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The Great Escape

Nobody believed the Titanic could sink… until it did.

I’m going to be exposing some disturbing facts, but please let me reassure you

that the reason for this isn’t to be conspiratorial or to scaremonger, but rather to get you

to a comfortable retirement.

We are here to force a redistribution of wealth in your favor.

But to accomplish that you’ll need to accept some disturbing things. You’ll need

to accept what most people, even our most trusted institutions, are unwilling to accept.

We live in strange times. In 2007 I couldn’t have proposed such a realistic

objective to you as ‘retiring within a year’, but shocking events are taking place that have

changed the rules of the game beyond belief. Things that seemed unimaginable only a

few years ago are taking place right before our eyes, but the powers that be have put up

smoke screens to blind you from the treacherous scam that’s unfolding.

I’m going to blast away their fog of lies, and the truth shall set you free.

This material is highly sensitive. To be honest, I’m a little anxious to be

presenting it at all...

For the middle and working classes of America, this elitist scam will mean a

severe reduction in the quality of their lives. In fact, there won’t be a middle class, it will

just be rich and poor, and the chances of becoming wealthy substantially reduced.

And to prove this to you I’ll be quoting the experts who are being silenced by

governments and ignored by our Establishment-owned media.

The bridge over the poverty gap is being rigged with explosives,

and you’re currently on the wrong side.

I’m going to explain this disgusting elitist scam to you and why it will result in

what I’ve termed ‘The Great Wealth Lockout’. The good news is that putting a few

simple measures in place will mean that these dark elitist forces work for you instead of

against you.

One of the things that prompted me to write this now is that I knew I was

about to see millions of my fellow Americans financially destroyed within the next

few years. And I’m NOT just talking about another stock market crash.

2008 was just the warm-up act, and the crisis just got postponed and worsened,

not fixed. And what’s most disheartening of all is that, thanks to the elitists holding

America hostage, my country is more exposed than any other in the developed world. I’ll

explain more about this shortly because it’s an important piece of the puzzle…

The coming years are going to be brutally cruel to those who aren’t financially

independent. We are entering a world shake-up like nothing seen in modern history, and

you will need the simple skills I’ll teach you in this course to not only survive, but to

make vast sums of money, and come out the other side a wealthy individual.

This is the day everything started changing for you. The day the tables were

turned, when we said, “enough is enough,” and declared our own, personal retirement


The first step is to understand that your trusted channels of information are

severely compromised, because your misplaced trust will clash with the scam I’m

exposing later on. Your corrupted information channels are the government, the media,

and of course, a group we’ll speak a lot about in this level, the Privileged Elitists. ‘PEs’

as I’ll sometimes call them.

But the Privileged Elitist couldn’t have his way without help from the


Why ‘They’ Don’t Want You to Retire

For a second, let’s put aside the elitist scam I’m about to expose. Even before that

plan was hatched, do you think your government actually wants you to retire?

If it’s possible for you to retire virtually instantly and there are all these

‘loopholes’, why doesn’t our government help us and tell us about them?

Well, think about that for a moment…

If everyone suddenly stopped working and spending so much, what would happen

to the economy and tax revenues for the government??

It would be lights out! They NEED you to stay in the game like an obedient

worker drone. And they NEED tax revenue to buy votes.

By taking your retirement into your own hands, you’re avoiding the

disappointment and shock awaiting the majority of the population. The money

governments and corporations promised you simply isn’t there. That pot you were paying

into has quite literally been raided.

Deep down, you know this to be true, that’s why you’re here.

The end game is about to play out for all the promises politicians made over

the years to win votes.

Most people will get angry when it’s too late. I want you to get angry NOW, and

change the way you think so we can move forward. Brace yourself and remove any sharp

objects from your person…

Governments need you to remain a cog to make the whole machine function.

The majority of people live as:

1) Employees, making their bosses rich.

2) Borrowers, making banks rich.

3) Taxpayers, making the government rich.

4) Consumers, making corporations rich.

Is it any wonder why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer?!

We will extract you from the machine in 4 simple steps.

And let’s not forget the fact that politicians really aren’t that bright, and are asleep

at the wheel for most of the time.

And the media aren’t helping matters…

‘Their’ Propaganda Machine

“There is not one of you who would dare to write his honest opinion… The business of a

journalist now is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, fall at the feet of

Mammon and sell himself for his daily bread. We are tools, vessels of rich men behind

the scenes, we are jumping jacks. They pull the strings; we dance. Our talents, our

possibilities and our lives are the properties of these men. We are intellectual


- John Swainton, when Chief of Staff for The New York Times.

