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Dear Parents / Carers,

We are very pleased to welcome all children and family members to Blaenymaes

Primary School and hope the years spent with us will be happy, successful and

memorable. The format of this prospectus is intended to help introduce you and

your children to the school.

Blaenymaes Primary School enjoys a very good links with the community with

whom, we foster close relationships. We are proud of the many visitors we host

because of our reputation for being a Restorative Practice School and a Rights

Respecting School. We constantly strive to achieve high quality teaching and

learning and cater for the children both in terms of welfare and educational

provision, believing that all children should be encouraged to reach their full


We appreciate the crucial part you play as parents/carers and would like to

develop a true home / school partnership.

As parents/carers, there are a number of things you can do to help:

· Reassure your children about school: talk to them about their teacher, the

activities they are doing, the friends they are making and the happy time

they will have;

· Keep us informed of any signicant details relating to your children's


· Tell us of any allergies, major health problems, or personal circumstances,

which might be signicant. (This information will be regarded as

condential and will help us to care all the more effectively for your


· Do not hesitate to contact us if there is a matter you wish to share.

Remember, however, that some things are better discussed away from your

children, at a time when the teacher is free to talk to you.

I am very proud to be Head Teacher of Blaenymaes Primary managing and leading

a dedicated team who strive to do the very best for your children at all times.

Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have any issues to discuss, I look

forward to meeting with you.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Bev Phillips

Head Teacher

Background information.

Blaenymaes Primary school is located within a large housing estate on

the Eastern side of the city of Swansea. It is a local authority

maintained school.

The school building dates from the 1960's. Originally the school

buildings housed separate infant and junior schools under the same

roof. The school is an amalgamated primary school. The

accommodation consists of a very large main complex, built on two

levels. The original infant wing is predominantly used as a Flying Start

setting and includes a Reception Class, a large hall, meeting room,

PCSO room, a reprographics area and a Nurture classroom. The

original Junior wing includes a head teachers room, an administrative

ofce all key stage 2 classrooms as well as a two year 1 classes and a

year 2 class. We have a family / staff room, a creativity pod and 2

withdrawal rooms. We try to make the building as aesthetically

pleasing as we can and as well maintained by the site manager and in

recent years have won various award as part of the Swansea In Bloom


In recent years the Governing body and LA has invested considerable

sums of money in general refurbishment and redecoration. The school

occupies an extensive site that is adjacent to the Police station and

local football pitch and Community Centre.

There are currently 247 f.t.e. pupils on roll, which include 38+ part

time Nursery children. The school is proud to manage the Flying Start

child care setting which has the capacity to accommodate 108 2 year


We serve a designated “Communities First area”.

Vision Statement

We aspire that all our children become confident, secure,

caring individuals who achieve personal successes. They are

given every opportunity to achieve their full potential, develop

a love of learning, acquire skills to become life long 21st

Century learners and the ability to make informed choices.

! To provide a warm welcoming secure

environment for all children.

! To encourage, value and extend every

child's contribution to the school.

! To recognise and celebrate success in


! To provide a broad, balanced, carefully

planned curriculum.

! To build strong collaborative partnerships

with families and the local community.

! To encourage and enable the

continuous professional

development of all staff.

! To plant seeds of inspiration to fuel aspiration.

Mission Statement


Name - Blaenymaes Primary

Address – Broughton Avenue,




Telephone number - 01792 583366

Website –

e-mail – [email protected]

Name of Headteacher - Mrs. B. Phillips

Local Authority – City and County of Swansea

English Medium, Co-Educational

Age range of pupils:

Flying Start; 2-3 years

Nursery-Year 6; 3 - 11+ years

Number on roll - 247 + Flying Start

Name of Chairman of Governors – Rev’d Padraig Gallagher

LAC Team – Cllr Hazel Morris (Governor)

Mrs B Phillips (Head Teacher)

Mrs M Bowen (Emotional Well Being

Ofcer/Link Person)

This information is correct and up-to date at the time of printing,

This document has been amended and conforms to National Assembly for

Wales Circular 14/01 'School Prospectus – Guidance for Headteacher

Teachers and Governing Bodies’


Pupils are organised in mixed ability classes. It is normal practice for each

teaching group to be taught by one class teacher supported by an outstanding

team of teaching assistants.


