proverbe, expresii en-ro

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  • 8/12/2019 Proverbe, Expresii en-ro


    Proverbe, expresii si zicatori


    - A bad workman quarrels with his tools. = Vizitiul prost bate calul bun.- A barking dog never bites. = Cinele care latr nu musc.

    - A beggar`s purse is bottomless. = Sacul cersetorului n-are fund.- A belly full of gluttony will never study willingly. = Burta plin nu nvat bine.- A bellyful is a bellyful, whether it be meat or drink. = Burta se umple si cu paine si cu apa.- A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. = Nu da vrabia din mn pe cioara de pe gard.- A black hen lays a white egg. = Gina neagr face oul alb.- A bow long bent at last waxes weak. = Nu ntinde coarda pre mult, c se rupe.- A chip off the old block. = Aschia nu sare departe de trunchi.- A close mouth catches no flies. = In gura nchis nu intr musca.- A constant guest is never welcome. = Vizitele cele mai plcute sunt cele mai rar fcute. ( Mai rarut ca-i mai dragut. )- A crow is never the whiter for washing herself often. = Corbul n zadar se spal, c negreata nu si-o pierde.- A fair face, foul heart. = La chip frumos si la inim gunos.- A fair wife and a frontier castle breed quarrels. = Nevasta frumoas e belea n cas.

    - A faithful friend is hard to find, remember man and keep in mind. = Fericit cel ce a dobndit prieten bun si cinstit.- A fault confessed is half redressed. = Pcatul mrturisit este pe jumtate iertat.- A flatterer`s throat is an open sepulchre. = Fereste-te de lingusitori, dac nu vrei s mori.- A fool believes everything. = Prostul face ce vede si ce aude crede.- A fool may give a wise man counsel. = Cel ntelept si de la cel nebun multe afl si nvat.- A fool may throw a stone into a well, which a hundred wise men cannot pull out. = Un nebun arunc-o piatr n balt sizece cuminti n-o pot scoate.- A fool`s bolt is soon shot. = Prostul nti vorbeste si apoi se gndeste.- A fool`s tongue is long enough to cut his own throat. = Gura ucide mai mult dect sabia.- A forgetful head makes a weary pair of heels. = Unde nu-i cap, vai de picioare.- A friend in need is a friend indeed. = Prietenul la nevoie se cunoaste.- A good bestill is worth a groat. = Vorba mult, srcia omului.

    - A good conscience is a soft pillow = Cugetul linistit odihna buna aduce.- A good deed is never lost. = Fapta bun nu moare niciodat.- A good friend is a treasure. = Prieten adevrat, avere nepretuit.- A good friend is my nearest relation. = Mai bine un prieten apropiat dect o rud deprtat.- A good name is better than riches. = Omenia-i mai buna ca avutia.- A good neighbour, a good morrow. = Vecin bun ai nimerit, mare bine-ai dobndit.- A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit. ( A tree is known by its fruit. ) = Pomul bun dupa roade bune se cunoaste.- A good wife`s a goodly prize, saith solomon the wise. = Nevasta cu mintea bun e brbatului cunun.- A great ship asks deep waters. = Pentru corabie mare trebuie ap mult.- A honey tongue, a heart of gall. = In buze miere si-n inim fiere.- A horse, a wife, and a sword may be shewed, but not lent. = Pusca, calul si femeia nu se mprumut.- A husband must be deaf and the wife blind to have quietness. = Brbatul surd si nevasta oarb, cea mai tihnit cstorie.

    - A lean agreement is better than a fat judgement. = Mai bine o pace (nvoial) strmb dect o judecat dreapt.- A little body often harbours a great soul. = Mic la stat, mare la sfat.- A little fire burns up a great deal of corn. = O scnteie e de ajuns ca s ard toata sira- A little stone in the way overturns a great wain. = Piatra (buturuga) mic rstoarn carul mare.- A living dog is better than a dead lion. = Mai bine un cine viu dect un leu mort.- A man of many trades begs his bread on sunday. = Celui cu meserii multe, casa-i este fr curte.- A man`s praise in his own mouth stinks. = Lauda de sine nu miroase a bine.- A piece of churchyard fits everybody. = Pmntul te naste, pmntul te creste, pmntul te mistuieste.- A prophet is not without honour save in his own country. = Nimeni nu-i profet n patria sa.

  • 8/12/2019 Proverbe, Expresii en-ro


    - A question of life and death = O problema de viata si moarte.- A ragged colt may make a good horse. = Dintr-o iap tigneasc iese un cal boieresc.- A scalded cat fears cold water. = Cine s-a fript cu ciorba sufla si-n iaurt.- A sleeping man is not hungry. = Cine doarme nu-i e foame.- A soft answer turneth away wrath. (Good words cool more than cold water.) = Vorba dulce mult aduce. (Cuvantul poatemangaia mai mult decat mana.)

    - A stitch in time saves nine. = Sprtura pn e mic trebuie crpit.- A thief knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf. = Hotului de hot e frica.- A thief passes for a gentleman when stealing has made him rich. = Hotul neprins (nedovedit) e negustor cinstit.- A wise head makes a close mouth. = Inteleptul tace si face.- A wolf in sheep`s clothing. = Lup in blana de oaie.- A woman`s advice is no great thing, but he who won`t take it is a fool. = Prost e cel ce nu ia in seama si sfatul nevestei.- A word to a wise man is enough. = O singur vorb e de ajuns celui ce vrea s te nteleag.- Abound in one`s own sense = A-si fi siesi singurul povatuitor si sfetnic ( a se conduce numai dupa capul sau )- About and about = Tot un drac- Above one`s bend = Peste puterile cuiva.- Above one`s reach = Peste puterea de ntelegere a cuiva.- Above the mark = Mai presus de normele stabilite/curente ( iesit din comun )

    - Above the salt = In capul mesei- Above-board = Cinstit ; pe fata- Abreast of/with the times = In pas cu vremea.- Absence makes the heart grow fonder. = Mai rrut, mai drgut.- Abundance, like want, ruins many. = Bogatia strica omenia.- According to Cocker = Dupa toate regulile ( ca la carte )- Acorns were good till bread was found. (If you have not a capon, feed on onion ) = Bun si mmliga, cnd ne lipsestepinea.- Across lots = Pe de-a dreptul ( pe drumul cel mai scurt )- Act the ape = A se maimutari ( a face pe prostul / bufonul )- Act the ass, to = A se comporta prosteste- Actions speak louder than words. = Faptele graiesc mai bine decat vorbele.

    - Actions speak louder than words = Faptele sunt mai concludente decat cuvintele.- Add fuel (oil) to the fire = A pune paie pe foc- Adore the rising sun = A se pune bine cu stapnirea- Adversity makes a man wise, not rich. = Cine pgubeste se ntelepteste.- After a great getter comes a great spender. = Unul adun, altul risipeste.- After a manner = Intr-un fel sau altul ( cumva )- After a storm comes a calm. = Dup furtun, vine si vreme bun.- After a thrifty father, a prodigal son. = Banii strngtorului pe mna risipitorului.- Against heavy = In conditii extrem de grele (vitrege)- Against the collar = Cu chiu cu vai ( fara tragere de inima )- Agree like cats and dogs ( agree like harp and harrow ) = A se intelege precum cainele si pisica- Ahead of time = Inainte de vreme

    - Alight on the lure = A nghiti momeala- Alive and kicking = In putere ( foarte activ )- All along of = Din pricina (cauza)- All along = Tot timpul ( de la nceput )- All are of the dust, and all turn to dust again. = Tarana in tarana se intoarce.- All his geese are swans. = Gina vecinului e mai gras.- All in the day`s = Normal ( nimic deosebit )- All in = Istovit, vlaguit- All is not gold that = Nu tot ce zboara se mannca.