The media, the body you get your information from, is owned by elitists. Long

gone are the heady days when investigative journalists actually did any honest

investigating instead of lazily dreaming up sound-bites and vilifying, one-sided stories.

Many ‘stories’ are slopped out by kids on work experience who obediently

regurgitate press releases from politicians and corporations. That’s when they’re not

quoting out of context, filling in the blanks with sensational libel, their blatant ignorance

on show to the entire world. They truly are “prostitutes”, and they have no shame…

Thanks for the warning!

Did the media warn you about the

2008 financial crisis? No. How

about the Internet stock bubble?


Hmmm, come to think about it,

did the media’s crystal ball work

for you ever?

So what makes you think they’ll be warning you about the elitist scam I’ll be

explaining here?!

Aside from being an elitist tool, the media is a mirror that reflects back at the

masses the headlines that coincide with what the masses want to hear.

And when you take this fact into account, you can hardly blame even an honest

journalist for not warning about crises, can you? I mean, would people have bought a

newspaper that ran a headline in 2007 that warned of an impending financial disaster??

No. Nobody likes a party-pooper, do they?

But now let’s turn our attention to the real villain in this trial over the murder of

your financial dreams… a villain who’s only just getting warmed up… a villain who is

the puppet master pulling the strings of the government and media…

Who Benefits?

One of my best friends is a seriously top-gun barrister. I’m talking a total killer

(I’m glad he’s my friend, not my enemy!). And he’ll tell you that in any court case, a

good barrister asks a crucial question regarding any crime: “Who benefits?”

When you ask this question, perhaps when you follow the money, you’ll get your

answers. You may not like the answers, but you’ll get them.

Of course, the people who benefit, and who are about to benefit even more with

their seemingly insatiable greed, are the Privileged Elitists.

In 2007, right before the financial collapse, thousands of people on Wall Street

received over a million each in bonuses as a reward for setting up this mess we’re in.

Private Equity funds (basically, cabals of Privileged Elitists borrowing obscene

sums from their old-school-tie banker buddies) are buying up entire companies, then

firing masses of employees to make it attractive for a lucrative sale. Then they take this

profit offshore so they don’t even pay USA tax on it.

Are YOU employed by a company that’s sold out to a Privileged Elitist

without you even knowing? Or will they? Could they? I’ll show you how to see the

tell-tale signs to protect yourself in this course.

Private Equity funds have also been busy swallowing up pension funds, your fund

perhaps, and playing similar games with them.

Is your pension affected?

You’re just a pawn caught in their little game of monopoly.

Victorian-era style dynasties are being created as a result, and these dynasties

contribute massive amounts of money to both political parties. These dynasties own the


And, just like in Victorian times, they’ve made you a slave in their factories.

(Don’t worry though, just one of the many little loopholes in this course

could get you out of their ‘workhouses’ in a single phone call, and still keep you on

their payroll!)

Regardless of what the politicians say publicly, regardless of what the media

reports, The Privileged Elitists own the jewels, and, as the old saying goes, “he who owns

the jewels is he who makes the rules.”

Nothing is what it seems, we are living in a world of smoke and mirrors. It seems

even supposedly anti-establishment rock stars are in on it; Bono, from the band ‘U2’,

owns a private equity fund (Elevation Partners) that recently bought 40% of Forbes, a

magazine that ranks and celebrates the wealthiest people on Earth. So much for ‘in-your-

face’ rock ‘n’ roll…

“The collapse of the financial system as we know it is real, and the crisis is far

from over. Indeed, we have just entered Act II of the drama...” – George Soros, 2010.

So now let’s explain what this “second act of the drama” that George Soros refers

to above… the recently concocted scheme of the Privileged Elitist to win the class war

once and for all…

‘Their’ End Game has Begun

So, to continue the story, the 2008 financial collapse left America in a deep hole.

And as a result of this entire mess, America has ended up with a staggering

amount of debt that.

Please stay with me. It’s critical to know the foundations of this elitist scam

in order for you to profit by it.

You really need to appreciate just how big a number like even ONE trillion is…

To count to a million would take you 12 days.

To count to a billion would take you 32 YEARS.

To count to ONE trillion would take you 31,688 YEARS (about the time man has

been on the planet).

