prophet muhammad · prophet muhammad man & prophet peace and blessings of allah on him eideid...

[email protected] Page 1 Prophet Muhammad Man & Prophet Peace and Blessings of Allah on him And Muhammad is but a messenger messengers have already passed away before him. If then he dies or is killed, will you turn back upon your heels? And he who turns back upon his heels will do no harm at all to Allah. And Allah will reward the grateful.(3:144) E I D M U B A R A K NOOR-I-ISLAM Ahmadiyah Anjuman Isha’at-i-Islam [Lahore] , Canada OCTOBER 2013 Editor: Sadiq Noor - [email protected]

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Page 1: Prophet Muhammad · Prophet Muhammad Man & Prophet Peace and Blessings of Allah on him EIDEID “And Muhammad is but a messenger — messengers have already passed away before him

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Prophet Muhammad Man & Prophet

Peace and Blessings of Allah on him


“And Muhammad is but a messenger — messengers have already

passed away before him. If then he dies or is killed, will you turn

back upon your heels? And he who turns back upon his heels will do

no harm at all to Allah. And Allah will reward the grateful.” (3:144)











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Editor: Sadiq Noor - [email protected]

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This verse refers to a particular incident, which took place during the battle of

Uhud. The Prophet, peace on him, had stationed a detachment of his soldiers on top of the

mountain behind the Muslim army. They were the rearguard, equipped with bows and

arrows to repel any attack, which might be launched against the Muslim army from

behind. When the battle appeared to be all over, most of them left their positions,

against the express orders of the Prophet, peace on him.

A battalion of the enemy forces were thus able to go around the mountain and

attack the Muslims from behind. The Prophet, peace on him, himself was injured: his front

teeth were broken, and he was wounded in his face and was bleeding. The situation

became chaotic and the Muslim army was in disarray. At this moment, someone cried

out ‘Muhammad is killed’. That was a great shock to Muslims. Many of them turned

round to go back to Madinah. They went up into the mountain, shattered, defeated in

despair. However, the Prophet, peace on him, himself with a small group of his companions

stood firm. He called his companions as they turned round. When they heard him, they

began to rally. Allah helped them regain their moral strength and allowed them to be

overtaken by momentary slumber to give them a feeling of strength, security and

reassurance, as will be explained later.

This incidence which caused the Muslims to fall in such disarray and to suffer

such a lapse of concentration is used in the Qur’an to drive home to the Muslims certain

fundamental principles. A number of facts about life and death and the history of divine

faith and its advocates are outlined within its context:

“Muhammad is only a messenger: other messengers have passed away before him.

If, then, he dies or is slain, will you turn about on your heels? He that turns about on his

heels will not harm Allah in any way. Allah will reward those who are grateful to Him.” [Aaale Imran 3:144]

Muhammad is only a messenger, having been preceded by all other messengers.

He will die as other messengers have died before him. This is an elementary fact. How is

it that you have shown yourselves oblivious of this fact when it stared you in the face

during the battle?

Muhammad is a messenger of Allah, entrusted with the task of conveying His

message. Allah is eternal and His word never dies. The believers should never

contemplate turning about on their heels if the messenger who has come to convey to

them Allah’s word dies or gets killed. This is also an elementary fact, which the Muslims

overlooked, in the great confusion they experienced. It is not right that believers should

overlook such an elementary fact.

Human beings die and perish, while the faith survives. The way of life Allah has

designed for mankind has its own entity; it is independent of those who convey it to

people, be they messengers or {other} believers. Every Muslim loves Allah’s Messenger,

peace on him. His companions loved him as no one had ever been loved before. They were

ready to sacrifice their lives in order to spare him the slightest pain. One of his

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companions, Abu Dujanah, made himself a shield to protect the Prophet, peace on him, and

was hit by numerous arrows in his back and never stirred. Only nine of his companions

were close to him when he was target of a determined attack by the disbelievers, and

those nine continued to defend him most courageously, until they were killed, one after

the other. Many others in every generation and in all places continue to love him with all

their hearts and they feel the great passion of love every time he is mentioned. Every

Muslim who loves Muhammad, peace on him, in such a way is required to distinguish

between the Prophet, peace on him, as a person and the faith he has conveyed to mankind

and left intact for all people to accept and implement. It derives its continuity from

Allah who never dies.

The message is much older than its advocate: “Muhammad is only a messenger:

other messengers have passed away before him.” {Please note that Allah is not excluding Jesus here .... just a hint

to my readers} They all preached the same message, the roots of which go back to the

beginning of history. It starts with the beginning of human life, providing mankind with

guidance and peace from the very first day of their existence.

The message is also greater than its advocate and lasts longer. Many of its

advocates have come and gone, while it continues to serve as guidance to succeeding

generations. Its followers have their link with its Originator, who has sent messengers to

convey it to mankind. He is Everlasting and believers address their prayers to Him. None

of them may turn about in his heels or turn his back to Allah’s guidance. This explains

the stern warning implicit in this verse: “If, then, he dies or is slain, will you turn about

on your heels? He that turns about on his heels will not harm Allah in any way. Allah

will reward those who are grateful to Him.”

The vivid description of turning back is to be noted: “Will you turn about on your

heels?” The physical movement depicted here brings alive the meaning of abandoning

faith as if we see it with our own eyes. The verse does not refer to the physical turning

away as a result of defeat in battle. It is more concerned with the psychological turning

about when a voice cried out that Muhammad was killed. Some Muslims felt that there

was no use in fighting the polytheists, since the death of Muhammad, peace on him,

signaled the end of this faith and the end of combating polytheism. The psychological

effect is delineated in terms of turning about one’s heels, which was a movement that

actually took place during the battle. It is this very attitude against which An Nadhr Ibn

Anas, a companion of the Prophet, peace on him, warned his fellow Muslims when he saw that

many of them had laid down their arms. When they said to him in reply to his question

about their attitude, that Muhammad is dead, he said: “What use is life to you after he

has died? Get up and die for the cause for which Allah’s Messenger, peace on him, has

sacrificed his life.”

“He who turns about on his heels will not harm Allah in any way.” It is indeed he

who is the loser. He who deviates from the path of faith harms himself and causes Allah

no harm. Allah is in no need of mankind or their worship. It is out of His grace that He

has given His servants this constitution for their own good and happiness. Everyone who

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turns his back on it suffers from confusion and misery. Everything is thus set on the

wrong footing. Life itself becomes deviant. People suffer the evil consequences of

turning away from the only constitution, which provides harmony in human life and

achieves harmony between man, his nature and the universe around him.

“Allah will reward the grateful.” They know the great bounty Allah has given His

servants by establishing for them this code of living. They show their gratitude to Him

by following this code and praising Allah. They reap the benefits of this way of life and

achieve total happiness. This is good reward for their gratitude. But they also have an

increase of happiness with the reward they receive from Allah in the Hereafter. That is

much greater reward, and, unlike everything enjoyed in this world, it is everlasting.

Q 1: What should a dying person, if in his senses, do? What should anybody attending him do? What should the family of the deceased do? When the death occurs, what prayer is offered? Must the deceased be buried in a specified graveyard, or could he be buried in a residential area? What are the duties of the family of the deceased before and after burial?

Q 2: [A]... According to some practices in the Indian Sub-Continent and part of Arab world, the husband of a deceased woman cannot give her a bath. This is

because their marriage is annulled on the death of either spouse, which deprives the other of all rights acquired through marriage.

Q 2: [B]... People say that when one’s wife/husband dies, the marriage no longer exists. Face uncovered? Some people say that it is not permissible. Please comment.

Q 3: Can a woman take part in carrying the body of a dead man if there are only three men to carry it? Can a woman take part in the Funeral?

A 1: If death approaches and the

person is able to speak, he should say

the declaration that he believes in the

Oneness of Allah. This is the one known

as “the Kalimah” in many Muslim

countries. If he says it by himself, well

and good for him. If not, then anyone

who is attending him should try to get

him to say it. If the dying person is

unable to speak, he may make the

declaration mentally. If you are

attending a dying person, you must not

insist on him saying the declaration,

because he may be in pain or may not be

in full control of his powers. Insistence

may cause him to say something

unbecoming. If he did it once, that is

well and good. You do not try to make

him say it again unless he speaks of

other things. In this case, you say the

declaration again to him, implying that


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he should say it, so that his last word be

the declaration. Although some scholars

are of the view that full declaration is to

be prompted to the dying person, most

of them say that it is sufficient to

prompt him to say: “There is no deity

but Allah.”

It is recommended to make him lie down

facing the Qibla [which should be as he

is turned to his right].

It is also recommended to read the Surah

entitled “Ya’Seen” in front of a dying

person, not after his death. When the

death is confirmed, his eyes should be

closed and he should be covered. His

family should immediately start

preparing for his burial. He should be

washed and wrapped before offering the

special prayer for the deceased [i.e.

Janazah prayer] and burying him. His

debts should be paid off as soon as

possible from his own property. If he

dies insolvent, his debts may be paid

from the Zakah funds of the Muslim


His family should show patience and

pray Allah to reward him for their

acceptance of His will with patience and

perseverance. The Prophet, peace on him,

recommends us to say this supplication

when we suffer the death of a close


“To Allah we belong and to Him we

return. My Lord, reward me for my

tragedy and compensate me with better

than I have lost.” (Ahmad and Muslim)

It is recommended to inform the

deceased’s relatives and friends of his

death. It is permissible to weep for his

loss, without shouting or wailing. No

woman may wear mourning clothes for

any relative for more than three days.

The only exception is her husband for

whom she may be in mourning dress

throughout her mourning period, which

lasts four months and ten days, unless

she is pregnant when it lasts until her


Preparing for burial starts with washing

the deceased which is a duty incumbent

upon the Muslim community. If some of

them fulfill it, the others are released of

their duty. If none of them washes the

body of a deceased Muslim, all of them

incur a sin. Washing is with water. It is

sufficient to wash the deceased once,

but is more preferable to wash his/her

body three times with soap and water. If

any impurity has fallen on the body of

the deceased, it should be removed first.

Only those who are needed for the

washing should attend and they do not

publicize any secret they may find out.

The deceased should be undressed but

his private parts should remain covered

during washing. When the washing is

finished, the body is dried with a clean

dress or cloth other than his wrappers.

Some perfumes are used before the body

is wrapped in full. It should be noted her

that a fighter who is killed in battle by

non-believers need not be washed. He is

to be wrapped in his own clothes and


It is a community duty to have the

deceased person wrapped in clean

dresses or clothes, preferably white in

color. It is recommended to have three

layers for a deceased man and five for a

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deceased woman. Silk may not be used

to wrap a deceased man with, but it is

permissible as wrapper for a deceased

woman. Although most scholars

discourage that.

Prayers for the deceased (i.e. Janazah

prayer) are preferably led by his nearest

relative. Prayer for the deceased consists

of four glorifications of Allah, i.e. Takbir,

with the imam only saying “Allahu

Akbar” loudly. After the first one, the

imam and everybody else, reads Al-

Fatihah. After the second one, we read

the greeting to the Prophet, peace on

him, which we normally say in the

second part of Tashahhud in ordinary

prayers. After the third one, we offer a

supplication on behalf of the deceased

praying Allah to forgive him all his sins

and to admit him into heaven. After the

fourth, we have a general supplication

for all Muslims.

The deceased is then taken for burial.

People should walk quietly without

reading anything loudly, even though it

may be from the Qur’an or glorification

of Allah. The grave should be deep

enough to prevent any bad smell coming

out and to stop animals digging the body

up. It is recommended that when the

grave is filled up, it should be elevated

from the ground by not more than 25 to

30 cm, so that it is known to be a grave.

Elevating it higher is not permissible. It

is by far preferable to bury Muslims in

graveyards, although it is permissible to

bury a dead person at home. Following

the Prophet’s Sunnah is more preferable.

He ordered the burial of his companions

in the graveyard known as “Al-Baqee”.

Offering condolences to the family of the

deceased is recommended. It is

discouraged for the relatives of the

deceased to stay at a particular place to

accept condolences. These should be

offered when the relatives are met.

It is also recommended to visit graves

and graveyards. When you arrive at the

grave of a deceased relative, you stand

at the head of the grave and pray for the

dead person. It is also permissible for

women to visit graves, but they are

forbidden from wailing and crying


A 2 ... A: That a marriage comes to an

end on death of either partner may be

technically correct. But this is only a

technicality, which does not deprive

either party of the results of their having

been married. By extension one can say

that every relationship ends with death.

