property tax/rent rebate program - 2014 … and...this report contains general statistical...


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  • Bureau of Individual Taxes | Hbg, PA 17128 | 717.787.8346 | 1




    AS OF MAY 5, 2016

  • Bureau of Individual Taxes | Hbg, PA 17128 | 717.787.8346 | 2


    This report contains general statistical information extracted from 2014 Property Tax/Rent Rebate applications processed by the PA Department of Revenue, Bureau of Individual Taxes, through May 5, 2016. As of the date of this report, 567,280 claims have been paid, 25 applications are pending payment and 19,482 applications were denied. Claims were denied because they did not meet the statutory eligibility requirements or because the PA Department of Revenue did not receive the necessary documents to warrant payment.

  • Bureau of Individual Taxes | Hbg, PA 17128 | 717.787.8346 | 3


    INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 4 PERCENTAGE OF TAXES OR RENT ALLOWED AS REBATE ............................. 5 STATISTICS ON THE 2014 REBATES AWARDED.................................................. 5 LEGISLATION HISTORY ............................................................................................ 6 CALCULATION OF REBATE ..................................................................................... 8 SOURCES OF INCOME ............................................................................................ 101 REPORT DETAILS.................................................................................................... 101 SECTION A





  • Bureau of Individual Taxes | Hbg, PA 17128 | 717.787.8346 | 4

    INTRODUCTION The purpose of the Property Tax/Rent Rebate program is to assist Pennsylvanians age 65 and older, widows and widowers age 50 and over, and permanently disabled citizens age 18 and older to maintain peaceable possession of their homesteads. The individuals eligible under this program often subsist on fixed limited incomes. Homeowners and renters who meet these requirements may be eligible to receive a rebate for some or all of the property taxes or rent paid on their occupied residence. Applicants who paid both property taxes and rent any time during the applicable tax year fall under the category of Owner/Renter and are also eligible for rebates. Act 1 of 2006, the Taxpayer Relief Act increased the income eligibility requirements for Property Tax/Rent Rebates from $15,000 to $35,000 for homeowners and boosted the maximum rebate from $500 to $650 for all recipients. Eligibility requirements for renters remained at $15,000. Act 156 of 2014 further changed income eligibility guidelines for the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program so that income increases due solely to Social Security cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) no longer disqualify claimants from receiving rebates through claim year 2016. As a result, any homeowner who collected Social Security, received a property tax rebate in 2013 for claim year 2012 and had annual income in 2013 - discounting half of Social Security – up to $35,595, could qualify for a rebate for claim year 2013. Any renter who collected Social Security, received a rent rebate in 2013 for claim year 2012 and had annual income in 2013 – discounting half of Social Security – up to $15,255, could also qualify. For claim year 2014, the number of rent rebates paid decreased by 629 compared to the previous year. The number of property tax rebates to homeowners decreased by 12,820. Therefore, the total number of rebates decreased by 13,449. There were 59,252 new (first time) claims representing 10.4 percent of the total claims processed for the year. The average annual income for all claims was $13,995 with rebates averaging $477.50, or 3.4 percent of the average income reported. Rebates to qualified claimants for taxes or rent paid during claim year 2014 totaled more than $270.8 million. Since the beginning of the Property Tax/Rent Rebate program in 1971, $6.2 billion has been distributed.

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    PERCENTAGE OF TAXES OR RENT ALLOWED AS REBATE Rebates for homeowners are calculated on the basis of real estate taxes actually paid (less penalties, per capita and occupation taxes). Rebates for renters are calculated on the basis of rent paid (less food, medical care and other charges) multiplied by a statutory percentage of 20 percent. The percent of rebate allowable for renters assumes that 20 percent of the total rent paid by an individual is used by the landlord to satisfy the real estate taxes on the rented property. The maximum rebate is determined by the claimant’s income. The table is broken into four maximum rebates for owners and two maximum rebates for renters.







    $0 to $8,000 $650 $0 to $8,000 $650 $8,001 to $15,000 $500 $8,001 to $15,000 $500

    $15,001 to $18,000 $300 $18,001 to $35,000 $250

    STATISTICS ON 2014 REBATES AWARDED Number of claims paid: 567,280 Total dollar amount of rebates issued: $270,878,343 Average income for all claims: $13,995 Average rebate for all claimants: $477.50 Percentage of rebate amount to income reported: 3.40% Number of homeowners claiming rebates: 367,130 Total dollar amount of rebates issued $161,486,397 Average rebate for homeowners: $439.86 Number of renters claiming rebates: 200,150 Total dollar amount of rebates issued $109,391,946 Average rebate for renters: $546.55 Number of claimants who received the $650 maximum rebate: 126,210 Number of claimants whose rebates covered 100 percent of property taxes


    Number of claimants who received supplemental rebates 126,220

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    LEGISLATION / HISTORY ACT 3 of 1971 Pennsylvania’s Property Tax/Rent Rebate (PTRR) program was established under Act 3 of 1971, also known as the Senior Citizens Rebate and Assistance Act. The PTRR program was designed to assist Pennsylvania’s elderly, widows, widowers and permanently disabled citizens in maintaining statutory possession of their homesteads by providing tax relief in the form of rebate. ACT 272 of 1978 In December 1978, the General Assembly increased each income bracket by $1,500 starting with the filing of 1978 rebate applications. The maximum rebate increased from $200 to $400. ACT 131 of 1979 -- Inflation Dividends As a result of Act 131 of 1979, all recipients of PTRR automatically received an inflation dividend ranging from $20 to $125 for claim years 1978-1989. The amount of Inflation Dividend was based on household income as reported on the PTRR claim and was fixed according to the income brackets below:

    Inflation Dividends (1978-1989)1


    Income Inflation Dividend

    ($) 0-4,999 125

    5,000-5,999 100 6,000-6,999 75 7,000-7,999 60 8,000-8,999 45

    9,000-12,999 30 13,000-15,000 20

    The Inflation Dividend was eliminated beginning with claim year 1990. The total amount of Inflation Dividends received by claimants for claim years from 1978 through 1989 was $386.7 million.

