protestas nov15 universidad derechos civiles

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  • 7/24/2019 Protestas Nov15 Universidad Derechos Civiles


    businessPhoto: Michael B. Thomas/Getty


    NOVEMBER 11, 2015

    Student Activism Is Serious Business

    The protesters at Mizzou and Yale need to be heard, not laughed off.

    ByRoxane Gay

    Student activism is not new. Sometimes it is misguided,sometimes its dismissed, but it is always earnest. In 1960, young black

    students wo ad !ut u! wit enoug and wanted teir concerns about

    racial e"uality and civil rigts to be eard #ormed te Student $on%

    &iolent 'oordinating 'ommittee, orS$''. (ey eventually became te

    more radical arm o# te civil rigts movement)leading direct action

    !rotests, coordinating te *reedom +ides, and leading voterregistration drives. (ey were !assionate. (ey were !rovocative. (ey
  • 7/24/2019 Protestas Nov15 Universidad Derechos Civiles


    !ut teir lives on te line and we remember tem today as a #orce in

    te movement. S$'' sowed tat young !eo!le are an integral !art o#

    a !artici!atory democracy and tat tey deserved to ave a seat at te

    civil rigts table.

    e ave new cause to tink about student activism, race, and te

    continuation o# te civil rigts movement because o# concurrent and

    related student !rotests at bot te -niversity o# issouri and at /ale

    -niversity. # late, tere as been a lot o# talk about college students

    and teir curious ways, about ow tey are intensely !olitically correct,

    overly sensitive, and unduly coddled. Some ave suggested tat

    students are #rivolous activists, tat tey no longer ave senses o#

    umor, and tat liberalism as run amok on college cam!uses, ruining

    tem in te !rocess. (is is a reductive and rater lay understanding

    o# student activism.

    In te !rotests at iou and /ale and elsewere, students ave made

    it clear tat te status "uo is unbearable. eter we agree wit tese

    student !rotesters or not, we sould be listening2 (ey are articulating

    a vision #or a better #uture, one tat cannot be reaced wit


    Late Saturday nigt, word s!read tat ious black #ootball!layers were !lanning to strike and re#using to !artici!ate in team

    activities, including games. (ey were te latest to 3oin graduatestudent 4onatan Butler)wo ad been on a unger strike since te

    !rior onday)and te activist grou! 'oncerned Student 1950, in

    order to #orce te ouster o# -niversity o# issouri system !resident

    (imoty ol#e. (e !rotests ignited because o# ol#es inaction and

    !erceived indi##erence in te #ace o# several racial incidents on te

    iou cam!us, including a swastika drawn on a wall in uman #eces.

    (e students circulated a list o#demands2 (ey wanted a andwritten

    a!ology #rom ol#e, is resignation, te develo!ment o# a racial
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    awareness curriculum, and te creation o# a strategic !lan #or te

    retention o# marginalied students.

    (ings moved "uickly a#ter te !layers 3oined te cause. ore graduate

    students began !rotesting. ead #ootball coac 7ary 8inkel o##ered issu!!ort o# te !rotest wit a !ost on (witter. n onday morning,

    #aculty said tey were going to !artici!ate in a two%day walkout in

    solidarity wit te !rotesters. ater tat day, bot ol#e and +. Bowen

    o#tin, te cancellor o# ious #lagsi! cam!us in 'olumbia,

    resigned. Administrators announced a series o#initiativesdesigned to

    !romote a stronger racial climate on cam!us.