  • 8/12/2019 Proverbe, Expresii en-ro


  • 8/12/2019 Proverbe, Expresii en-ro


    - At a run = Unul dupa altul- At a time = Dintr-o data ; In acelasi timp- At any hand (rate) = In orice caz- At dead of night = In toiul noptii- At every pore = Din crestet pana-n talpi. ; Din tot corpu.- At every turn = La tot pasul

    - At first blush = La prima vedere- At odd hours (times) = In orele (timpul) libere- At one dash = La prima ncercare- At that = Pe deasupra. / In plus.- At the back of beyond = La capatul lumii. ( Unde a dus surdu iapa. )- At the flood = La momentul oportun- At the hazard of his life = Cu riscu vietii.- At the nick of time = In ultima clipa. ( La tanc )- At the peep of day = La revarsarea zorilor. ; Cand se crapa de ziua.- At the top of one`s throat (voice). = In gura mare. ; Cat il tine gura.- At the very loose. = In ultimul moment; In ultima clipa.


    - Bacchus hath drowned more men than neptune. = Mai multi se neac n butur dect n ap.- Back and fill = ASovai; A fi nehotart.n (A naviga in deriva)- Back the oars = A vasli n sens invers.- Back the wrong horse = A miza (paria /socoti) gresit.- Ball is with you = E randul dv.- Bargain is a bargain = Fagaduiala data e datorie curata.- Bark up the wrong tree = A nimeri aiurea. (A gresi adresa)- Bate an ace = A face concesii.- Bawl and squall = A striga in gura mare.- Be a button short = A -i lipsi o doaga. (A nu fi n toate mintile.)- Be a cup too low = A nu fi in toate mintile.- Be a demon for work = A munci pe branci (cu ardoare).- Be a devil to eat. = A manca ca un lup.- Be a little upon the fal-lal = A face fasoane (mofturi, nazuri).- Be a little wanting = A fi intr-o ureche (doaga).- Be able to do it on one`s head = A putea face ceva cat ai bate din palme.- Be above oneself = A fi increzut (plin de sine)- Be all at sea. = A fi complet dezorientat.- Be all in one story = A fi cu totii de acord.- Be all on wires = A fi un pachet de nervi. (A sta ca pe ghimpi.)- Be all out = A face pe dracu n patru. (A se face luntre si punte.)- Be all set = A fi gata (pregatit).- Be all thumbs = A nu fi bun de nimic.- Be art and part in ... = A fi implicat in ...- Be as cross as two sticks = A nu-i fi toti boii acasa.- Be as good as one`s word = A fi om de cuvant.- Be at low ebb = A fi in declin.- Be at low-water mark = A nu avea nici o para chioara. (A fi lefter.)- Be at one`s best = A fi in forma.- Be at sixes and sevens. (Be off the hinges) = A fi claie peste gramada /brambura /alandala.- Be at the lock = A fi in dilema.

  • 8/12/2019 Proverbe, Expresii en-ro


  • 8/12/2019 Proverbe, Expresii en-ro


    - Best to bend while it is a twig. = Indoaie fierul cat e cald.- Bet a cookie = A face pariu. (A face prinsoare.)- Better be first in a village than second at rome. = Mai bine n satul tu fruntas dect codas la oras.- Better beg than steal. = Mai bine s ceri dect s furi.- Better die with honour than live with shame. = Mai bine moarte cinstit dect viata necinstit.- Better give the wool than the sheep. = Mai bine lna s-o dai dect oaia s-o pierzi.

    - Better go to bed supperless than to rise in debt. = Mai bine sa te culci flamand decat sa te scoli in datorii.- Better late than never. ( It is not lost that comes at last. ) = Mai bine mai trziu dect niciodat.- Better leave than lack. = Mai bine s ntreac dect s nu ajung.- Better never to begin than never to make an end. = Mai bine sa nu incepi ceea ce nu termini.- Better ride on an ass that carries me than a horse that throws me. = Mai bine un mgar care te poart dect un cal care tearunca (trnteste).- Between grass and hay = De varsta adolescentei. (Baietandru)- Between the hammer and the anvil. = A fi ntre ciocan si nicoval.- Between the hand and the lip the morsel may slip. = De la mn pn-la gur se pierde mbuctura.- Between two stools one falls to the ground. = Cine umbl n dou luntri cade n ap.- Between wind and water. = Sub linia de plutire.- Beware of false prophets. = Feriti-v de proorocii mincinosi.

    - Beyond all bearing = De nesuportat /neindurat /nesuferit.- Big fish eat little fish. = Pestele cel mare nghite pe cel mic.- Birds of a feather flock together. = Cine se aseamana se aduna.- Bit by bit = Putin cate putin ( Bucata cu bucata ).- Bit off = Putin scrantit /ticnit (sarit de pe fix)- Bit on / Tipsy = Cam cherchelit (cam cu chef)- Bite off a big chunk = A se inhma la o treab grea. - Bite off more than one can chew = A se apuca de o treab mult prea grea. - Blab is wist and out it must. = Ce-i n gus, si-n cpus.- Blood is thicker than water. = Sngele ap nu se face.- Blow away the cobwebs = A iesi la aer (A-si limpezi creierul la aer)- Blow bubbles = A face baloane de spun. (A susine teorii umflate.)

    - Blow hot and cold = A avea o comportare inegala. (A spune ba una, ba alta.)- Blow hot coals = A se mania foc.- Blow like a grampus = A rasufla din greu.- Blow one`s own trumpet = A se lauda singur.- Bolt all the flour = A intoarce (o problema) pe toate fetele.- Bone (at) a subject. (Bone up on a subject) = A se pune cu burta pe carte.- Borrowed garments never fit well. = Haina mprumutat nu se potriveste bine.- Boss the show = A fi capul (conducatorul) unei actiuni- Boys will be boys. = Copilul trebuie s fie copil.- Break a butterfly /fly upon the wheel = A trage cu tunul in vrabii.- Break no bones = A nu fi nici o paguba.- Break squares = A incalca un obicei /regula stabilita.

    - Break the camel`s back = Colac peste pupaza. (Picatura care a umplut paharul.)- Break the pale = A-si permite prea multe excese. (A trai necumpatat.)- Breaks were against us = Nu am avut bafta.- Breast the tape = A ajuuge primul la linia de sosire.- Bring a hornet`s nest about one`s cars = A-si aprinde paie-n cap.- Bring an old house on one`s head = A da de belea (de bucluc)- Bring more sacks to the mill = A aduce (a veni cu) argumente suplimentare.- Bring oil to the fire (Add fuel to the fire) = A pune gaz (paie) pe foc.- Bring one`s noble to ninepenee = A da (arunca, cheltui) cu bani in stanga si-n dreapta.

  • 8/12/2019 Proverbe, Expresii en-ro


    - Bring oneself home = A-si reveni dintr-o situatie grea. (A ajunge iar pe linia de plutire.)- Bring to the hammer = A vinde (scoate) la licitatie.- Bring to the parish = A aduce la sapa de lemn.- Build a lire under oneself = A-si sapa singur groapa. (A-si taia singur craca de sub picioare.)- Bully for you! = Ai baft! Eti bftos! - Burn daylight = A pierde timpul degeaba

    - Burn not your house to fright the mouse away. = Nu da foc casei ca s ard soarecii.- Burn the candle at both ends = A-i cheltui (irosi) forele (energia) in mod nesocotit - Burn the earth /wind = A fugi mancand (rupand) pmautul - Burn the midnight oil = A lucra pan noaptea trziu. (A se culca foarte tarziu.) - Burn the planks = A sta mult (timp) nemicat pe loc (in acelasi loc). - Burn the water = A pescui noaptea.- Burn up the road = A goni nebuneste.- Burst one`s boiler = A da de belea (bucluc).- Burst one`s buttons = A se ngra ca un porc (de-i plesnesc / pocnesc hainele pe el).- Bury the hatchet = A face pace. (A se impaca.)- Bush natural; more hair than wit. = Coad lung, minte scurt.- Business is business. (One hand will not wash the other for nothing.) = Frate, frate, dar brnza-i pe bani.

    - Buy a pig in a poke = A cumpara orbeste.- Buy gape-seed = A umbla teleleu.- Buy off the peg = A cumpara haine de gata.- By and by = In curand. (In viitorul apropiat.)- By ignorance we mistake, and by mistakes we learn. = Din greseli nvat omul.- By oneself = Singur (Singurel)- By rights = De drept.- By the way = Apropo; Fiindc veni vorba.


    -Cabbage twice cooked is death. = Ciorba nclzit mult stric la stomac.- Call a halt = A pune capt. / A curma. - Call all to naught = A ponegri. / A defaima.- Call into requisition to ... = A recurge la... / A face apel la ...- Call it a day = De-ajuns pentru (ziua de) azi! / Gata (cu munca) pe ziua de azi.- Call it a do , t o : shall we ? = Ne-am hotrat, facem targul ? - Call it square = A regla conturile (cu cineva). / A fi chit.- Call off the dogs = A schimba subiectul conversatiei.- Call the bear "uncle" till you are safe across the bridge. = F-te frate cu dracu pn treci puntea.- Call the tune = A da tonul. (A comanda)- Call white black = A face din alb negru.- Can the leopard change his spots? = Nravul din fire n -are lecuire. / Lupul i schimb prul, dar nravul ba. - Can you beat it/that! = Asta-i culmea! / Asta-i buna! / ! S-a mai pomenit una ca asta !- Cannot see the wood for the trees. = A nu vedea pdurea din cauza copacilor.- Cap fits = Se potriveste. / E just. / Asa e.- Care and diligence bring luck. = Prin munc si struint vei ajunge la dorint.- Carper will cavil at anything a = Face critic de dragul criticii. / Cicalitorul tot cicalitor ramane. - Carry a chip on one`s shoulder = A cauta cearta cu lumanarea.- Carry a matter to one`s pillow = A amana o hotrare pan a doua zi (dimineaa). / Ideile bune vin peste noapte. - Carry a stiff upper lip = A-si tine capul (fruntea) sus. / A fi darz.- Carry a ticket = A face s fie acceptat candidatul propus (pe list). - Carry away the garland = A repurta o victorie. / A culege lauri.

  • 8/12/2019 Proverbe, Expresii en-ro


    - Carry coals to newcastle = A cra ap la fntan (pu). / A cra pietre la munte. - Carry fire in one hand and water in the other. = A gandi una si a spune alta. / A spune una si a face alta.- Carry it off with a high hand = A se tine tare. /A juca tare.- Carry it too far = A mpinge lucrurile prea departe. / A ntinde coarda prea mult/tare.- Carry more sacks to the mill = A veni cu argumente in plus.- Carry things with a high hand = A proceda autoritar. / A face act de autoritate.

    - Cask savours of the first fill = Prima impresie conteaza.- Cast an evil eye (on) = A nu privi cu ochi buni. / A deochea.- Cast one`s bread upon the waters = A fi bun i generos (cu cineva) fr a atepta recunotin. - Cast one`s colt`s teeth = A-si baa mintile-n cap.- Cast pearls before swine = A strica orzul pe gaste.- Cast the coat = A naparli- Cat is out of the bag = Secretul a fost dezvluit. / Taina s -a aflat.- Cat may look at a king = Privitul nu costa. / Privitul are voie oricine- Cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream = Se face ca nu se vede (ca nu stie) cand a facut ceva gresit.- Catch jesse = A primi o sapuneala (chelfaneala).- Catch me! (Catch me doing that!) = Vezi s nu (fac ea asta)! / Mai ateapt (pn fac eu asta)! - Catch on = A intelege o gluma (sensul)

    - Catch the ball before the bound = A se pripi. / A actiona in graba.- Catch time by the forelock = A prinde momentul prielnic (favorabil). / A nu pierde vremea..- Caught with the fang = Prins asupra faptului.- Chain victory to one`s car = A merge din victorie n victorie.- Chained to the car = Inhmat la munca cea mai grea. / Ducand greul muncii. - Chalk on a barn door = A face un calcul aproximativ.- Chance the ducks = Fie ce-o fi.- Change one`s condition = A se cstori. / A -si schimba starea.- Change sides, to = Trece dintr-o tabara in alta- Charily begins at home = Camasa e mai aproape decit haina- Charity covers a multitude of sins. = Dragostea (iubirea) acoper multime de pcate.- Chase the wild goose, to = Umbla dupa potcoave de cai morti

    - Chase yourself ! = Sterge-o ! (ce mai stai)- Chatter like a magpie = Trancani ca o moara hodorogita. / A-i merge gura ca o moara stricata.- Cheap as dirt, (as) = Ieftin ca braga. / Curat chilipir.- Cheek by jowl = Obraz langa obraz. / Bot in bot.- Cheer to the echo = A ovationa puternic (frenetic).- Cheese it ! = Taca-ti gura (fleanca).- Chew the cud (food) of reflection = A se cufunda in ganduri.- Chew the fat, rag = A o tine intr-una. / A bate apa-n piua.- Child is father of the man = De mic se vede ce-i poate pielea.- Children are poor men`s riches. = Multimea copiilor, averea omului.- Chop and change = Schimbator ca luna.- Chop logic = Face pe desteptu. / A filozofa.

    - Chronicle small beer = A vorbi fleacuri. / A sta la taclale.- Chuck up the sponge = Se recunoaste invins. / A se preda.- Circumstances alter cases = Totul atarna (depinde) de imprejurari. / De la caz la caz.- Clap by the heels = A pune in lanturi (obezi).- Clap into prison = A baga la racoare.- Claw me and i will claw thee = O mana spala pe alta. Serviciu contra serviciu.- Claw on the gall = A atinge unde-l doare.- Clean as a whistle = Franc. / Sincer. / Corect.- Clean broke = Sarac lipit. / Falit.

  • 8/12/2019 Proverbe, Expresii en-ro


  • 8/12/2019 Proverbe, Expresii en-ro


    - Come up missing = A fi dat disparut.- Come up to the bit = A asculta de frau. / A fi supus (ascultator).- Come upon the parish = A fi intretinut de parohie.- Come upon the town = A-si face debutul (prima aparitie).- Content lodges oftener in cottages than palaces. = Mai mult fericire e n bordeiul sracului dect n palatul bogatului.- Cool-headed = Calm.

    - Corne a howler = A face o gafa (boacana). / A o face de oaie.- Covetousness breaks the bag. = Lcomia strica omenia.- Crows will not pick out crow`s eyes. = Corb la corb nu scoate ochii.- Custom rules the law. = Deprinderea se face fire.- Day-dreaming = Visare cu ochii deschisi.- Death keeps no calendar. = Moartea nu spune cnd vine.- Diamond cut diamond. = Cui pe cui se scoate.- Did you ever hear an ass play on a harp? = Ce stie mgarul ce e cntarea privighetoarei.- Dirty water will quench fire. = Apa tulbure, tot stinge focul.- Do as I command you = Fa cum iti spun.- Do as the friar says, not as he does. = F ce zice popa, nu face ce face el.- Do as you would be done by. = Ce tie nu-ti place altuia nu face.

    - Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. = Toamna se numr bobocii.- Do not throw pearls to swine. = Nu arunca mrgritare naintea porcilor.- Do well and have well. = Bine faci, bine gsesti.- Do you get that? = Ai priceput? / Ai bagat la cap?- Dogs bark, but the caravan goes on. = Cinii latr, caravana trece.- Don`t cross the bridge till you come to it. = Nu spune v"hop" pana nu ai sarit.- Don`t cut the bough you are standing on. = A-si tia singur craca de sub picioare.- Don`t sell the bear`s skin before you have caught him. = Nu vinde pielea ursului din pdure.- Dry bread is better with love than a fat capon with fear. = Mai bine pine neagr cu dragoste (iubire) curat, dect alb cazpada si plin de cearta (sudalm).- Dummy coil = Sectiune moarta.


    - Each bird loves to hear himself sing. = Fiecare pasre pe limba ei piere.- Eagles don`t catch flies. = Vulturul nu vneaz muste.- Easy come, easy go. = De haram a venit, de haram s-a dus.- Eat at pleasure, drink by measure. = La mncare s ai cumptare si la butur s fii cu msur.- Eat to live, not live to eat. = Mananca sa traiesti, nu trai ca sa mananci.- Eident youth makes easy age. = Cine nvat la tinerete se odihneste la btrnete.- Envy shoots at others, and wounds herself. = Invidia-l vatama pe invidios.- Every cloud has a silver lining. = Tot raul spre bine.- Every jack must have his jill. = Tot sacul si gseste peticul.- Every law has a loophole. = Legea nainte, siretii dup ea.- Every man has his (proper) gift. = Fiecare are darul lui de la Dumnezeu.- Every man has his faults. = Nimeni nu e us de biseric.

    - Every man is the architect of his own fortune. = Norocu-i dup cum si-l face omul.- Every man shall bear his own burden. = Fiecare isi poarta crucea.- Every pedlar praises his needles. = Tot tiganul si laud ciocanul.- Every sin brings its punishment with it. = Tot pcatul si caut vinovatul.- Every why has its wherefore. = Toat ntrebarea are si un rspuns.- Everything is good in its season. = Toate la vremea lor.- Evil communications corrupt good manners. = Prieteniile rele stric deprinderile cele bune. (Exemplele rele stricmoravurile bune.)- Example is better than precept. = Pilda-i cel mai bun dascal.

  • 8/12/2019 Proverbe, Expresii en-ro


    - Experience is the best teacher. (Experience is the mother of knowledge.) = Experienta-i mama invataturii.- Experience is the mother of knowledge. = Experienta e mama invataturii.


    - Face to face, the truth comes out. = Asa e cum te vd si cum m vezi.- Faint heart never won fair lady. = Unde este fric nu ncape dragoste.- Fair is not fair, but that which pleases. = Nu e frumos ce e frumos, e frumos ce-mi place mie.- Fair words hurt not the mouth. = De vorba bun nu te doare gura.- Faults are thick where love is thin. = Unde-i dragoste (iubire) putin, lesne-i a gsi pricin.- Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain. = Inseltor este farmecul si desart este frumusetea.- Fear gives wings. = Frica are picioare lungi.- Fear hath a quick ear. = Omul fricos totdeauna umbl cu gheata n sn.- Fear keeps and looks to the vineyard, and not the owner. ( Fear keeps the garden better than the gardener. ) = Fricapzeste via (pdurea, bostnria, pepenii).- Fields have eyes, and woods have ears. ( Walls have ears. ) = Cmpu-i cu ochi, pdurea cu urechi. ( Peretii au urechi. )- First come, first served. = Primul venit, primul servit.- Fish begins to stink at the head. = Pestele de la cap se-mpute.- Fish must swim thrice. = Pestele cere vin.- Folly and learning often dwell together. = Unde e nvttur mult e si nebunie mult.- Foolish tongues talk by the dozen. = Limba nebunului este o moar fr grunte.- Fools ask questions that wise men cannot answer. = Prostul poate s pun mai multe ntrebri dect poate un ntelept srspund.- For a flying enemy make a golden bridge. = Inamicului care se duce, f-i pod.- For age and want save while you may: no morning sun lasts a whole day. (Keep something for a rainy day.) = Cine adunla tinerete are la btrnete.- For someones sake = De dragul cuiva.- For want of a nail the shoe is lost. = Pentru un cui pierzi o potcoav.- Forbidden fruit is sweet. = Fructul oprit e mai dulce.- Fortune favours fools. = Norocul prostului. ( Prost sa fii, noroc sa ai. )- Friends may meet, but mountains never greet. = Munte cu munte se intalneste, da`pai om cu om.- From word to deed is a great space. = De la vorba pa-n la fapta, cale lunga.


    - Gentle is that gentle does. = Omul bun dup fapte se cunoaste.- Give a clown your finger, and he will take your hand. = Dai un deget si-ti ia mna toat.- Give a man luck and cast him into the sea. = F-m, mam, cu noroc, si arunc-m n foc.- Give honey for the ass`s mouth. = A strica orzul pe gaste.- Give neither counsel nor salt till you are asked for it. = Nu da sfat, nentrebat.- Give the piper a penny to play and two pence to leave off. = Cu un ban s-a prins n hor si cu zece nu poate scpa.- Giving much to the poor doth enrich a man`s store. = Ce dai sracilor tie-ti dai.- God gives the milk, but not the pail. = Dumnezeu iti da dar nu baga si-n traista.- God stays long, but strikes at last. = Dumnezeu nu bate cu ciomagul.- God`s mill grinds slow but sure. = Dumnezeu nu ramane nimaui dator.- Gold is tried in the fire. = Aurul n foc se lmureste.- Good and quickly seldom meet. = Si repede si bine mai rar se poate.- Good broth may be made in an old pot. = Gina btrn face ciorba (zeama) bun.

    - Good land: evil way. = Bun tar, rea tocmeal.- Good things come to some when they are asleep. = La omul cu noroc fierbe oala fr foc.- Good watch prevents misfortune. = Paza bun trece primejdia rea.- Good wine needs no bush. = Vinul bun de sine se laud.- Good words anoint us, and ill do unjoint us. = Cuvntul bun unge si cel ru mpunge.- Grass grows not upon the highway. = Pe crarea btut nu creste iarb.- Great boast and small roast makes unsavoury mouths. = Fudulia intr-n cas, srcia dup us.- Great braggers, little doers. = Vorba lunga saracia omului.- Great honours are great burdens. = Obrazul (fata) subtire cu mare cheltuial se tine.

