proposals for consultation...1 review of polling districts, polling places and polling stations...

1 Review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations Proposals for Consultation Page 1. Introduction 1 2. Carrying out the Review 2 3. Review Principles 2 4. Consultees 3 5. Implementation and Impact 3 6. Proposals 3 7. Representations 23 1. Introduction Under the Representation of the People Act 1983 and Section 16 of the Electoral Administration Act 2006, the Council has a duty to divide the Borough into polling districts and to designate polling places for each polling district for electoral purposes. The Council also has a statutory duty to conduct periodic reviews of polling districts and polling places and has commenced the latest review. Reviews are then subsequently to be undertaken on a five yearly basis. For electoral purposes: A Polling District is a geographical sub division of an electoral ward. A Polling Place is the building or area in which polling station(s) are located. A Polling Station is the room or area within the polling place where the process of voting takes place, and must be located in the polling place designated for the particular polling district. The determination of polling districts and polling places is a matter for the Council. The location of polling stations is determined by the Returning Officer. The Local Government

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Page 1: Proposals for Consultation...1 Review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations Proposals for Consultation Page 1. Introduction 1 2. Carrying out the Review 2 3. Review


Review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations

Proposals for Consultation

Page 1. Introduction 1 2. Carrying out the Review 2 3. Review Principles 2 4. Consultees 3 5. Implementation and Impact 3 6. Proposals 3 7. Representations 23

1. Introduction

Under the Representation of the People Act 1983 and Section 16 of the Electoral Administration Act 2006, the Council has a duty to divide the Borough into polling districts and to designate polling places for each polling district for electoral purposes. The Council also has a statutory duty to conduct periodic reviews of polling districts and polling places and has commenced the latest review. Reviews are then subsequently to be undertaken on a five yearly basis. For electoral purposes: A Polling District is a geographical sub division of an electoral ward. A Polling Place is the building or area in which polling station(s) are located. A Polling Station is the room or area within the polling place where the process of voting takes place, and must be located in the polling place designated for the particular polling district. The determination of polling districts and polling places is a matter for the Council. The location of polling stations is determined by the Returning Officer. The Local Government

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Boundary Commission for England is responsible for ward boundaries. A ward is a geographical sub division of the local authority area represented by councillors. Broxbourne comprises ten wards, each with three councillors.

2. Carrying Out the Review

In carrying out the statutory review the Council is required to:

- give public notice of the holding of a review

- consult with the Returning Officer

- publish all representations made by the Returning Officer (to the Council)

- invite representations from such persons that the Council thinks have particular

expertise in relation to access to premises or facilities for persons who have

different forms of disability and provide the opportunity for these persons to make

representations and to comment on the representations made by the Returning


It is recognised that the re-drawing of the boundaries of polling districts and the moving of polling places will benefit those residents who will now be nearer to the proposed polling place, and marginally inconvenience those that will now be further from the previous polling place. It is anticipated, however, that the net benefit in terms of overall elector convenience will be increased through the changes proposed by the review. In summary, having reviewed the existing polling districts, polling places and polling stations, the arrangements in the Borough appear to be largely appropriate to the needs of the electorate. However, some proposals have been made to change polling district boundaries and polling places, as outlined in Section 6 below. The proposals and the reasons for them are supported by the Returning Officer.

3. Review Principles

The review of polling districts and polling places is being conducted in accordance with Electoral Commission guidance, and encompasses the following principles:

- Every polling place/station should be within easy reach of all electors from across

the polling district so that electors do not have to travel an unacceptable distance to


- All electors have such reasonable facilities for voting as are practicable in the


- Polling places should be within the polling district, unless it is not possible to find a

suitable polling place in a district.

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- Polling places/stations should provide adequate facilities for the required staff,

equipment and numbers of electors.

- Each polling place/station should be accessible to all electors.

It is not the objective of the review to reduce the costs of conducting elections as the

principle of providing convenient, accessible facilities for electors overrides this.