    In trut, te ti!!ing !oint was te black #ootball !layers denying te

    university teir black labor. (ey created a #inancial im!erative #or teuniversity to enact cange2 I# te (igers didnt !lay teir ne:t

    sceduled game against Brigam /oung on $ovember 1;, iou

    would ave to !ay a

  • 7/24/2019 Protestas Nov15 Universidad Derechos Civiles


    (e counsel in tis letter may ave #elt !aternalistic, but given ow

    many college students ave istorically cosen to !aint temselves in

    black#ace and oterwise tread u!on cultures and common sense, te

    email was certainly well%intended and not out o# te ordinary. Some

    students com!lained noneteless.

    ecturer @rika 'ristakis, associate master o# /ales Silliman 'ollege

    an administrative role essentially e"uivalent to a dean o# student li#e,

    wrote an email res!onding to te students troubled by te IA's letter.

    it will#ully detaced intellectual curiosity, se argued tat its #ine

    #or students to be students and to make mistakes)#or cildren, in a

    word, to be cildren.

    I wonder and I am not trying to be provocative: Is there no room anymore for a

    child or young person to be a little bit obnoxious a little bit inappropriate or

    provocative, or yes offensive? American universities were once a safe space not

    only for maturation but also for a certain regressive, or even transgressive,

    experience; increasingly, it seems, they have become places of censure and


    It is seductive in teory2 y notlet !eo!le indulge teir basest

    wimsC y notencourage uncecked curiosityC

    'ristakis did, owever, intentionally misread te letter te

    Intercultural A##airs 'ommittee sentD te committee did not !roibit

    anyting, nor did it suggest tat it wanted to. (e organiation sim!ly

    o##ered suggestions to create #or /ale students a better world tan te

    one we live in. 'ristakis, on te oter and, suggests we take our

    arguments out o# teir real%world conte:t)eliding real !eo!le in te

    !rocess)and instead move tem into te realm o# te teoretical,were no one can #eel urt.

    In te real world, toug, we ave to "uestion te cost o# te

    transgression 'ristakis argues #or so elo"uently, and wo will !ay te

    !rice. *or some, tese matters are engaging intellectual e:ercises. *or

    oters, tey are matters o# dignity, emotional wellbeing, and sa#ety.

    undreds o# /ale students ave not taken kindly to 'ristakiss

    suggestions, !rotesting er words and calling #or te resignations o#

    bot er and er usband $icolas, Silliman 'olleges master)te!rinci!al #aculty member=res!onsible #or te !ysical well being and
  • 7/24/2019 Protestas Nov15 Universidad Derechos Civiles


    sa#ety?o# students in is residence all. $eiter #aculty member sould

    resign or even a!ologie, but te students are well witin teir rigts to

    !rotest te troubling s!irit o# 'ristakiss email.

    InThe Atlantic, 'onor *riedersdor# took o##ense to some o# te !eo!leinvolved in te !rotest, labeling tem intolerant. =(eyre beaving

    more like +eddit !arodies o# >social%3ustice warriors tan coerent

    activists, and I sus!ect tey will look back on teir beavior wit

    cagrin,? e wrote, es!ousing te curious notion tat !rotest sould be

    a !olite and demure endeavor tat !leases everyone.

    Iattended /ale #rom 199E to 199;. ile I was tere, I understoodtat, as a black woman, I was regarded as a usur!er on allowed Ivy

    grounds. @iter I was a scolarsi! student or a $ew aven local)no

    one could believe tat I was tere, like te oters, sim!ly to learn. It

    was not uncommon to be te target o# racial slurs, to be te sub3ect o#

    wis!ered discussions about a##irmative action, and to tolerate

    microaggressions on a daily basis. 'am!us !olice made a s!ort o#

    asking me and oter black students, to sow our student identi#ication

    cards. y e:!erience was in no way uni"ue.

