providing quality

Providing Quality Lisa Schlabaugh EDU658: Instructional Leadership James Woodward 1/28/13

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Providing Quality. Lisa Schlabaugh EDU658: Instructional Leadership James Woodward 1/28/13. Introduction. Recruiting interpreters Training modules On the Job Training Program. Change Strategy. Assessments Training Modules OJT. Small Win. Change hiring requirements Assessment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


PowerPoint Presentation

Providing QualityLisa SchlabaughEDU658: Instructional LeadershipJames Woodward1/28/13

1IntroductionRecruiting interpretersTraining modulesOn the Job Training Program

ABC Corporations mission is to provide quality within all levels of the organization. After an analysis of our interpreter onboarding process was completed, we identified that the hiring of quality interpreters, providing quality training and reinforcing a quality product during OJT are all areas of opportunity. The French interpreters are consistently outperforming the Spanish interpreters in quality. 2Change StrategyAssessmentsTraining ModulesOJT

The change strategy involves evaluation and modifications of our three main areas: recruiting, training and on the job training programs. In order to make modifications and get buy-in from all members, several stakeholders are invited to attend discovery meetings. A member from each of the departments listed were invited: Human Resources, Operations, Support staff and Client Services. We will improve the quality of applicants by recruiting applicants with experience and evaluate the testing points for the assessment, ensuring it is in line with industry standards. We will improve the training modules by evaluating the test results and ensuring the trainees are able to apply the information. We will improve the On the Job Training process by creating a database for the support staff which they can use to improve performance and evaluate what each successful support member is doing differently. 3Small WinChange hiring requirements

AssessmentMeets industry standardsPass rate of 13%National average- 11%

The questions on the application were evaluated and minimum requirements were changed. All parties involved agreed to the change based on the supporting documentation. The assessment, testing points and passing scores were all evaluated. According to Translation times, first time test takers pass at a 5% rate while Texas boasts a 50% pass rate. According to the National Consortium, the national average is a pass rate of 11%. The weekly assessment pass rate at West is 38% on average however the overall rate is 13%, indicating we are above but in line with the national average. The assessment was evaluated by an outside consultant and it meets and exceeds industry standards. Because of the French interpreters success, we know it is possible to hire interpreters at a 50% score and convert their quality scores to 90% within 3 months. We have lowered the quality scores of the Spanish interpreters, increasing the number of people hired by 20%. and reliableMarketing, client meetingsConfidence in our process

This is a benefit to our initiative because we have received confirmation that the assessment is valid and reliable. This is a win we can share with our client as well as promote in our marketing materials. Knowing we are in line with the industry helps us feel more confident in what we are doing as an organization during the start up phase. We are able to confidently recruit and assess applicants and know this process is acceptable to a language service provider organization. 5Shared ValueIncreased productivityDecreased OJT timeDecreased costMore efficient Move to production quicklyIncreased client satisfaction

Shared value for all stakeholders- because of the improvement in quality of interpreters, Human resources is spending less time interviewing unqualified candidates increasing their productivity in other tasks. Operations is increasing productivity because they are focusing on ABC Corporations policies, moving interpreters into production much quicker and decreasing the time spent in OJT. The clients are happy because they are receiving quality interpretations and the calls are handled in an expedient manner because more interpreters are available. 6Data

Decreased OJT daysIncreased qualityThe changes to the application have increased the number of qualified interpreters; increasing the number of interpreters while decreasing the time they spend in OJT. The interpreters are able to focus on ABC Corporations policies instead of learning how to interpret. Lowering the assessment scores has increased the number of people we are hiring. The average days spent in OJT is 30 days for Spanish and 20 days for French. The scores went from 65% average to 90% average for Spanish. The score went from 90% to 95% average for French. 7PublicationMonthly meetingStakeholdersMarketingClient servicesSupport team

We will announce this to stakeholders at our monthly meetings. In addition to this, we will share our findings with marketing and client services. These meetings are designed to share our progress, obstacles and other areas identified as opportunities. In addition to the stakeholders, the support teams will be notified of the changes made as well as the data found to support the passing assessment scores agreed upon. 8Continuous ProgressTraining modules- in one month

OJT one month

Quality Initiative- 3 months

Next step for making continuous progress- In order to maintain our progress, we are going to continue with the training module analysis and OJT process. In 2 months, we will send the interpreters and support team members a survey to see if they see a difference as well. We will be pulling reports and compare the data to our current data. We will continue to meet with the team monthly for the next three months and then quarterly for the next year. During this time, we will continue to monitor the data and call a meeting if the results start to decrease.9

Plan itUse data1 or 2 small winsPublicize winBest practices

According to Spiro, to provide an early win, you must plan it, use data, use only one or two small wins, and publicize the win. The presentation explained the three strategies to lead the quality initiative and supported Jody Spiros recommendations. The assessment was considered a win because I was able to add the qualifying questions in the application process. After providing supporting documentation I was able to make the change to the minimum scores. After working with a consultant I verified the assessment was in line with industry standards. All of these provided immediate results and required very little time however were a necessary cost and change. By promoting the win to the team and sharing that we have high pass rates but still in line with the national average, we can provide potential and existing clients with valid and reliable data. 10Conclusion

The road to success can be full of wins or losses. What will continue to be important is to include the stakeholders in decisions and continue to communicate with the team. The next step will be to evaluate and monitor the training and finally working with the support to team to identify the best practices. Frequent monitoring of the process and sharing of data will be required; but publicizing and gaining credibility will be crucial to the success of your current and future initiatives.11ReferencesJenner, Judy and Jenner, Dagmar. (2011). Passing the State Court Interpreter Exam. Translation Times., Jody. (2011). Leading Change Step-By-Step Tactics, Tools and Tales. San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons.

Jenner, Judy and Jenner, Dagmar. (2011). Passing the State Court Interpreter Exam. Translation Times.

Spiro, Jody. (2011). Leading Change Step-By-Step Tactics, Tools and Tales. San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons.