
HEADLINES MAY 14, 2012 The representative of the shareholders of AeroSur, Sergio Asbún, has announced that a letter of intent for the acquisition of Aerosur shares by the President of the Franklin Mining Inc. Company, William Petty, could by signed today (Página Siete) Sergio Asbún has indicated that representatives of Aerosur and William Petty are still discussing details to take a final decision today. William Petty, has announced yesterday that he will not set limits to his economic investment to save Aerosur (La Razón). The Committee on World Food Security of the Organization of the United Nations for Food and Agriculture (FAO) has adopted since yesterday a set of global guidelines about land property (Página Siete) Those guidelines have become the first international agreement on the governance of land property and access to forest resources and fisheries management. Last night, the President Evo Morales has closed the XV Congress of the Federation of Peasant Workers of Cochabamba (ABI Bolivia) Evo Morales has closed this Congress that has been inaugurated last Friday and attended by over 7.000 delegates from different communities of the department of Cochabamba. During his closing speech the President Evo Morales remarked the massive assistance to the Congress and he has also denounced certain actions from some opponent sectors to the Government which have used social networks to discriminate and exclude native indigenous peasants (Ministry of the Presidency). Government authorities, led by the Minister of the Presidency, Juan Ramón Quintana, and leaders of the Bolivian Workers Union (COB), at the head of its Executive Secretary, Juan Carlos Trujillo, have settled yesterday a dialogue in the building of the Vice Presidency, to discuss the list of demands of workers (ABI Bolivia) The Government and the Executive Committee of the Bolivian University (CEUB) have signed last night a memorandum of understanding that, among other things, guarantees teaching assistance and undertakes the enactment of a decree that shall cancel (meanwhile) the application of the regulation that establishes 8 hours of work for the public health

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Noticias del mes de Mayo


HEADLINES MAY 14, 2012The representative of the shareholders of AeroSur, Sergio Asbún, has announced that a letter of intent for the acquisition of Aerosur shares by the President of the Franklin Mining Inc. Company, William Petty, could by signed today (Página Siete)

Sergio Asbún has indicated that representatives of Aerosur and William Petty are still discussing details to take a final decision today. William Petty, has announced yesterday that he will not set limits to his economic investment to save Aerosur (La Razón).

The Committee on World Food Security of the Organization of the United Nations for Food and Agriculture (FAO) has adopted since yesterday a set of global guidelines about land property (Página Siete)

Those guidelines have become the first international agreement on the governance of land property and access to forest resources and fisheries management.

Last night, the President Evo Morales has closed the XV Congress of the Federation of Peasant Workers of Cochabamba (ABI Bolivia)

Evo Morales has closed this Congress that has been inaugurated last Friday and attended by over 7.000 delegates from different communities of the department of Cochabamba.

During his closing speech the President Evo Morales remarked the massive assistance to the Congress and he has also denounced certain actions from some opponent sectors to the Government which have used social networks to discriminate and exclude native indigenous peasants (Ministry of the Presidency).

Government authorities, led by the Minister of the Presidency, Juan Ramón Quintana, and leaders of the Bolivian Workers Union (COB), at the head of its Executive Secretary, Juan Carlos Trujillo, have settled yesterday a dialogue in the building of the Vice Presidency, to discuss the list of demands of workers (ABI Bolivia)

The Government and the Executive Committee of the Bolivian University (CEUB) have signed last night a memorandum of understanding that, among other things, guarantees teaching assistance and undertakes the enactment of a decree that shall cancel (meanwhile) the application of the regulation that establishes 8 hours of work for the public health sector (Ministry of the Presidency).

In a new scenario, the Union Summit convened by the Bolivian Workers Central (COB) for May 18th in the city of Oruro, will be aimed to change the content of the list of demands and prioritize the nationalization of mining companies, leaving in second place the wage increase.

The Mayor of La Paz, Luis Revilla and leaders of the Central Public Urban Transport of La Paz (CUTUP), have agreed last Friday to clarify some articles of the Municipal Public Transport Law, which could affect the interests of the transport sector (ABI Bolivia, La Razón)

The drivers have suspended their pressure measurements after a meeting of more than 10 hours held in the building of the Municipality of La Paz with the presence of a representative of the Ombudsman. The agreement has also established the conformation of an Inter-institutional

Commission to conduct a technical study on the scale of public service rates.

