protein unfolding in cardiomyopathies

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  • 8/20/2019 Protein Unfolding in Cardiomyopathies


    Protein Unfolding in Cardiomyopathies

    Luisa Gorza, MDa , Federica del Monte, MD, PhD b,*

    a University of Padova, Padova, Italy b Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, USA

    Molecular chaperones are a heterogeneous group

    of proteins involved in assisting and controlling the

    folding of nascent polypeptides. Although in vitrostudies have shown that secondary and tertiary

    structures of proteins are dictated by the linear poly-

     peptide sequence, the auxiliary role in folding played

     by chaperones becomes obligatory in the cellular 

    environment, where crowding of different macro-

    molecules may favor unwanted intermolecular inter-

    actions with nascent polypeptides. Their aggregation

    with other unfolded protein species jeopardizes stable

     protein structure and would be responsible for toxic

    consequences. Molecular chaperones play a crucial

    role against such toxicity in physiologic conditions.

    Furthermore, their importance has been recognized in

    several pathologic conditions in which destabiliza-

    tion of protein folding may occur concomitantly to

    upregulation of many chaperone genes. A large body

    of evidence emphasizes the role of chaperones in

    enhancing cell resistance to different stresses, al-

    though the protective effect is apparently attributed

    to the preferential, if not exclusive, interaction with

    specific partner proteins.

    The multifaceted properties of several molecular 

    chaperones have been recognized for simple eukary-

    otic organisms and for organisms that are morecomplex. The nomenclature for the more relevant 

     protein homologs among bacteria, yeast, and mam-

    malian cells is listed in   Tables 1–3.   In this article,

    the authors first review the role and mechanisms of 

    molecular chaperones in protein folding in the dif-

    ferent cellular compartments and attempt to coordi-nate the nomenclature of the proteins as they have

     been described in different organisms with the cor-

    responding proteins in mammals. Recent knowledge

    of the relevance of the unfolding protein response

    (UPR) and degradation pathways and the role of the

    chaperone proteins in the development of human

    diseases is explored. Although most of the disease

    entities caused by protein misfolding have been de-

    scribed for other organs, this article more specifically

    addresses the consequences of protein misfolding for 

    cardiovascular diseases.

    Overview of protein folding in the mammalian


     Folding of cytosolic proteins

    Appropriate folding of cytosolic proteins is a

    relevant event in cardiomyocytes in which cellular 

    architecture relies on myofibril assembly and align-

    ment and on its anchorage by cytoskeleton to the

    sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum (SR) and sarcolemmalmembranes. Three main chaperone systems operate at 

    this level: heat shock protein (HSP)70 and HSP90,

    TCP1 ring complex (TRiC) (Fig. 1), and small HSPs

    (see Table 1). Detailed references can be found in two

    recent extensive reviews [1,2].

     Heat shock protein 70 and heat shock protein

    90 chaperone machinery

    The constitutively expressed cytosolic HSP70

     protein is the heat shock cognate protein (Hsc70)

    and, like bacterial and yeast homologs, is a mono-

    1551-7136/05/$ – see front matter  D 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


    This work was supported by FIRB2001 grant RBAU01-

    FYPJ and ISS grant CS45 to Dr. Gorza and by NIH grant 

     NIH-NHLBI 5K08HL069842 to Dr. del Monte.

    * Corresponding author. Cardiovascular Research

    Center and Cardiac Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital,

    149 13th Street CNY-4, Charlestown, MA 02129.

     E-mail address: [email protected] (F. del Monte).

    Heart Failure Clin 1 (2005) 237 – 250


  • 8/20/2019 Protein Unfolding in Cardiomyopathies


    meric protein with an N-terminal ATPase domain and

    a C-terminal polypeptide-binding domain. Nucleotide

     binding (ADP or ATP) regulates the kinetics of 

    Hsc70 interaction with nascent polypeptides, in that 

    when ATP is bound, the exchange of polypeptide

    substrate is rapid, whereas polypeptide binding is

    much more stable in the ADP-bound state. Hsc70

    may bind directly to nascent polypeptides after they

    emerge from the ribosome tunnel or after their re-

    lease from the ribosome; in some cases, polypeptide binds to HSP70 chaperones after association with the

    cochaperone HSP40. HSP40 is homologous to bac-

    terial DnaJ and transfers the bound polypeptide to

    Hsc70 after ATP hydrolysis.

    Several isoforms of HSP40/DnaJ-like molecules

    that differ by tissue distribution and substrate

    interaction are known. In the mammalian heart, the

    homolog Dj4/DjA4 isoform constitutes about the 1%

    of total protein  [3]  and a cardiac-specific isoform of 

    Hdj2/DjA1, named pDJA1, has recently been iden-

    tified in the pig heart   [4].   It has been proposed that 

    HSP40 homologs, due to marked differences in theC-terminal region, may interact with HSP70 chaper-

    one machinery in different subcellular compartments

    and could be involved in protein targeting or as-

    sembly of a specific intermediate filament   [1]. In

    contrast to Hsp40 and Hsc70 mRNA levels, pDJA1

    transcript levels differ among heart chambers and

     between the subepicardial and subendocardial layers

    of the left ventricular wall  [4].  Although comparable

    evidence at the protein level is still lacking, a four-

    fold increase in the expression of this latter cochaper-

    one occurs after 1-hour reperfusion following acute

    ischemia. This evidence and the transmural gra-dient in the expression of pDJA1 transcripts in the

    left ventricular wall suggest sensitive oxygen- and

    stretch-sensing mechanisms in upregulation of this

    cochaperone gene [4].

    A relevant component of the HSP70 chaperone

    machinery is the HSP90 chaperone family. Hsp90

    exists as a homodimer: dimerization occurs at the

    C-terminus, whereas ATP binding domains localize

    at the N-terminus. Binding and hydrolysis of ATP

    change Hsp90 conformation and promote loading and

    release of the polypeptide substrate, respectively.

    Cooperation of Hsp90 with Hsc70 occurs for somesubstrates and is mediated by cochaperones that 

     physically link Hsc70 and Hsp90 and allow the

    Table 1

     Nomenclature of major cytosolic molecular chaperone families

    Mammals Yeast Prokaryotic homolog


    HSP70 Hsc70, constitutive Ssa1 DnaK  

    Hsp70, inducible Ssa2 Ssb

    HSP90 Hsp90a/Hsp90/Hsp84 Hsp82/Hsc82 HtpG


    TCP1 ring complex TRiC TRiC GroEL/GroES

    GimC/prefoldin GimC

    Small HSPs Alpha A-/B-crystallin


     HSP70 and HSP90 cochaperones

    HSP40 Hdj1/Hsp40/DjB1 Djp1 DnaJ




    Tetratricopeptide repeat clamp domain

    HOP Hop Sti1

    UNC-45 CG-UNC45


    RAR1/SGT1 Melusin? Sgt1

    PPIase FKBP52

    Cyclophilin Cyp40


     p23 p23 Sba1

    CDC37 Cdc37 cdc37

    Uppercase letters indicate chaperone families, whereas lowercase refer to single members.

    gorza   &   del monte238


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    transfer of the polypeptide substrate (like the Hsp-organizing protein, Hop) or assist Hsp90 for the final

    folding steps (like p23)  [2].

    Additional substrate-specific cochaperones may

     be required. Hsp70/Hsp90 chaperone machinery is

    involved, together with the cochaperone UNC-45,

    in folding and assembly of conventional and non-

    conventional myosins in a wide variety of organisms,

    from yeast to humans   [5].   The specific striated

    muscle SM-UNC45 isoform is expressed in skeletal

    muscle and in the heart   [6], where it presumably

     participates with Hsc70 and Hsp90 to myosin motor maturation, giving rise to complexes that act as a

    checkpoint for thick filament assembly [7]. Inhibition

    of Hsp90 ATPase activity by geldanamycin blocks

    sarcomeric myosin maturation, resulting in the accu-

    mulation of all newly synthesized myosin as a par-

    tially folded intermediate [7].

    Additional knowledge about proteins that interact 

    with Hsc70/Hsp90 folding complexes in the heart 

    is awaited, especially in light of the finding that 

    melusin, a novel cardiac protein involved in trans-

    ducing mechanical stretch of myocardial cells into

     physiologic hypertrophy (see the article by Selvetellaand Lembo in this issue for a review of this topic) [8],

    displays more than 50% similarity with the zinc-

     binding domain of resistance proteinase 1, an Hsp90

    cochaperone protein family identified in plants  [9].

    TCP1 ring complex

    Certain nascent polypeptides such as actin and

    tubulin interact with GimC/prefoldin protein complexduring their translation and are then assisted in their 

    folding by the ATP-dependent multimeric chaperonin

    TRiC. TRiC shows a double ring structure and, in

    contrast to bacteria, lacks a capping cofactor (GroES

    is the cap of the cavity formed by the GroEL

    chaperonin complex). The two rings of TRiC each

    contain eight different subunits that bind the protein

    substrate with the apical domain and release it into

    the enclosed central cavity where the folding reac-

    tion takes place.

    Other polypeptides bind Hsc70 first and becomesubstrates of TRiC later on, as occurs in bacteria.

    In these cases, Hsc70 binds extended polypeptides

    during translation and retains binding until TRiC-

    mediated folding is completed.

    Small heat shock protein chaperones

    This heterogeneous group of low molecular mass

    HSPs is more involved in control of the structural

    integrity of the cytoskeleton than in protein folding,

    despite the demonstration of in vitro chaperone ac-

    tivity [10]. Nevertheless, for these reasons, they play

    a central role in the preservation of cardiomyocytearchitecture and, thus, of mechanical function.

    The most relevant small HSP expressed in car-

    diomyocytes is the 22-kd protein alpha B-crystallin,

    a member of the crystallin family of lens proteins.

    The alpha crystallin domain is highly conserved

    within the small HSP family and is thought to be

    more important in the formation of the functional

    Table 2

     Nomen clature of majo r sarco(endo)plasmic reti culum


    Mammals Yeast  


    HSP70 Grp78/BiP Kar2p

    Grp170 Lhs1p

    HSP90 Grp94/gp96/endoplasmin


    Lectin Calnexin



    Oxidoreductase PDI Pdi1p




    Small HSPs Hsp47

    Cochaperones J domain

    HSP40 ERdj 1 – 5 Djp1

    Calnexin– calreticulin complex

    Oxidoreductase ERp57

    Tetratricopeptide repeat clamp domain

    PPIase Cyclophilin B

    Uppercase letters indicate chaperone families, whereas

    lowercase refer to single members.

    Table 3

     Nomenclature of major mitochondrial chaperones

    Mammals Yeast  


    HSP70 Grp75/mtHsp75 Ssq

    TCP1 ring complex Hsp60


    Small HSPs Hsp22

    Cochaperones J domain

    HSP40 Mdj MDj1

    Tetratricopeptide repeat clamp domain

    TOM Tom70 Tom70


    Uppercase letters indicate chaperone families, whereas

    lowercase refer to single members.

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    oligomeric complex than in chaperone activity   [11].

    In the heart, alpha B-crystallin binds actin and desmin

    filaments [12]. The latter require alpha B-crystallin to

    remain functional and to prevent the aggregation of 

    abnormally folded desmin subunits [13].

    Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)-

    mediated phosphorylation of Hsp25/27 (Hsp25 in mice

    and Hsp27 in humans), as it occurs after hypoxia-

    reoxygenation, redistributes the protein from the cyto-

    sol to the actin cytoskeleton, where it multimerizes andcontributes to microfilament stabilization  [14]. In the

    nonphosphorylated, monomeric state, Hsp25/27 inhibits

    F-actin polymerization by binding to the plus end of 

    the filaments [15].

    The endoplasmic reticulum folding machinery

    Protein folding is a relevant function in the en-

    doplasmic reticulum (ER): approximately one third

    of all the proteins in eukaryotic cells are translocated

    into the ER, where the unique oxidizing potentialsupports disulphide bond formation during protein

    folding. In addition, protein concentration in the ER 

    is high; therefore, efficient folding requires that chap-

    erones and folding enzymes outnumber the newly

    synthesized polypeptides. An additional factor influ-

    encing the equilibrium of such a gel-like protein ma-

    trix is represented by the amount of ER-sequestered

    Ca2+: most of the ER proteins involved in protein

    folding bind large amounts of Ca2+, with variable

    affinity [16]. This latter aspect, which has often been

    neglected when generally considering the ER fold-

    ing machinery, appears to be of specific relevance tocells like cardiomyocytes for which a tight control of 

    rapid changes of Ca2+ levels in the SR is required to

    regulate the contractile activity, while stable levels of 

    Ca2+ are required for the protein folding function [17].

    Similar to what is described for the cytosol, ER 

    chaperones work in complexes—the lectin complex

    and the Grp78/Grp94 complex (Fig. 2) —that may

    interact sequentially or alternatively with the protein

    substrate (see   Table 2)   [18].  Nascent polypeptides,

    entering the ER through the protein-conducting chan-

    nel Sec61, are bound by Grp78/BiP, the ER homolog

    of Hsc70, which localizes on the luminal surface of the pore. Polypeptides then recruit the ER chaperone

    complex, depending on their intrinsic characteristics.

    Fig. 1. Model of the chaperone-assisted folding of newly synthesized polypeptides in the cytosol. ( A) The nascent chain

     polypeptide interacts with Hsc70 and its cofactor Hsp40. Folding proceeds by recruiting Hsp90 and its cochaperones, among

    which is Hsp-organizing protein (Hop), or by binding to prefoldin and the multimeric chaperonin TRiC. ( B) Proteins like actin

    and tubulin interact immediately with prefoldin and the chaperonin TRiC. ( Adapted from Barral JM, Broadley SA, Schaffar G,

    et al. Roles of molecular chaperones in protein misfolding diseases. Semin Cell Dev Biol 2004;15:18; with permission.)

    gorza   &   del monte240


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    The lectin (calreticulin–calnexin) complex

    This complex is relevant for the folding of most 

    secretory and membrane proteins. Binding of the na-

    scent polypeptides to the lectin domain of calnexin

    (a type I transmembrane protein) or calreticulin (asoluble ER luminal protein) is possible only in the

     presence of monoglucosylated N-linked glycans,

    which derive from glucosidase activity on mannose

    residues. Despite the homology between calnexin and

    calreticulin, each being monomeric Ca2+  binding ER 

     proteins, their folding activity and substrate specific-

    ity are different   [19]. Calreticulin appears to play

    a major role in heart development and in cardiomyo-

    cytes of the cardiac conduction system   [20,21],

    whereas it is expressed at very low levels in adult 

    cardiomyocytes   [22].   The question concerning how

    calreticulin chaperone function is supplied in adult cardiomyocytes remains unanswered. In the process

    of newly synthesized proteins, calnexin primarily

     binds folding intermediates preferentially, but not 

    uniquely from glycoproteins, assisting folding and

    the assembly of protein subunits. Calnexin also plays

    a role in quality control because it prevents the ex-

    cretion of misfolded glycoproteins and helps inrefolding glycoproteins. Folding by the lectin com-

     plex occurs through the interaction with several other 

    accessory proteins whose number and function ap-

     parently depend on substrate specificity, except for 

    the oxidoreductase ERp57, which is specifically re-

    cruited by the complex.

    The function of calnexin and calreticulin is to

    retain the unfolded glycoprotein, whereas the third

    lectin involved in the complex, UDP-glucose:glyco-

     protein glucosyltransferase (UDP-GT), represents a

    folding sensor. UDP-GT adds a single glucose after 

    complete deglucosylation of N-glycans bound in still-unfolded or partially folded protein regions. Deglu-

    cosylation determines the release of the protein

    Fig. 2. Involvement of the ER lectin chaperone complex in folding and in targeting ER-associated degradation (ERAD). The

    nascent chain polypeptides are translocated across the ER membrane through a pore (Sec61p), interact with Grp78, and after 

    incomplete deglucosylation, bind to calnexin (CNX) and calreticulin (CRT). The cochaperone ERp57 is recruited to assist in

    disulphide bridge formation. UDP-GT provides the addition of one glucose to N-glycans bound to the unfolded region of the

     polypeptide and favors re-entering of the partially folded molecule in the cycle again. Misfolded polypeptides are bound by

    calnexin and EDEM and retrotranslocated through Sec61p into the cytosol by interaction with p97 ATPase. Here, they are

    ubiquitinated and degraded by the proteasome machinery. PDI, protein disulfide isomerase. ( Adapted from   Kaufman RJ,

    Scheuner D, Schroder M, et al. The unfolded protein response in nutrient sensing and differentiation. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol

    2002;3:412; with permission.)

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    substrate, whereas glycosylation by UDP-GT permits

    subsequent interaction with calnexin or calreticulin

    to complete the folding.

    The Grp78/Grp94 complex

     Nonglycosylated proteins are more efficientlyretained by Grp78 and subsequently folded by the

    Grp78/Grp94 complex, which shows several analo-

    gies to the HSP70/HSP90 folding machinery   [23].

    Except for the presence of ERdj3 (the ER homolog of 

    HSP40 cochaperone), the members of the complex

    interact with each other even in the absence of the

     protein substrate. The ER homolog of Hsp90, Grp94,

     participates in the complex, together with Grp170,

    several oxidoreductase enzymes, UDP-GT, and the

    immunophilins. Despite the analogy to the cytosolic

    chaperone machinery, the function of Grp94 remainsobscure. In contrast to Hsp90, which is involved in

    the maturation of several substrates and requires

    specific cochaperones, few substrates and almost 

    no specific cochaperones have been identified for 

    Grp94. Grp94 is abundantly expressed in cardiomyo-

    cytes, although higher levels of expression were ob-

    served in cardiomyocytes of the heart conduction

    system and during development  [24].

    Special mention should be given to the ER 

    resident protein Hsp47, a member of the serin

     protease – inhibitor protein family. Hsp47 is speci-

    fically involved in procollagen processing and trans- port   [25]   and is highly induced in pathologic

    conditions associated with increased collagen synthe-

    sis, such as end-stage dilated cardiomyopathy  [26].

     Endoplasmic reticulum chaperone function and Ca2+


    As mentioned earlier, Grp78, Grp94, calnexin,

    calreticulin, and protein disulfide isomerase (PDI)

     bind significant amounts of Ca2+ in vitro [16]. Total

    ER Ca2+ is commonly estimated to range up to

    millimolar concentrations; however, the free Ca


    concentration of the ER is much lower because the

    cation is largely bound to matrix proteins of high

    capacity, but of relatively low affinity   [27].   Indeed,

    changes in the amount of calreticulin, Grp78, or 

    Grp94 have been shown to affect ER Ca2+ storage or 

    release   [22,28–32].   On the other hand, the folding

    machinery of the ER may require a Ca2+- enriched

    environment for activity. Ca2+  binding alters calnexin

    and calreticulin conformation in vitro, and inactive

    calreticulin– calnexin complexes are formed in the

    Ca2+-depleted ER   [17].   Calreticulin and/or ERp57

    can also affect ER Ca2+ content through other mechanisms; namely, by direct interaction with the

    SR Ca2+  pump SERCA and by modulation of its

    activity [33]. However, the role played by calreticulin

    in the maintenance of cardiomyocyte Ca2+ homeo-

    stasis is relevant only during development and is

    supplied by calsequestrin in the postnatal heart. An

    additional contribution in the maintenance of Ca2+

    homeostasis could then derive from the most abun-dant SR chaperones, Grp78 and Grp94. Although

    information concerning a role for Grp78 in main-

    tenance of cardiomyocyte Ca2+ homeostasis is lack-

    ing, it was hypothesized that Grp94 upregulation in

    chronically fibrillating atrial cardiomyocytes may

    counteract the Ca2+ overload secondary to the

    arrhythmia because overexpression of Grp94 delays

    the rise in free intracellular Ca2+ and the necrotic

    death of cardiomyocytes exposed in vitro to Ca2+

    overload and simulated ischemia [22,31].

     Folding of mitochondrial proteins

    Chaperones localized in the mitochondrial matrix

    are involved in the folding of locally synthesized

     polypeptides and those arriving from the cytosol (see

    Table 3).

    TOM is an HSP90 cochaperone protein family

    involved in post-traslational import of mitochondrial

     proteins having a nonclassic internal targeting se-

    quence. Tom70 is inserted in the cytosolic face of 

    the mitochondrial outer membrane by way of the

     N-terminus. After binding to Tom70 and cyclingof ATP by the chaperones, the preprotein is trans-

     ported through the outer membrane by the import 

    machinery [1].

    In addition to the mitochondrial Hsc70 homolog

    mtHsp75, which keeps mitochondrial-encoded pro-

    teins in assembly-competent state, mitochondria use a

    multimeric chaperonin formed by Hsp60 and Hsp10.

    The Hsp60/Hsp10 chaperonin is a homolog to bac-

    terial GroEL/GroES; it is involved in the prevention

    of aggregation and refolding of mitochondrial pro-

    teins, as shown in experimental hearts exposed tocardioplegia and ischemia-reperfusion [34].

    Destiny of unfolded proteins: to rescue or to


    Protein folding is far from being a successful

    event. It has been calculated that for a given poly-

     peptide of 27 amino acids, the number of possible

    starting configurations to achieve the native-state

    configuration corresponds to 1016. This astronomic

    number is reduced to 1010  by the nonsystematic,stochastic search of the best configuration, which

    usually corresponds to the more stable, lower-energy

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    structure [35].  Despite intervention of the chaperone

    machinery, about 30% of newly synthesized proteins

    never reach a fully folded conformation [36]. Because

    these polypeptides with incompletely folded chains

    expose regions of the molecule that are buried in the

    native state, such species are prone to inappropriatecontacts with other molecules. To prevent cytotox-

    icity secondary to protein aggregation, cells express

    diverse arrays of chaperones to optimize protein

    folding and, at the same time, promote turnover of 

    newly synthesized proteins.

    The chaperone Hsp104, a member of the HSP100/ 

    Clp subfamily of AAA ATPase, is able to resolubilize

    insoluble protein aggregates but has been identified

    only in bacteria and yeast   [2].   Thus, efficient turn-

    over of the proaggregating folding intermediates re-

    mains the main resource for mammalian cells.

     Protein degradation in the cytosol: the

    ubiquitin-proteasome system

    The ubiquitin-proteasome system represents the

    major mechanism of intracellular protein breakdown.

    Mostly underestimated until 1980   [37],   the process

    of protein degradation is a highly specific and timely

    controlled event that is carried out by the coupling of 

    subsequent steps. The ubiquitin-proteasome system is

    an energy-requiring process in which the C-terminus

    of a polyubiquitin chain is covalently linked to ane-amino group of an internal lysine of the protein

    substrate. This event requires the participation of an

    enzymatic cascade involved in the synthesis of the

     polyubiquitin chain (ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1

    and ubiquitin carrier protein E2) and ligation to the

    target protein (ubiquitin protein ligase E3). The

    interaction between the E3 enzyme and the substrate

     protein is dictated by the presence of more or less

    destabilizing N-terminal residue (N-end rule path-

    way). In some cases, the destabilizing N-terminus is

    generated from the existing N-terminus by direct intervention of specific enzymes. The multiubiquitin

    chain represents a signal for binding to the protea-

    some. Indeed, ubiquitin protein ligase E3 itself 

     physically interacts with specific subunits of the

    26S proteasome   [11],   a large (2 Md) complex of a

    multicatalytic protease composed of a catalytic core

    (20S) linked to two 19S regulatory complexes. The

    19S components carry the recognition site for the

    ubiquitinated substrate and the unfolding site for 

    the substrate protein to enter the 20S catalytic chan-

    nel. HSP70 or chaperonelike proteins act to facilitate

    the binding of specific proteins to the ubiquitincomplex. Degradation of partially folded proteins

    still bound to Hsc70 may be promoted through the

    interaction of the chaper one  with specific cochaper-

    ones (Bag-1 and CHIP)   [2].   Bag-1 contains a ubiq-

    uitinlike domain and CHIP promotes ubiquitination

    through its type-E3 ubiquitin protein ligase activity.

     Endoplasmic reticulum– associated proteindegradation

    Proteins that are unfolded or that cannot fold are

    removed from the folding pathway by ER-associated

    degradation (ERAD) (see Fig. 2). ERAD implies ret-

    rotranslocation of the misfolded or incompletely

    assembled glycoprotein back in the cytosol, where

    it is ubiquitinated and degraded by the protea-

    some. Unfolded or partially folded monoglucosy-

    lated N-glycan glycoproteins are again cycled by

    calreticulin – calnexin. The proteins lose one mannoseresidue by   a-mannosidase, interact with the lectin

    endoplasmic reticulum degradation – enhancing 1,2

    mannosidase-like protein (EDEM) and calnexin, and

    are targeted to ERAD, whereas unfolded or partially

    unfolded monoglucosylated N-glycan glycoproteins

    are again cycled by calreticulin/calnexin   [38].   The

    transfer to the cytosol requires interaction with a

    complex of substrate-specific ER proteins, which

    accompany the protein substrate through the mem-

     brane and recruit the p97ATPase at the cytosolic side.

    This ATPase is a member of the AAA ATPase family

    and represents the driving force that pulls theretrotranslocating protein into the cytosol [39]. Other 

     proteins undergo deglycosylation in the ER and

    recycle between ER, intermediate, and Golgi com-

     partments, where they undergo partial proteolysis

     before ERAD [38].

    Cellular responses to unfolded protein


    Conditions that lead to accumulation of inter-

    mediate folding species, dysfunction of protein deg-

    radation, or both are responsible for upregulation of 

    chaperone genes and increased expression of chaper-

    ones. These events concern the cytosolic chaperone

    machinery, the ER quality control system, or the

    mitochondrial protein folding machinery. They may

    occur independently and involve specific signaling

    systems that correspond to the cytosolic heat shock 

    response (HSR), the ER unfold protein response

    (UPR), or a recently described putative mitochondrial

    UPR   [40].   Pathways involved in the first two re-sponses have been carefully described and are the

    subject of excellent reviews [41–43].

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    Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of the ER stress response. (Upper panel ) Unstressed ER. ( Lower panel ) After misfolding of proteins

    occurs, chaperones are recruited to bind the misfolded proteins. The recruitment sequesters the chaperones, which release binding

    to IRE1-ATF6-PERK. IRE1 and PERK undergo dimerization and phosphorylation. Dimerized IRE1 cleaves XBP1 mRNA and

    generates a transcription factor that translocates to the nucleus. An additional transcription factor derives from the release of 

    ATF6 cytosolic domain by proteolitic cleavage in the Golgi apparatus. Binding of the transcription factors leads to increased

    translation of genes for the UPR proteins (chaperones, CHOP). Phosphorylation and dimerization of PERK results in

     phosphorylation of the transcription factor elF2a and the blocking of protein translation.

    gorza   &   del monte244

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    Hsc70 for the heat shock response and Grp78 for 

    the UPR play comparable roles in both pathways.

    These proteins work as stress sensors, in that the

    destabilization of Hsc70 binding to transcription

    factors of the heat shock factor (HSF) family and of 

    Grp78 binding to IRE1, ATF6, or PERK trans-membrane transducers initiates the signaling for 

    activation of   HSF-   and UPR-responsive genes,

    respectively (Fig. 3). Grp78 normally binds to

    IRE1-ATF6-PERK proteins, thus inhibiting their 

    activation by dimerization. The interaction with

    unfolded proteins leads to Grp78 sequestration and

    release from the binding to the IRE1-ATF6-PERK 

    complexes (see Fig. 3). These factors, largely studied

    in yeast, show correspondent pathways in eukaryote

    cells in which a more complex sensor system

    translates the UPR.Three distinct events are induced in response to

    UPR activation. All of these events are directed

    to reduce the unfolded protein load or, ultimately, to

    reduce cell death. One event is represented by the

    upregulation of genes that encode various compo-

    nents of the chaperone machinery and the ERAD,

    resulting in increased folding capacity of the ER 

    and in enhancement of protein degradation. A second

    event is the general reduction of gene transcription

    and shift of protein translation. Finally, activation of 

    apoptotic pathways involves activation of caspase 12

    and increased expression of the proapoptotic tran-

    scription factor CHOP.

    Protein misfolding in human diseases

    The process of protein folding and misfolding

    has recently gained attention in the medical field with

    the discovery of human disease entities that directly

    or indirectly result from an aberration in the  folding

     process or in the folding process response (Table 4).

    Although the majority of the disease entities linked to

    such alterations have been investigated in other 

    organs (mostly in the brain), evidence is emerging

    for the involvement of protein misfolding in the

     pathogenesis of cardiac diseases. As a result of 

     protein misfolding, aberrant proteins are retained insubcellular compartments and targeted for refolding

     by the chaperone machinery or for degradation by

    way of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathways or ERAD.

    Genetic mutations or environmental factors leading to

    the misfolding of proteins result not only in the loss

    of proteins (retention and degradation) or protein

    function (loss of function, dominant negative) but 

    also in the formation of products toxic to the cells,

    which thus gain toxic functions. Among the recog-

    nized diseases (see   Table 4)   in which protein

    misfolding has been demonstrated to play a patho-

    Table 4

    Partial list of disease entities caused by defects in protein folding affecting different tissues/organs

    Disease Organ Gene/protein

    Transthyretin cardiomyopathy Heart TransThyretin

     Desmin-related cardiomyopathy Heart Alpha B-crystallin

     Down syndrome Multiorgan   a-Synuclein, Ab  peptide, tau

     Fabry’s disease Heart and vessels   a-Galactosidase A

    Cystic fibrosis Lung Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance receptor  

     Nephrogenic diabetes insipitus Kidney Aquaporin

    Diabetes mellitus Pancreas Proinsulin 2Marfan syndrome Connective tissue Fibrillin

    Retinitis pigmentosa Eye Rhodopsin

    Osteogenesis imperfecta Bone Collagen type I

    Glanzmann thrombasthenia Blood GPIIb

    von Willebrand’s disease Blood von Willebrand

    Familial hypercholesterolemia II Systemic Low density lipoprotein receptor  

    Congenital goitrous hypothyroidism Thyroid Thyroglobulin

    Atherosclerosis Systemic Apolipoprotein

    Alzheimer’s disease Brain Amyloid precursor protein

    Huntington’s disease Brain Huntington

    Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease Brain Prion protein

    Parkinson’s disease Brain   a-synuclein

    Tauopathies Brain Tau proteinAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis Skeletal muscle Superoxide dismutase

    Protein folding defects affecting the heart are in italics.

    protein unfolding in cardiomyopathies   245


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    genetic role, only a few have been described to lead

    to cardiomyopathy and heart failure.

    Genetic mutations of chaperone proteins

    Chaperone function has been shown to be im- portant in the development of misfolding disease in

    humans; however, mutations that involve the com-

     plete loss of chaperone function causing human dis-

    eases have been described and are limited to some

    specialized chaperone molecules. Mutations in spe-

    cific chaperone proteins may result in congenital

    defects of various degrees. Mutations in a gene en-

    coding to a protein similar to TRiC chaperonins has

     been shown to be responsible for two congenital

    syndromes: the McKusick-Kaufman (MKK) and the

    Bardet-Biedl type 6 syndromes. Congenital cardiacdefects are part of the MKK syndrome in which a

    missense mutation resides in the hMKK syndrome

    gene. The mutation leads to a mild form of congenital

    disease syndrome because the missense mutation

    allows the maintenance of a partial function of the

     protein. On the other hand, the Bardet-Biedl type 6

    syndrome recognizes a frameshift mutation, whereby

    the protein is completely nonfunctional, resulting in

    more severe forms of congenital defects.

    One of the first described cardiomyopathies

    from mutations of chaperone proteins was a form

    of desmin-related cardiomyopathy   [44].   Described10 years before in skeletal muscle in a large French

    family as an autosomal dominant disease, desmin-

    related myopathies are inherited disorders in which

    desmin, a type III intermediate filament protein,

    accumulates over time in the muscle, leading to an

    adult-onset muscle disease. In the heart, a desmin-

    related cardiomyopathy results from a missense muta-

    tion leading to a substitution of an arginine residue

    in the protein core (R120G) of the B subunit of 

    alpha crystallin. As mentioned before, alpha cystal-

    lin is a small HSPs that assists in the folding processof desmin. In this genetic-based disease, alpha

    B-crystallin has a reduced or absent chaperone func-

    tion [45]. Failure of the alpha B-crystallin to mediate

    the proper folding of desmin into cytoskeleton struc-

    tures leads to the precipitation of toxic aggregates

    (8– 10 nm intermediate filaments) composed of 

    alpha B-crystallin, desmin, and ubiquitin   [46].   The

    toxic effect of the disaggregated fragments can

    give rise to different forms of cardiomyopathy: hy-

     pertrophic, dilated, and restrictive, with associated

    rhythm disturbances.