4. Consultees

The Council would welcome the views of all residents, particular disabled residents on the proposals. In addition, the Council has specifically notified the following groups/individuals about the review:

i) The Member of Parliament for Broxbourne, Mr Charles Walker OBE MP.

ii) Broxbourne Borough Councillors

iii) Hertfordshire County Councillors representing divisions within

Broxbourne Borough

iv) Hertfordshire Royal Voluntary Service

v) Broxbourne Organisation for the Disabled

vi) Four Swans Vision

vii) Vision 4 Growth

viii) Hoddesdon Organisation for Local Disabled

ix) Age UK

x) Hertfordshire Action on Disability

xi) CVS Broxbourne and East Herts

xii) Broxbourne Citizens Advice

xiii) Registered political parties who regularly field candidates in local and

parliamentary elections in the Borough

It would assist the Council if any person or group making representations could, if possible,

give where appropriate, alternative options for the designation of polling districts or

alternative locations that may be used as polling places.

5. Implementation and Impact

The final proposals for polling districts and polling places agreed by the Council will be included in the register of electors to be published on 1 December 2020 and effective for all elections held after that date.

6. Proposals

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Set out below on a ward-by-ward basis are the draft proposals for the polling districts and

polling places in the Borough.

The figures shown for each ward are the number of electors (excluding postal voters) at the

May 2019 election eligible to vote at the polling place/polling stations indicated. The alpha

identifier is the polling district reference.

i) Broxbourne and Hoddesdon South

Current electoral arrangement

Polling District


Polling Place

Current Electorate (including postal


ACA The Spotlight (formerly Broxbourne Civic Hall) High Street, Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 8BE


ACB United Reformed Church Hall Mill Lane, Broxbourne, Herts EN10 7BQ


ACC The Broxbourne School

High Road, Broxbourne, Herts EN10 7DD


Total 7283

Upcoming developments in area (50 + Units)

Polling District


Existing Polling Place Name/Address Predicted house building

ACA The Spotlight (formerly Broxbourne Civic Hall) High Street, Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 8BE

Section of the High Leigh development

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ACB United Reformed Church Hall Mill Lane, Broxbourne, Herts EN10 7BQ

ACC The Broxbourne School High Road, Broxbourne, Herts EN10 7DD

Broxbourne School development (153 units)

Proposed changes

The polling districts and polling places are seen as satisfactory, and as such no changes are

proposed in this ward.

ii) Cheshunt North

Current electoral arrangement

Polling District


Polling Place

Current Electorate (including postal



The White House High Street, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 0BQ


AEC Brookland Nursery School Elm Drive, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 0RX


AED Millbrook Primary School Gews Corner, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 9BX


Total 6676

Upcoming developments in area (50 + Units)

Polling District


Existing Polling Place Name/Address Predicted house building

AEB The White House High Street, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 0BQ

AEC Brookland Nursery School Elm Drive, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 0RX

AED Millbrook Primary School Gews Corner, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 9BX

Cheshunt Lakeside- 1750 units (800 by next review)

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Proposed changes There are currently three polling districts serving this ward and, as a result of the major development occurring in Delamare Road which will see a total of 1725 additional residential units in the area over the next few years, it is proposed to reconfigure the electoral arrangements to provide for four polling districts continuing to be served by three polling places/stations. The White House polling station in Cheshunt is no longer available to use and it is proposed to continue to use as the longer term option St Clements Community Hall as a polling place which was used for the two elections in May 2019. A polling district reconfiguration is proposed for the general convenience of electors in the ward through improving the proximity to the respective polling places serving each polling district. The reconfiguration involves removing the existing polling district boundary line along Cheshunt Wash and Cheshunt High Street and creating new boundaries with the proximity to the polling stations for the electors being the main focus. In addition, the distribution of electors through the revised polling district configuration will provide a good balance in the number of electors served by each polling place/station. The following changes are proposed for polling districts AEB, AEC and AED:

AEB - remove the boundary that currently exists down Cheshunt Wash to include the length

of Mill lane and Brookfield Lane East.

