e!en this small amount is too

    much so we need to squee#e and twist this wire tail flat. This is done by holding your loop in your bentchain nose or fine chain nose pliers as shown and using a second pair of chain nose or flat nose pliers,

    squee#ing and slightly twisting, so that the small wire tail will lay flat and not protrude. /hen donecorrectly, the small wire tail will disappear as shown at right.

    This completes your wrapped loop. These same steps will apply if you are using this loop to connect a beaddangle and head pin in earrings and%or necklace, or if you are making a wrapped loop as a component in a

    chain. f more detailed instructions would help you to better understand this skill, we suggest purchase of

    our 7Wire Design Basics7online book.

    Step 11a Step 11b Step 1a'inished


    These instructions will document how to make a wrapped bead cap as shown at right. This technique is a

    decorati!e way to embellish a bead using wire.

    Step 1: 5ut a segment of && gauge wire about 6" long. traighten this wire using your nylon -aw pliers.
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    Step : 3end the wire * degrees about & $%&" from one end. Make a wrapped loop at this point, but do not

    cut the e1cess wire. ;ou should ha!e about $ :%7" of e1cess wire. Make the wrapped loop with about two

    wraps of wire around the stem. ;ou can !iew our free instructions for 6aking a (rapped loophere.fter you ha!e completed the wrapped loop add an

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    Step #: rasp the loop on one end in your bent chain nose pliers and hold the loop while

    you continue to wrap the wire. t this point the wire should begin to make a spiral on theside of the bead. 5omplete about 7 loops of wire on either side of the bead. ee the

    pictures below for how this should appear.

    Side Vie( 9nd Vie(

    Step $: sing your flush cutter, cut the e1cess wire. quee#e the cut end of the wire

    with your bent chain nose pliers so that it lays flat. ee the picture at right for a

    completed bead with end cap wraps.

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  • 8/13/2019 psiho book