  • 8/12/2019 Proverbe, Expresii en-ro



    -Hares may pull dead lions by the beard. = Pe leul mort si soarecii se catr.- Haste makes waste. = Graba stric treaba.- He deserves not the sweet that will not taste the sour. = Cine n-a gustat amarul, nu stie ce e zaharul (dulcele).- He gives twice who gives quickly. = Lucrul la timp druit pretuieste ndoit.- He has two stomachs to eat and one to work. = La plcinte nainte si la rzboi napoi.- He is no longer = Nu mai este.- He is not fit to command others that cannot command himself. = Cine nu se poate stpni pe sine, cum s stpneasc pealtul?- He is up to the eyes in work = Are de lucru pana peste cap.- He laughs best who laughs last. = Cine rde la urm rde mai bine.- He struck at tib, but down fell tom. = Unde dai si unde crap.- He that blows in the dust fills his eyes with it. = Cine sufl-n foc i sar scnteile n ochi.- He that cannot beat the ass beats the saddle. = Bate saua s priceap iapa.- He that commits a fault thinks everyone speaks of it. = Cine se stie cu musca pe cciul se apr.- He that dwells next door to a cripple will learn to halt. = Cu schiopii la un loc de sezi, te nveti s schioptezi.- He that endures is not overcome. = Cu rbdarea trece si marea.- He that endureth to the end shall be saved. = Cel ce va rbda pn la sfrsit, acela se va mntui.- He that fights and runs away may live to fight another day. = Fuga e rusinoas, dar e sntoas.- He that goes a-borrowing, goes a-sorrowing. = Datoria griji aduce.- He that goes softly goes safely. = Cine merge incet, in siguranta ajunge.- He that has to do with what is foul never comes away clean. = Cine umbl cu fer se umple de rugin.- He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the lord. = Cine d sracilor mprumut pe dumnezeu.- He that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. = Cel ce si nmulteste stiinta si sporeste suferinta.- He that is angry is seldom at ease. = Nemultumitul trieste nefericit.- He that is born a fool is never cured. = Prostia din fire n-are lecuire.- He that is fed at another`s hand may stay long ere he be full. = Cine bea ap din pumni strini nu se satur niciodat.- He that is once born, once must die. = Ce se naste trebuie sa moara.- He that keeps another man`s dog shall have nothing left him but the line. = Daca dai pine cinilor altuia, c te latr ai ti.- He that learns a trade has a purchase made. = Cine are o meserie are o mosie.- He that mischief hatches, mischief catches. = Cine seamana vant (ploaie), culege furtuna.- He that nothing questions, nothing learns. = Cine nu intreaba, nu invata.- He that promises too much means nothing. = Cine promite mult d putin.- He that runs fast will not run long. = Cine se grbeste curnd osteneste.- He that runs into danger must expect to perish therein. = Cel care iubeste primejdia va cdea ntr-nsa.- He that seeks finds. = Cine caut gaseste.- He that seeks trouble, never misses. = Cine caut ceart gseste btaie.- He that serves at the altar ought to live by the altar. = Lucrtorul mnnc de unde lucreaz.- He that sows thistles shall reap prickles. = Cine seamn spini, spini culege.- He that speaks the thing he should not hears the thing he would not. = Cine vorbeste ce-i place, acela s aud si ce-lsupr.- He that takes the raven for his guide will light on carrion. = Cine se ia dup musc ajunge la blegar.- He that too much embraceth holds little. = Cine mbrtiseaz multe putine adun.- He that will steal an egg will steal an ox. = Cine fur azi un ou, mine va fura un bou.- He that would live in peace and rest, must hear, and see , and say the best. = Cine vrea s triasc n pace aude, vede sitace.- He that would the daughter win must with the mother first begin. = Cine vrea fata, sa ia aminte la mama. ( Vezi mama, siapoi fata. )

  • 8/12/2019 Proverbe, Expresii en-ro


    - He who builds by the roadside has many masters. = Cine pe lng drum zideste multi stpni dobndeste.- He who commences many things finishes but few. = Cine se apuc de multe, putine termin.- He who digs a pit for others falls in himself. = Cine sap groapa altuia cade el ntr-nsa.- He who excuses himself, accuses himself. = Cine se scuz, se acuz.- He who greases his wheels helps his oxen. = Unge osia ca s nu scrtie carul. ( Unge rotile dac vrei s mearg carul. )- He who has an art has everywhere a part. = Ai carte, ai parte.

    - He who has ears to hear, let him hear. = Cine are urechi de auzit s aud.- He who lives by the sword dies by the sword. = Cine scoate sabia, de sabie va pieri.- He who pays his debts begins to make a stock. = Cine nu e dator e destul de bogat.- He who wants a mule without a fault, must walk on foot. = Cine caut cal fr cusur merge pe jos.- He`s the one that calls the tune = Lumea joac dup cum cant el. - Health is better than wealth. = E mai bun sntatea, dect toat bogtia.- Heave a hoy! = Hei-rup!- Heavyweight = Categoria grea- Here today and gone tomorrow. = Astzi esti, mine nu esti.- Hold fast when you have. = Ce-i in mana nu-i minciuna.- Honey catches more flies than vinegar. = Cu miere prinzi mai multe muste dect cu otet.- Honey is sweet, but the bee stings. = Albina face miere dulce, dar mai si mpunge.

    - Hope maketh not ashamed. = Ndejdea nu rusineaz.- Hunger drives the wolf out of the woods. = Foamea goneste pe lup din pdure.- Hunger finds no fault with the cookery. = Foamea e cel mai bun buctar.


    - I cannot be your friend and your flatterer too. = Prieten adevrat este acela care te sftuieste spre bine, iar nu acela care tilaud nebuniile.- I had almost said = Era cat pe aci sa spun.- I proud and thou proud, who shall bear the ashes out? = Eu domn, tu domn, cine s duc sacul?- Idle people have the least leisure. = Lenesul mai mult alearg.- Idleness is the key of poverty. = Lenea e cucoan mare care n-are de mncare. ( Lenea e nceputul srciei. )- If and only if = Numai si numai daca.- If the mountain will not come to mahomet, mahomet must go to the mountain. = Dac nu vine muntele la mahomed, vinemahomed la munte.- If you cannot bite, never show your teeth. = Dac n-ai putere, nu ntrta glceava.- If you had all the wit in the world fools would fell you. = Intre multi nebuni si cel mai ntelept se pierde.- If you play with fire you get burnt. = Cine se joac cu focul se frige.- If you run after two hares, you will catch neither. = Cine alearg dup doi iepuri nu prinde niciunul.- If you want a thing well done, do it yourself. = Vrei ceva bine facut, fa-l cu mana ta.- If you wish good advice, consult an old man. = Cine nu are batrani, sa-si cumpere.- Ill luck is good for something. = Orice rau are partea lui buna.- Ill weeds grow apace. = Blria creste repede.- Ill-gotten goods never prosper. = Averea cu rea-credint nu aduce folos.- In at one ear and out at the other. = Intr pe o ureche si iese pe alta.- In fair weather prepare for foul. = A face vara sanie si iarna car.- In for a penny, in for a pound. = Unde merge mia, merge si suta.- In high spirits = Bine dispus.- In much corn is some cockle. = Nu e padure fara uscaturi.- In strict confidence = Strict confidential.- In the country of the blind the one-eyed man is king. = In tara orbilor chiorul este mprat.- In the house of a fiddler all fiddle. = In casa lutarului joac fiecare.

  • 8/12/2019 Proverbe, Expresii en-ro


    - In vain is the mill-clock if the miller his hearing lack. = In zadar bate toaca pentru baba surd.- Industry is fortune`s right hand, and frugality her left. = Cumptarea tine sntatea omului si hrnicia tine averea.- Iron not used soon rusts. = Fierul nentrebuintat rugineste.- Iron whets iron. = Fier pe fier ascute.- Is there any world with in the world of me = Exista o lume in interiorul lumii mele.- It chances in an hour, that happens not in seven years. = N-aduce anul ce aduce ceasul.

    - It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock. = Vai de casa unde cotcorogesc ginile si cocosul tace.- It is better to give than to receive. = Mai bine este a darui decat a primi.- It is easier to forgive than to forget. = A ierta e mai usor decat a uita.- It is easy to be wise after the event. = Dup btlie multi viteji se arat.- It is good fishing in troubled waters. = Tulbur apa ca s pescuiasc.- It is hard for a greedy eye to have a leal heart. = Lcomia stric omenia.- It is not the gay coat that makes the gentleman. (The cowl does not make the monk.) = Haina nu face pe om.- It is sometimes good to hold a candle to the devil. = E bine a da si dracului o lumnare.- It is the first step that is difficult. = Inceputu-i anevoie, urma vine de la sine. ( Primul pas e mai greu. )- It is too much of a good thing= = Ce este prea mult strica.- It pays to ... = Merita sa ...- It was a near touch = Era cat pe ce.