The Vice Minister of Public Safety, Miguel Vásquez, has indicated last Saturday that the “Safe City” Plan to prevent crime implemented in Bolivia in a web portal with support of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) will be presented as a model to the NYPD (New York Police Department) (ABI Bolivia, La Razón)

The representative of the Inter-American Development Bank in Bolivia, Baudouin Duquesne, has weighted the project of the Vice Minister of Public Safety, which will be aimed to prevent crime through the cybernetic system.

The Vice Minister of Public Safety explained that the “Safe City” information platform will have public access and will allow to identify high-risk areas and other preventive measures.

A Chilean newspaper (La Tercera) has published yesterday that Bolivia did not present to the OAS any draft resolution on the maritime theme but the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Juan Carlos Alurralde, said that this issue has already been registered and will be discussed in the General Assembly of Cochabamba (La Razón)

The Ambassador of Bolivia to the OAS (in Washington), Diego Pari, has also confirmed that the issue was scheduled. “Bolivia has requested the inclusion of the maritime item last May 1st”.

HEADLINES MAY 15, 2012The Government and the Bolivian Workers Union (COB) have signed today at 00:30 an agreement for drafting a decree suspending the application of the eight hour work day for the public health sector (ABI Bolivia)

However the President of the Medical College of Bolivia, Franz Barrios, has reiterated today that the indefinite general strike of health professionals will continue until the government repeals the 1126 Decree (Página Siete).

Bolivia has been considered as one of the countries with the worst housing conditions among Latin America nations (Página Siete)

Bolivia has been considered one of the poorest housing conditions countries among Latin American ones, according to a study made by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). This research reveals that one out of three families in the region, about 59 million people, lives in an inadequate house, built with flimsy materials or without basic services.

The countries with the worst rates recorded are Nicaragua, Bolivia, Peru and Guatemala, and in absolute terms Brazil and México have the highest deficits.

The European Union (EU) has urged the Government of Bolivia to approve a new Investment Law to provide “certainty” to European investment capitals (Página Siete)

The head of the European Union delegation in Bolivia, Kenny Bell, has stated that is very important for the European Union that this Law benefits the investment climate and provides certainty to investors. Kenny Bell has recalled that there are important European companies “that have made big investments in Bolivia” such as the Spanish Repsol, British Gas and Total in the hydrocarbon sector.

University delegations from different countries are arriving to Cochabamba to participate in the 30th Model Assembly of the Organization of American States (MOAS) (Los Tiempos, La Razón, Ministry of the Presidency)

The event will begin tomorrow at the campus of the Universidad del Valle in Tiquipaya with the participation of at least 400 Universities representing the 34 member countries of the Americas.

The inauguration of the event will be conducted by the Ambassador of the OAS, Adolfo Quiñones (who has already arrived to Cochabamba) in representation of the General Secretary of the OAS, José Miguel Insulza.

During the four days of the event (from the 16 to the 19 of May) the students will debate and analyze the central theme to be addressed at 42 OAS General Assembly: Food security with sovereignty. They will use the same dynamic aimed to adopt resolutions and produce a declaration to be sent to the General Secretariat.

Yesterday, the President Evo Morales has deplored the messages sent against him through Facebook (La Razón)

The president put particular emphasis on Valverde's comments (a journalist from Santa Cruz) which suggest that Evo Morales, as a coca growers' leader, had participated in setting up booby traps or that last year he had ordered the repression of the TIPNIS marchers in Chaparina.The insults to the head of State are referred to his political and intellectual formation and even to the clothes he wears. In some cases, those messages contain racist statements.


The government and the Bolivian Workers Union (COB) will restart tomorrow the analysis of the remaining points of the COB requirements (El Diario)

The representative of the COB, Jose Luis Delgado, has stated that they will discuss about the reactivation of the productive apparatus related to the mining industry and agriculture as well as social issues related to the General Labour Act and its ratification to the ILO (International Labour Organization).

Students of the Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS-Cochabamba) and urban teachers have announced yesterday that they are going to start a march towards the city of La Paz demanding the repealing of the 1126 Supreme Decree for the public health sector (ABI Bolivia).

After the announcements made by the government about a possible control of social networks like Facebook and Twitter, opposition groups have indicated that “respect is earned not by control” and those regulations could threaten freedom of expression (El Diario)

The Deputy for National Convergence (CN), Thomas Monasterios, has indicated that authorities must earn the respect of the population with good governance and commitment to the country; and freedom of expression could be damaged with those government announcements because can create a psychological sense of self-censorship for citizens.

The Andean Joint Command (CCA) has delivered yesterday to the National Hydrocarbons Agency (ANH) and to the National Customs (AN) more than fifty illegal cars, fuel and other items seized at the border with Peru (El Diario)

The CCA Commander, General Rene Suarez, has delivered to the National Hydrocarbons Agency 30.430 liters of diesel, 270 liters of kerosene, 255 of gas and 48 bottles of liquefied petroleum gas; and 1.000 units of oil, 4 boxes of cigarettes, 35 quintals of flour, 26 of sugar and 163 of arrocillo (smashed rice) to the National Customs Office. The 55 illegal vehicles were delivered in an official ceremony held yesterday in Guaqui.

The number of workers of Aerosur who remain in hunger strike since Monday at the airport of El Alto has increased; they are demanding the payment of at least 3 months of unpaid salaries (El Diario)

Aerosur workers are demanding the signature of a financing agreement with the American businessman, William Petty who has arrived to La Paz yesterday at noon. William Petty did not give any further details about the status of the negotiations and did not reveal his agenda.

A survey made by the Statistical Services of Radio Fides in the city of La Paz has revealed that 75.40% of respondents do not agree with the reelection of President Evo Morales (Página Siete)

The study results were published yesterday in the digital page of This survey was named “Political Climate of La Paz” (held between the 28 and 29 of April in 50 districts of the city) and it included people of all socioeconomic levels. The survey also indicates that 71% of “Paceños” support the administration of Mayor Luis Revilla.

The deputy representative of the United Nations Fund for Children (UNICEF), Ludwig Guendel, has pointed out that in Bolivia there are about 20.000 children totally abandoned by their parents (Página Siete)

Ludwig Guendel has stated that there are about 20.000 children totally abandoned in Bolivia, without families and probably many of them live in peccary conditions in foster care centers. Beyond this, there are about 800.000 children working in the country. About the OAS General Assembly (Página Siete)

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, David Choquehuanca, has inaugurated today in Cochabamba the 30th Version of the Model Assembly of the Organization of the American States (MOAS) at the campus of the Universidad del Valle in Tiquipaya (ABI Bolivia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

The Secretary of External Relations of the Organization of American States (OAS), Alfonso Quiñones, has indicated yesterday that the 42nd General Assembly will define proposed actions to address the security challenges food for countries in the region (Página Siete).

More than a hundred journalists, heads of national and international information press have received yesterday an information training workshop about the 42nd General Assembly of the OAS, conducted by the Secretary of External Relations of the Organization of the American States, Alfonso Quiñonez (Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

A senior parliamentary of Hungary has demanded yesterday to the Bolivian Government the releasing of Elöd Tóásó, who has been accused of acts of terrorism in Bolivia (Los Tiempos, La Razón)

The parliamentary has also demanded “a comprehensive diplomatic pressure” and he has denounced that in Bolivia there is no Rule of Law, because the Government of Evo Morales does not respect “even its own laws”.

The Vice President of the Human Rights Commission of the Parliament of Hungary, Gergely Gulyás, has made this demand on public television stressing out that this issue represents a legal process with “politic motivations” which have kept Elöd Tóásó illegally arrested more than three years.


On April 16, 2009, Bolivian authorities have broken up an alleged terrorist group in Santa Cruz, in a police operation on which was killed the Hungarian-Croatian-Bolivian Eduardo Rózsa, the Romanian-Hungarian Árpád Magyarosi and the Irish Michael Martin Dwyer.

During this operation, Tóásó and Mario Tadic (Bolivian with Croatian passport) were arrested and accused of armed sedition and terrorism.

The Governor of Beni Ernesto Suárez has resigned yesterday (Los Tiempos, La Razón, El Diario)

The former Governor of Beni formalized his resignation yesterday and he asked the people of Beni to call elections.

This resignation was qualified separately by the governor of Santa Cruz, Rubén Costas, and the leader of the Movement Without Fear (MSM), Juan del Granado, as premature and as a mistake.

The suspended governor reiterated that his resignation is aimed to enable the calling for elections and restore democracy in the department of Beni.

