prolog2 (1)

Prolog Built-in predicates Dr. M. A. Pasha

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Prolog Built-in predicates

Dr. M. A. Pasha

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Utility goals

• help(S) S should be a symbolic atom, e.g., help(assert).

• halt Stops Prolog, resume operating system.

• trace, notrace Turns trace on and off, respectively.

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• true Always succeeds as a goal.

• fail Always fails as a goal.

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Loading Prolog programs

• consult(F) Loads program from the file F. F should be bound to file designator expression, e.g., F='/home/user/prolog/', depending on the file system.

• reconsult(F) Like consult except that each predicate already defined has its definition replaced by the new definition being loaded.

• [F1,F2,...] Bracket notation, meaning consult F1, then consult F2, then ...

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Testing types• var(Term) succeeds if Term is currently uninstantiated (which therefore has

not been bound to anything, except possibly another uninstantiated variable).

• nonvar(Term) succeeds if Term is currently instantiated (opposite of var/1).• atom(Term) succeeds if Term is currently instantiated to an atom.• integer(Term) succeeds if Term is currently instantiated to an integer.• float(Term) succeeds if Term is currently instantiated to a floating point

number.• number(Term) succeeds if Term is currently instantiated to an integer or a

floating point number.

• atomic(Term) succeeds if Term is currently instantiated to an atom, an integer or a floating point number.

• string(Term) Tests whether Term is bound to a string.

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Arithmetic Predicates

• X is E Evaluate E and unify the result with X. • X + Y When evaluated, yields the sum of X and Y. • X - Y When evaluated, yields the difference of X and Y. • X * Y When evaluated, yields the product of X and Y. • X / Y When evaluated, yields the quotient of X and Y. • X mod Y When evaluated, yields the remainder of X

divided by Y. • X =:= Y Evaluate X and Y and compare them for

equality. • X =\= Y Evaluate X and Y and succeed if they are not

equal. ...and similarly for >, <, >=, =<.

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?- X=2,Y=3,Z is X+Y.X = 2,Y = 3,Z = 5.

?- X=3, Y=5, X =:= Y .False

?- X=3, Y=5, X >= Y.false.

X=3, Y=5, X =< Y.X = 3,Y = 5.

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Equality of Prolog expressions• X = Y, X \=Y

Tests whether X and Y can be unified, or cannot, respectively. For example, ?- [X,Y|R] = [a,b,c]. X = a, Y = b, R = [c] ?- [X,Y,Z] = [a,b]. No

• X ==Y, X \== Y Tests whether X and Y are currently co-bound, i.e., have been bound to or share same value, or not, respectively. For example, ?- X = 3, Y = 1 * 3, X == Y. no ?- X = a, [Y|_]= [a,b,c], X == Y. X = a, Y = a

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Testing for variables

• ground(G) Tests whether G has unbound logical variables.

• var(X) Tests whether X is bound to a Prolog variable.

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Database Manipulation P• assert(X) Add X to the database. For syntactic reasons, if X is not a

base clause, use assert((X)). • asserta(X) Add X to the database in front of other clauses of this

predicate. • assertz(X) Add X to the database after other clauses of this predicate. • retract(X) Remove X from the database. For syntactic reasons, if X is

not a base clause, use retract((X)). • abolish(F,A) Remove all clauses with functor F and arity A from the

database. • clause(X,V) Find a clause in the database whose head (left hand side)

matches X and whose body (right hand side) matches V. To find a base clause, use true for V.

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Assert and Retract

• asserta(C) Assert clause C into database above other clauses with the same key predicate. The key predicate of a clause is the first predicate encountered when the clause is read from left to right.

• assertz(C), assert(C) Assert clause C into database below other clauses with the same key predicate.

• retract(C) Retract C from the database. C must be sufficiently instantiated to determine the predicate key.

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Binding a logical variable to a numeric value

• X is E Binds logical variable V to the numerical value of E. The expression E must either be a number or be a number-valued expression, conventionally parenthesized,

• ?- X is 22, Y is X * 3, Z is sqrt(Y). X = 22 . Y = 66 . Z = 8.12404 .

• ?- X is sin(45).X = 0.8509035245341184.

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Control Predicates• X ; Y X or Y. Try X first; if it fails (possibly after being backtracked

into), try Y. • (X -> Y) If X, then try Y, otherwise fail. Y will not be backtracked into. • (X -> Y ; Z) If X, then try Y, else try Z. X will not be backtracked into. • not X (Sometimes written \+X or not(X)) Succeed only when X fails. • true Succeed once, but fail when backtracked into. • repeat Always succeed, even when backtracked into. • fail Never succeed. • ! (Pronounced ``cut".) Acts like true, but cannot be backtracked past,

and prevents any other clauses of the predicate it occurs in from being tried.

• abort Return immediately to the top-level Prolog prompt.

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Negation as failure

• not(Q), \+Q Negation-as-failure, as if defined by:

• not(Q) :- call(Q), !, fail. not(Q).