    1 Act 36 of 1991 eliminated Inflation Dividends beginning with claim year 1990.

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    ACT 56 of 1982 In March of 1982, the General Assembly increased each income bracket by $500 starting with the filing of 1981 rebate applications. The maximum rebate increased from $400 to $500. ACT 53 of 1985 Beginning with claim year 1985, the rebate percentage tables increased household income eligibility to $15,000. ACT 36 of 1991 Eliminated Inflation Dividends beginning with claim year 1990. ACT 30 of 1999 Beginning in 1999, Pennsylvania defined PTRR eligibility income as the total household income minus 50 percent of Social Security and/or Railroad Retirement Benefits.2 This legislation resulted in a reduction of the average income compared to the previous years. ACT 1 of 2006 On June 27, 2006, Act 1, also known as the Taxpayer Relief Act, was signed into law. The act increased the income eligibility requirements for PTRR from $15,000 to $35,000 for homeowners and boosted the maximum rebate from $500 to $650 for all recipients. Eligibility for renters remained at the previous provision of income less than $15,000. The act also streamlined the payment schedule, replacing the percentages with flat rebate amounts based on income. Claims for calendar year 2006 to present are determined using the total amount of real property taxes paid and the total amount of rent rebate in lieu of property taxes, or the maximum rebate amount (whichever is less). ACT 156 of 2014 In October 2014, Act 156 of 2014 further changed income eligibility guidelines for the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program so that income increases due solely to Social Security cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) no longer disqualify claimants from receiving rebates through claim year 2016. 2 Beginning in 1999. See Act 30 of 1999.

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    CALCULATION OF REBATE Prior to Act 1 of 2006, PTRR rebates were calculated as a percentage of property taxes or rent rebate in lieu of property taxes (20 percent of rent) paid for a particular claim year. Renter rebate percentages assume that 20 percent of the total rent paid by an individual is used by the landlord to satisfy the real estate taxes on the rented property. Below are the rebate percentage tables applicable for 1973-1984 and 1985-2004 claim years.

    Rebate Percentages (1973-1984)

    Tax Rent

    Rebate Rebate Income Parameters % % 1973-1977 1978-19803 1981-19844

    100% 20% 0 - 2,499 0 - 4,499 0 - 4,999 90% 18% 3,000 - 3,499 4,500 - 4,999 80% 16% 3,500 - 3,999 5,000 - 5,499 5,000 - 5,999 70% 14% 4,000 - 4,499 5,500 - 5,999 60% 12% 4,500 - 4,999 6,000 - 6,499 6,000 - 6,999 50% 10% 5,000 - 5,499 6,500 - 6,999 40% 8% 5,500 - 5,999 7,000 - 7,499 7,000 - 7,999 30% 6% 6,000 - 6,499 7,500 - 7,999 20% 4% 6,500 - 6,999 8,000 - 8,499 8,000 - 8,999 10% 2% 7,000 - 7,499 8,500 - 8,999 9,000 - 11,999

    Rebate Percentages


    Rebate % Rent % Income Parameters 100% 20% 0 - 5,499 90% 18% 5,500 - 5,999 80% 16% 6,000 - 6,499 70% 14% 6,500 - 6,999 60% 12% 7,000 - 7,499 50% 10% 7,500 - 7,999 40% 8% 8,000 - 8,499 35% 7% 8,500 - 8,999 25% 5% 9,000 - 9,999 20% 4% 10,000 - 11,999 15% 3% 12,000 - 12,999 10% 2% 13,000 - 15,000

    3 Act 272 of 1978 increased each income bracket by $1,500 and raised the maximum rebate from $200 to $400 beginning with claim year 1978. 4 Act 56 of 1982 increased each income bracket by $500 and raised the maximum rebate from $400 to $600 beginning with claim year 1981. 5 Act 53 of 1985 increased household income eligibility to $15,000 from $11,999 beginning with claim year 1985.

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    Act 1 of 2006-increased the income eligibility requirements for PTRR from $15,000 to $35,000 for homeowners and boosted the maximum rebate from $500 to $650 for all recipients. Eligibility for renters remained at the previous provision of income less than $15,000. The act also streamlined the payment schedule replacing the percentages with flat rebate amounts based on income. Claims for calendar year 2006 to present are determined using the total amount of real property taxes paid and 20 percent of total amount of rent paid in lieu of property taxes, or the maximum rebate amount (whichever is less). The following table summarizes the new rebate parameters.

    Owner Rebates (Claim Year 2006-Present)

    Household Income Max Rebate

    ($) 0 - 8,000 650

    8,001 - 15,000 500 15,001 - 18,000 300 18,001 - 35,000 250

    Renter Rebates (Claim Year 2006-Present)

    Household Income Max Rebate

    ($) 0 - 8,000 650

    8,001 - 15,000 500

  • Bureau of Individual Taxes | Hbg, PA 17128 | 717.787.8346 |



    A) HOMEOWNERS The average household income (claimant and spouse) reported by homeowners applying for a 2014 property tax rebate was $18,017, a 0.62 percent increase from the previous year’s average of $17,906. B) RENTERS The average household income reported by applicants for a 2014 rent rebate was $6,619, a 0.3 percent increase from the previous year’s average of $6,599. REPORT DETAILS The next table provides a historical look at claims and rebates since the program began. In Section A of this report, specific sources of income by claimant category are reported, followed by Section B, which displays disbursements on a county basis and Section C, which displays disbursements on a school district basis. Section D displays the supplemental rebates that were paid by county and school district.

  • Bureau of Individual Taxes | Hbg, PA 17128 | 717.787.8346 |





    1971 HOMEOWNER 265,487 $25,446,545 1972 HOMEOWNER 264,802 $25,243,773 1972 RENTER 67,350 $5,753,048 1973 HOMEOWNER 313,199 $42,984,565 1973 RENTER 79,343 $10,442,391 1974 HOMEOWNER 321,019 $43,749,992 1974 RENTER 105,421 $14,204,232 1975 HOMEOWNER 310,135 $42,463,553 1975 RENTER 114,392 $15,772,533 1976 HOMEOWNER 302,984 $42,156,889 1976 RENTER 123,607 $17,490,589 1977 HOMEOWNER 288,337 $41,643,148 1977 RENTER 124,878 $18,146,955 1978 HOMEOWNER 330,447 $74,587,257 INFLATION DIVIDEND 330,447 $18,144,155 1978 RENTER 148,413 $31,828,443 INFLATION DIVIDEND 148,413 $10,225,770 1979 HOMEOWNER 310,081 $68,534,842 INFLATION DIVIDEND 310,069 $16,039,100 1979 RENTER 153,876 $32,943,665 INFLATION DIVIDEND 153,867 $10,200,005 1980 HOMEOWNER 272,571 $60,263,672 INFLATION DIVIDEND 272,368 $13,100,250 1980 RENTER 149,861 $32,546,762 INFLATION DIVIDEND 149,677 $9,443,335 NOTES: A) For purposes of this chart, a claimant that applied as both a homeowner and renter is included within the homeowner figures. B) Figures included in this chart for prior years are based on statistics available when that year’s respective report was prepared.

  • Bureau of Individual Taxes | Hbg, PA 17128 | 717.787.8346 |


    CLAIM YEAR NUMBER OF CLAIMS REBATE ISSUED 1980 HOMEOWNER/ RENTER “BONUS” 417,360 $41,736,000 1981 HOMEOWNER 296,797 $64,354,337 INFLATION DIVIDEND 296,508 $23,578,310 1981 RENTER 168,123 $37,225,418 INFLATION DIVIDEND 167,901 $16,317,115 1982 HOMEOWNER 280,455 $58,810,081 INFLATION DIVIDEND 280,237 $20,964,985 1982 RENTER 169,125 $38,024,657 INFLATION DIVIDEND 168,825 $15,819,470 1983 HOMEOWNER 269,275 $57,451,740 INFLATION DIVIDEND 269,245 $19,662,820 1983 RENTER 172,362 $40,882,480 INFLATION DIVIDEND 171,592 $15,880,485 1984 HOMEOWNER 255,481 $55,542,255 INFLATION DIVIDEND 255,275 $18,600,150 1984 RENTER 173,473 $43,050,689 INFLATION DIVIDEND 173,202 $15,977,695 1985 HOMEOWNER 291,130 $69,938,994 INFLATION DIVIDEND 291,130 $18,585,995 1985 RENTER 187,185 $51,803,452 INFLATION DIVIDEND 187,185 $16,239,425 1986 HOMEOWNER 291,323 $69,421,178 INFLATION DIVIDEND 290,948 $17,826,555 1986 RENTER 193,028 $54,216,057 INFLATION DIVIDEND 192,496 $16,325,170 1987 HOMEOWNER 293,374 $70,493,559 INFLATION DIVIDEND 293,120 $17,464,355 1987 RENTER 196,626 $55,985,208 INFLATION DIVIDEND 196,281 $16,376,055 1988 HOMEOWNER 282,448 $67,466,670 INFLATION DIVIDEND 282,327 $16,087,080 NOTES: A) For purposes of this chart, a claimant that applied as both a homeowner and renter is included within the homeowner figures. B) Figures included in this chart for prior years are based on statistics available when that year’s respective report was prepared.

  • Bureau of Individual Taxes | Hbg, PA 17128 | 717.787.8346 |


    CLAIM YEAR NUMBER OF CLAIMS REBATE ISSUED 1988 RENTER 192,472 $53,904,729 INFLATION DIVIDEND 192,088 $15,437,435 1989 HOMEOWNER 261,992 $62,743,813 INFLATION DIVIDEND 261,929 $14,273,235 1989 RENTER 184,475 $51,285,685 INFLATION DIVIDEND 184,264 $14,089,090 1990 HOMEOWNER 241,770 $58,497,025 1990 RENTER 180,585 $50,184,338 1991 HOMEOWNER 225,157 $54,924,028 1991 RENTER 177,266 $49,246,457 1992 HOMEOWNER 213,278 $52,898,263 1992 RENTER 175,103 $49,200,967 1993 HOMEOWNER 202,117 $51,101,831 1993 RENTER 172,296 $48,521,143 1994 HOMEOWNER 191,144 $48,821,609 1994 RENTER 169,082 $47,374,011 1995 HOMEOWNER 171,579 $42,703,666 1995 RENTER 162,772 $45,222,608 1996 HOMEOWNER 157,362 $38,420,180 1996 RENTER 159,202 $44,502,207 1997 HOMEOWNER 153,340 $42,308,735 1997 RENTER 142,516 $34,936,916 1998 HOMEOWNER 131,065 $32,011,933 1998 RENTER 143,889 $39,485,300 NOTES: A) For purposes of this chart, a claimant that applied as both a homeowner and renter is included within the homeowner figures. B) Figures included in this chart for prior years are based on statistics available when that year’s respective report was prepared.

  • Bureau of Individual Taxes | Hbg, PA 17128 | 717.787.8346 |


    CLAIM YEAR NUMBER OF CLAIMS REBATE ISSUED 1999 HOMEOWNER 176,268 $63,182,983 1999 RENTER 152,202 $58,400,564 2000 HOMEOWNER 171,623 $60,847,824 2000 RENTER 152,224 $58,585,534 2001 HOMEOWNER 169,661 $61,326,359 2001 RENTER 153,585 $59,595,825 2002 HOMEOWNER 167,866 $61,628,483 2002 RENTER 156,828 $61,254,549 2003 HOMEOWNER 170,552 $63,336,064 2003 RENTER 160,543 $63,216,417 2004 HOMEOWNER 161,453 $60,656,967 2004 RENTER 160,214 $63,036,653 2005 HOMEOWNER 154,711 $58,060,254 2005 RENTER 159,194 $62,694,231 2006 HOMEOWNER 390,412 $151,406,482 2006 RENTER 177,645 $92,819,238 2007 HOMEOWNER 394,281 $178,119,425 2007 RENTER 186,236 $98,044,022 2008 HOMEOWNER 399,938 $175,091,581 2008 RENTER 191,637 $101,624,247 2009 HOMEOWNER 412,944 $179,333,264 2009 RENTER 192,916 $102,965,625 2010 HOMEOWNERS 407,743 $178,755,289 2010 RENTER 196,636 $105,680,489 NOTES: A) For purposes of this chart, a claimant that applied as both a homeowner and renter is included within the homeowner figures. B) Figures included in this chart for prior years are based on statistics available when that year’s respective report was prepared.

  • Bureau of Individual Taxes | Hbg, PA 17128 | 717.787.8346 |


    CLAIM YEAR NUMBER OF CLAIMS REBATE ISSUED 2011 HOMEOWNERS 400,474 $177,546,094 2011 RENTER 197,601 $106,149,215 2012 HOMEOWNERS 389,635 $172,465,623 2012 RENTER 199,500 $107,507,088 2013 HOMEOWNERS 379,950 $168,160,507 2013 RENTER 200,779 $109,006,521 2014 HOMEOWNERS 367,130 $161,486,397 2014 RENTER 200,150 $107,391,946 NOTES: A) For purposes of this chart, a claimant that applied as both a homeowner and renter is included within the homeowner figures. B) Figures included in this chart for prior years are based on statistics available when that year’s respective report was prepared.

    TOTAL REBATES ISSUED TO DATE 18,927,401 $ 5,810,540,838 TOTAL INFLATION DIVIDENDS 5,519,394 $ 386,658,040 TOTAL $100 BONUS PAYMENTS 417,360 $ 41,736,000 TOTAL PAID TO DATE $ 6,238,934,879

  • Bureau of Individual Taxes | Hbg, PA 17128 | 717.787.8346 |




  • Bureau of Individual Taxes | Hbg, PA 17128 | 717.787.8346 |


    ANALYSIS OF REBATES GRANTED STATEWIDE BY CLAIMANT CATEGORY DATE MAY 05 2016 2014 CLAIM YEAR REPORT NO. TA3000 OWNER/RENTER/OWNER-RENTER PERCENT OF PERCENT INCOME OF CATEGORY NUMBER TOTAL TOWARD RENT OR AVERAGE OF OF REBATE RENT OR TAXES RENT OR TAX REBATE TYPE CLAIM CLAIMANTS ISSUED INCOME PAID TAXES REBATED GRANTED ----- ------- --------- -------------- -------------- --------------- ------- ------- ------- OWNER A 301,099 127,688,198.45 5,681,319,832 598,526,724.73 10.53 21.33 424.07 B 3,337 1,231,855.89 70,856,847 6,535,150.92 9.22 18.84 369.15 C 7,451 3,190,674.01 142,101,502 14,297,994.28 10.06 22.31 428.22 D 55,243 29,375,669.45 720,345,355 79,689,631.48 11.06 36.86 531.75 ========= ============== ============== ================ ====== ====== ====== TOTAL 367,130 161,486,397.80 6,614,623,536 699,049,501.41 10.56 23.10 439.86 RENTER A 67,439 35,561,697.31 552,111,213 382,004,436.47 69.18 9.30 527.32 B 326 172,501.15 2,690,821 1,790,808.80 66.55 9.63 529.14 C 1,252 678,303.62 9,789,690 6,917,154.02 70.65 9.80 541.78 D 131,133 72,979,444.11 760,319,637 634,494,818.44 83.45 11.50 556.53 ========= ============== ============== ================ ====== ====== ====== TOTAL 200,150 109,391,946.19 1,324,911,361 1,025,207,217.73 77.37 10.67 546.55 ========= ============== ============== ================ ====== ====== ====== GRAND 567,280 270,878,343.99 7,939,534,897 1,724,256,719.14 21.71 15.70 477.50 TOTAL TAX PAID 699,049,501.41 TOTAL RENT PAID 1,025,207,217.73 NUMBER OF CLAIMANTS BASE WITH SUPPLEMENTAL REBATE SUPPLEMENTAL CATEGORY REBATE TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL REBATE ============= =============== =============== =============== =============== A 100,955 $44,054,152.94 $21,416,793.71 $65,470,939.79 B 806 $324,800.00 $159,529.39 $484,329.39 C 2,440 $1,127,950.00 $545,544.83 $1,673,494.83 D 22,019 $11,837,993.45 $5,412,282.06 $17,250,275.07 TOTAL 126,220 $57,344,896.39 $27,534,149.99 $84,879,039.08 CATEGORY CODE DESCRIPTIONS: A - OLDER RESIDENTS AGE 65+ B - SPOUSE AGE 65+ C - WIDOW/WIDOWER AGE 50 TO 64 D - PERMANENTLY DISABLED CLAIMANTS *THE SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBERS ARE INCLUDED IN THE FIRST TABLE. THE NUMBERS IN THE SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES.

  • Bureau of Individual Taxes | Hbg, PA 17128 | 717.787.8346 |


    ANALYSIS OF INCOME REPORTED BY SOURCE DATE MAY 05 2016 2014 OWNER / RENTER REBATE CLAIMS REPORT RPT3010 % OF NUMBER RETIREMENT PENSIONS INTEREST TOTAL OF SSA/SSI/SSP TIER 1 ANNUITIES AND CAPITAL NET NET OTHER TOTAL AVERAGE INCOME CLAIMS BENEFITS BENEFITS TIER 2 DIVIDENDS GAIN/LOSS RENTAL BUSINESS INCOME INCOME INCOME REPORTED ------- ------------- ------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------- ------ ------- OWNER A 301,099 2,803,323,925 37,862,639 2,071,269,179 274,088,307 47,576,966 47,412,444 38,015,787 361,770,585 5,681,319,832 18,868 71.55 B 3,337 36,635,294 299,955 20,729,875 1,756,514 366,585 601,941 1,363,546 9,103,137 70,856,847 21,233 0.89 C 7,451 30,564,397 484,790 29,787,901 5,773,085 1,611,580 1,214,118 3,079,708 69,585,923 142,101,502 19,071 1.78 D 55,243 445,905,989 4,627,261 127,874,730 12,695,210 3,734,524 5,204,616 6,671,734 113,631,291 720,345,355 13,039 9.07 ======= ============= ============= =========== =========== =========== ========== ========== ========== ============= ====== ======= 367,130 3,316,429,605 43,274,645 2,249,661,685 294,313,116 53,289,655 54,433,119 49,130,775 554,090,936 6,614,623,536 18,017 83.31 RENTER A 67,439 449,481,048 4,357,834 74,357,668 7,639,257 867,766 356,306 853,188 14,198,146 552,111,213 8,186 6.95 B 326 2,399,785 10,302 170,775 7,005 0 0 5,684 97,270 2,690,821 8,254 0.03 C 1,252 6,225,836 35,394 1,447,999 52,956 7,625 3,157 106,401 1,910,322 9,789,690 7,819 0.12 D 131,133 699,727,312 1,476,005 20,656,482 870,172 316,973 900,380 1,181,509 35,190,804 760,319,637 5,798 9.57 ======= ============= ============= =========== =========== =========== ========== ========== ========== ============= ====== ======= 200,150 1,157,833,981 5,879,535 96,632,924 8,569,390 1,192,364 1,259,843 2,146,782 51,396,542 1,324,911,361 6,619 16.68 ======= ============= ============= =========== =========== =========== ========== ========== ========== ============= ====== ======= GRAND 567,280 4,474,263,586 49,154,180 2,346,294,609 302,882,506 54,482,019 55,692,962 51,277,557 605,487,478 7,939,534,897 13,995 100.00

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    ANALYSIS OF CLAIMS PROCESSED STATEWIDE DATE MAY 05 2016 2014 BY HOUSEHOLD INCOME RANGES REPORT NO. TA3020 RENTERS NUMBER OF CLAIMANTS BY CLAIMANT CATEGORY ---------------------------------------- HOUSEHOLD CLAIM & WIDOW TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL INCOME CLAIM SPOUSE 50 OR PERMANT TOTAL HOUSEHOLD RENT ASSISTANCE RANGES OVER 65 OVER 65 OVER DISABLD CLAIMS INCOME PAID GRANTED ----------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ----------- -------------- -------------- $ 0 - $ 8,000 34,944 160 698 10,664 146,466 750,991,674 670,571,454.18 82,963,584.13 $ 8,001 - $15,000 32,495 166 554 20,469 53,684 573,919,687 354,635,763.55 26,428,381.46 ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= =========== ============== ============== 67,439 326 1,252 131,133 200,150 1,324,911,361 1,025,207,217.73 109,391,965.59 ANALYSIS OF CLAIMS PROCESSED STATEWIDE DATE MAY 05 2016 2014 BY HOUSEHOLD INCOME RANGES REPORT NO. RPT3030 OWNERS NUMBER OF CLAIMANTS BY CLAIMANT CATEGORY ---------------------------------------- HOUSEHOLD CLAIM & WIDOW TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL INCOME CLAIM SPOUSE 50 OR PERMANT TOTAL HOUSEHOLD TAX REBATE RANGES OVER 65 OVER 65 OVER DISABLD CLAIMS INCOME PAID PAID ----------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ----------- -------------- -------------- $ 0 - $ 8,000 31,516 211 1,086 21,055 53,868 314,071,139 70,097,986.56 40,360,899.95 $ 8,001 - $15,000 81,262 655 1,597 15,715 99,229 1,129,166,767 175,287,875.80 60,291,278.81 $15,001 - $18,000 32,858 339 658 4,096 37,951 625,337,958 73,400,438.36 13,323,205.16 $18,001 - $35,000 155,463 2,132 4,110 14,377 176,082 4,546,047,672 380,263,200.69 47,511,013.88 ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= =========== ============== ============== 301,099 3,337 7,451 55,243 367,130 6,614,623,536 699,049,501.41 161,486,397.80