    (e currents !rotests are symbolic o# a #ar more com!le: !roblem2 a

    troubled racial climate on /ales cam!us tat as !ersisted #or many

    years. In trut, most !redominantly wite cam!uses across te country

    are similarly !lagued. I ave s!ent most o# my adult li#e on collegecam!uses in one role or anoter, as bot student and instructorD

    regardless o# cam!us, te racial climates were always tense, at best. I

    am not sur!rised by wat is a!!ening at /ale. I am not sur!rised by

    te iou !rotesters, or by te #ervor o# teir commitment.

    e cannot ignore wat is truly being said by bot grou!s o# !rotesters2

    (at not all students e:!erience /ale e"ually, and not all students

    e:!erience iou e"ually. (ese conversations were a!!ening well

    be#ore tese !rotests, and tey will continue to a!!en until studentsare guaranteed e"uality o# e:!erience. (ey are still being #orced,
  • 7/24/2019 Protestas Nov15 Universidad Derechos Civiles


    owever, to #irst !rove tat it is wort o!ening a conversation about


    While I was at Yale, I understood that,as a black woman, I was regarded as a

    usurper on hallowed Ivy grounds.

    At iou, te banal and !redictable backlas as begun. (e students

    ave been !ainted ascowardly babies,bigots, or outrigt liars by te

    conservative media. (ey are ingrates, irres!onsible, and, in te case o#te #ootball !layers, men unwilling to meet teir obligations. (e

    students concerns ave been roundly diminised or dismissed. It

    seems tat wen it comes to racism, !eo!le o# color are e:!ected to

    endure witout com!laint. e are e:!ected to be grate#ul #or

    o!!ortunities, like a college education, wile ignoring racial

    aggressions bot great and small. e are su!!osed to be noble in te

    #ace o# staggering umiliations. As a student, I was e:!ected to sow

    my IF every single time it was demanded o# me and I was e:!ected to!retend it did not urt. As a #aculty member, I am e:!ected to sow my

    cam!us IF every time it is demanded o# me. I may be e:!ected to

    !retend it doesnt urt, but now I re#use to !artici!ate in te carade.

    (ere is o#ten condescension in e:aminations o# tese su!!osedly

    #ragile young !eo!le wo dont understand te real world. 'ollege

    students do, owever, understand te real world, because tey arent

    3ust students2 (ey do not abandon teir class background or se:uality

    or race or etnicity wen tey matriculate, and teir issues do notvanis wen tey register #or courses. e sould not dismiss teir

    valid concerns. (o do so, to invalidate teir e:!eriences, would be to

    invalidate teir diversity and ignore teir urt. American colleges and

    universities ave always been incubators #or te !rivileged, and te

    only !eo!le wo continue to o!erate tere wit some guarantee o#

    !ysical and emotional sa#ety are wite, eterose:ual men. Is it any

    wonder, ten, tat students are demanding a basic guarantee o# sa#etyC
  • 7/24/2019 Protestas Nov15 Universidad Derechos Civiles


    (e story we cannot #orget is tat black students at bot iou and

    /ale reaced a breaking !oint. (ese are students wo could no longer

    endure wat ad become unbearable. (ey said, =@noug.?

    In Cultivating Humanity: A Classical Defense of Reform in LiberalEducation,arta $ussbaum suggests tat a liberal education, one

    designed to =!roduce #ree citiens,? sould el! students connect wit

    teir umanity and understand teir !lace in te world. =It would becatastro!ic,? se writes, =to become a nation o# tecnically com!etent

    !eo!le wo ave lost te ability to tink critically, to e:amine

    temselves, and to res!ect te umanity and diversity o# oters.?

    Activism is one way students can learn to become te #ree citiens

    $ussbaum describes.

    These are students who could no

    longer endure what had become

    unbearable. They said, Enough.

    Students ave !rotested ikes in tuition, university !olicies on

    undocumented students, graduate student sti!ends and ealt

    insurance, !redatory !ro#essors, se:ual violence on cam!us, and manyoter issues. Sometimes, students !rotest !rovocative s!eakers, ine!t

    atletic directors, and to:ic social media sites. (ey ave directed teir

    activism toward bot national and global concerns including war and

    oter military interventions, e:clusionary legislation, re!roductive

    #reedom, racial ine"uality, and economic ine"uality. Furing te eigt

    o# ccu!y all Street, smallerccu!ysites began a!!earing at colleges

    and universities across te country.