AEC - the existing boundary line along Cadmore Lane will remain along with a new proposed

line in between Kingsmead and Pettys Close.

AEA - a boundary line along Delamare Road is proposed, creating a new polling district AEA.

Polling District


Polling Place

Proposed Electorate



Brookland Nursery School Elm Drive, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 0RX

(800 units built by

next review, 1750

overall from



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AEB St Clements Community Hall, Adj to St Clements Church

Cheshunt Wash, Cheshunt, Herts, EN8 0LU


AEC Brookland Nursery School Elm Drive, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 0RX



Millbrook Primary School Gews Corner, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 9BX


Total (not including AEA)


The following roads will be moving to a new polling district as a result of the above changes:

Moving from AEB to AEC: AEB to AED: AEC to AEB: AED to AEA:

Brookfield Lane east Anchor Close Collet Close

Collet Gardens Davison Close

Warwick Drive Kingsmead

Drakes Close High Street (part) Rowley Gardens

Davison Drive Coopers Walk

Church Lane High Street (part)

Symonds Court Hobbs close Pettys Close

Clement Road Cunningham Road

Fraser Road Mill Lane (part)

Montgomery Drive Wavell Close

Delamare Road

*All of the listed roads will require a polling station change for the electors. A plan of the existing polling districts and the proposed polling district configuration can be viewed on the Council’s website or at the Borough Offices.

iii) Cheshunt South and Theobalds

Current electoral arrangement

Polling District


Polling Place

Current Electorate (including postal



Laura Trott Leisure Centre Windmill Lane, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 9AJ


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Laura Trott Leisure Centre Windmill Lane, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 9AJ



Army Cadet Hall (r/o Drill Hall) Crossbrook Street, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 8JY



Army Cadet Hall (r/o Drill Hall) Crossbrook Street, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 8JY



Total 6801

Upcoming developments in area (50 + Units)

Polling District


Existing Polling Place Name/Address Predicted house building


Laura Trott Leisure Centre Windmill Lane, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 9AJ

AFB Laura Trott Leisure Centre Windmill Lane, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 9AJ

AFC Army Cadet Hall (r/o Drill Hall) Crossbrook Street, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 8JY

Cheshunt football Club (165 units)


Army Cadet Hall (r/o Drill Hall) Crossbrook Street, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 8JY

Theoblads Grove station (90 units)

Proposed Changes There are currently six polling districts serving this ward and it is proposed to reduce this down to four. This is achieved through merging polling districts AFF and AFC into one, as well as AFE and AFD. This proposal comes as a result of the intention to no longer use the Laura Trott Leisure Centre (LTLC) and instead Halsey Masonic Hall will be used as a polling place. The layout and space available at LTLC is limited, especially considering its current use as a double station due to elector numbers. The Council has received a complaint in the past from a

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disabled elector about the lack of space for wheelchair manoeuvrability in LTLC. It is therefore proposed to use Halsey Hall as its close proximity to LTLC means it will be convenient for the majority of voters who currently use LTLC, provided there is a reconfiguration of the polling districts which is proposed. The hall is accessible, has a large car park and is considerably larger than the space in LTLC, thus has capacity for a higher number of electors. In the meantime, due to these reasons it is the intention of the Returning Officer to use Halsey Hall instead of LTLC as the polling station to serve existing polling districts AFA, AFB and AFF for future elections. Under the polling district proposal, the Drill Hall will become a single station and Halsey Hall would serve the three remaining districts

Polling District


Polling Place

Proposed Electorate



Halsey Hall Turners Hill, Cheshunt, Waltham Cross EN8 8NJ




Halsey Hall Turners Hill, Cheshunt, Waltham Cross EN8 8NJ



Army Cadet Hall (r/o Drill Hall) Crossbrook Street, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 8JY


Total 6801

The following roads will be moving to a new polling district as a result of the above changes:

Moving from AFF to AFC: AFE to AFD AFC to AFD

Blindmans Lane Clarendon Parade Turners Hill

Clarendon Road College Road

Hedgerow Walk Newnham Parade Rowlands Close Rowlands Fields

Turners Hill Victoria Close

Westbury Turners Hill *These changes will require a polling station change for the electors.