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    The following codes apply whenever found within this section: CATEGORY DEFINITION: A – Older residents age 65 or older B - Spouses age 65 or older C - Widows/Widowers age 50 to 64 D - Disabled claimants FOOTNOTE Applications submitted by residents of the city of Bethlehem are presented separately because the city is located in both Lehigh and Northampton counties.

  • Bureau of Individual Taxes | Hbg, PA 17128 | 717.787.8346 |


    ANALYSIS OF REBATES BY COUNTY PAGE 1 DATE MAY 05 2016 2014 CLAIM YEAR REPORT NO. TA3050 OWNER AND RENTER PERCENT OF PERCENT INCOME OF NUMBER TOTAL TOWARD RENT OR AVERAGE OF REBATE TOTAL RENT OR RENT OR TAX REBATE COUNTY TYPE CATEGORY CLAIMANTS ISSUED INCOME TAXES PAID TAXES REBATE GRANTED ----------------- ------ -------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- OUT OF STATE OWNER A 821 363,645.63 14,721,310 1,647,504 11.19 22.07 442.93 B 4 1,108.00 90,807 9,145 10.07 12.11 277.00 C 12 5,250.00 246,972 29,944 12.12 17.53 437.50 D 84 42,677.24 1,256,868 120,486 9.58 35.42 508.06 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 921 412,680.87 16,315,957 1,807,080 11.07 22.83 448.08 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== RENTER A 273 139,118.91 2,291,799 2,053,228 89.59 6.77 509.59 B 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 C 7 4,014.00 44,224 32,662 73.85 12.28 573.43 D 457 245,608.62 2,740,710 2,144,450 78.24 11.45 537.44 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 737 388,741.53 5,076,733 4,230,341 83.32 9.18 527.46 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== 1,658 801,422.40 21,392,690 6,037,422 28.22 13.27 483.37 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== ADAMS OWNER A 2,693 1,197,425.46 51,428,419 6,347,219 12.34 18.86 444.64 B 40 12,800.00 972,391 95,749 9.84 13.36 320.00 C 71 29,457.48 1,473,499 171,682 11.65 17.15 414.89 D 285 163,217.74 4,149,797 596,195 14.36 27.37 572.69 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 3,089 1,402,900.68 58,024,106 7,210,846 12.42 19.45 454.16 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== RENTER A 388 197,922.54 3,323,756 2,281,280 68.63 8.67 510.11 B 1 500.00 12,903 4,576 35.46 10.92 500.00 C 7 3,941.20 54,112 48,416 89.47 8.14 563.03 D 446 237,505.65 2,916,220 2,242,002 76.88 10.59 532.52 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 842 439,869.39 6,306,991 4,576,275 72.55 9.61 522.41 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== 3,931 1,842,770.07 64,331,097 11,787,121 18.32 15.63 468.78 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ======

  • Bureau of Individual Taxes | Hbg, PA 17128 | 717.787.8346 |


    ANALYSIS OF REBATES BY COUNTY PAGE 2 DATE MAY 05 2016 2014 CLAIM YEAR REPORT NO. TA3050 OWNER AND RENTER PERCENT OF PERCENT INCOME OF NUMBER TOTAL TOWARD RENT OR AVERAGE OF REBATE TOTAL RENT OR RENT OR TAX REBATE COUNTY TYPE CATEGORY CLAIMANTS ISSUED INCOME TAXES PAID TAXES REBATE GRANTED ----------------- ------ -------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- ALLEGHENY OWNER A 28,775 12,268,251.09 550,160,800 57,999,266 10.54 21.15 426.35 B 218 80,270.25 4,740,687 468,091 9.87 17.14 368.21 C 667 281,375.19 13,333,508 1,327,575 9.95 21.19 421.85 D 3,805 2,016,841.16 51,392,797 5,614,419 10.92 35.92 530.05 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 33,465 14,646,737.69 619,627,792 65,409,353 10.55 22.39 437.67 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== RENTER A 8,345 4,372,507.98 68,543,648 43,213,114 63.04 10.11 523.97 B 22 12,024.80 171,665 111,189 64.77 10.81 546.58 C 114 61,548.20 906,755 564,681 62.27 10.89 539.90 D 14,404 7,752,261.10 83,453,849 61,242,487 73.38 12.65 538.20 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 22,885 12,198,342.08 153,075,917 105,131,471 68.67 11.60 533.03 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== 56,350 26,845,079.77 772,703,709 170,540,825 22.07 15.74 476.40 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== ARMSTRONG OWNER A 2,592 1,046,512.83 47,970,720 4,126,408 8.60 25.36 403.75 B 33 10,754.27 718,506 46,585 6.48 23.08 325.89 C 84 33,367.66 1,513,428 120,722 7.97 27.63 397.23 D 562 277,363.34 8,299,164 759,593 9.15 36.51 493.53 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 3,271 1,367,998.10 58,501,818 5,053,309 8.63 27.07 418.22 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== RENTER A 487 263,556.67 3,986,627 2,471,641 61.99 10.66 541.18 B 0 0.00 0 2,400 0.00 0.00 0.00 C 10 5,300.00 99,476 46,368 46.61 11.43 530.00 D 1,001 565,480.91 5,871,223 4,180,548 71.20 13.52 564.92 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 1,498 834,337.58 9,957,326 6,700,958 67.29 12.45 556.97 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== 4,769 2,202,335.68 68,459,144 11,754,267 17.16 18.73 461.80 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ======

  • Bureau of Individual Taxes | Hbg, PA 17128 | 717.787.8346 |


    ANALYSIS OF REBATES BY COUNTY PAGE 3 DATE MAY 05 2016 2014 CLAIM YEAR REPORT NO. TA3050 OWNER AND RENTER PERCENT OF PERCENT INCOME OF NUMBER TOTAL TOWARD RENT OR AVERAGE OF REBATE TOTAL RENT OR RENT OR TAX REBATE COUNTY TYPE CATEGORY CLAIMANTS ISSUED INCOME TAXES PAID TAXES REBATE GRANTED ----------------- ------ -------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- BEAVER OWNER A 6,168 2,494,403.12 118,046,066 10,867,981 9.20 22.95 404.41 B 50 17,246.00 1,186,763 81,148 6.83 21.25 344.92 C 146 62,206.30 2,833,039 268,638 9.48 23.15 426.07 D 891 464,942.95 12,708,401 1,274,243 10.02 36.48 521.82 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 7,255 3,038,798.37 134,774,269 12,492,011 9.26 24.32 418.86 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== RENTER A 1,165 611,583.16 10,128,651 5,575,092 55.04 10.96 524.96 B 2 1,068.40 17,994 8,452 46.97 12.64 534.20 C 24 14,346.40 165,500 126,153 76.22 11.37 597.77 D 2,242 1,227,017.64 13,352,629 9,898,494 74.13 12.39 547.29 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 3,433 1,854,015.60 23,664,774 15,608,192 65.95 11.87 540.06 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== 10,688 4,892,813.97 158,439,043 28,100,203 17.73 17.41 457.79 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== BEDFORD OWNER A 1,982 729,343.99 34,835,779 1,853,604 5.32 39.34 367.98 B 36 11,748.11 730,215 32,072 4.39 36.63 326.34 C 73 28,198.48 1,303,516 66,335 5.08 42.50 386.28 D 338 139,031.66 4,663,635 281,587 6.03 49.37 411.34 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 2,429 908,322.24 41,533,145 2,233,600 5.37 40.66 373.95 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== RENTER A 320 161,869.88 2,589,513 1,554,564 60.03 10.41 505.84 B 1 500.00 13,161 5,400 41.03 9.25 500.00 C 2 932.00 21,665 9,207 42.49 10.12 466.00 D 432 227,907.41 2,542,590 1,771,407 69.66 12.86 527.56 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 755 391,209.29 5,166,929 3,340,578 64.65 11.71 518.16 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== 3,184 1,299,531.53 46,700,074 5,574,178 11.93 23.31 408.14 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ======

  • Bureau of Individual Taxes | Hbg, PA 17128 | 717.787.8346 |


    ANALYSIS OF REBATES BY COUNTY PAGE 4 DATE MAY 05 2016 2014 CLAIM YEAR REPORT NO. TA3050 OWNER AND RENTER PERCENT OF PERCENT INCOME OF NUMBER TOTAL TOWARD RENT OR AVERAGE OF REBATE TOTAL RENT OR RENT OR TAX REBATE COUNTY TYPE CATEGORY CLAIMANTS ISSUED INCOME TAXES PAID TAXES REBATE GRANTED ----------------- ------ -------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- BERKS OWNER A 9,791 4,256,143.88 194,308,308 27,873,303 14.34 15.26 434.70 B 81 28,425.00 1,957,922 248,093 12.67 11.45 350.93 C 208 95,716.87 4,090,891 589,055 14.39 16.24 460.18 D 1,388 822,580.76 18,266,545 2,854,509 15.62 28.81 592.64 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 11,468 5,202,866.51 218,623,666 31,564,962 14.43 16.48 453.69 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== RENTER A 2,181 1,156,473.41 18,738,267 14,125,103 75.38 8.18 530.25 B 1 610.80 7,784 3,054 39.23 20.00 610.80 C 36 19,366.40 283,936 232,440 81.86 8.33 537.96 D 4,692 2,727,904.80 26,808,150 24,694,686 92.11 11.04 581.39 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 6,910 3,904,355.41 45,838,137 39,055,284 85.20 9.99 565.03 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== 18,378 9,107,221.92 264,461,803 70,620,246 26.70 12.89 495.55 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== BLAIR OWNER A 4,439 1,609,877.10 83,352,891 4,667,199 5.59 34.49 362.67 B 65 20,791.79 1,402,511 61,791 4.40 33.64 319.87 C 122 47,529.21 2,296,446 134,320 5.84 35.38 389.58 D 912 384,795.94 13,161,152 765,069 5.81 50.29 421.93 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 5,538 2,062,994.04 100,213,000 5,628,381 5.61 36.65 372.52 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== RENTER A 1,041 541,455.48 8,673,720 5,306,447 61.17 10.20 520.13 B 6 2,706.40 46,552 20,805 44.69 13.00 451.07 C 29 16,422.20 195,010 141,151 72.38 11.63 566.28 D 2,138 1,158,887.46 12,391,001 8,780,336 70.86 13.19 542.04 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 3,214 1,719,471.54 21,306,283 14,248,740 66.87 12.06 534.99 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== 8,752 3,782,465.58 121,519,283 19,877,122 16.35 19.02 432.18 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ======

  • Bureau of Individual Taxes | Hbg, PA 17128 | 717.787.8346 |


    ANALYSIS OF REBATES BY COUNTY PAGE 5 DATE MAY 05 2016 2014 CLAIM YEAR REPORT NO. TA3050 OWNER AND RENTER PERCENT OF PERCENT INCOME OF NUMBER TOTAL TOWARD RENT OR AVERAGE OF REBATE TOTAL RENT OR RENT OR TAX REBATE COUNTY TYPE CATEGORY CLAIMANTS ISSUED INCOME TAXES PAID TAXES REBATE GRANTED ----------------- ------ -------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- BRADFORD OWNER A 1,674 659,950.27 31,362,784 2,379,759 7.58 27.73 394.24 B 18 7,225.54 334,483 23,207 6.93 31.13 401.42 C 44 17,880.03 823,909 51,409 6.23 34.77 406.36 D 372 176,881.29 5,269,375 375,642 7.12 47.08 475.49 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 2,108 861,937.13 37,790,551 2,830,018 7.48 30.45 408.89 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== RENTER A 436 233,208.51 3,383,556 1,939,577 57.32 12.02 534.88 B 2 1,000.00 22,431 10,500 46.81 9.52 500.00 C 9 4,555.40 64,309 44,667 69.45 10.19 506.16 D 738 406,261.02 4,224,450 3,310,724 78.37 12.27 550.49 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 1,185 645,024.93 7,694,746 5,305,468 68.94 12.15 544.32 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== 3,293 1,506,962.06 45,485,297 8,135,487 17.88 18.52 457.63 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== BUCKS OWNER A 9,595 4,343,842.68 193,972,492 34,391,139 17.72 12.63 452.72 B 98 40,499.65 2,156,506 355,581 16.48 11.38 413.26 C 168 87,575.00 3,151,287 640,267 20.31 13.67 521.28 D 1,132 643,402.50 17,337,613 3,652,544 21.06 17.61 568.38 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 10,993 5,115,319.83 216,617,898 39,039,533 18.02 13.10 465.33 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== RENTER A 2,018 1,046,316.52 17,308,885 14,088,787 81.39 7.42 518.49 B 7 3,740.40 65,912 64,329 97.59 5.81 534.34 C 19 9,720.26 155,192 194,112 125.07 5.00 511.59 D 2,139 1,152,316.97 13,925,805 11,704,621 84.04 9.84 538.72 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 4,183 2,212,094.15 31,455,794 26,051,850 82.82 8.49 528.83 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== 15,176 7,327,413.98 248,073,692 65,091,383 26.23 11.25 482.83 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ======