As for the point you are asking about, it

is the normal practice that another

woman washes the body of a deceased

woman. However, it is permissible for

wither spouse to wash the other in

preparation for burial. Moreover, if a

woman dies and there is no woman in

the locality who is willing to give her the

final bath, it is certainly far better that

she should be washed in that case by her


A 2 ... B: As explained above, from

the legal point of view, the marriage is

over when either spouse dies. Yet this

does not negate the relationship that

existed between the couple. It remains

permissible for the husband to see the

body of his deceased wife, or for the

wife to see her deceased husband. If

fact, he may wash her in preparation for

burial, if no women are available to

undertake the task.

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A 3: We tend always to give women a

very restricted role when Islam has given

them an equal role in life and recognized

their work as very important to human

society. Hence, there is no difference

between the duties required of men and

women in worship, except for a few

minor points, which are necessitated by

the physical or social conditions of both


In attending to the burial of a dead

person, it is preferable that men attend

to the washing of the body of dead man

and women attend to those of women.

But where this is not possible a husband

may wash the body of his deceased wife,

or vise versa.

In matters of burial, we have the case of

Abu Tharr, the companion of the

Prophet, peace on him, who died in a place

where he was all alone with his wife and

a servant. He recognized that he was

dying and he gave instructions to his

wife to do what is necessary for his

burial except for digging of his grave. He

told her to put his body by the roadside

and wait until some travelers arrived.

She was to tell them of the identity of

the deceased and request them to help in

burying him. She did so, and some

travelers soon passed by and

dismounted to bury Abu Tharr as he


More recently, when Hassan Al-Banna,

the founder of the Egyptian revivalist

movement known as the “Muslim

Brotherhood” was assassinated by the

agents of the government, no one was

allowed to attend his funeral. His body

was taken from his home to the

graveyard, carried by his father and the

women in his family. Let me tell you that

the father in this case was a scholar of

high repute who had done a great job in

indexing and explaining the Hadith

collection known as “Al-Masnad” by

Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal.

The simple answer to your question is

that when there is unavoidable need for

someone to do something in connection

with a funeral, they may do it within the

limits of that need.

“Every soul will taste of death. And you will be paid your reward fully only on the Resurrection day. Then whoever is removed far from the Fire

and is made to enter the Garden, he indeed attains the object. And the life of this world is nothing but a provision of vanities.” [3:185]

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Your Health

The Associated Press

Not so long ago, there was a certain image associated with being vegetarian. It usually involved

Birkenstock sandals, lentil loaf and an agenda.

There still are plenty of all three in the meatless movement, but a growing number of

Americans are finding they can have cauliflower and kale at the center of the plate without a

side of ideology. That’s because at the same time people are eating less meat, vegetables have

gained respect as worthy ingredients in their own right, not just as the garnish for a steak.

There even are celebrity vegetables (ramps and Brussels sprouts, anyone?), and perhaps most

telling, the word “vegetarian” has moved from the center of cookbook covers to the margins, if

it’s seen at all.

“I’ve always struggled with the ‘vegetarian’ label,” says

Deborah Madison, whose cookbook Vegetable

Literacy is the most recent in her 30-year career of

writing about vegetables. “When I began writing it

was so much about a lifestyle. You were or you

weren’t and people didn’t cross that line.” Today that

line is fluid. Movements such as “Meatless

Mondays,” as well as concerns about food quality and a tighter economy, have more Americans

treating meat as the side dish. And it shows in how we shop. The number of farmers markets

has more than doubled during the last 10 years, and meat consumption is down 12% since 2007.

Shifting attitude regarding what and how we eat also come into play. Americans today eat more

casually than previous generations. The idea of a “center of the plate” --- a large piece of meat

surrounded by a starch and a vegetable --- has loosened. Many Americans happily graze on

Mediterranean tapas, indulge in sushi or slurp Asian soups like Vietnamese pho, where meat is

an afterthought.

As our concept of what constitutes a meal has widened, so has the range of vegetables options.

During the ‘70s and ‘80s, lentil loaf was a very real and terrifying thing. Meanwhile, in a search

to replace the “missing” meat, many chefs loaded up on cheese, eggs and cream, trying to fill

diners up and prove that vegetarian food could be satisfying. And brown rice and other bland

ingredients made eating healthy seem like punishment.

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“I was going for bulk, for comfort food,” says Mollie Katzen, whose 1977 Moosewood Cookbook

made her a pioneer in the movement. “Now I wouldn’t serve one heavy clunker in the center of

the plate. My cooking is far more modular --- a little bit of whole grains, some legumes. I like to

call it ‘the peace sign plate.’”

If chefs have changed, so have their audiences. The culinary revolution of the 1980s introduced

Americans to a greater range of flavors and to the idea of fresh produce artfully deployed. A

greater awareness of international cuisines also has opened doors to a new kind of vegetable-

oriented cooking.

“We’ve brought so many cultural influences into the conversation,” says Diane Morgan, author

of “Roots”, which celebrates turnips, sun chokes and other underground vegetables. The

granola-era people weren’t sophisticated. Now the volume of ethnic cookbooks coming into the

conversation changes that.”

Islamic teachings require that a Muslim should always tell the truth, in all

situations. Telling a lie is permissible only in very limited and strict situations,

such as the case of trying to deceive the enemies of the Muslim community,

working for reconciliation between two quarrelling people, or to ensure peaceful

relations at one’s own home [wife/husband]. Otherwise, a Muslim must always

tell the truth, even though he might fear that it would land him in trouble with

his superiors or with the authorities.

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O you who believe, be maintainers of justice, bearers of witness for Allah, even

though it be against your own selves or (your) parents or near relatives —

whether he be rich or poor, Allah has a better right over them both. So follow not

(your) low desires, lest you deviate. And if you distort or turn away from

(truth), surely Allah is ever Aware of what you do.

When we are known to always tell

the truth, people will accept our statements

without need to asserting them through an

oath. Every one of us knows people who set

themselves proper moral standards, and we

know that we can trust whatever they say. If

they promise, we are sure that they will

honor their promises. If they decline

something, we know there is no way to get

them to accept it.

However, sometimes supporting a

statement with an oath is felt to be better,

and we do it to make things perfectly clear

to whomever we are addressing. This is

acceptable, but we must always make sure

that we do not swear to something unless

we are certain that it is true. Sometimes we

feel we need to swear that we will do, or will

not do something in particular. Again this is

acceptable as long as we know what we are

committing ourselves to.

Nevertheless, it may happen that we

swear to something and then discover that

we were hasty, and that we should not have

constricted ourselves by an oath. Or it may

be that we find that breaching our oath is

the better option. What is to be done in

such a situation? The Prophet, peace on him, gave

us a clear answer. A long Hadith related by

Muslim is his authentic collection gives us a

perfect example. The Hadith is reported by

Abdullah ibn Qays, a learned companion of

the Prophet, peace on him, who is better known

as Abu Moosa Al-Ash’ari. He had come to

Madinah from Yemen with a large group of

his community to join the Prophet, peace on him.

The report is about an incident that took

place as the Muslim community was

preparing for the Tabouk Expedition, which

they undertook in the summer months,

traveling a distance of more than 700km

each way in the desert. It was practically

impossible for anyone to join that army

unless he had a mount, or shared one. The

army that was raised for it is known in

Islamic history as the Army of the Hardship,

and the occasion is described in the Qur’an

as “the hour of hardship.” Abu Moosa


My tribesmen sent me to request

God’s Messenger for mounts to use as

they wanted to join the Army of the

Hardship, which was to go on the

Tabouk Expedition. I said to him:

“Prophet, my friends have sent me to

you requesting some mounts.” He

said: “By God, I will not give you any

mounts.” I had apparently come

when he was angry, but I did not

realize that. And I went back, feeling

very sad at the Prophet’s rejection

and fearing that he might have been

displeased with me on some account.

When I reached my friends’ place I

told them what the Prophet, peace on him,

had said to me. It was only a short

while later when I heard Bilal calling

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me by my name, Abdullah ibn Qays.