Theobalds Lane Dudley Avenue Dysons Close Grenville Close

Cranborne Road Crossbrook Street

(part) Friends Avenue Longlands Close Meredith Court Montayne Road

Raydon Road Salisbury Crescent

Theobalds Lane

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A plan of the existing polling districts and the proposed polling district configuration can be viewed on the Council’s website or at the Borough Offices.

iv) Flamstead End Current electoral arrangement

Polling District


Polling Place

Current Electorate (including postal



Flamstead End Hall Mayo Close, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 0HE





Fairfields Primary School Rosedale Way, Flamstead End, Cheshunt EN7 6JG


AHE Fairfields Primary School Rosedale Way, Flamstead End, Cheshunt EN7 6JG


AHF St. James’s Hammondstreet Hall Pear Tree Walk, Cheshunt, Herts EN7 6RG


Total 6781

Upcoming developments in area (50 + Units)

Polling District


Existing Polling Place Name/Address Predicted house building


Flamstead End Hall Mayo Close, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 0HE Brookfield Riverside


Fairfields Primary School Rosedale Way, Flamstead End, Cheshunt EN7 6JG

AHE Fairfields Primary School Rosedale Way, Flamstead End, Cheshunt EN7 6JG

Part of Brookfield Riverside Brookfield Garden Village (1250 units – 400 units by next review)

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Proposed changes

Currently, three polling districts are served by Flamstead End Hall. The split between AHA and AHB is no longer necessary and can be merged for administrative convenience.

The following roads will be moving to a new polling district as a result of the above changes:

Moving from AHA to AHB:

Beeston Drive Halfhide Lane

Lower Meadow Mylne Close

A plan of the existing polling districts and the proposed polling district configuration can be viewed on the Council’s website or at the Borough Offices.

AHF St. James’s Hammondstreet Hall Pear Tree Walk, Cheshunt, Herts EN7 6RG

Polling District


Polling Place

Proposed Electorate



Flamstead End Hall Mayo Close, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 0HE




Fairfields Primary School Rosedale Way, Flamstead End, Cheshunt EN7 6JG



Fairfields Primary School Rosedale Way, Flamstead End, Cheshunt EN7 6JG


AHF St. James’s Hammondstreet Hall Pear Tree Walk, Cheshunt, Herts EN7 6RG


Total 6781

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v) Goffs Oak Current electoral arrangement

Polling District


Polling Place

Current Electorate (including

postal votes) AIA


St. James’s Hammondstreet Hall Pear Tree Walk, Cheshunt, Herts EN7 6RG



AIB Goff’s Oak Village Hall Goff’s Lane, Goff’s Oak, Herts EN7 5ET


AIB Goff’s Oak Village Hall Goff’s Lane, Goff’s Oak, Herts EN7 5ET


Total 7254

Upcoming developments in area (50 + Units)

Polling District Reference

Existing Polling Place Name/Address Predicted house building


St. James’s Hammondstreet Hall Pear Tree Walk, Cheshunt, Herts EN7 6RG

AIB Goff’s Oak Village Hall Goff’s Lane, Goff’s Oak, Herts EN7 5ET

Tudor Nurseries (360) South of Goffs Lane (50) and North of Goffs Lane (80) North/South of Andrews Lane, and South of Peakes Way (464)

Proposed Changes

This ward currently consists of three polling districts that are served by two polling stations. Andrews Lane will be seeing developments on both sides as will Tudor Nurseries, with over 650 units expected to be built. Polling district AIB, which includes Andrews Lane

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and Tudor Nurseries, currently has a large electorate of 4460, so it is proposed to create a new polling district, AID, in order to accommodate the increased electorate due to future developments. Residents of the new district AID will be served by Burgess Hall which has successfully been used as a polling station previously.