So a country is really no different to an individual. If it has debts to pay that it

can’t afford, something has to give. In these scenarios, a government only has four

choices (and it MUST take one or a combination of them):

1. Default on the debt.

If a country ever hopes to borrow again at reasonable rates, it had better not do

this. Like with an individual, there’s a consequence with credit agencies. The

currency would plummet, and the economy would crumble when you consider

America’s reputation as a world financial centre (which is also the reason why the

country is particularly at risk). And no money from Wall Street means no more


2. Raise taxes.

Taxes in the USA are already high, and don’t forget that the Privileged Elitists are

pulling the strings! And raising taxes doesn’t get votes.

3. Lower expenses.

Cut benefits even more? There would be riots. Both the government and

Privileged Elitists know this. There have already been drastic cuts, and the people

are (rightly) at boiling point. And lowering benefits doesn’t get votes.

4. Print money to buy your own debt with.

But how about this option? This seems the best of a bad bunch, doesn’t it? What

would you do in the government’s position? As The Federal Reserve publicly

stated, they have something called a printing press, and are prepared to use it. And

use it they have… and will even more…

Once again, a bubble has been transferred somewhere else, all in the name of

avoiding a catastrophe. First it was the Internet stock bubble, that got transferred to the

housing market bubble, and when that burst the bill finally got transferred to governments

fronting the bill. This next bubble to burst is government debt, and you won’t like their

reaction to it…

What began with the Internet-stock craze in the late nineties has now ended up as

the greatest pile of debts ever accumulated by governments in history, all in the name of

avoiding pain for the voters so the politicians could get re-elected.

So the passing of the buck has stopped at governments. But can the

government pass the buck somewhere else? Perhaps somewhere that benefits their

puppet masters, the Privileged Elitists…?

This is how the government and elitists will eradicate their debts. And you’re the


YOU will be the one paying off THEIR debts. You just didn’t know it until


‘Their’ Great Experiment (With Your Life)

“By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and

unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens.”

– John Maynard Keynes.

Do you like that quote above? Keynes was a British economist, highly esteemed.

Today, there are many serious, supposedly intelligent people going around proudly

calling themselves ‘Keynesians’. Can you believe that? I think the world has finally gone

crazy. Then again, people also swallowed it when British P.M., Chamberlain, said it was

best to just ‘appease’ Hitler in the 1930s, so yes, I can believe it!

As George Orwell indicated in his famous book, ‘1984’, governments need to

concoct a new jargon so that the population are blinded to the truth- “Newspeak”, Orwell

called it. Governments needed to concoct such jargon when they fired up their printing

presses. I mean, “Printing Money” or “Legalized Counterfeiting” wouldn’t sound very

appealing to the masses, would it?

So they came up with this ‘newspeak’: “Quantitative Easing.”

And the whole world swallowed it, hook, line, and sinker.

“Quantitative Easing.” Sound powerful and soothing, doesn’t it?

And if this “QE” was going to ease the panic the public felt back in 2008/9, then

the world was more than happy to swallow it, and ask for seconds! In fact, if

governments had not adopted this policy, we would have sunk into Great Depression II.

Not good. “Quantitative what? Whatever. Just get me out of this mess! Give me as much

of that Quantitative thingy as you can!”

But The Federal Reserve took things to the extreme…

Can a government simply print money to buy its own debt with? They called it an

‘experiment’. But was it really an experiment? This is exactly what the Germans did in

the 1930s, to the letter. When there’s historical precedent, there is no experiment! Or is it

“different this time?” (they keep saying that, don’t they?)

I don’t call that an experiment, I call that a prelude to out of control inflation.

And soaring inflation destroys the middle and working class… BUT greatly

benefits the Privileged Elitists…

As I’ll explain shortly, this colossal scam will make the rich obscenely richer, and

wipe out the middle class. It will change the rules. It will close off the last tunnel of

escape to financial freedom unless you’re fast.

And it will sweep you to an automatic retirement if you follow 4 simple steps.

And I hope I’m not being over-optimistic here. It could even end up being hyper-

inflation in America…

Remember, just because you can’t imagine something happening doesn’t

mean it can’t happen!

If I’d have told you on September 10th, 2001, that airliners would be deliberately

flown into New York skyscrapers, would you have believed me? If I’d have told you in

2006 that property was about to crash, and that there would be a run on American banks,

would you have believed me?

No. You’d have angrily accused me of scaremongering, of being a crank. I’d have

been laughed at and booed off the stage, because I wasn’t doing what the media does:

telling you what you want to hear, instead of the truth.