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Prolog terms and clauses as data

• name(A,L) Convert between atom and list.

• ?- name('pasha', P).P = [112, 97, 115, 104, 97].

• ?- parent(a,X) = .. L. L = [parent, a, _X001]

• ?- P=..[parent,pasha, abdul]. P= parent(pasha,abdul)

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• associativity (or fixity) of an operator is a property that determines how operators of the same precedence are grouped in the absence of parentheses.

• Operators may be left-associative (meaning the operations are grouped from the left), right-associative (meaning the operations are grouped from the right) or non-associative (meaning there is no defined grouping).

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Prolog operators

Operator Type• xfx infix nonassociative

xfy infix right-associative yfx infix left-associative fx prefix nonassociative fy prefix right-associative xf postfix nonassociative yf postfix left-associative

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Prolog operators

• :- xfx, fx• ?- fx • ; xfy • , xfy • not fy • is, =.. , < xfx • +, - yfx, fx • *, / yfx • ^ xfy

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• :- op(P,T,O). Declare an operator symbol. For example, with source program ...

• :- op(500,xfx,'has_color'). a has_color red. b has_color blue.Then ...

• ?- b has_color C. C = red ?- What has_color red. What = aP is precedence, an integer. Larger P has less precedence (ability to group). Precedence number values for built-ins depend upon the actual Prolog system. User needs to find out what these values are. (See the reference materials or use the help facility with keyword 'operator').

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Finding all answers• findall(Things,GoalExpression,Bag)

Compute all Things which satisfy the GoalExpresssion and collect them in the list Bag. If the GoalExpression fails, Bag will be the empty list []. findall treats all variables in GoalExpression as if they are existentially quantified.

• bagof(Things,GoalExpression,Bag) Compute all Things which satisfy the GoalExpresssion and collect them in the list Bag. bagof fails if GoalExpression fails. Free variables in GoalExpression could be bound, yielding many bags.

• setof(Things,GoalExpression,Bag) Compute all Things which satisfy the GoalExpresssion and collect them in the list Bag. Similar to bagof except that Bag will not contain duplicates and it will be sorted.

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daughter(X, Y):- father(Y, X),female(X).

grandfather(X, Y):- father(X, Z), father(Z,Y).

father(afzal, bilal).father(afzal, zubair).

father(nazir, afzal).father(afzal, humara).father(afzal, sumara).


?- findall(X, father(X,Y), Bag).Bag = [afzal, afzal, nazir,

afzal, afzal].

?- findall(Y, father(X,Y), Bag).Bag = [bilal, zubair, afzal,

humara, sumara].

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?- bagof(Z,p(X,Y,Z),Bag). X = 1, Y = 3, Bag = [5] ;X = 2,Y = 4,Bag = [1] ;X = 3,Y = 5,Bag = [2] ;X = 4,Y = 3,Bag = [1] ;X = 5,Y = 2,Bag = [4].

?- findall(Z,p(X,Y,Z),Bag).Bag = [5, 1, 2, 1, 4].

The predicates bagof and setof yield collections for individual bindings of the free variables in the goal. setof yields a sorted version of the collection without duplicates.


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Output Predicates

• write(X) Write the single value X to the current output file.

• writeq(X) Write X with quotes as needed so it can be read in again.

• tab(N) Write N blanks to the current output file. • nl Write a newline to the current output file. • put(X) Write the character whose ASCII value is X to

the current output file. • tell(File) Open File as the current output file. • told Close the current output file.

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Input predicates

• read(X) Read one clause from the current input and unify it with X. If there is no further input, X is unified with end_of_file.

• get(X) Read one printing character from the current input file and unify the ASCII code of that character (an integer) with X.

• get0(X) Read one character from the current input file and unify the ASCII code of that character with X.

• see(File) Open File as the current input file. • seen Close the current input file.

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?- bagof(Z,(p(X,Y,Z),Z>5),Bag). False. ?- findall(Z,(p(X,Y,Z),Z>5),Bag). Bag = []

To avoid binding variables, use an existential quantifier expression. For example the goal bagof(Z,X^Y^p(X,Y,Z),Bag) asks for "the Bag of Z's such that there exists an X and there exists a Y such that p(X,Y,Z)".

findall acts like bagof with all free variables automatically existentially quantified. In addition findall returns an empty list [] there is no goal satisfaction, whereas bagof fails.

?-setof(Z,X^Y^p(X,Y,Z),Bag).Bag = [1, 2, 4, 5].

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• listing(P) Display predicate P. P may be a predicate name, a structure of the form Name/Arity, or a bracked list of the above.

• trace Turn on tracing.

• notrace Turn off tracing.

• spy P Turn on tracing when predicate P is called. P may be a predicate name, a structure of the form Name/Arity, or a non-bracked list of the above.

• nospy P Turn off spying for P.

• nospyall Turn off all spypoints.

• Debug Enable spypoints (allow them to initiate tracing.).

• Nodebug Disable spypoints (without removing them).

Listing and Debugging Predicates