Polling District Reference

Polling Place

Proposed Electorate



St. James’s Hammondstreet Hall Pear Tree Walk, Cheshunt, Herts EN7 6RG



AIB Goff’s Oak Village Hall Goff’s Lane, Goff’s Oak, Herts EN7 5ET


AIB Goff’s Oak Village Hall

Goff’s Lane, Goff’s Oak, Herts EN7 5ET


AID Burgess Hall Goff's Lane, Goff's Oak, Waltham Cross EN7 5EE


Total 7254

The following roads will be moving to a new polling district as a result of the above changes:

Moving from AIB to AID:

Andrews Lane Caldecot Avenue

Claremont Conifer Close Foxes Drive

Goffs Lane (part) Granby Park Road Thompsons Close Hornbeam Way Hunters Reach

Lea Mont Andrews Lane (part)

Wolsey Avenue *These changes will require a polling station change for the electors.

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A plan of the existing polling districts and the proposed polling district configuration can be viewed on the Council’s website or at the Borough Offices.

vi) Hoddesdon North Current electoral arrangement

Upcoming developments in area (50 + Units)

Polling District Reference

Existing Polling Place Name/Address

Current Electorate

Predicted house building

AAA The Scout Hut, adj to Roselands Primary School High Wood Road, Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 9AR


AAB The Cranbourne Primary School Bridleway North, Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 9PP


AAC The Cranbourne Primary School Bridleway North, Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 9PP


AAD The Hunt Room, St Catherine & St Paul’s Church, Pauls Lane

2170 19 Amwell Street and Scania

Polling District Reference

Polling Place Current Electorate (including postal votes)

AAA The Scout Hut, adj to Roselands Primary School High Wood Road, Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 9AR



The Cranbourne Primary School Bridleway North, Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 9PP


AAC The Cranbourne Primary School Bridleway North, Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 9PP


AAD The Hunt Room, St Catherine & St Paul’s Church, Pauls Lane Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 8TR


Total 7414

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Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 8TR House- (60 units) High Leigh development (485 units)

Proposed changes As a result of the High Leigh development which will see the construction of 485 units in the area, it is proposed to provide a new polling district boundary line in-between the A10 and Lord Street, creating a new polling district AAE. The Hunt Room will become a double station to accommodate the new AAE district as well as AAD and ABC as at present. Polling District


Polling Place

Proposed Electorate


AAA The Scout Hut, adj to Roselands Primary School High Wood Road, Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 9AR



The Cranbourne Primary School Bridleway North, Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 9PP


AAC The Cranbourne Primary School Bridleway North, Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 9PP



The Hunt Room, St Catherine & St Paul’s Church, Pauls Lane Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 8TR



The Hunt Room, St Catherine & St Paul’s Church, Pauls Lane Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 8TR


Total 7414

The following roads will be moving to a new polling district as a result of the above changes:

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Moving from AAD to AAE:

Amwell Street Box Lane Brookside Burn Side

Foxton Road Jersey Close

Kennedy Avenue Langton Road

Pauls Lane Taverners Way

Walnut Tree Close Whitehands Close

A plan of the existing polling districts and the proposed polling district configuration can be viewed on the Council’s website or at the Borough Offices.

vii) Hoddesdon Town and Rye Park

Current electoral arrangement

Polling District Reference

Polling Place

Current Electorate (including

postal votes)

ABA Rye Park Nursery School Walton Road, Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 0LN


ABA Rye Park Nursery School Walton Road, Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 0LN



Methodist Church Hall Middlefield Road, Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 9ED



ABC The Hunt Room, St Catherine & St Paul’s Church, Pauls Lane Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 8TR