We believe what feels comfortable to believe, that’s why the media and

government don’t give you any predictions: they don’t want to be booed off the stage.

So, for your own sake, I’m going to ask you to let go of the comfort blanket and

listen to me, and believe what your gut and logic-circuits are telling you. I need to explain

the bad news so I can give you the good news: how we can use this to your advantage.

You see, there’s a lucrative side-effect of this elitist scam. This side-effect can

automatically sweep you to retirement if you just push the right buttons that I’ll

show you in the Bank Raider course.

But you must open your eyes first, and take a good look around…

Just as you look back with hindsight and see how the housing bubble of 2006

was inevitable, you’ll also look back at this time and realize that the American

people were the victims of the greatest sting of our time.

When money isn’t backed by anything solid, only the promise of a power-hungry

politician, it’s called paper currency, or fiat currency.

The Dollar is a fiat currency. Now let me say something that will shock you,

something ‘they’ aren’t advertising:

No fiat currency has EVER survived in history.

Please read that again. It’s highly significant.

EVERY fiat currency that has EVER existed has ALWAYS eventually lost its

ENTIRE value.

I emphasize in the capitals above to show how absolute the statement is. There’s

no way out, no special cases, no exceptions.

Are we a special case in America? The only thing we’re a special case of is that

we’re printing far more money than other governments, and we’re buying our own debt

with it, just like the Germans did with disastrous consequences (Hitler’s rise) in the 30s.

The stories of German people buying bread with a wheelbarrow of money are not

exaggerated. Nor are the stories of people burning money for warmth because it was

worth less than coal…

Governments from the Romans 2,000 years ago to Argentina in the 90s have all

learned this the hard way. It seems most modern Americans will have to learn this hard

way too. I’m glad you’re in here and not out there.

Take a dollar out of your pocket, and look at it. It’s all a big confidence trick to

make you forget the fact that it’s a worthless piece of paper backed up by nothing but a

government that lies as often as it prints money! And the trick works…

Perception is reality.

My job is to shatter their illusion, to break the spell the establishment has put on

your common sense, and rush you to safety and comfort.

Listen, flag-waving and NY postcards aside, our country is in critical condition, a

ticking time bomb.

It is a physical impossibility for this government to pay it back. The gorilla in

the room is that they won’t. And that leaves printing money as the only option to buy the

debt. And that means severe inflation, or even hyperinflation, by any historical measure.

People are very fond of the saying, “It if seems too good to be true, it probably

is.” Well, doesn’t printing money to buy your own debt sound too good to be true…?

And please understand something: this is not speculation. ‘They’ are already

doing it, have been doing it, and will go on doing it!

In 2007, I wouldn’t have believed it myself, but here we are, the line has already

been crossed, and we’re on the slippery slope.

They got it past the gullible media and population, now they can just crank up the

printing presses as much as they need to…

… until the dollar, like all fiat currencies in history, is wiped out.

People believe what they want to believe. Perception is reality.

That’s why people only ever react when it’s too late.

When a country literally prints enough money out of thin air to buy its own debt,

it’s called monetizing the debt, and it’s an old trick governments use at the expense of the

population. Brazil did this in 1997 and inflation hit 2000%.

America is on the same path. The standard of living you now take for

granted will soon become a hazy memory of ‘the good old days’.

Don’t just take my word for it though. Take the word of the ‘gagged’ professor

who’s literally written the book on all inflations and hyper-inflations over the last 100


Professor Peter Bernholz of Basel University, Switzerland is the man I’m

speaking about. His extensive research shows a chilling pattern: that in ALL cases, when

a country prints money to buy over 40% of its own debt, high inflation or hyperinflation

results. He is specific about the fact that it’s not so much simply printing money that does

it, but printing money to pay off your own debt.

And, come to think of it, printing money just to pay off your own debt does sound

pretty ludicrous, doesn’t it? I can’t believe more people don’t think so. But then again,

I’m not surprised…

And so, as the prosecution sums up its case, I confidently put it to you that the

Privileged Elitists are callously condemning America into the hyperinflationary fires, and

along with it, any remaining hope you had of a comfortable retirement any time soon…

Throughout history, revolutionaries have taken matters into their own hands when

they believe their beloved country is in the hands of cruel and corrupt tyrants. You must

join me in my distrust and disgust with this government and the institutions that support


It saddens me to think of the hardship this elitist scam will cause American

families. I wish I could do something to stop it. I could (and probably should) protest in

the streets, but nobody would listen. All I can do is ‘vaccinate’ myself, and you, to ensure

that we survive and prosper…

The Bank Raider course will show you how to quickly and simply position

yourself to be on the right side of the greatest wealth transfer in history, a forced

redistribution of the money that the Privileged Elitists have their greedy eyes on with

hyperinflation looming.