When I answered him, he said: “God’s

Messenger is calling you, so go to

him.” When I reached the Prophet’s

place, he pointed to six camels he had

bought at the time from Sa’ad, and

said to me: “Take these two tied

together, and these two, and these

two, to your friends and tell them

that God has given you these mounts

to ride.” I went to my friends and

told them that God’s Messenger has

given them those mounts, and I

added: “But I will not leave you until

some of you will come with me to

meet some of the people who had

heard the Prophet, peace on him, as he

denied me any mounts in the first

instance and then gave me the

mounts, so that you would not

entertain any thought that I might

have told you something he do not

say.” They said: “You have our full

trust, but we will still do what you

wish.” Some of them went with me

and met some people who had heard

the Prophet first denying them any

mounts then giving them, and they

confirmed what Abu Moosa had said.

This is the longest of several versions

related by Muslim of this Hadith, some of

which are also related by Al Bukhari,

Ahmad, Al Nissaei and Ibn Majah. Another

version mentions that when Abu Moosa’s

people received the camels, some of them

said: “God will not bless our efforts, because

when we first requested mounts from the

Prophet, peace on him, he swore that he would

not be giving us any, but he later gave us

mounts.” Therefore, they went to the

Prophet and told him what they feared. He

said to them: “It was not I that

provided the mounts for you; it was

God. As for me, should I swear to

something, and then realize that the

opposite option is better, I will

certainly do the better choice and

atone for my oath.”

This second version explains why the

Prophet, peace on him, changed his mind

after only a short while of swearing that he

would not be giving those people any

mounts to ride as they were keen to join

him on a hard expedition. He recognized

that they were good Muslims eager to do

their duty. His original oath was made on

the spur of the moment, as Abu Moosa

made his request, not realizing that the

Prophet, peace on him, was upset about

something. But when the Prophet’s anger

subsided and he was able to buy some

camels, he immediately sent for Abu Moosa

to take them. This he did despite his oath

that was still fresh in his mind. Many of us

would not budge from an oath we make,

thinking that the oath has absolute sanctity.

But the Prophet, peace on him, teaches us in a

practical way that it is not. When the

opposite is better, then the opposite of the

oath should be done. In this case, it was

better for the people concerned and the

Muslim community in general that they

should join the expedition. Hence, the

Prophet, peace on him, bought the camels and

gave them to those people to ride. He

explained that he did this because it was the

better choice. He would atone for his oath.

Atonement for an oath is easy. It is

explained in the Qur’an:

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Allah will not call you to account for that

which is vain in your oaths, but He will call

you to account for the making of deliberate

oaths; so its expiation is the feeding of ten

poor men with the average (food) you feed

your families with, or their clothing, or the

freeing of a neck. But whoso finds not

(means) should fast for three days. This is

the expiration of your oaths when you

swear. And keep your oaths. Thus does

Allah make clear to you His messages that

you may give thanks. {“Al Ma’idah” 5:89}

And from among you there should be a party who invite to

good and enjoin the right and forbid the wrong. And these

are they who are successful.

And whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger, they are with those

upon whom Allah has bestowed favours from among the prophets

and the truthful and the faithful and the righteous, and a goodly

company are they!

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Peace and Blessings of Allah on him Lady Khadija and Lady Ayesha were the best

known of the Prophet’s wives. He married

Lady Khadija when he was twenty-five. Some

reports put her age at the time of his marriage at

forty, but this is most probably not correct

considering that she gave the Prophet, peace on him,

no fewer than six children, some of whom were

born more than ten years after their marriage.

All indications suggest that she was much

younger than that, perhaps in her early thirties.

He was married to her for twenty-five years

during which he did not get married to anyone

else. She died ten years after the Prophet, peace on

him, started to receive revelations from Allah,

and three years before his emigration from

Makkah to Madinah. The Prophet, peace on him,

continued to have good memories of his

marriage to Lady Khadija right to the end of his

blessed life.