    - It was reckoned a great discovery = A fost considerate ca o mare descoperire.- It`s strange and yet true = E ciudat si totusi adevarat.- Ita sealed book for me = E un mister pentru mine.- Its never too late to mend = Nu e niciodata prea tarziu sa repari.- Jack of all trades and master of none. = Multe stie, multe croieste si nici una nu isprveste.- Judge not, that ye be not judged. = Nu judeca ca s nu fii judecat.


    -Keep (save) your breath to cool your broth (porridge). = Nu te bga unde nu-ti fierbe oala.- Keep something for a rainy day. = Strnge bani albi pentru zile negre.- Keeping is harder than winning. = Usor e de cstigat, greu e de pstrat.- Kind words go a long way. = Vorba dulce mult aduce.- Knotty timber must have sharp wedges. = La lemnul tare trebuie secure ascutit.- Know thyself. = Cunoaste-te pe tine nsuti.


    - Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth. = Nu v adunati comori pe pamnt.- Learn weeping, and you shall gain laughing. = Cine seamn cu lacrimi culege cu bucurie.- Learn wisdom by the follies of others. = Inteleptul si din prostia altora invata.- Let the dead bury their dead. = Las mortii s-si ngroape mortii lor.- Lies have short legs. = Minciuna are picioare scurte.- Like father, like son. = Asa tata, asa fiu.

    - Like will to like. = Cine se aseamn se adun.- Lip-honour costs little, yet may bring in much. ( Kind words go a long way. ) = Vorba dulce mult aduce. ( Vorba bun multadun. )- Little knows the fat man (sow) what the lean does mean. = Stulul nu crede flmndului.- Long absent, soon forgotten. (Out of sight, out of mind.) = Ochii care nu se vad se uita.- Look to thyself when thy neighbour`s house is on fire. = La casa aprins si vecinul vrjmas alearg s o sting.- Love cannot be compelled. = Dragostea cu sila nu se face.- Love covers many infirmities. = Dragostea acopere toate cusururile.- Love the neighbour as thyself. = Iubeste pe aproapele tu ca pe tine nsuti.

  • 8/12/2019 Proverbe, Expresii en-ro



    - Make a virtue of necessity. = A face haz de necaz.- Make ample provision for old age. = Seaman la tinerete ca s ai la btrnete.- Make new friends but keep the old. = Prieteni noi de-ti faci, d-i btrni s nu te lasi.

    - Make not a balk of good ground. = Nu da binelui cu piciorul, c pe urm o s-i duci dorul.- Man cannot live by bread alone. = Nu numai cu pine va tri omul.- Man proposes, god disposes. = Nu-i cum gndeste omul, ci cum vrea domnul.- Many a true word is spoken in jest. = Multe adevruri se spun n glum.- Many are called, but few are chosen. = Multi chemati, putini alesi.- Many drops make a shower. = Pictur cu pictur se face lacul mare.- Many friends in general, one in special. = Mai bine un prieten si bun dect o mie si nebuni.- Many hands make light work. = Unde-s multi puterea creste.- Measure for measure. = Dup fapt si rsplat.- Messy = Dezordonat.- Mickle head, little wit. = Cap mare, minte putin.- Moderation in all things. = Cumpna, nepoate, e bun la toate.

    - Money draws money. = Banul la ban trage.- Much ado about nothing. = Mult zgomot pentru nimic.- Much ado for nothing = Prea mult zgomot pentru un nimic.- Muzzle not the oxen`s mouth. = S nu legi gura dobitocului ce treier.- My mouth had watered = Imi lasa gura apa.

    Narrow gathered, widely spent. = Ce-a cstigat ntr-o var, a but ntr-o sear.- Near is my coat, but nearer is my shirt. = Mai aproape-i cmasa dect haina.- Necessity is the mother of invention. = Nevoia nvat pe om.- Need makes the old wife trot. = Nevoia te duce si pe unde nu ti-e voia.- Never be weary of well doing. = A nu nceta sa facem binele.

    - Never judge from appearances. (Under a ragged coat lies wisdom.) = Nu judecati dup nftisare.- Never let the sun go down on your anger. = Soarele s nu apun peste mnia voastr.- Never look a gift horse in the mouth. = Calul de dar nu se caut la dinti.- Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. = Nu lsa pe mine ce poti face astzi.- Never too old to learn. = A nvta nicicnd nu e prea trziu.- Night is the mother of counsel. = Noaptea este sfetnic bun.- No fire, no smoke. = Pn nu faci foc nu iese fum.- No flying from fate. = Din ce ti-e ursit nu poti s scapi.- No garden without its weeds. = Nu este gradina fara buruieni. ( Nu e padure fara uscaturi. )- No herb will cure love. = Nici o boal nu-i mai grea ca dorul si dragostea.- No larder but hath his mice. = Unde sunt bucate multe, sunt si soareci.- No love like the first love. = Dragostea dinti nu se uit.

    - No man can serve two masters. = Nu poti sluji la doi stpni deodat.- No man is content with his lot. = Nimeni nu-i multumit cu soarta lui.- No naked man is sought after to be rifled. = Cel ce nu are nimic, nu va fi talharit.- No smoke without fire. = Nu iese fum fr foc.- No sooner said than done. = Zis si fcut.- No sooner said than done = Zis si facut.- No sweet without some sweat. = Cine nu munceste, nu mnnc.- None is born a master. = Nimeni nu se naste nvtat.- None more bare than the shoemaker`s wife and the smith`s mare. = Cizmarul umbl cu ghetele rupte si croitorul cu haina

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    descusut.- Nonthinking = Neganditor- Not to be worth straw = A nu face doi bani.- Not to find the words to convy the meaning = A nu-si gasi cuvintele pentru a exprima sensul.- Nothing but is good for something. (Ill luck is good for something.) = La tot rul este si un bine.- Nothing comes of nothing. = Din nimic, tot nimic iese.

    - Nothing hurts like the truth. = Adevarul supara (doare).- Nothing is lost for asking. = Intrebarea moarte n-are.- Nothing so bad but it might have been worse. = Ru cu ru, dar mai ru fr ru.- Nothing so bad but it might have been worse. = Tot rul are si partea lui de bine.- Of ill debtors men take oats. = De la un datornic ru s-un sac de paie este bun.- Of one ill come many. = Un rau (necaz) nu vine singur.- Of two disputants, the warmer is generally in the wrong. = Vinovatul mai mare gur face.- Of two evils choose the least (less). = Din dou rele alege pe cel mai mic.- Old friends and old wine and old gold are best. = Prietenul vechi e ca si vinul; cu ct e mai vechi, cu att e mai bun.- Old men are twice children. = Omul cnd mbtrneste, se copilreste.- One "take it" is more worth than two "thou shalt have it". = Mai bine o dat: na! Dect tot: stai c ti-oi da!- One devil drives out another. = Dracu alb mnnc p-l negru.

    - One does not wash one`s dirty linen in public. = Rufele murdare se spal n familie.- One does the scathe, and another has the scorn. = Unul face si altul trage.- One flower makes no garland. = Cu o floare nu se face primvara.- One good turn deserves another. = Binele cu bine se rsplteste.- One hand washes another and both the face. = O mn spal pe alta si amndou obrazul.- One lie makes many. = Minciunile una pe alta se ajung.- One nail drives out another. = Cui pe cui se scoate.- One never loses by doing a good turn. = De faci astzi cuiva bine, mine de la altu-ti vine.- One thing thinks the horse, and another he that saddles him. = Una gndeste crciumarul si alta betivul.- One`s own hearth is gowd`s worth. = E mai bine n coliba ta dect n palatul altuia.- Or whatever it is = Sau ce o fi.- Other times, other manners. = Timpuri noi, obiceiuri noi.