But you must unlearn everything you’ve learned, and you must stop listening to

all the conventional wisdom.

Every general fights the last war. The danger is that everything you think you

know about money, and what every so-called ‘expert’ thinks they know about money

could betray you in The Great Wealth Lock Out…

The Great Wealth Lock Out

What happens when wages fall and prices


Have you been to Thailand? Or have you

been to any country where everything

seemed so cheap because of the exchange


It’s a good feeling, right? You felt like some rich king or queen, didn’t you?

But of course, the citizens of that country didn’t see everything as cheap, because

their wages were in proportion to the cost of things. To them, a meal for two would cost

just as much as you buying a meal for two back home in America.

Your vision of everything being cheap in that country was really an illusion. It

was purely a function of the value of the exchange rate you got on your currency. It was

quite literally instant wealth, wasn’t it? Well, I’m going to show you how to pull off the

same trick in your own country!

How would you like to live like a king or queen in America?

How would it be if you enjoyed the high life for a pittance while the native

population struggled to live just a shred of your life? Just like that ‘wealthy’ tourist in

Thailand, you’d cruise through life in first class comfort while the locals licked your

boots, and were grateful for the single bucks you tossed their way…

This is just one part of The Great Wealth Lock Out. You will either be one of

those helpless and grateful natives or you’ll be the wealthy tourist in your own country.

I’m going to ensure you’re in the latter group!

Otherwise opportunities will simply whizz out of reach like a train leaving the

platform at high speed, and all the usual numbers will be out of whack.

The Win-Win

As I warned you, there were some disturbing truths in this document. Perhaps

you’re desperately looking for a way to make it all not true, to sweep it under the rug?

What if I’m wrong?

Yes, what if I’m wrong? What if, by some miracle, this feckless government

chooses one of the other ONLY 4 options they have out of this debt mess? What if they

choose to default on the debt? Then nobody will lend to America, and inflation will soar

out of control anyway! That leaves the other 2 options: raising tax and slashing


What if they slash even more benefit? What if they tax already struggling

businesses harder? (and don’t think for a minute they’ll confiscate wealth from the

buddy-paymasters, the Privileged Elitists!). My friend, if they choose either of these 2

options they will send the country into a Greek-style depression, and that is something

they simply won’t allow all the time they have a printing press.

Most relevantly of all, the other options are too blatant, they make it too easy

for people to point the finger at the government. And that means no votes.

Inflating the debt away, monetizing the debt, printing money, unlimited

‘Quantitative Easing’ (it’s all the same thing) is a far better choice for our spineless,

power-hungry leaders.

Remember what Keynes said: “By a continuing process of inflation, governments

can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their


Yes, I think they’ll choose the money-printing option, don’t you? And, according

to extensive historical research, that means hyperinflation for America.

Yes, people will riot, just like in Greece,

but they’ll be hosed, beaten, and arrested.

And if that doesn’t work the army will be

called in, and martial law imposed.

Yes, people will vote out government after government as they helplessly watch

their livelihoods crumble…

… But the puppet master, the pay master, The Privileged Elitist will remain.

And he’ll be a wealthier ‘tourist’ than ever.

I don’t like this future. But it is the future. You can choose fantasy or reality, but

reality is where money is where you can survive and prosper, not fantasy.

Our revolution will be, and can only be, a silent one. A smart one.

Nothing you do can change this outcome.

You just have to decide if you’ll be a

wealthy tourist in your own country,

eating a fine meal in the restaurant, or

one of the natives outside of the window

of the restaurant, jealously watching you


But whatever happens, most of the tricks, secrets, and loopholes I’ll be

disclosing to you will work in ANY situation, inflation, hyperinflation, or nothing.

Take responsibility for your own life starting right now. Until you do, you will

never get anywhere near the finish line of life. Just look at that word “responsibility” for

a second. It is derived from ‘response-ability’. In other words, you have the ability to

respond to a situation as an advanced being, rather than be trodden on like some apathetic


So are you up for this? Which side of the Great Wealth Lockout would you like to

be on…?