    Student activism is wides!read, because some students are making temost o# teir college e:!erience. (ey understand tat tis may very
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    well be te last moment in teir lives wen tey can con#ront real

    issues in an environment were tey are #orced to encounter !eo!le

    wo dont look like tem, wo dont tink like tem, environments

    were cange is still !ossible. (e Student $onviolent 'oordinating

    'ommittee and !rotestors at cam!uses across te country including/ale and iou are !art o# a robust, vital tradition tat we sould not

    overlook. (odays student activists are doing te necessary work to

    ensure tat te ne:t generation tat !artici!ates in te tradition o#

    student activism will be #igting di##erent battles. r, !era!s, tey are

    doing te necessary work to ensure tat students, o# all identities,

    migt ave a #igting cance to e:!erience college and li#e beyond

    more e"ually tan tose wo came be#ore tem.

    +o:ane 7ay is te autor o# te essay collectionBad eministand te novelAn

    !ntamed "tate.!501.html

    "as protestas raciales de #er$usonlle$an a los campus universitarios

    Estudiantes de Missouri y Yale denuncian la falta de reaccin de las autoridades

    universitarias ante actos racistas

    Una protesta fuerza la dimisin del rector de la Universidad de Missouri%&'()'*+ #. ,&++('*)* 10 * 2015 - 20:57 %)
  • 7/24/2019 Protestas Nov15 Universidad Derechos Civiles


    Los estudiantes del movimiento Concerned Student 1950 en la Universidad de Missouri. /S!" #ELL $%&

    as mani#estaciones "ue saltaron desde *erguson issouri, tras la muerte del

    3oven icael Brown, asta $ueva /ork, 'arleston o Baltimore con cada

    #allecimiento de un negro a manos de la !olicGa, acaban de aterriar en los cam!us

    universitarios de @stados -nidos, uno de los Hmbitos donde se #raguaron las!rotestas durante el movimiento !or los derecos civiles de las minorGas raciales.

    'incuenta aos des!uJs, las Kltimas mani#estaciones an sido im!ulsadas !or

    3Lvenes y estudiantes "ue !or cada incidente "ue atrae la atenciLn del resto del !aGs,

    denuncian "ue el Kltimo muerto a manos de la !olicGa o el Kltimo grito racista en un

    cam!us es solo la Kltima !untada en una trayectoria de discriminaciLn "ue mucos

    abGan dado !or su!erada en la sociedad estadounidense. @l diario

    universitario The #issourianlo a llamado =un instante en un movimiento? y abla

    de "ue los !oderes =se an intercambiado? en el cam!us.

    @ste lunes, el rector de la -niversidad de issouri dimitiL de su cargotras varios

    dGas de intensas !rotestas, incluido un alumno en uelga de ambre y la negativa

    del e"ui!o de #Ktbol de iou a com!etir asta su cese. A mHs de 1,M00 km de

    distancia, en la -niversidad de /ale, estudiantes a#roamericanos se en#rentaron al

    !rimer decano negro de una de sus #acultades !or su #alta de res!aldo. a cis!a en

    /ale abGa saltado !or el envGo de un correo electrLnico de la AdministraciLn a todo

    el alumnado sobredis#races !otencialmente o#ensivos en alloweeny la denuncia
  • 7/24/2019 Protestas Nov15 Universidad Derechos Civiles


    de varias alumnas a las "ue se les abGa negado la entrada en una #iesta !or "ue era

    =solo !ara blancas?.

    %ortada del diario 'Missourian' este martes.

    =as !rotestas no son sobre alloween ni sobre la #iesta de una

    ermandad?,escribe el estudiante de /ale, Aaron ewis. =8rotestamos !or la #alta

    de coerencia entre el /ale "ue vimos en los dossieres de admisiLn y el "ue vivimostodos los dGas. 8rotestamos !or e:!eriencias reales de racismo en el cam!us desde

    ace demasiado tiem!o y "ue no an sido resueltas. a universidad se vende como

    un centro inclusivo y acogedor !ara !ersonas de todos los orGgenes, !ero no lo es?.

    a e:!licaciLn se re#iere a /ale, !ero tambiJn enca3a en las !rotestas de issouri.