    - Out of sight, out of mind. = Ochii care nu se vd se uit.- Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. (Out of the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks.) = Din prisosulinimii grieste gura.- Out of the frying-pan into the fire. = A cadea din put in lac.- Out of time = Demodat.

    Patience is a virtue. = Rabdarea-i virtute. ( Rbdarea-i din rai. )- Penny and penny laid up will be many. = Ban cu ban ingroasa punga.- Penny wise and pound foolish. = Scump la trte si ieftin la fin.- Pepper is black and hath a good smack. = Piperu e negru, dar mnnc vod cu el la mas.- Perfect love casteth out fear. = Iubirea desvrsit alung frica.- Physician, heal thyself! = Doctore, vindec-te nti pe tine.- Physicians` faults are covered with earth. = Cosciugul acoper greselile doctorilor.- Pick it up brother = Hai frate da-i batae.- Plant the crab-tree where you will, it will never bear pippins. = Pomul pduret, poame pdurete face.- Plough deep, while sluggards sleep; and you shall have corn to sell and keep. = Artura cu sudoare, desi te doare, dar nurm veselie are.- Pouring oil on the fire is not the way to quench it. = Nu turna gaz pe foc.- Practice makes perfect. ( . Use makes mastery. ) = Practica face pe mester bun.

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    - Praise a fair day at night. = Ziua bun se laud seara.- Prettiness dies first. = Frumusetea-i musafir, cum vine asa se duce.- Pride goes before a fall. = Mndria vine naintea cderii.- Pride goes before, and shame follows. = Fudulia intr-n cas, srcia-i dup us.- Procrastination is the thief of time. = Amnarea e hotul timpului.- Promise is debt. = Fgduiala dat e datorie curat.

    - Provided that = Cu conditia ca.- Purring the fact that ... = Cu exceptia faptului ca ...- Put not an embroidered crupper on an ass. = Put not an embroidered crupper on an ass.- Rats desert a sinking ship. = Cnd corabia se scufund, soarecii fug.- Refuse a wife with one fault, and take one with two. = Cine caut nevast fr cusur nensurat rmne.- Render unto caesar the things which are caesar`s. = Dati cezarului cele ale cezarului, iar lui dumnezeu cele ale luidumnezeu.- Riches bring care and fears. = De ai turme mari de oi, ai si turme de nevoi. ( Cu ct averea ti se nmulteste, cu att si griji maimari te topeste. )- Run for your life = Fugi sa scapi. / Fugi cat te tin picioarele.- Sadness and gladness succeed each other. = Totdeauna desftarea are sor ntristarea.- Say nothing of the dead but what is good. = Pe morti s-i vorbesti dect de bine.

    - Scald not your lips in another man`s pottage. = Nu-ti bga nasul unde nu-ti fierbe oala.- Scatter with one hand, gather with two. = D cu o mn si ia cu doua.- Science has no enemy but the ignorant. = Invttura dat ru se sparge n capul tu.- Second thoughts are best. = D-mi, doamne, mintea romnului cea de pe urm.- Seething = Care se agita.- Self do, self have. = Cine imparte, parte-si face.- Self-praise is no recommendation. = Lauda de sine nu miroase a bine.- Serve you right = Asa va trebuie.- Short folk are soon angry. = Mic ca acul si ru ca dracul.- Silence does seldom harm. = Cine tace merge-n pace.- Silence is golden. = Tcerea e de aur.- Simply and badly true = Pur si simplu adevarul.

    - Slow but sure. = Incet dar sigur.- So it is = Intr-adevar. / Chiar asa.- So many countries, so many customs. = Cte bordeie, attea obiceie.- So many heads, so many minds. = Cte capete, attea preri.- So many men so many minds = Cate capete atatea pareri.- So many servants, so many enemies. = Cte slugi ai, attia dusmani hrnesti.- Soft pace goes far. = Pas cu pas departe duce.- Something is better than nothing. = Orice putin e bun decat nimic- Sow thin and mow thin. = Cel ce seamn putin, putin si secer.- Speech is silver, but silence is golden. = Vorba-i de argint, tcerea e de aur.- Step after step the ladder is ascended. = Treapt cu treapt te urci scara.- Still waters run deep. = Apele linistite (line) sunt adnci.

    - Stretch your legs according to your coverlet. = Intinde-te ct ti-e plapuma.- Strike while the iron is hot. = Bate fierul ct (pn) e cald.- Such a thing has never been known = Nu s-a mai vazut asa ceva.- Such bird, such egg. = Pecum tatal, si fiul- Suffer and expect. = Rabd inim si taci.- Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. = Ajunge zilei rutatea ei.

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    - The joy of the heart makes the face fair. = O inim vesel nsenineaz fata.- The just shall live by faith. = Dreptul din credint va fi viu.- The labourer is worthy of his hire. = Vrednic este muncitorul de plata sa.- The lame tongue gets nothing. = Cu rusinea mori de foame.- The last shall be the first. = Cei de pe urm vor fi nti.- The latest link = Cea mai recenta legatura (urma, veriga)

    - The lion`s share. = Cine mparte parte-si face.- The love of money is the root of all evil. = Banul este ochiul dracului.- The master`s footsteps fatten the soil. = Urmele stpnului, economia casei.- The mean is the best. = Calea de mijloc e cea mai bun.- The meek will inherit the earth. = Blndul mosteneste pmntul.- The miser is always in want. = Zgrcitul e totdeauna srac.- The more haste, the less speed. = Graba strica treaba.- The noblest vengeance is to forgive. = Iertarea e rzbunarea cea mai bun.- The pitcher goes so often to the well that it is broken at last. = Ulciorul nu merge de multe ori la ap .- The pleasures of the mighty are the tears of the poor. = Bogatul greseste si sracul cere iertare.- The poor man is aye put to the worst. = La omul srac nici boii nu trag.- The prayers of the wicked won`t prevail. = Ruga pctosului n-ajunge la cer.

    - The receiver is as bad as the thief. = Ori fur, ori tine sacul, e tot lotru.- The rotten apple injures its neighbours. = Mrul putred stric si pe cele bune.- The slothful man is the beggar`s brother. = Lenesul ajunge frate cu cersetorul.- The smoke of a man`s own house is better than the fire of another`s. = Dect n tar strin, cu pit si cu slnin, mai bine n satul tu cu mlaiu ct de ru.- The sun shines upon all alike. = Soarele nclzeste si pe buni si pe ri.- The thread breaks where it is weakest. = Unde e ata mai subtire, acolo se rupe.- The time is up = Timpu s-a scurs.- The tongue talks at the head`s cost. = Gura vorbeste, capul trage. ( Cine-si pzeste limba si pzeste capul. )- The wolf may lose his teeth, but never his nature. = Lupul isi prul schimb, dar nravul ba.- The wolf may lose his teeth, but never his nature. = Lupul si schimb prul, dar nravul ba.- The work shows the workman. = Lucrul laud pe mester.

    - There is a limit to one`s patience. = Rbdarea are si ea limitele ei.- There is a time for everything. = Toate la vremea lui.- There is no accounting for tastes. (Every man to his taste.) = Gusturile ne se discuta. (Fiecare cu gustul lui.)- There is no good accord where every man would be a lord. (Where every man is master the world goes to wreck.) = Vaide casa cu multi stpni.- There is no little enemy. = Nu dispretui pe nici un inimic, fie ct de mic.- There is no place like home. = Ca acas la tine nu-i nicieri mai bine.- There would be no great ones if there were no little ones. = Fara saraci nu exista bogati.- There`s none so blind as those who will not see. = Nu e mai orb dect cel ce nu vrea s vad.- They must hunger in frost that will not work in heat. = Cine vara st si doarme, iarna, biet, moare de foame.- They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. = Nu cei sntosi au nevoie de doctor, ci cei bolnavi.- They that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind. = Cine seamn vnt culege furtun.

