protocols for medical emergencies

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  • 7/27/2019 Protocols for medical emergencies


    Acute exacerbation of COPD

    Assess the severity of the patient (History, signs and symptoms, vitals, ABG, CXR)

    Administer Nebulization Duolin without O2 (3 times)

    Administer Nebulization Buedecort without O2 STAT

    Methylprednisolone 125 mg IV STAT

    If SpO2 still

  • 7/27/2019 Protocols for medical emergencies


    Mild Anaphylaxis (only skin reactions)Inj.Avil 45mg IV st

    Inj.Ranitidine 50mg IV stT.Prednisolone 60mg PO st

    Observe for at least 2 hours

    Moderate AnaphylaxisInj. Adrenaline 0.5mg of 1:1,000 IM, every 5 minutes, titrate to effects (0.01ml/kg

    in paediatrics)

    Severe AnaphylaxisInj.Adrenaline 0.1 mg IV, only if severe hypotension / life-threatening shock

    (0.1ml/0.1mg of 1:1000 in 10ml NS, give over 5-10 minutes)

    Closely watch for chest pain or arrhythmias


    Dr.Binu Ramesh ,MD, DM , Dr.Rehman & Arunshree-R

  • 7/27/2019 Protocols for medical emergencies


    Common for moderate and severe anaphylaxis

    IVF - 1 to 2 L of Crystalloid bolus (20ml/kg in paediatrics)

    Inj.Avil 45mg IV st

    Inj.Ranitidine 50mg IV st

    Inj.Methylprednisolone 125mg IV st (1-2mg/kg in paediatrics)

    Bronchospasm: Nebulized Levo-salbutamol 1.2mg.Nebulized Ipratropium 0.5mg.

    Refractory Bronchospasm: Inj. Aminophyline 5.6 mg/kg IV over 20 minutesOr

    Inj.Magnesium 2gm over 30 minutes (25-50mg/kg in paediatrics)

    Refractory Hypotension: Inj.Glucagon 1-5mg IV over 5 minutesfollowed by 5-15 g/min continuous infusion

    Inj.Dopamine 10-15 g/kg/min IV infusion (after discontinuing adrenaline)

    Anaphylaxis (contd)

    Dr.Binu Ramesh ,MD, DM , Dr.Rehman & Arunshree-R

  • 7/27/2019 Protocols for medical emergencies



    ASV- If the patient has evidence of envenomation, then 10 vials ofASV administered over 1 hour, diluted in 5-10ml/kg NS / 5D

    Adrenaline is made ready in two syringes of 0.5 mg in 1:1000 for IMadministration if symptoms of any adverse reaction appear. Repeatevery 5-10 minutesIf symptoms appear, ASV is temporarily suspended and thenrecommenced Neostigmine 1.5-2.0mg IV with Atropine 0.6mg IV,Observe for 1 hour

    Neostigmine Test for Neurotoxic envenomation - Neostigmine 1.5-2.0mg IV with Atropine 0.6mg IV, Observe for 1 hour

    Dr.Binu Ramesh ,MD, DM , Dr.Rehman & Arunshree-R

  • 7/27/2019 Protocols for medical emergencies



    Keep a wedge on right side of patient / turn the patient to left lateral position

    Maintain Airway, Breathing, Circulation

    GRBS & ABG analysis

    Magnesium sulphate 4 gms iv in 100 ml NS over 15 minutes, followed by 1 gm/hour

    for 24 hours

    Watch out for toxicity (respiratory depression, loss of deep tendon reflex, decreased urine


    Dr.Binu Ramesh ,MD, DM , Dr.Rehman & Arunshree-R

  • 7/27/2019 Protocols for medical emergencies


    Status EpilepticusAirway, Breathing, Circulation

    Inj. Lorazepam 0.1 mg/kg or 4 mg IV (Can be repeated once if no response in 5 min)


    Inj. Diazepam 0.15 mg/kg or 5 - 10 mg IV

    Inj. Phenytoin 20-30 mg/kg IV @ 50 mg/min


    Inj. Fosphenytoin 20-30 mg/kg/PE @ 150 mg/min

    Refractory Status Epilepticus (Any one drug below)

    Inj. Valproate 20 - 30 mg/kg loading dose @ 5mg/kg/min (in patients already on valproate)

    Inj. Levetiracetam 1000 mg IV

    Inj. Phenobarbital 20 mg/kg @ 60 mg/min

    Inj. Propofol 2 5 mg/kg IV loading dose + infusion @ 2-10mg/kg/hr

    Inj. Midazolam 0.2 mg/kg IV loading dose + infusion @ 0.5 -2 mg/kg/hr

    Inj. Ketamine 1.5 mg/kg bolus + 0.01 -0.05 mg/kg/hr

    Dr.Binu Ramesh ,MD, DM , Dr.Rehman & Arunshree-R

  • 7/27/2019 Protocols for medical emergencies


    Atropine 2-5 mg IV every 10-15 mins - to reverse muscarinic symptoms

    End point - drying of respiratory secretions and normal pupil size

    Pralidoxime (PAM) or obidoxime 1-2 gm IV over 30-60 mins to reverse nicotinic symptoms

    (should not be given in carbamate poisoning)

    Organo-Phosphorous Poisoning

    Methanol Poisoning

    Loading dose : 10 ml/kg of 10% EtOH in 5% Dextrose IV over 30 min OR give PO/NG

    Maintenance: 1-2 ml/kg/hrDr.Binu Ramesh ,MD, DM , Dr.Rehman & Arunshree-R