    A mice model of mutated alpha B-crystallincardiomyopathy has helped to dissect the mecha-

    nisms of this form of chaperone-deficient cardio-

    myopathy and the role of alpha B-crystallin in the

    desmin aggregation. These experiments have helped

    to demonstrate that mutated alpha B-crystallin is

    sufficient for the   development of cardiomyopathy

    and heart failure   [13]   and support the involvement 

    of the ubiquitin pathways in the pathogenesis of thisdisease form   [47].  Similarly, alpha B-crystallin was

    shown to interact with an F-box protein (FBX4;

     part of the ubiquitin pathway) to induce ubiquitin-

    dependent degradation, a binding enhanced by   the

    mutated R120G form of alpha B-crystallin  [48].

    Toxic aggregates and amyloid 

    Ischemic injury was among the first conditions in

    which protein unfolding and aggregation was recog-

    nized in the pathogenesis of cardiac diseases.Following coronary occlusion and ischemic injury,

    recovery is limited in terminally differentiated cells,

    and protein aggregation represents a complication

    after reperfusion. Reactive oxygen-free radicals are

     produced following ischemia and reperfusion, induc-

    ing oxidative stress and leading to, among others,

     protein oxidative damage. In addition to the acute

    coronary event, protein misfolding and aggregation

    following oxidative injury are also part of the process

    of aging; thus, in both conditions, the unraveling of 

    the mechanism of misfolding may also appropriately

    address the role of molecular chaperones as atherapeutic tool.

    As was mentioned earlier, the missense substitu-

    tion of B subunit of alpha B-crystallin leads to

    R120G desmin-related cardiomyopathy and heart 

    failure. Similarly, missense mutations of desmin

     protein (Ile451Met) have been described to be

    responsible for at least some cases of familial

    idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathies   [49],   for which

    the exact mechanism of disease development arising

    from the mutation has not been dissected.

    Accumulation of toxic aggregates can also deter-mine development of cardiac dysfunction and heart 

    failure. Characteristically described in the brain (ie,

    in Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative

     pathologies). Proteins of different origin can (under 

    specific, most often unknown circumstances) de-

     posit as aggregates of   b-sheet conformation, known

    as amyloid.

    Amyloidosis is a disorder of protein structure

    that can recognize an acquired or inherited origin and

    give rise to organ-specific and systemic multiorgan

    diseases. Specific amyloidoses are named according

    to the identity of the protein precursor constituting themain fibril component, and many different pro-

    teins are known to deposit as amyloidotic fibrils in

    gorza   &   del monte246


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    different organs. In addition to alpha B-crystallin in

    the desmin-related myopathies, in the heart, a form

    of amyloidotic cardiomyopathy from a folding defect 

    is secondary to deposits of a plasma protein: the thy-

    roid hormone and retinal-binding protein (vitamin A)

     blood carrier protein transthyretin (TTR). Severalmutations (more than 80) of the transthyretin gene

    result in destabilization of the monomeric or the tet-

    rameric structure of TTR that can assume an in-

    termediate form prone to deposit in tissues. TTR 

    mutations, initially described as being transmitted as

    an autosomal dominant trait, showed more complex

    expression with incomplete penetration, anticipation

    (prevalently in the endemic areas), and the occurrence

    of sporadic cases, whereby environmental factors

    may play an independent role. Of the more than 80

    known mutations of TTR, about 50% affect the heart among other organs and 7 specifically form deposits

    in the heart. The most common mutation causing

    cardiomyopathy is the substitution of a valine residue

    with isoleucine (TTR V122I), a variant most com-

    monly recognized in the African American popula-

    tion and in West Africa, giving rise to late-onset 

    cardiomyopathy without involvement of other or-

    gans [50].

    Similar to other types of amyloidotic cardiomy-

    opathies, TTR cardiomyopathy is mostly character-

    ized by thick hearts of a restrictive functional pattern

    and by aggregate deposited in the extracellular space,leading to heart failure and fatal arrhythmias.

    Of note, aging per se can lead to deposits of 

    TTR-originating fibrils, leading to a senile systemic

    amyloidosis. The senile form of amyloidotic TTR,

    however, derives from the unmodified normal se-

    quence of the protein as opposed to the variant form

    that leads to a less stable protein with earlier onset of 

    the disease. It is conceivable that other proteins can

     become unstable over time or that overly low pene-

    trance mutations can lead to senile or adult onset of 

    the amyloidotic diseases and to heart failure.

     Misfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum

    Ca2+ dishomeostasis, perturbation of the redox

    status of the cell, energy (ATP) or glucose depriva-

    tion, altered protein post-translational modification

    (glycosylation), the occurrence of misfolded proteins,

    or increased unfolded protein load to the ER are

    conditions that can induce ER ‘‘stress.’’ Failure of the

    UPR response or in the ERAD over time can translate

    into defects in chaperone-mediated protein folding

    and diseased phenotypes.As described earlier, the ER response to stress is

    mediated by the complex pathways of transcription

    factor binding proteins IRE1, ATF6, and PERK. In

    the mammalian system, the ER membrane proteins

    IRE1a  and -b  undergo dimerization and phosphory-

    lation upon stress, leading to cleavage of a 26-mer 

    (26 nucleotide oligomer) mRNA intron for the bZIP

    transcription activator XBP1. XBP1 activates thetranscription of numerous genes for the UPR.

    Experimentally, deletion of the XBP1 genes can

    cause   cardiomyopathy and cardiac cell death (see

    Fig. 3). Myocyte necrosis leading to embryonic death

    after deletion of an hXBP-1 gene (TREB5) in mice

    was described by Masaki et al  [51].