After Lady Khadija’s death, the Prophet, peace on

him, was married to two women, Lady Sawdah,

who was in middle age when he married, and

Lady Ayesha, the daughter of his most

intimate friend, Abu Bakr. Lady Ayesha was

young at that time, with some reports putting

her age at nine or ten. It must be borne in mind

that such reports could not have been accurate

in a largely illiterate community where there

was no registration of births or deaths. But from

the total sum of the reports that mention Lady

Ayesha, her early childhood, youth, marriage

and later life, we can conclude on very reliable

authority that she was well in her middle or late

teens when she go married to the Prophet. PBUH

We have mentioned in the past that many of the

Prophet’s marriages were motivated by

political, social or legislative considerations. As

we have mentioned, Lady Ayesha was the

daughter of Abu Bakr, the Prophet’s friend and

successor. He was also married to Lady

Hafsah, the daughter of Omar ibn Al Khattab,

the second ruler of the Muslim state after Abu

Bakr. So, both of the first two of the rightly

guided caliphs had their daughters married to

the Prophet, peace on him. The third and fourth,

Osman and Ali were married to the Prophet’s


The Prophet, peace on him, also married Umm

Habeebah, the daughter of Abu Sufyaan, the

leader of Quraish who was waging a most

determined fight against Islam. Lady Umm

Habeebah had immigrated to Abyssinia a few

years earlier when the Prophet, peace on him, advised

a group of his companions to travel and settle

there. During her stay in that faraway country,

Umm Habeebah’s husband died. She was in a

very difficult situation, having no relations in

Abyssinia, with her father leading Quraish and

other Arabian Tribes in a fight to exterminate

Islam. Learning of her plight, the Prophet, peace on

him, sent one of his companions to Negus, the

ruler of Abyssinia who had accepted Islam, to

arrange his marriage to Lady Habeebah and

send her to him. That was a marriage even Abu

Sufyaan, her father, could be proud of.

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The Prophet, peace on him, also married Umm

Salamah, the widow of one of his valiant

companions, who was left with children to look

after and practically no one to support her.

Two marriages had clear political motives. The

first was the Prophet’s marriage to Lady

Juwairiyah, the daughter of a Tribal chief who

had raised an army to fight the Prophet, peace on

him. The Muslims pre-empted his attempt and

managed to inflict a heavy defeat on him and

his tribe of Almustalaq. Many of the men in

that tribe were taken captive, and as was the

common practice at that time, prisoners of war

were made slaves. The Prophet, peace on him, hated

slavery and freed every slave who came into his

possession. When the Prophet, peace on him, married

Lady Juwairiyah, his companions felt that they

could not keep the Prophet’s “in-laws” as their

slaves. Therefore, they refrained from taking

any one of them and let them free. It was said

of Lady Juwairiyah that probably no woman

brought her tribe greater blessings.

The other marriage to be mentioned in this

connection was the Prophet’s matrimonial

union with Lady Safiyah, the daughter of

Huyai ibn Akhtab, a Jewish scholar who was

dedicated to fighting the Prophet, peace on him, and

Islam. In fact, it was Huyai who worked hard to

forge an alliance of Arabian and Jewish tribes

which marched on Madinah to try to eliminate

the Muslim community altogether. That was the

alliance, which tried to attack the Muslims in

what is known as “the expedition of the Moat

[Ghazwa-e-Khandaq]”. Huyai was executed

along with the Jews of Huraithah after victory

was granted by Allah to Muslims. A couple of

years later, Safiyah’s Jewish husband was

killed in the Battle of Khyber. After the battle,

the Prophet, peace on him, married her to help

normalize the relations with those Jews who

continued to live in Arabia. In fact, Lady

Safiyah fell to the Prophet, peace on him, as a slave

as part of his share of what the Muslims gained

as a result of the battle. He, however, offered

her freedom if she would accept Islam, which

she did, and he married her.

Now about the Prophet’s marriage to Lady

Zainab, who was known by the title, “Mother

of the Poor”, because she was so keen to help

every poor person. She was married to the

Prophet, peace on him, for only two months before

she passed away. The other marriage was to

Lady Maimounah, which took place after the

Prophet, peace on him, and the Muslims went for

their Umrah, a few months before the conquest

of Makkah.

One marriage, which had clear legislative

purpose, was that which saw the Prophet, peace on

him, married, by God’s own order, to Lady

Zainab bint Jahsh. Before Islam and well into

the early years of the Muslim settlement in

Madinah, the Arabs used to recognize adoption

as giving full parental status. Thus, if a couple

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adopted a child, he was considered their own

son or daughter in every respect. Islam,

however, stopped adoption and considered it a

forbidden practice, which could give no legal

effect to any relationship. The Prophet, peace on him,

had adopted, in pre-Islamic days, a young man

who had been gifted to him as a slave. The

young man was known as Zaid ibn Harithah.

