project: to play or not to play with water

Project: To play or not to play with water Prof. Antonella BALENA Benevento, Jul. I.T.I. “G.B.B. Lucarelli” Benevento, Italy

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Water: History and Legends. COMENIUS Multilateral School Partnership. Project: To play or not to play with water. I.T.I. “G.B.B. Lucarelli” Benevento, Italy. Prof. Antonella BALENA Benevento, Jul. 8th 2011. Benevento and its waters. a journey through the environment and traditions. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Project: To play or not to play with water

Project: To play or not to play with water

Project: To play or not to play with water

Prof. Antonella BALENA

Benevento, Jul. 8th 2011

Prof. Antonella BALENA

Benevento, Jul. 8th 2011

I.T.I. “G.B.B. Lucarelli”

Benevento, Italy

I.T.I. “G.B.B. Lucarelli”

Benevento, Italy

Page 2: Project: To play or not to play with water

Benevento and its waters

Page 3: Project: To play or not to play with water
Page 4: Project: To play or not to play with water
Page 5: Project: To play or not to play with water
Page 6: Project: To play or not to play with water
Page 7: Project: To play or not to play with water

Titerno RiverTiterno River

Page 8: Project: To play or not to play with water

Titerno RiverTiterno River

Page 9: Project: To play or not to play with water

Titerno RiverTiterno River

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Page 11: Project: To play or not to play with water
Page 12: Project: To play or not to play with water
Page 13: Project: To play or not to play with water

Sabato RiverSabato River

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Page 15: Project: To play or not to play with water
Page 16: Project: To play or not to play with water
Page 17: Project: To play or not to play with water
Page 18: Project: To play or not to play with water
Page 19: Project: To play or not to play with water
Page 20: Project: To play or not to play with water
Page 21: Project: To play or not to play with water
Page 22: Project: To play or not to play with water