    AllG, el !asado mes de abril a!areciL un sGmbolo nai dibu3ado con eces en uno de

    los dormitorios, en se!tiembre el !residente de la asociaciLn de estudiantes

    denunciL insultos racistas en un !ost en *acebook "ue recorriL la comunidad

    universitaria, en octubre un alumno blanco irrum!iL en un ensayo teatral e insultL
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    a los estudiantes negros con tJrminos racistas y en noviembre el asunto seguGa sin

    tener una res!uesta del rector.

    erederos de lac6 "ives atter

    @n medio de las !rotestas, varios estudiantes crearon el gru!o 'oncerned Student

    1950, en re#erencia al ao en "ue la -niversidad de issouri ace!tL !or !rimera ve

    a un alumno negro %oy tiene N5.000 estudiantes, de los "ue un OP son negros.

    @sta organiaciLn, a!oyHndose en las redes sociales, distribuyL sus demandas y

    denunciL !Kblicamente la !ermisividad del rector ante lo ocurrido. 'oncerned

    Student 1950 es uno de los gru!os creados en los Kltimos meses a imagen de Black

    ives atter, el movimiento surgido tras la muerte de icael Brown en *erguson

    y "ue a travJs de las redes sociales, irru!ciones en actos de cam!aa de candidatos

    !residenciales y mani#estaciones an logrado convertirse en una vo de re#erencia

    en el debate racial en @stados -nidos.

    =os miembros de 'oncerned Student 1950 nos estHn dando lecciones "ue van mHs

    allH de !oner una tirita en la erida?, escribiL el !ro#esor de !eriodismo 'arl

    Qenneyde la -niversidad de issouri en el diario estudiantil (e issourian.

    =@sos remedios no !ueden curar el cHncer "ue a a#ectado a los estudiantes negros

    desde muco antes de "ue !udieran estudiar a"uG. ace tiem!o "ue los

    a#roamericanos debGan demostrar su dereco a acceder a la universidad y desdeentonces an demostrado su dereco a "uedarse?.

    a Kltima !olJmica de /ale em!eL !or un mensa3e de las autoridades

    universitariasen los "ue recomendaban a los estudiantes re#le:ionar sobre

    dis#races de alloween "ue !odGan resultar o#ensivos a las minorGas %incluidas

    =!elucas con !lumas, turbantes, motivos bJlicos, ma"uilla3e !ara cambiar el color

    de la !iel? y dos enlaces a dis#races insultantes !ara a#roamericanos y americanos

    nativos. 8ero Black ives atter a demostrado a miles de estudiantes "ue sus

    !rotestas, gracias a las redes sociales, no tienen !or "uJ "uedar encerradas en la

    comunidad universitaria.

    oy el debate en la !restigiosa universidad de $ew aven 'onnecticut se a

    e:tendido desde las demandas !ara "ue dimitan los res!onsables del mensa3e,

    "uienes consideran "ue la universidad intentL censurar la libertad de e:!resiLn de

    los alumnos a la ora de elegir su dis#ra y voces de minorGas raciales "ue aseguran

