proper behavior on the web

Proper Behavior On The Web: By: Haley Cockrell

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Page 1: Proper behavior on the web

Proper Behavior On The Web:By: Haley Cockrell

Page 2: Proper behavior on the web

Netiquette Rules: Make sure you check all your spelling. Don’t use all caps, it may look like your screaming. Some people may take

things the wrong way. Telling the truth will make people believe what you say online. Sending emails at night can make you a questioned person. Normally people

will be sleeping at night and they may start wondering what you are really doing.

Please don’t respond to flames(heated messages). They may be mean insults but just ignore them.

Always be yourself! Don’t do things you yourself wouldn’t do. It may cause problems for you in the future.

If you shop at secure sites then all your information will be protected and safe. Whether its your address or phone number.

Remember to be conservative. Keep your emails short! Who really wants to read long emails?

Don’t you want to ignore your computer getting ruined? Well, if you ignore all spams then you wont get any unnecessary viruses.

(network netiquette, n.d.)

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Why do you need netiquette?

Proper netiquette: We need it because we

don’t want to look like we are fussing if we use all capital letters. That would be disrespectful. Even if we don’t mean it to be like that it would seem like it.

What about spelling? Well do you really want to misspell something and someone look at what you said and think you are uneducated?

People do judge sometimes so they may think different things.

Now for telling the truth. If you put complete truth in what you say then more people will believe you. Think of it this way, what if someone is looking information on something and they go to your website. They want the truth not something made up.

(Network netiquette,n.d.)

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Continued… Why would you want to

be yourself? Well, what if someone says something to you online and you say something horrific back. What if you wouldn’t have ever said that in person? Then it’s not really you. So just be yourself.

Now for flames. Back to if someone says something to you. Just ignore it! Its not worth saying anything back.

(network netiquette, n.d.)

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Definition: When you take someone

else’s ideas and make them you own.

When you use someone else’s ideas and do not give credit to the owner or cite the information.

(Plagiarismdotorg, 2012)

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What do you mean? I don’t think you can take someone's ideas!

Believe it or not, you can! The United States law says you can take someone’s ideas known as plagiarism. It is against the law to plagiarize. It counts as plagiarism if the information is not cited correctly or not even cited at all!

If you do plagiarize at school you can get failing grade and/or get suspended or expelled in some cases.

(Plagiarismdotorg, 2012)

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How exactly can we avoid plagiarism?

You can cite the information. Give credit to the person who did the work, not you.

If you want to use the exact thing, put it in quotation marks and put the place you got it from and who came up with it.

(The writing place, 2005)

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What about copyrighting?

What is Copyright? Copyrighting is when

the governments give the right to the people who want to take credit of their own work.

(Wikipedia, 2012)

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Copyright:What else can you do when you copyright

something? Well, you can legally sale copies

of your own work that is copyrighted.

Examples of that are books. People copyright their books all the time and they sale different copies of their books.

If you copyright and you did not ask for permission to use something of theirs then you can be sued.

(Wikipedia, 2012)

There are some myths about copyright.

One myth is if there is no copyright notice then there’s no way it can be copyrighted. That is completely untrue. Since 1989 everything that is made is copyrighted whether there is a notice or not. As soon as you come up with it, its yours and only yours. Your work is your work, no one else’s!

(10 big myths about copyright explained, 2012)

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References: Clip Project (n.d.). Net Work Netiquette (n.d.).

Plagiarismdotorg (2012) Open Parachute (n.d.) Answers (2012) The writing place (2005) Clip project(n.d.) Crossing Nineveh(n.d.)

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Only A few More: Free clip art (n.d.) Clker (n.d.) Netiquette (n.d.) Clker (n.d.) Wikipedia (2012) 10 big myths about copyright explained(2012) Clipart for free(n.d)


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The End!!!!