  • Bureau of Individual Taxes | Hbg, PA 17128 | 717.787.8346 |


    ANALYSIS OF REBATES BY COUNTY PAGE 6 DATE MAY 05 2016 2014 CLAIM YEAR REPORT NO. TA3050 OWNER AND RENTER PERCENT OF PERCENT INCOME OF NUMBER TOTAL TOWARD RENT OR AVERAGE OF REBATE TOTAL RENT OR RENT OR TAX REBATE COUNTY TYPE CATEGORY CLAIMANTS ISSUED INCOME TAXES PAID TAXES REBATE GRANTED ----------------- ------ -------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- BUTLER OWNER A 4,210 1,640,517.88 82,099,804 6,909,473 8.41 23.74 389.67 B 47 16,773.75 945,129 69,731 7.37 24.05 356.89 C 119 45,074.21 2,343,348 189,772 8.09 23.75 378.77 D 763 390,971.68 10,650,601 945,025 8.87 41.37 512.41 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 5,139 2,093,337.52 96,038,882 8,114,003 8.44 25.79 407.34 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== RENTER A 854 446,550.76 7,358,206 5,091,827 69.19 8.76 522.89 B 5 2,712.20 47,703 26,764 56.10 10.13 542.44 C 18 9,122.60 131,710 82,757 62.83 11.02 506.81 D 1,359 735,154.37 8,311,202 6,256,216 75.27 11.75 540.95 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 2,236 1,193,539.93 15,848,821 11,457,564 72.29 10.41 533.78 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== 7,375 3,286,877.45 111,887,703 19,571,567 17.49 16.79 445.68 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== CAMBRIA OWNER A 6,311 2,342,571.85 117,008,061 7,297,837 6.23 32.09 371.19 B 69 23,820.85 1,456,559 78,866 5.41 30.20 345.23 C 170 59,613.10 3,546,885 191,810 5.40 31.07 350.67 D 1,291 566,045.36 18,478,006 1,208,239 6.53 46.84 438.45 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 7,841 2,992,051.16 140,489,511 8,776,753 6.24 34.09 381.59 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== RENTER A 1,056 541,549.23 8,506,663 5,187,611 60.98 10.43 512.83 B 9 4,490.60 81,949 34,426 42.00 13.04 498.96 C 29 14,329.42 252,636 131,458 52.03 10.90 494.12 D 2,174 1,166,380.42 12,582,089 8,667,193 68.88 13.45 536.51 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 3,268 1,726,749.67 21,423,337 14,020,688 65.44 12.31 528.38 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== 11,109 4,718,800.83 161,912,848 22,797,442 14.08 20.69 424.77 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ======

  • Bureau of Individual Taxes | Hbg, PA 17128 | 717.787.8346 |


    ANALYSIS OF REBATES BY COUNTY PAGE 7 DATE MAY 05 2016 2014 CLAIM YEAR REPORT NO. TA3050 OWNER AND RENTER PERCENT OF PERCENT INCOME OF NUMBER TOTAL TOWARD RENT OR AVERAGE OF REBATE TOTAL RENT OR RENT OR TAX REBATE COUNTY TYPE CATEGORY CLAIMANTS ISSUED INCOME TAXES PAID TAXES REBATE GRANTED ----------------- ------ -------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- CAMERON OWNER A 247 86,669.86 4,824,421 276,808 5.73 31.31 350.89 B 4 1,700.00 61,520 3,953 6.42 43.00 425.00 C 4 1,975.00 77,426 3,711 4.79 53.21 493.75 D 48 19,899.89 706,169 37,163 5.26 53.54 414.58 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 303 110,244.75 5,669,536 321,637 5.67 34.27 363.84 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== RENTER A 52 25,542.40 438,183 186,727 42.61 13.67 491.20 B 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 C 1 500.00 12,485 2,790 22.34 17.92 500.00 D 85 40,382.24 530,253 290,152 54.71 13.91 475.09 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 138 66,424.64 980,921 479,669 48.89 13.84 481.34 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== 441 176,669.39 6,650,457 801,306 12.04 22.04 400.61 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== CARBON OWNER A 2,378 1,055,339.93 44,031,176 4,970,782 11.28 21.23 443.79 B 35 15,225.00 637,677 76,730 12.03 19.84 435.00 C 76 32,465.00 1,447,700 152,817 10.55 21.24 427.17 D 484 279,049.01 6,885,954 931,113 13.52 29.96 576.55 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 2,973 1,382,078.94 53,002,507 6,131,444 11.56 22.54 464.88 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== RENTER A 371 191,515.39 3,247,830 2,222,391 68.42 8.61 516.21 B 3 1,530.40 20,765 11,715 56.41 13.06 510.13 C 9 4,840.00 70,574 57,562 81.56 8.40 537.78 D 588 311,275.73 3,874,305 2,835,448 73.18 10.97 529.38 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 971 509,161.52 7,213,474 5,127,116 71.07 9.93 524.37 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== 3,944 1,891,240.46 60,215,981 11,258,560 18.69 16.79 479.52 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ======