    - They think they`re it = Se cred buricul pamantului.- Think on the end before you begin. = Inti gndeste, apoi porneste.- Thought is free. = Pentru cugete nu ia nime vam. ( Gandirea e libera. )- Throw out a sprat to catch a mackerel. = Pestele mare cu mbuctura mic se prinde.- Tied up = Legat / Legati- Time and straw make medlars ripe. = Cu rbdare si cu tcere se face agurida miere.- Time cures all things. = Vremea vindec toate.- Time devours all things. = Timpul le rezolva pe toate. ( Timpul face si desface. )- Time flies. = Vremea vine, vremea trece. ( Timpul trece. )

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    - Time tries truth. = Vremea descoper adevrul.- Time, as he grows old, teaches many lessons. = Timpul, cu cat trece, te intelepteste. ( Timpul este cel mai bun nvttor. )- Times change and we with them. = Cu timpul toate se schimb.- To abandon oneself to the idea of ... = A se lasa furat de idea ca ...- To be in badly need of ... = A avea nevoie urgenta de ...- To be set upon = Cu tot dinadinsul.

    - To be taken aback = A fi luat prin surprindere.- To become aware = A-si da seama.- To came to a dead stop = A ajunge la un punct mort.- To carry out = A efectua.- To change a fly into an elephant. = A face din tntar armsar.- To conceal = A tine secret.- To cry with one eye , and laugh with the other. = Cu un ochi rde si cu altul plnge.- To do all in ones power = A face tot ce-i sta in putere.- To do ones bit = A-si face datoria.- To frame ones thoughts into words = A-si imbraca gandurile in cuvinte.- To get it = A o pati.- To get out of hands = A scapa de sub control.

    - To go berserk = A-si iesi din minti.- To have a free hand = A avea mana libera.- To keep (in) toch with ... = A tine legatura cu ...- To keep cool = A ramane calm.- To keep on open mind = A tine mintea treaza.- To lay great store upon = A pune mare pret pe.- To lay the ghost = A scapa de fantoma- To let ones thoughts stray = A se lasa furat de ganduri.- To look into a matter = A cerceta o chestiune.- To make up ones mind = A se hotari- To mind ones business = A-si vedea de treaba sa.- To pass by = A trece pe langa.

    - To pass on = A trece mai departe.- To put up to something = A pune ceva la cale.- To result in failure = A duce la esec.- To scare someone out of his wits = A speria pe cineva ingrozitor- To set a task before something = A-i trasa cuiva o sarcina.- To set the wolf to keep the sheep. = A pune lupul paznic la oi.- To slobber = A se pierde cu firea.- To spare for time = A trage de timp.- To split hairs = A taia firu-n patru.- To strain at a gnat and swallow a camel. = A strecura tntarul si nghiti armasarul (camila).- To swagger = A face pe grozavul- To take over = A lua in stapanire.

    - To take place = A se produce.- To take the rough with the smooth = A lua lucrurile asa cum sunt.- To take the winds out of somebodys raits = A dejuca planurile cuiva.- To tent to vanish = A tinde sa dispara- To the pure all things are pure. = Toate sunt curate pentru cei curati.- To thing twice before doing anything = A se gandi de doua ori inainte de a face ceva.- To think that larks will fall into one`s mouth ready roasted. = Pic par mliat n gura lui ntfleat.- To tire of ... = A se plictisi de ...- To try out = A incerca. / A experimenta.

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    - Tongue breaks bone and herself has none. = Limba oase n-are, dar oase sfrm.- Too hasty burned his lips. = Cine se pripeste, adesea se poticneste.- Too many cooks spoil the broth. = Copilul cu multe moase rmne cu buricul netiat.- Too much laughter discovers folly. = Prostul rde singur de prostia lui.- Truth and oil are ever above. = Adevrul iese ca untdelemnul la suprafat.- Truth has a scratched face. = Adevrul umbl cu capul spart.

    - Truth may be blamed, but cannot be shamed. = Dreptatea niciodat nu piere.- Two blacks do not make a white. = Inegrind pe altul nu te albesti pe tine.- Two dogs strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it. = Cnd doi se ceart al treilea cstig.- Two of a trade seldom agree. = Cei de-o meserie stau n glcevie.- Under a ragged coat lies wisdom. = Sub frunza proast se gseste poama coapt.- Under these conditions = In aceste conditii.- Union is strength. = In unire st tria. ( Unde-s doi puterea creste. )- Upside down = Cu susul in jos.- Use the means, and god will give the blessing. = Pune mna si o s pun si dumnezeu mila.

    Walls have ears. = Zidurile au urechi.- Wayward imagination = Imaginatie nestapanita.- We carry our neighbours1 failings in sight; we throw our own crimes over our shoulders. = Vezi mai nti gunoiul din ochiultu si apoi vorbeste pe altul de ru.- We must live by the quick, not by the dead. = Mortii cu mortii si viii cu viii.- Well begun is half done. = Lucrul bine nceput e pe jumtate fcut.- What god hath joined together, let not man put asunder. = Ce a unit Dumnezeu, omul s nu despart.- What is bred in the bone will not out of the flesh. = Nravul din fire n-are lecuire.- What must be, must be. = Ce-o fi, o fi.- What soberness conceals, drunkenness reveals. = La betie se spune adevrul.- What the heart thinks, the tongue speaks. = Ce-i n gus, si-n cpus.- What we first learn we best know. = Ce nveti la tinerete, foloseste la btrnete.- What youth is used to, age remembers. = Deprinderea din tinerete rmne si la btrnete.- What`s done cannot be undone. = Ce-i fcut e bun fcut.- Whats the good? = Care-i scopul? / Ce rost are?- When a thing is done, advice comes too late. = Sfatul dup fapt e manta dup ploaie.- When all men say you are an ass, it is time to bray. = Dac toat lumea zice c esti beat, culc-te.- When need is highest, god`s help is nighest. = La barza chioar face dumnezeu cuib.- When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out of the window. = Srcia intr pe us si dragostea iese pe fereastr.- When the candles are out, all women are fair. = Noaptea si hdele-s frumoase.- When the cat`s away, the mice will play. = Cand pisica nu-i acasa, joaca soarecii pe masa.- When the wine is in, the wit is out. = Vinul l bei de bun si el te face nebun.- When thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth. = S nu stie stnga ce face dreapta.- Where is well with me, there is my country. = Unde omul se multumeste, acolo raiul l gseste.- Where nothing is, the king must lose his right. = De unde nu-i, nici dumnezeu nu cere.- Where the carcase is, there shall the eagles be gathered together. = Unde este strvul, acolo se adun ciorile.- Where the dam leaps over, the kid follows. = Capra sare masa, iada sare casa.- Where there are reeds, there is water. = Unde sunt broaste trebuie s fie si lac.

    - Where there is no honour, there is no grief. = Cinstea cu rusinea nu pot sta mpreun.- Where there`s a will, there`s a way. = Dac vrei, poti. ( Unde-i vointa, e putinta. )- Where we least think, there goeth the hare away. = De unde nu gndesti, d-acolo sare iepurele.- Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. = Unde este comoara voastr, acolo este si inima voastr.- Where your will is ready, your feet are light. = Vointa inimii d aripi picioarelor.- While there is life, there is hope. = Omul trieste cu speranta.- Who chatters to you will chatter of you. = Cine defaim pe altul naintea ta, el si pe tine o s te defaime naintea altuia.- Who hath no horse may ride on a staff. = Cine n-are cal, s urce pe jos la deal.- Who spits against the wind, it falls in his face. = Cine scuip n sus i cade n obraz.- Who will in time present pleasure refrain, shall in time to come the more pleasure obtain. = De vrei s-o duci bine la

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