    "ue /ale de!ositL la res!onsabilidad de sentirse o#endidos o no sobre ellos, al

    tiem!o "ue no les !rotegGa de otros ata"ues racistas.
  • 7/24/2019 Protestas Nov15 Universidad Derechos Civiles


    ientras "ue las !rotestas avanan en /ale sin una res!uesta de las autoridades, en

    issouri 'oncerned Student a anunciado "ue mantendrH sus demandas de

    re#ormas tras la dimisiLn del rector. a victoria allG de los mani#estantes este lunes

    es es!ecialmente simbLlica !ara una universidad en cuyo estadio, con ca!acidad

    !ara casi O0.000 !ersonas% ondeaba la bandera con#ederada cada ve "ue el e"ui!o

    acGa un toucdown en los aos 50, cuando llegaron los !rimeros estudiantes

    negros. Sesenta aos des!uJs, las !rotestas contra la discriminaciLn de las minorGas

    an regresado a los cam!us.!373.html
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    9na protesta uer;a la dimisi

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    dibu3ada con eces en una de las residencias estudiantiles sin "ue las autoridades

    universitarias reaccionaran con su#iciente durea, segKn sus demandas.

    @l incidente mereciL la atenciLn de la 'asa Blanca este lunes. SegKn el !ortavo,

    4os @arnest, las !rotestas de issouri demuestran "ue =la mani#estaciLn de un

    gru!o de !ersonas !uede tener un im!acto !ro#undo en los lugares donde viven y

    traba3an?. @arnest aadiL "ue las denuncias de los estudiantes acen re#erencia =al

    !roblema #undamental de "ue aya un ogar !ara todos? en los cam!us.

    as !rotestas de esta semana !arecen ser el estallido de un con#licto mHs !ro#undo

    "ue arrancL el !asado mes de abril,como re#le3a el !eriLdico universitario,con la

    a!ariciLn del sGmbolo nai en las instalaciones, continuL en se!tiembre cuando el

    !residente de los estudiantes #ue insultado con un tJrmino racista, seguGa sin

    resolverse en octubre cuando un alumno blanco irrum!iL en el ensayo de una obra

    !ara insultar a otros estudiantes negros y no "uedL cerrado a !esar de la reuniLn de

    (im ol#e, el !residente de la universidad, con un gru!o de alumnos a #inales del

    mes !asado.

    8ara demostrar su com!romiso con las demandas, un estudiante se declarL en

    uelga de ambre asta "ue ol#e anunciase su marca. 4onatan Butler declarL

    "ue =varios incidentes racistas, se:istas y omL#obos abGan interrum!ido

    e:!eriencia de los alumnos? de la universidad. @n una carta, la AsociaciLn de

    @studiantes tambiJn abGa acusado a ol#e de =#acilitar un sistema racista? en el

    cam!us con la #alta de res!uesta o#icial tras la muerte del 3oven icael Brown !or

    los dis!aros de un !olicGa en *erguson en E01; y durante los incidentes ocurridos

    en la universidad.

    ol#e !idiL este lunes "ue se utilice su dimisiLn =!ara curar las eridas y volver a

    conversar? y "ue su dimitir era =lo correcto?. ol#e se declarL =res!onsable? de la

    divisiLn en el cam!us y lamentL "ue la comunidad estudiantil y el resto de!ro#esionales del centro =aya de3ado de escucarse unos a otros?.

    a divisiLn a la "ue io re#erencia ol#e se intensi#icL la semana !asada cuando

    los estudiantes boicotearon el coce del !residente de la universidad durante un

    des#ile. SegKn e:!licL uno de ellos al !eriLdico estudiantil, =emos mandado

    emails, tweets, mensa3esR y no emos recibido ninguna res!uesta de los o#iciales

    de este cam!us de "ue de verdad vayan a acometer cambios. AsG "ue nos dirigimos

    a Jl directamente?.
  • 7/24/2019 Protestas Nov15 Universidad Derechos Civiles


    a uelga de ambre, las !rotestas y el !lantLn del in#luyente e"ui!o de #Ktbol en la

    liga universitaria de!ositaron tanta tensiLn en ol#e "ue #inalmente decidiL

    renunciar a su cargo. @l ya e:!residente reconociL este lunes "ue =la #rustraciLn y el

    en#ado son reales?, tanto !or !arte de los estudiantes como del !ro#esorado. =/a no

    lo dudo?.