  • Bureau of Individual Taxes | Hbg, PA 17128 | 717.787.8346 |


    ANALYSIS OF REBATES BY COUNTY PAGE 8 DATE MAY 05 2016 2014 CLAIM YEAR REPORT NO. TA3050 OWNER AND RENTER PERCENT OF PERCENT INCOME OF NUMBER TOTAL TOWARD RENT OR AVERAGE OF REBATE TOTAL RENT OR RENT OR TAX REBATE COUNTY TYPE CATEGORY CLAIMANTS ISSUED INCOME TAXES PAID TAXES REBATE GRANTED ----------------- ------ -------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- CENTRE OWNER A 2,266 862,866.22 45,017,866 3,962,617 8.80 21.77 380.79 B 22 7,822.37 494,019 38,306 7.75 20.42 355.56 C 40 17,367.52 755,092 76,981 10.19 22.56 434.19 D 320 156,177.35 4,745,743 442,699 9.32 35.27 488.05 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 2,648 1,044,233.46 51,012,720 4,520,604 8.86 23.09 394.35 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== RENTER A 492 261,476.16 4,234,650 2,649,147 62.55 9.87 531.46 B 3 1,113.00 13,491 5,535 41.02 20.10 371.00 C 7 3,856.40 57,992 42,114 72.62 9.15 550.91 D 692 384,632.63 4,380,411 3,133,782 71.54 12.27 555.83 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 1,194 651,078.19 8,686,544 5,830,579 67.12 11.16 545.29 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== 3,842 1,695,311.65 59,699,264 10,351,184 17.33 16.37 441.26 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== CHESTER OWNER A 4,975 2,211,377.58 100,571,560 16,663,923 16.56 13.27 444.50 B 29 11,500.00 651,739 111,602 17.12 10.30 396.55 C 95 45,698.39 1,864,915 332,015 17.80 13.76 481.04 D 419 232,358.39 6,421,770 1,179,912 18.37 19.69 554.55 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 5,518 2,500,934.36 109,509,984 18,287,453 16.69 13.67 453.23 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== RENTER A 1,271 665,757.57 11,315,251 9,063,143 80.09 7.34 523.81 B 7 3,720.40 62,043 48,908 78.82 7.60 531.49 C 13 7,244.00 121,394 98,655 81.26 7.34 557.23 D 1,276 693,167.45 8,256,614 7,115,463 86.17 9.74 543.23 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 2,567 1,369,889.42 19,755,302 16,326,170 82.64 8.39 533.65 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== 8,085 3,870,823.78 129,265,286 34,613,623 26.77 11.18 478.77 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ======

  • Bureau of Individual Taxes | Hbg, PA 17128 | 717.787.8346 |


    ANALYSIS OF REBATES BY COUNTY PAGE 9 DATE MAY 05 2016 2014 CLAIM YEAR REPORT NO. TA3050 OWNER AND RENTER PERCENT OF PERCENT INCOME OF NUMBER TOTAL TOWARD RENT OR AVERAGE OF REBATE TOTAL RENT OR RENT OR TAX REBATE COUNTY TYPE CATEGORY CLAIMANTS ISSUED INCOME TAXES PAID TAXES REBATE GRANTED ----------------- ------ -------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- CLARION OWNER A 1,294 469,663.47 23,815,935 1,316,772 5.52 35.66 362.95 B 23 8,238.66 425,225 25,581 6.01 32.20 358.20 C 38 12,616.37 771,571 40,819 5.29 30.90 332.01 D 256 112,461.72 3,415,005 197,780 5.79 56.86 439.30 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 1,611 602,980.22 28,427,736 1,580,953 5.56 38.14 374.29 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== RENTER A 243 125,111.24 1,896,875 1,106,469 58.33 11.30 514.86 B 3 1,650.00 19,509 16,136 82.71 10.22 550.00 C 3 1,800.00 28,193 18,062 64.06 9.96 600.00 D 493 260,268.90 2,937,162 1,909,595 65.01 13.62 527.93 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 742 388,830.14 4,881,739 3,050,262 62.48 12.74 524.03 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== 2,353 991,810.36 33,309,475 4,631,216 13.90 21.41 421.51 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== CLEARFIELD OWNER A 3,301 1,252,116.37 57,868,253 3,331,224 5.75 37.58 379.31 B 53 18,823.89 1,047,559 49,519 4.72 38.01 355.17 C 100 38,149.94 1,679,867 93,559 5.56 40.77 381.50 D 814 357,902.60 11,250,224 695,343 6.18 51.47 439.68 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 4,268 1,666,992.80 71,845,903 4,169,646 5.80 39.97 390.58 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== RENTER A 461 244,967.74 3,799,146 2,283,507 60.10 10.72 531.38 B 5 2,800.00 40,883 27,486 67.23 10.18 560.00 C 11 5,435.20 74,017 38,269 51.70 14.20 494.11 D 875 475,312.41 5,185,939 3,413,958 65.83 13.92 543.21 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 1,352 728,515.35 9,099,985 5,763,221 63.33 12.64 538.84 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== 5,620 2,395,508.15 80,945,888 9,932,867 12.27 24.11 426.25 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ======

  • Bureau of Individual Taxes | Hbg, PA 17128 | 717.787.8346 |


    ANALYSIS OF REBATES BY COUNTY PAGE 10 DATE MAY 05 2016 2014 CLAIM YEAR REPORT NO. TA3050 OWNER AND RENTER PERCENT OF PERCENT INCOME OF NUMBER TOTAL TOWARD RENT OR AVERAGE OF REBATE TOTAL RENT OR RENT OR TAX REBATE COUNTY TYPE CATEGORY CLAIMANTS ISSUED INCOME TAXES PAID TAXES REBATE GRANTED ----------------- ------ -------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- CLINTON OWNER A 1,424 553,077.01 26,264,016 1,934,212 7.36 28.59 388.40 B 20 7,603.13 348,990 23,264 6.66 32.68 380.16 C 29 10,167.28 621,988 42,200 6.78 24.09 350.60 D 268 127,272.05 3,324,156 264,175 7.94 48.17 474.90 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 1,741 698,119.47 30,559,150 2,263,852 7.40 30.83 400.99 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== RENTER A 302 160,198.59 2,468,868 1,423,486 57.65 11.25 530.46 B 2 1,100.00 15,926 9,360 58.77 11.75 550.00 C 7 3,902.20 47,033 26,453 56.24 14.75 557.46 D 573 313,275.32 3,365,895 2,559,358 76.03 12.24 546.73 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 884 478,476.11 5,897,722 4,018,658 68.13 11.90 541.26 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== 2,625 1,176,595.58 36,456,872 6,282,510 17.23 18.72 448.23 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== COLUMBIA OWNER A 2,235 922,186.33 39,900,594 3,090,900 7.74 29.83 412.61 B 34 11,342.00 694,169 48,555 6.99 23.35 333.59 C 54 23,059.58 926,950 84,067 9.06 27.42 427.03 D 405 210,862.57 5,425,976 483,057 8.90 43.65 520.65 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 2,728 1,167,450.48 46,947,689 3,706,581 7.89 31.49 427.95 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== RENTER A 478 248,351.20 3,941,035 2,527,838 64.14 9.82 519.56 B 0 0.00 0 2,640 0.00 0.00 0.00 C 6 3,448.00 51,357 29,742 57.91 11.59 574.67 D 632 346,812.04 3,844,823 2,786,351 72.47 12.44 548.75 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------- ------- 1,116 598,611.24 7,837,215 5,346,572 68.22 11.19 536.39 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ====== 3,844 1,766,061.72 54,784,904 9,053,153 16.52 19.50 459.43 ========= ============= ============= ============= ===== ===== ======

  • Bureau of Individual Taxes | Hbg, PA 17128 | 717.787.8346 |