Total 7048

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Upcoming developments in area (50 + Units)

Polling District Reference

Existing Polling Place Name/Address Predicted house building

ABA Rye Park Nursery School Walton Road, Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 0LN

ABA Rye Park Nursery School Walton Road, Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 0LN


Methodist Church Hall Middlefield Road, Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 9ED

Speakerbus Ltd, Fourways House- (60 units)

ABC The Hunt Room, St Catherine & St Paul’s Church, Pauls Lane Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 8TR

Oaklands Yard- (71 units)

Proposed Changes It is proposed for the convenience of the electors to transfer roads in the Rye Road area in polling district ABA to polling district ABB. These roads will now be served by the Methodist Church Hall polling place.

Polling District Reference

Polling Place

Current Electorate (including

postal votes)

ABA Rye Park Nursery School Walton Road, Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 0LN


ABA Rye Park Nursery School Walton Road, Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 0LN



Methodist Church Hall Middlefield Road, Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 9ED



ABC The Hunt Room, St Catherine & St Paul’s Church, Pauls Lane Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 8TR


Total 7048

The following roads will be moving to a new polling district as a result of the above changes:

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Moving from ABA to ABB Hawthorne Road Laburnum Road

Lilac Road Alder Close

Rye Road (part)

*These changes will require a polling station change for the electors.

A plan of the existing polling districts and the proposed polling district configuration can be viewed on the Council’s website or at the Borough Offices.

viii) Rosedale and Bury Green

Current electoral arrangement

Polling District


Polling Review

Current Electorate (including

postal votes)


Fairley Cross Hall, Rosedale Community Church, Andrews Lane, Cheshunt, Herts EN7 6LB



Fairley Cross Hall, Rosedale Community Church, Andrews Lane, Cheshunt, Herts EN7 6LB

821 529

AJB Huntingdon Suite, Bishops’ College Churchgate, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 9XQ


AJB Huntingdon Suite, Bishops’ College

Churchgate, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 9XQ




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Upcoming developments in area (50 + Units)

Polling District Reference

Existing Polling Place Name/Address Predicted house building


Fairley Cross Hall, Rosedale Community Church, Andrews Lane, Cheshunt, Herts EN7 6LB



Fairley Cross Hall, Rosedale Community Church, Andrews Lane, Cheshunt, Herts EN7 6LB

Former St Marys High School Site (70) East of dark Lane (50)

AJB Huntingdon Suite, Bishops’ College Churchgate, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 9XQ

Cheshunt School site (51) Borough Council Offices, Churchgate (75) Former eastern Playing Fields (75) Theobalds Brook Field (50 units)

AJB Huntingdon Suite, Bishops’ College Churchgate, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 9XQ

Proposed changes

It is proposed to merge polling districts AJA and AJD as following the last review of the

County divisions, the separation is no longer necessary. This will also lead to less

administration work when conducting the County Election.

Polling District


Polling Review

Proposed Electorate



Fairley Cross Hall, Rosedale Community Church, Andrews Lane, Cheshunt, Herts EN7 6LB


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Fairley Cross Hall, Rosedale Community Church, Andrews Lane, Cheshunt, Herts EN7 6LB


AJB Huntingdon Suite, Bishops’ College Churchgate, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 9XQ


AJB Huntingdon Suite, Bishops’ College Churchgate, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 9XQ


Total 6939

The following roads will be moving to a new polling district as a result of the above changes:

A plan of the existing polling districts and the proposed polling district configuration can be

viewed on the Council’s website or at the Borough Offices.

ix) Waltham Cross

Current electoral arrangement

Polling District Reference

Polling Place

Current Electorate (including

postal votes) AGA St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

Royal Avenue, Waltham Cross, Herts EN8 7EN


AGB Highgrove Court Raglan Avenue, Waltham Cross, Herts EN8 8DS


AGC Waltham Cross One Stop Shop 123 High Street, Waltham Cross, Herts EN8 7AN


AGD Rear entrance Holdbrook Primary School, (formerly Community Centre), off Longcroft Drive, Holdbrook South, Waltham Cross, Herts EN8 7QQ