Flying Start Morning Session � 9.00am - 11.30am

Afternoon Session � 12.30pm - 3.00pm

Nursery� � Morning Session � 8.50am - 11.20am

Afternoon Session � 12.50pm - 3.00pm

Main School Morning Session 8.50 a.m. - 12.00 noon

Afternoon Session 12.50 p.m. - 3.00 p.m.

Each day, some time is devoted to registration, check-in/check-out, assembly and

morning playtime, but we ensure that compulsory teaching time is adhered to.

5 – 7 years � 23 hours per week

8 – 11 years� 23.75 hours per week

� �� � � � �

School Term and holiday dates 2016/2017

Term Term begins Term ends Mid-term holiday Term begins Term ends Total days

Begins Ends

Autumn 2016Thursday

1 September


21 October


24 October


28 October


31 October


16 December

37 35 72

Spring 2017Tuesday

3 January


17 February


20 February


24 February


27 February


7 April

34 30 64




24 April


26 May


29 May


2 June


5 June


21 July

24 37 61

Bank holidays

14 April 2017 - Good Friday

17 April 2017 - Easter Monday

1 May 2017 - May Day

29 May 2017 - Spring Bank Holiday

Total: 195


The school aims to create a friendly, caring atmosphere. The class teacher is responsible

to the Headteacher for the general care of your child at the school and the school also

works closely with outside agencies when this is required. At lunchtimes, the children are

supervised by adults employed for this purpose. During their nal year effective

transition programmes with your child’s chosen Comprehensive school are rmly in place to

ensure the best possible understanding of the child's general and specic abilities and


In the event of a pupil being taken ill or sustaining injury, every effort is made to contact

the parent or named contact. On the rare occasions when more serious accidents occur, if

no contact is available the school will arrange for the pupil to be taken to hospital and

parents contacted as soon as possible thereafter. Parents are requested to provide an

emergency address and telephone number in order that they may be contacted and to

ensure the school is informed if this information changes.

Medical and dental services are provided in line with county policy i.e. periodic visits by

the School Doctor, Dentist and Nurse. When checks are carried out records are kept.

The Schools' Education Welfare Service and Schools' Psychological Service are available

when needed.


In order that children derive the maximum benet from the opportunities at school,

parents are asked to ensure that their children attend regularly and punctually and have a

good night's sleep. The Head Teacher and staff work closely with the Education Welfare

Ofcer in monitoring attendance. The school must be informed of the reason for any

absence – a short note is preferred or a telephone call before 9.30 a.m. on the morning.

Please make sure your children arrive at school at the stated times. If children are

absent from school, please inform the school of the likely length of absence by 9.30 on

the rst day of absence. The school operate a rst call system where a member of the

ofce staff will contact you about your child’s absence.

We would ask that, where possible, medical or similar appointments should be arranged

out of school hours.

New attendance guidance encourages schools to unauthorise holidays taken during the

school year. Holidays taken will appear on the child's attendance certicate as

unauthorised. From September, 10 or more unauthorised attendances will mean the

parents of the child will be ned. More information on this change is available from the

school ofce.

Parents are reminded that, under the new regulations, persistent lateness will be

regarded as unexplained absence. Any unexplained absence will be counted as

unauthorised and these statistics are recorded against the school. Please help us to keep

unauthorised absences to a minimum.

Latecomers have to enter the building at the main doors, report to the school ofce and

their presence will be recorded by the school clerk.


Our school has been set a target of 95% and we are working hard to achieve this. Attendance

for 2015-2016 was 93.5%.


The school follows the Local Authority Admissions Procedure. To apply for a place at

Blaenymaes Primary School, an application form must be lled in or an application

completed online. The school will then consider the request for a place. Visits to see the

school can be made by prior arrangement by contacting the Head Teacher on

01792583366 or by calling into the school to arrange a time. We welcome an opportunity

to share with you our caring school environment and welcome visits to the school.

We allocate places in our Nursery Class as soon as possible after the child's third

birthday. If your child attends our Flying Start setting a successful transition program is

in place.

Parents who wish to start their children at the school at any other time of the year are

asked to contact the Head Teacher.

It's never too early to put your child's name down for Nursery!

Pupils enrolled in the Nursery do not have an automatic right to a full-time place in the

Reception Class. Placement request forms must be completed by a set date in the Spring

Term and these are then processed and places allocated by the local authority. The late

return of the form may mean that a full-time place may not be available at the school for

the following September.


Arrangements for Admission of Disabled Pupils as Outlined in the

Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1995

The school's admission arrangements allow for entry of disabled pupils whose needs can

be met within a main stream school setting. The design of the building can make wheel

chair access a challenge. One purpose built toilet for the disabled is available.


We have a whole school Health and Safety policy (available to view on request) and

constantly strive through regular training, regular audits and raising awareness to

maintain high standards.


The school takes the responsibility of care for its pupils very seriously. We are

continually trying to improve our security. Visitors during the school day have to

enter via the main entrance where they are greeted by a member of staff. All

visitors to the school must sign in at the main ofce and wear a school pass. School

gates are opened for collection of pupils from 2.55pm onwards. Nursery and the

Flying Start setting will inform parents of the times their designated gates are

opened and locked. We have control entrances in operation in school and a CCTV

system. After School Club pupils may be collected at the main entrance.

Parents/Carers are requested not to drive into school as there are limited parking

spaces, all reserved for staff.

Fire Safety

Fire Drills are held regularly and these help us to assess if there are any

difculties that arise and know if we need to change anything. Fire extinguishers

are positioned at strategic points around the school and are serviced regularly. In

the event of the building being evacuated all children are taken onto the school

yards or playing elds at the rear of the building. If you are attending school for a

concert or meeting with a teacher please make yourself aware of the nearest Fire

Exit and Fire Assembly Point. This information is displayed on the wall in each room

and the nearest Fire Assembly Points are indicated by a green and white sign.


It is now illegal to smoke anywhere on the school premises in line with

Anti-Smoking legislation that came into effect in April 2007. We also request that

all smokers do this a distance away from the school gates as we feel that this sets

a poor role model to the children and it also cuts down on the amount of cigarette

ends etc that are left by the entrance to the school.


No dogs (except Guide dogs) are permitted in the grounds of the school. Please

support the school in this matter as some children can be afraid of dogs and nd

their presence in the connes of the school yard a little threatening.


The schools toilets continue to be well cleaned and painted though they are dated

and refurbishment is being explored with costing being sourced. Our cleaners and caretaker follow advice from the current Infection Prevention and Control for

Educational Settings All Wales Guidance.


We administer medicine to pupils in special circumstances. Parents should always

consult with the Head Teacher on this matter. If the school does agree to

administer medication a consent form must be completed prior to any medication

being administered in line with the admission of medicines policy. All medication will

be stored away from pupils with quick access as appropriate. If children have long

term healthcare needs we will endeavour to support them if possible and it may be

necessary to arrange for a Healthcare plan to be put into place with the School

Nurse and a Doctor.


Parents are asked to ensure that appropriate footwear is worn to school. High heels

not only cause children to trip or fall over but can cause permanent damage to young

feet. Please encourage sensible footwear. Heels and open sandals or ip-ops are

not really suitable for the hustle and bustle of school life and can easily lead to

falling over or tripping up. Trainers/shoes with wheels on the underside are not

allowed for health and safety reasons.

Sun Protection

For your child's safety it is helpful to provide a hat during the summer months to

offer protection from the sun and to apply sun cream at home in the morning to

your child's exposed areas of skin whenever the forecast indicates ne weather. If

your child brings sunglasses to wear please ensure that these are shatterproof.


In the interest of Health & Safety the wearing of jewellery is actively discouraged.

Earrings must be restricted to sleepers or studs. Pupils may be asked to take off all

jewellery for P.E. or swimming.


We have a Home-School Agreement in place this agreement is a statement of the schools

aims and values, the schools responsibilities towards its pupils, the responsibilities of the

pupil’s parents and what the school expects of its pupils. Parents of new pupils are invited

to sign the Home-School Agreement during the admission meeting.


The school operates a strict Acceptable Use Policy in accordance with the school’s

rigorous approach to e-safety for the whole school community. Parents/carers will be

requested to sign an Acceptable Use Agreement.


There is a Behaviour Policy and a PSE Policy in place. Pupils are expected to display

excellent standards of behaviour both in school and out of school on educational visits.

Bullying of any kind is not tolerated the children have created their own Anti-Bullying

Policy. All pupils are praised by staff every day for good work and behaviour. The ‘Super

Star’ Assembly on a Friday morning each week and the house system encourages positive

behaviour and good relationships.

It might be necessary on a rare number of occasions to exclude a pupil from school for

either a xed term, or permanently parents and pupils are counselled before this action is

taken and the Local Authority is informed. We are a Restorative Practice and Rights

Respecting school. All behavioural issues are tackled with a Restorative approach.


School has a Child Protection Policy, which is available on the website and at the school

ofce, The Child Protection Ofcer is the Head Teacher. In Addition staff take advice

from the ‘All Wales Child Protection Procedures’, which is available in school for

reference when necessary Staff and Governors have completed training in child

protection. All staff have current DBS checks. Whenever necessary the school works

closely with Child and Family Services and reports any disclosures following the current

guidelines. In very few cases this may mean parents/carers may no be contacted in the

rst instance.


The school has been active in the Healthy Schools Scheme since 1999; pupils' health and well-

being is a high priority. The School Council and The Eco Committee are made up of elected

representatives from each class. All classes have access to a Fruit Tuck Shop. There is access

to water at all times during the school day. In the foundation phase, milk and fruit snack is

made available to all children daily. A small fee is payable to the class teacher on a weekly

basis. We encourage all children to bring a healthy school lunch box; leaets are available. If

you would like advice, please see Mrs Amirat, the Healthy Schools co-ordinator.All children

are encouraged to develop a healthy lifestyle, take part in P.E. sessions and are encouraged to

take part in playground games and after school activities.

All children are part of the 'Designed to Smile' initiative; you will be asked to complete a

consent form for your child to participate if they are part of this phase. Tooth brushing takes

place daily; all children are provided with a toothbrush free of charge.

All children are involved in growing food and we have a poly tunnel and are part of the Grow

Local Scheme.

Forest School activities and opportunities for Outside Learning are maximised.

Breakfast Club operates daily between 8.00am and 8.45am (free of charge). There are

additional out of school clubs for sport, music and drama. Please see your child's teacher for

further details.


Every school in Wales is required to implement the National Curriculum which is designed

to provide clear and identiable targets for children's learning with accurate, accessible

information about what children can be expected to know, understand and be able to do,

and what they actually achieve in terms of these targets. All children are taught Welsh as

a second language.

The National Curriculum at Foundation Phase consists of seven areas of learning: literacy,

language and communication; mathematical development; knowledge and understanding of

the world; welsh language development; physical development; creative development; and

personal, social, wellbeing and cultural diversity development. I.C.T. is linked throughout

the areas. At Key Stage 2 the curriculum consists of core subjects Mathematics, English,

Science, and Information Communication Technology and Foundation Subjects, Design

Technology, Welsh, History, Geography, Music, Art, PE and Religious Education. In

addition, there are a number of cross-curricular themes e.g. Health Education, and

Personal and Social Education opportunities.

It is important to note that, while the content of the National Curriculum is prescribed,

the method and materials used will be decided by the schools themselves, having due

regard for the policies of the Local Authority and National priorities. Furthermore, the

curriculum in Wales is currently under review in light of the Donaldson report and changes

are currently being implemented, for example digital competency and the application of

the four purposes to create: ethical informed citizens; ambitious, capable learners;

healthy condent individuals and enterprising, creative contributions.

The curriculum is underpinned by the Rights of the Child where the children have a voice

in their learning. Children learn best through rst- hand experience and every opportunity

is taken to involve children in doing and making, investigating, asking questions and solving

problems. In this way we believe they acquire skills and condence as well as knowledge.

The curriculum is so designed that children may return to some topics at a later stage in

their development but at a higher level.

Curriculum Leaders have designed schemes of work, together with all staff to ensure we

plan for continuity and progression. Links are made to the Rights of the Child and the

E.S.D.G.C. document for Wales. Copies of the curriculum documents for each year group

are available at the school for inspection by parents.

Whenever possible, subjects are taught via an integrated thematic approach. In this way

we hope that children will see the relevance of the activities in which they are involved

not only to subjects but also to themselves and the world in which they live. Some aspects

of their work may not t easily into the theme they are currently studying and rather

than make arbitrary connections these will be taught separately.

Our aims and objectives are to encourage and develop:

Language, literacy, communication and numeracy skills;

Interest and enjoyment of literature and poetry in English and Welsh.

A knowledge and understanding of basic mathematical concepts;

An awareness of our heritage through geographical, historical and religious studies;

Skills in handwriting, creative arts, music and aesthetic appreciation;

Information technology skills across the curriculum, preparing children for the

challenges of the 21st century;

Participation in physical activities including drama, dance and team sports and

To encourage Global Citizenship and sustainability.

The aim of the Foundation Phase is that it encourages children to be creative, imaginative

and makes learning more enjoyable and more effective. Children will be given

opportunities to explore the world around them and understand how things work by taking

part in practical activities relevant to their developmental stage. They will be challenged

through practical activities and develop their thinking with open-ended questions. Children

will be encouraged to explore concepts and share ideas for solving problems.

The aim of Key Stage 2 is to develop and extend lifelong and key skills and the National

Curriculum subjects for enjoyment and learning. In addition, there is a range of activities

available which include, for example, swimming and music lessons. Home Learning is given

at the discretion of the teacher and only in the best interest of the children. Parents are

informed of their children's topic work at the beginning of the term.

In addition to ongoing teacher assessment, pupils are regularly assessed using

standardised tests for spelling and reading, and the literacy and numeracy National Tests.

Children are also identied for additional learning and emotional needs through

WELLCOM and speech link. Online questionnaires assess the children's emotional

wellbeing and readiness for learning.


We are sure you are aware the Welsh Government has been making some quite important

changes to the education system in Wales. The rst of these changes was the new reading

and numeracy tests which every pupil from year 2 to year 6 which the children now sit

during the summer term. The second major change is the new Literacy and Numeracy

Framework (LNF). The Frame work is a planning tool that builds on the work we have been

doing to raise standards in Literacy and Numeracy and states the standards we as

teachers should be striving for our children to achieve. The framework is a statutory part

of the curriculum. The school uses Building Blocks as a planning and tracking tool for the


For further information on the framework please visit:


All pupils have targets which they will have discussed and negotiated with their teachers.

The targets may be, for example, Mathematics, literacy or targets related to their social

development. Generally the targets are short- term and easily understood but it is

essential that pupils and parents understand the importance of achieving the objectives.



All children in Blaenymaes, whatever their abilities or needs, will have access to the whole

curriculum. We have a policy of total inclusion and equal opportunities for all. Additional

Learning Needs are identied and monitored and judgements made by staff throughout

the year from the time of admission. Appropriate arrangements are made for children

identied as needing extra help or support and the school works very closely with the

Local Authority Educational Psychologist and Behaviour Support Link person. Our

Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCO) and other staff ensure a balance of

whole class and small group support is provided. A copy of our school's policy for

Additional Learning Needs is available for inspection on request from the Head Teacher.

We also have a Nurture Group that runs every morning which can be accesses by children

requiring emotional support.

We also cater for the MATS (More Able and Talented pupils) in our care and they receive

differentiated learning activities within the classroom and are encouraged to broaden

their skill sets as part of a club inside and outside of school.


Blaenymaes Primary School is committed to providing an inclusive learning environment.

All children, staff, parents and governors have a comprehensive range of education and

learning opportunities. All stakeholders are listened to, treated with respect and have

their race and cultural identity recognised in a community which supports physical and

emotional well being and has a very good understanding of the principles and practice of

equality and justice.

Equality of opportunity permeates the whole ethos of our school and every person within

our school is valued and respected.

A copy of the school's Strategic Equality Plan and Accessibility Plan is available upon

request from the school ofce.


Ethnic Minority Achievement Unit (EMAU) works in partnership with schools in Swansea

to support pupils from ethnic minority backgrounds who are learners of English as an

additional language (EMAU). The unit provides both specialist teachers and bilingual

teaching assistants to help pupils access the curriculum and acquire EAL.

EMAU working in partnership with Blaenymaes Primary

The Blaenymaes Primary EMAU team consists of one specialist teacher and two bilingual

teaching assistants (BTA's). The team supports pupils and works with the senior

leadership team and teachers to raise standards for ethnic minority pupils in the school.

We promote a welcoming ethos and value ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic diversity.

Lessons are structured to meet the specic needs of pupils at different stages of EAL



The Curriculum Cymreig is an entitlement of all pupils in Wales. It’s intention is to make

children aware of the particular environment, traditions and culture in which they live. All

aspects of teaching and learning acknowledge the cultural, economic, environmental, historical

and linguistic characteristics of Wales. Curriculum Cymreig is an integral part of school life.

Throughout the year all aspects of Welsh life are celebrated. The school’s Eisteddfod is a

popular event which encourages pupils to work in class and house teams to compete in various

competitions. The school has a Criw Cymraeg made up of representatives from each class who

champion our Welsh culture and language. welsh club takes place on a Friday afternoon after


All children are taught Welsh as a second language within the school’s approach to developing

pupils knowledge of Wales, its culture, traditions and heritage. Incidental Welsh is encouraged

throughout the school day. Blaenymaes Primary has regular input from the Arthrowen Bro

Service, and all members of staff have received intensive training in Welsh as a second




Religious Education is taught in accordance with the Local Authority's Agreed Syllabus. It

is essentially Christian but due regard is given to other faiths, reecting the multi-cultural

nature of the school. It is the parents' right to withdraw their children from morning

assembly and RE lessons if they so wish. Parents must discuss this decision fully with the

Head Teacher. Daily sessions of collective worship are organised at class level at

Foundation and Key Stage 2 levels or at whole school level.

We have regular visits for assemblies by clergy of our local churches.


Sex Education is taught within the schools Health Education and PSE Curriculum and based

on relationships with others. In addition, sex education is taught where possible within

other subject areas, such as Science, in order to attach a sense of reality and meaning

which is understood within the pupils‟ own level of development. Parents are reminded that

they can withdraw their children from all or part of the sex education provided. A copy of

the Governing Body's Sex Education Policy Document is available for inspection from the

Head Teacher.


It is an expectation of the school that all children will wear school uniform. We have a

royal blue sweat shirt and a light blue polo shirt. Butteries and Bumblebees have their

own version of the school badge. From Reception to year six the school badge celebrates

all areas of school life. Year 6 has the privilege of being able to wear a school hoody.

Where possible, all clothing should be clearly marked with the children's name. Pupils

should always be presented in sensible shoes enabling them to move around our school, and

to run about safely whilst outside. For Health and Safety reasons ip ops are not



At Blaenymaes, we place a strong emphasis on the health and well- being of the “whole”

child. As a result, physical education and sport play a signicant part in the school day of

all pupils from Nursery to the end of Year 6. From age three to seven, a range of indoor

and outdoor experiences are provided to aid the development of the children's body

control and co-ordination, ne motor skills, spatial awareness and balance. This is built

upon in Key Stage 2, whereby pupils are taught elements of dance, athletics, swimming,

games, gymnastics and outdoor pursuits. Throughout both stages the children's

knowledge and understanding of health-related exercise and physical well-being is

encouraged at all times.

The children at Blaenymaes experience a wide range of curriculum and extra curricular

opportunities provided by both teachers and sports development ofcers. In addition,

children travel to Penlan Leisure Centre for regular swimming sessions. Also a

comprehensive range of extra – curricular clubs are run throughout the year. Rugby,

football, cross-country and netball clubs are run throughout the year. In the summer term

athletic clubs are introduced.

SPORTS AND GAMES KIT All children from Reception to Yr 6 need a suitable PE kit. This should include blue/black

shorts and a white t- shirt in a bag. Children will either wear trainers to school or include

them in their sports kit. There will be lots of lovely sports activities taking place and only

children with safe clothing will be allowed to participate. In order that clothing can be

looked after, we kindly request that the child's name be written on them.


The range of extra curricular activities at the school includes;

Rugby, football, netball, athletics, cross country, eld trips, computer club, after school

club, art, drama, Welsh Club, Cooking Club, Numicon, Photography Club, Tuesday Club, So

To Do and gardening club. Please contact your child’s class teacher for further



Blaenymaes Primary's “Charging and Remissions Policy” operates under the guidelines

taken from the Welsh Ofce Circular 4/89

1) No charge is made for any activity that takes place during school hours.

Parents are invited to make voluntary contributions towards trips and other school-time

activities to help cover costs of transport, admission etc. No child will be left out of an

activity if his/her parents cannot or will not make a contribution but, in common with

other schools, if insufcient contributions are made then the trip or activity may not

take place.

2) Pupils may be charged for board and lodging for residential trips.

Parents should seek advice from the Head teacher for information on remission of

charges for board and lodging if they are in receipt of Working Families� Tax Credits,

Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance or Disability Working Allowance [Section 457 (4)

1996 Education Act].


As a level 2 Rights Respecting School our children are very aware of the United Nations

rights of the child agenda. They are aware of their rights and the responsibilities that come

with them. We are part of Professional learning communities that we share

our practice with and we were recently recognised in the Estyn publication

development-and-global-citizenship-june-2014 for our efforts in this area.

We are a Restorative Practice school and all staff are trained in using a restorative approach

to dealing with conict and working to promote an inclusive approach that underpins the

ethos of the school.

Children who are “Rhodri’s Rangers” are also taught to use Restorative Circles focussed on

making playtimes/lunchtimes an enjoyable experience for all.

We have an active School Council, Eco Club, and Steering group. Children from each class are

chosen by their peers and attend regular lunchtime meetings. Some school councillors have

recently joined staff to form a play committee whose aim is to improve play opportunities

and play ground facilities.

We use the My Sele electronic questionnaire system to record children’s views and feelings

about school and there are pupil questionnaires recording pupil views on a wide range of

issues. Pupil voice is also important in the schools self evaluation processes. All groups report

to the Governing body.

ARRANGEMENTS FOR PARENTAL VISITS / DISCUSSIONSOpen sessions are held during the autumn, spring and summer terms when parents have

the opportunity to talk to the teachers and discuss their children's progress. Formal

reports are produced at the end of the school year with detailed levels of attainment

provided at the end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6). Parents are welcome to meet the Head

Teacher and teachers at any mutually convenient time.

We feel strongly that the responsibility for the education and general development of

the children should be shared by both school and home. With an understanding of each

other's role and co-operation between parent and teachers, the children have a

tremendous advantage. A close link within a home and school, partnership is, therefore,


Parents, as well as other family members and friends, are encouraged to come to school

to share in assemblies and other learning events e.g. sports xtures, sports days,

community days and help, in whatever capacity they feel comfortable. The development

of a close relationship between school and home demands more than a close interest. It

also needs the right mixture of space and trust. An appreciation of, and condence in,

each other's role makes the school a purposeful and happy place where the children feel

at ease, can work to reach their full potential and can gain maximum benet from their

schooling. The PTA meet regularly and always welcome new faces to their team. as

parents/gardians of children at our school you are automatically members of the Parent

Council, details of meetings are sent out regularly. The school also runs a variety of

different parenting groups. Please contact our Family Inclusion ofcer, Mrs Helen

Spencer for details. Mrs Spencer is available for parents/carers to contact throughout

the day and can help with a wide variety of issues and concerns.

The importance of parental interest and involvement cannot be over-stressed.

WHAT TO DO IF A PROBLEM ARISESAny concerns about the school curriculum or any other matter can be made by contacting

the school, the chair of governors or the Local Authority.

An” open door” policy is encouraged whenever practicable and an appointment will always

be made at a mutually agreeable time. Initially, parents should raise any concerns with

the class teacher but, in the event of further concerns or serious issues, please contact

the Head Teacher. Parents/Carers will be supported and advised whenever possible and

are welcome to visit the school to discuss any matters relating to the provision for their

children made at the school. A formal Complaints Procedure is in place if required and

follows the guidelines of section 23 of the Education Reform Act.


Foundation Phase Outcomes 2016


The following table shows the percentage of pupils attaining each outcome.

Z S G N D W 1 2 3 4 5 6+ 5+

Language, Literacy, and Communication Skills in English (LCE)

School - - - 0 4 0 0 0 4 31 50 12 62

National - - - 0 0 0 0 1 2 9 54 34 88

Language, Literacy, and Communication Skills in Welsh (LCW)

School - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

National - - - * 0 * * 0 1 7 55 37 91

Mathematical Development (MDT)

School - - - 0 4 0 0 0 4 27 54 12 65

National - - - 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 55 34 90

Personal and Social Development, Well-being and Cultural Diversity (PSD)

School 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 27 54 15 69

National - - - 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 39 56 95

There were 26 pupils in the group.

Foundation Phase Outcome Indicator

School 62

National 87

D represents pupils who have been disapplied under sections 113 - 116 of the 2002 Education Act, or pupils for whom teachers were unable to provide an assessment.N represents pupils not awarded an outcome for reasons other than disapplication.W represents pupils who are 'working towards' outcome 1, but have not yet achieved the standards needed for outcome 1.The general expectation is that the majority of 7 year olds will attain outcome 5.The Foundation Phase Indicator represents the percentage of pupils achieving outcome 5 or above in PSD, LCE/LCW and MDT in combination.