He declared his adoption of Zaid, who was

subsequently known as Zaid ibn Muhammad. It

is perhaps worth mentioning here that Zaid was

the first man to adopt Islam. When the

prohibition of adoption was declared, Zaid

reverted to his original name and was known

ever since as Zaid ibn Harithah, after his real


The Prophet, peace on him, had married Zaid to Lady

Zainab, the daughter of his paternal aunt.

However, Zainab was rather unhappy about the

marriage, because of Zaid’s former slave status.

Zaid was very uneasy about the marriage and

asked the Prophet’s permission to divorce her.

At this point, the Prophet, peace on him, was ordered

to allow the divorce to go through and to marry

Zainab after her waiting period was over. The

Prophet, peace on him, was very reluctant to do so,

because of what people might say about his

marrying his former “daughter-in-law”. But

God wanted to demonstrate in practice the

absolute invalidity of adoption in the most

practical manner. God declares in the Qur’an:

And when thou saidst to him to whom Allah had

shown favour and to whom thou hadst shown a

favour: Keep thy wife to thyself and keep thy duty to

Allah; and thou concealedst in thy heart what Allah

would bring to light, and thou fearedst men, and

Allah has a greater right that thou shouldst fear

Him. So when Zaid dissolved her marriage-tie, We

gave her to thee as a wife, so that there should be

no difficulty for the believers about the wives of

their adopted sons, when they have dissolved their

marriage-tie. And Allah’s command is ever

performed. (33:37)

A few verses later, God declared:

Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but

he is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the

prophets. And Allah is ever Knower of all things.

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his past month has been hectic, as it must have been for a lot of you. Back to

school, back from vacation, back into routine and back into autumn. As i see

the leaves fall, it slowly hits me how quickly this year too, like all previous ones,

has passed by.

When I was younger, my parents taught me a prayer to recite before starting

anything, in particular an exam. To this day, I can imagine my mom and dad

twiddling their thumbs with nerve-wrecking hope that I’d do well in whatever

test I’d have gone to give. So, needless to say, like every prayer, it needs to be

recited from within, with true faith and confidence.

The dua’a is from Surah Taha, Verses 25-26:

“He [Moses] said: My Lord, expand my breast for me: And ease my

affair for me”:

This dua’a was said by Prophet Moses as he

embarked on the mission to spread the word

of Allah to the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh,

allegorical to a lot of situations and people

we have to face daily and / or at various

times of our lives.

This in my eyes is one of the true beauties of

our religion. The entirety and completeness

of Islam is vivid. Allah asks us to ask Him.

He tells us over and over again how to do so.

He then promises to listen, and in doing so,

He again provides us with ways of asking.

Nothing is a mystery and is easy enough that

even an uneducated person can understand

this notion of “just asking”. What a shame, if

despite all this, we refuse to ask.

A few weeks ago, somebody I know, their

granddad passed away. I called to condole

and said “May Allah wash away his sins and

make his life in the hereafter good ....” I was

continuing this but was cut off by her






DIARY” Siddiqa Sadiq

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[email protected] Page 17

comment. “No trust me; you don’t even need to pray for that, he was so pious he

doesn’t need a prayer for forgiveness.”

Consider me very narrow minded, but this shocked me greatly. Our prayers are

not even complete until we have recited the ‘Darood’. The father of Islam,

Prophet Ibrahim, and the Prophet for whom this entire world was created,

Prophet Muhammad {peace and blessings of Allah be on them both}, both have the Darood recited

over and over again for them. Prophet Moses was revealed verses for him to pray

to help him, verses which we centuries later recite in front of the All Mighty. Who

are we compared to such great personalities, who are we in front of the great

Deity? Who are we to say that we do not need prayers as ordinary simple

creatures of Allah? Above all, who are we to say we do not need forgiveness from


May Allah forgive our sins, and of those who have already returned to Him, Ameen

Say: My prayer and my sacrifice and my life and my death are surely

for Allah, the Lord of the worlds—

Whose hearts tremble when Allah is mentioned, and who are patient

in their afflictions, and who keep up prayer, and spend of what We

have given them.

And your Lord says: Pray to Me, I will answer you. Those who disdain

My service will surely enter hell, abased.