    Transgenic mice models for the ER unfolding

    response helped to evaluate the role of pathways of 

    ER stress response. Naturally occurring proteins

    travel in their native form to and from the ER and

    Golgi to be secreted or incorporated in the membraneor in subcellular compartments. Specific signals

    control the retention of misfolded proteins in the

    ER. Among these signals, the tetrapeptide KDEL

    (K = lysine, D = apartate, E = glutamate, L = leucine)

    is bound to the C-terminus of secreted proteins and

    interacts with the KDEL receptor to signal the

    retention   [52,53]   in the ER and Golgi apparatus

    through coated vesicles called COPI-I. Membrane

     proteins are signaled to retrieve by KKXX or 

    KXKXX sequences (X = other amino acids). With

    similar mechanisms, misfolded proteins undergo

    r et ro tr an sp or t i n t he E R t o b e r ef ol de d b ythe chaperone machinery. Mutation of the KDEL re-

    ceptor has been shown in vitro to disturb the circu-

    lation of secreted proteins between the ER and Golgi

    apparatus, resulting in misfolded protein accumula-

    tion in the ER in stable cell lines   [54].   The per-

    turbation of ER quality control by mutation of KDEL

    resulted in transgenic mice developing dilated car-

    diomyopathy with accumulation of misfolded pro-

    teins in the ER  [55], suggesting the role of ER folding

    defect as a pathogenetic factor in cardiac failure. In

    addition, cell-specific ER stress – induced transcrip-tion factors have been described   [56],   indicating

    the possibility of specialized pathways for the UPR 

    in mammalian cell types mediating differences in

     pathologic outcome.

    In contrast, Fabry’s disease is an example of 

    ER protein quality control being too efficient.

    Farbry’s disease is an inherited disease linked to the

    X chromosome, whereby a deficient activity of 

    a-galactosidase A, a lysosomal enzyme for glyco-

    sphingolipids, most often leads to accumulations of 

    intracytoplasmatic lamellar inclusions in the vascu-

    lar endothelium, with consequent systemic organdefects. In a subset of cases, a cardiac variant results

    in cardiac hypertrophy, accounting for 3% to 9% of 

    protein unfolding in cardiomyopathies   247


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    hypertrophic cardiomyopathies, and over time, in

    death. In this form, the enzyme acquires a defective

    conformational structure that prevents its transport to

    the Golgi apparatus and export to the lysosomes.

    More than 160 mutations leading to Fabry’s disease

    have been identified; among those, few lead to themaintenance of partial enzymatic activity in the

    cardiac variant of the disease. The misfolding origin

    of the mutated protein is supported by the beneficial

    effect of the administration of galactose or other 

    reversible competitive inhibitors that act as chemical

    chaperones enabling the dissociation from the chap-

    erone machinery and the dimerization of the enzyme

    and reducing its degradation by the proteasome.

    Human diseases can result from defects in the

    UPR or in defects in the ERAD pathway. Genetic

    mutations leading to misfolding of proteins that bindto Grp78/BiP influence the UPR. Among those

    mutations, defects in the PERK gene, for example,

    lead to the accumulation of procollagen type I and the

    lack of formation of mature collagen in the bone in

    osteogenesis imperfecta or proinsulin in pancreatic

    b-cells in diabetes mellitus. Diseases of proteins that 

    do not bind Grp78/BiP, on the other hand, are

    unlikely to influence the UPR, and a defect in the

    ubiquitin-proteasome system and ERAD is likely to

     be responsible for the defect and the clinical

     phenotype. Examples of misfolding diseases of 

     proteins that do not bind Grp78/BiP and thus result from slow degradation from ERAD are cystic fibrosis

    (mutations of the chloride channel) and emphysema

    (a1-antitrypsin mutation). Alterations of the ubiqui-

    tin-proteasome system have also mostly been

    described in the brain in relation to neurodegenerative

    diseases, but it has recently been shown how defects

    in the system may play an important role in the

    cardiovascular system. An animal model of dilated

    cardiomyopathy   [57]   and human dilated cardiomy-

    opathy   [58]   have showed significant increased

    expression in some of the players of the ubiquitin- proteasome pathway and an overall increase of the

    total protein-ubiquitin conjugation in failing hearts,

     predominantly from dilated cardiomyopathy com-

     pared with ischemic cardiomyopathies.

    Of note, direct involvement of the ubiquitin-

     proteasome system has recently been suggested in

    the pathogenesis of different stages of development 

    of atherosclerotic plaque and its complication in the

    cardiovascular system with respect to coronary circu-

    lation [59].  In addition to its role in the protein deg-

    radation process, the ubiquitin-proteasome system is

    involved in important aspects of cell proliferation,inflammation, and apoptosis, which are all impor-

    tant aspects of the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.

    These initial observations require further investiga-

    tion to better understand the role of the ubiquitin-

     proteasome system in the pathogenesis of the various

    aspects of the atherosclerotic process and vascular 

    oxidative stress.


    For many years, protein misfolding was the basis

    for biochemical and biophysical studies in vitro or 

    in microorganisms such as yeast. Recently, clinically

    related studies are merging the evidence collected

    from microorganisms with human diseases. Thus, a

    growing body of evidence is accumulating that iden-

    tifies defects in protein folding or protein degradation

    as pathogenetic hallmarks for many disease entities predominantly of late onset, including cardiomyopa-

    thies and heart failure. Dissecting the pathogenetic

     pathways opens new opportunities for therapy aimed

    to re-equilibrate the folding capacities. The devel-

    opment of chemical and pharmacologic chaperones

    has helped to understand the mechanisms of some

    aspects of protein misfolding and may find new ap-

     plications to direct target-specific therapy. Further 

    understanding of the mechanisms of protein for-

    mation and its defects will address the important as-

     pects of modern medicine of directing early diagnosisand prevention.


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