Total 7779

Moving from AJD to AJA:

Andrews Lane Elderbek Close

Glamis Close Rosedale Harkness Rosedale

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Upcoming developments in area (50 + Units)

Polling District Reference

Existing Polling Place Name/Address Predicted house building

AGA St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Royal Avenue, Waltham Cross, Herts EN8 7EN

AGB Highgrove Court Raglan Avenue, Waltham Cross, Herts EN8 8DS

AGC Waltham Cross One Stop Shop 123 High Street, Waltham Cross, Herts EN8 7AN

Durkan House, 214-

224 High Street- (60


Waltham Cross

Northern High

Street – (150 units)

AGD Rear entrance Holdbrook Primary School, (formerly Community Centre), off Longcroft Drive, Holdbrook South, Waltham Cross, Herts EN8 7QQ

Hazlemere Marina-

(82 units)

Britannia Nurseries-

(90 units)

Proposed changes

No changes are proposed to the polling districts for this ward. The existing polling districts

configuration reflects the need to also effectively administer County Council elections.

A plan of the existing polling districts can be viewed on the Council’s website.

x) Wormley and Turnford

Current electoral arrangement

Polling District


Polling Place

Current Electorate (including postal


ADA Wormley Community Centre Fairfield Drive, Wormley, Herts EN10 6DX


ADB Wormley Community Centre Fairfield Drive, Wormley, Herts EN10 6DX


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Upcoming developments in area (50 + Units)

No major upcoming developments. Proposed changes Currently, Hertford Regional College is used as a double station, with polling district ADD

split in half between the two stations. This causes additional administrative work prior to

an election in producing a split register for ADD. It is proposed therefore to enlarge polling

district ADC, which as a result will reduce the numbers of electors within ADD. This will

make it suitable for a combination of ADC and ADE electors to be served by one polling

station at Hertford Regional College, with ADD having its own separate station at the


The following roads will be moving to a new polling district as a result of the above changes:


Hertford Regional College, (The Theatre Room) Turnford, Broxbourne, Herts EN10 6AE




Hertford Regional College, (The Theatre Room) Turnford, Broxbourne, Herts EN10 6AE



Total 8054

Polling District


Polling Place

Proposed Electorate


ADA Wormley Community Centre Fairfield Drive, Wormley, Herts EN10 6DX


ADB Wormley Community Centre Fairfield Drive, Wormley, Herts EN10 6DX


ADC - ADE Hertford Regional College, (The Theatre Room) Turnford, Broxbourne,

Herts EN10 6AE



ADD Hertford Regional College, (The Theatre Room) Turnford, Broxbourne, Herts EN10 6AE


Total 8054

Page 23: Proposals for Consultation...1 Review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations Proposals for Consultation Page 1. Introduction 1 2. Carrying out the Review 2 3. Review


A plan of the existing polling districts and the proposed polling district configuration can be

viewed on the Council’s website or at the Borough Offices.

7. Representations

Any persons wishing to make comments or representations regarding the proposals is invited to do so. The last date for these is 15th November 2019. All representations must be made in writing and sent either by post or email. Comments/representations should be sent to: Polling Review c/o Member Services Borough of Broxbourne Bishops College Churchgate Cheshunt Waltham Cross Hertfordshire EN8 9XQ E-mail representations should be sent to: [email protected] For further information, please contact Member Services on 01992 785555 (ext. 5646)

Moving from ADD to ADC:

Broomfield Avenue Canada Lane

Columbia Road Garner Drive

High Road (part) Hollyfields

Huron Road Michigan Close Ontario Close Perram Close

Robertson Close Rochford Close

The Butts The Canadas

The Oval

Vancouver Road Watery Lane

Westside Yukon Road