The former authority was suspended last December for charges on alleged misappropriation of resources during its passage through the Prefecture of Beni, and instead of him Haisen Rivera, Assemblyman for the MNR, was appointed.


The Departmental Assembly of Beni has accepted yesterday the resignation of the former governor Ernesto Suarez Sattori (El Diario, La Razón)

The Assembly is still debating the permanence of the interim governor Haisen Rivera and the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) has indicated that there is a given date until November 29 to develop new regional elections.

The president of the Electoral Supreme Tribunal (TSE), Wilfredo Ovando, has informed that if there is circumstance of resignation, death, or recall referendum of mayors and governors, the departmental assemblies and municipal councils have until November 29 2012 to call elections otherwise after this date, the interim authority will conclude the five-year term that in this case will expire in April 2015.

The former Governor Haisen Rivera has resigned in order to allow calling for elections because according to the TSE, governors and mayors in exercise since May 30, 2010 have a deadline until November 29, 2012 to call elections in case that the current authority resigns, is suspended, dies, or has been revoked.

Bolivian Authorities have seized yesterday 500 kilos of cocaine shipped from Bolivia (La Razón)

Agents of the Navy and Arica Regional Customs have seized 500 kilos of cocaine hidden in thick chains of heavy machinery inside a shipment from Bolivia and going to Ivory Coast.

Bolivian Fiscal Oilfields (YPFB) Corporation, has inaugurated today in Santa Cruz the II International Congress Gas & Oil 2012 that will address issues on exploration, industrialization and challenges for the next decade (El Diario)

The President of YPFB, Carlos Villegas, has confirmed the participation of President Evo Morales at the opening ceremony.

The Secretary of External Relations of the Organization of American States (OAS), Alfonso Quiñones, at the inauguration of the 30th version of the Model Assembly of the OAS in Tiquipaya, has asked to strengthen public policies to promote increased investment in agriculture in order to move towards a more just, equitable and inclusive food order (El Diario, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Alfonso Quiñones has indicated that these tasks must be accompanied by initiatives to develop more programs on food access to vulnerable populations including food safety education and nutrition.

(Gasification and clashes between police and university students in Cochabamba nearby Tiquipaya have marred yesterday the 30th Assembly of the Model Organization of the OAS).

The prosecutor Sergio Iporre has informed last Tuesday that the Third Court of Instruction in Criminal of Tarija has ordered the preventive notation of the assets of the Mayor of this city, Oscar Montes, who is involved in the case Imbolsur II, related to the irregular purchase of asphalt cement (El Diario)

The Minister of the Presidency, Juan Ramon Quintana, has reported yesterday

morning that the Cabinet has approved the 1232 decree suspending the application of the 1126 Decree (El Diario)

During a press conference, the authority of the State has explained that the 1232 Decree establishes two aspects: the suspension and the inapplicability of the 1126 Decree and the establishment of the National Health Summit to be held from 27 July 28.

The Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Jorge Perez, has announced yesterday that the Ministry of Government has presented a criminal complaint before the Public Ministry to investigate violent actions of university students (El Diario)

Jorge Perez presented evidence, including photographs, which show the “violent assaults” from medical students against police and journalists.

Fulfilling one of the points of the agreement signed between the Government and the COB, the Cabinet has sent this Wednesday the draft Law for the Legalization of Fundamental Rights to Strike to the Plurinational Legislative Assembly (Ministry of the Presidency).

The Association of Travel Agencies of Salta (ASAT) in Argentina has initiated a legal process against AeroSur for the crime of fraud, for the sale of 1,250 international flights tickets, which were canceled a month ago (La Razón)

The Charge D'affaires of the Embassy of the United States in Bolivia, John Creamer, has indicated that the Trade and Investment Council shall determine the tariff preferences for Bolivian imported products in United States (La Razón)

On December 19, 2011, the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Juan Carlos Alurralde, announced that this council, formed after the approval of the framework agreement between Bolivia and the United States had planned a meeting to be held maximum in early March 2012, but the event was not yet carried out.

The National Customs of Bolivia (ANB) will cross information with the Customs of Chile to prevent fraud (La Razón)

By the end of May 2012, Bolivia and Chile will begin to exchange information online about goods from Chilean ports entering in Bolivia to “finish” with the sub invoicing of products.