The following table shows the percentage of boys attaining each outcome

The following table shows the percentage of girls attaining each outcome


Z S G N D W 1 2 3 4 5 6+ 5+

Language, Literacy, and Communication Skills in English (LCE)

School - - - 0 8 0 0 0 0 38 46 8 54

National - - - - - - - - - - - - 84

Language, Literacy, and Communication Skills in Welsh (LCW)

School - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

National - - - - - - - - - - - - 88

Mathematical Development (MDT)

School - - - 0 8 0 0 0 0 31 46 15 62

National - - - - - - - - - - - - 88

Personal and Social Development, Well-being and Cultural Diversity (PSD)

School 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 31 54 8 62

National - - - - - - - - - - - - 93

There were 13 boys in the group.

There were 13 girls in the group.

Foundation Phase Outcome Indicator

School 54

National 83


Z S G N D W 1 2 3 4 5 6+ 5+

Language, Literacy, and Communication Skills in English (LCE)

School - - - 0 0 0 0 0 8 23 54 15 69

National - - - - - - - - - - - - 92

Language, Literacy, and Communication Skills in Welsh (LCW)

School - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

National - - - - - - - - - - - - 95

Mathematical Development (MDT)

School - - - 0 0 0 0 0 8 23 62 8 69

National - - - - - - - - - - - - 92

Personal and Social Development, Well-being and Cultural Diversity (PSD)

School 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 54 23 77

National - - - - - - - - - - - - 97

Foundation Phase Outcome Indicator

School 69

National 91

Summary of National Curriculum Assessment results of pupils in the school (2016) and nationally (2015) at the end of Key Stage 2

as a percentage of those eligible for assessment.


1, 2, & 3 1 2 3 4 5 6+ 4+


School 0 6 0 0 0 22 72 0 0 72

National 0 0 0 1 2 7 49 39 1 90

Oracy School 0 6 0 0 0 17 56 22 0 78

National 0 0 0 0 2 7 48 41 2 90

Reading School 0 6 0 0 0 22 72 0 0 72

National 0 0 0 1 2 8 47 40 2 89

Writing School 0 6 0 0 0 17 78 0 0 78

National 0 0 0 1 2 12 51 32 1 84


School 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

National * 0 0 0 2 7 53 37 1 90

Oracy School 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

National * 0 0 0 1 7 51 40 1 92

Reading School 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

National * 0 0 0 2 8 50 38 1 90

Writing School 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

National * 0 0 0 2 13 56 28 1 85


School 0 6 0 0 0 22 72 0 0 72

National 0 0 0 0 2 7 49 40 1 90

Science School 0 6 0 0 0 17 78 0 0 78

National 0 0 0 1 1 6 50 41 0 91

Core Subject Indicator

School 72

National 88

D represents pupils who have been disapplied under sections 113 - 116 of the 2002 Education Act, or pupils for whom teachers were unable to provide an assessment.N represents pupils not awarded a level for reasons other than disapplication. National Curriculum Outcomes 1, 2 and 3 describe achievements below level 1.The general expectation is that the majority of 11 year olds will attain level 4.The Core Subject Indicator represents the percentage of pupils achieving level 4 or above in English or Welsh (rst language), mathematics and science in combination.

% boys at each level


1, 2, & 3 1 2 3 4 5 6+ 4+


School 0 10 0 0 0 30 60 0 0 60

National - - - - - - - - - 87


School 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

National - - - - - - - - - 88


School 0 10 0 0 0 30 60 0 0 60

National - - - - - - - - - 88

Science School 0 10 0 0 0 20 70 0 0 70

National - - - - - - - - - 90

Core Subject Indicator

School 60

National 85

% girls at each level


1, 2, & 3 1 2 3 4 5 6+ 4+


School 0 0 0 0 0 13 88 0 0 88

National - - - - - - - - - 93


School 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

National - - - - - - - - - 94


School 0 0 0 0 0 13 88 0 0 88

National - - - - - - - - - 92

Science School 0 0 0 0 0 13 88 0 0 88

National - - - - - - - - - 93

Core Subject Indicator

School 88

National 91

D represents pupils who have been disapplied under sections 113 - 116 of the 2002 Education Act, or pupils for whom teachers were unable to provide an assessment.N represents pupils not awarded a level for reasons other than disapplication. National Curriculum Outcomes 1, 2 and 3 describe achievements below level 1.The general expectation is that the majority of 11 year olds will attain level 4.The Core Subject Indicator represents the percentage of pupils achieving level 4 or above in English or Welsh (rst language), mathematics and science in combination.