project protecting the yangtze river project protecting the yangtze river

Project Protecting the Yangtze River

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Page 1: Project Protecting the Yangtze River Project Protecting the Yangtze River

Project Protecting the Yangtze River

Project Protecting the Yangtze River

Page 2: Project Protecting the Yangtze River Project Protecting the Yangtze River
Page 3: Project Protecting the Yangtze River Project Protecting the Yangtze River

As the third longest river in the world, how long is the Yangtze River?

What are the three longest rivers in the world?

It is 6,300 kilometers long.

The Nile in Africa, the Amazon in South America and the Yangtze River in China.

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the rare animals and fish

White-flag dolphin Yangtze alligator

Zhonghua sturgeon

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The location of Yangtze River in ChinaEast C


a se


The Tibetan Plateau


Tibet Sichuan


Chongqing Hubei





Tangla Mountain

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The river is now facing serious problems .

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Project Do you know what is being done to protect this river?

A. Read the following report on what China is doing to protect the Yangtze River

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Fast reading

Read the passage quickly and divide it into three parts.

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Matching: structure of the article

(Paragraph 1)

Paragraphs 2--4

Paragraph 5

The environmental problems of the Yangtze River have raised concern.

A lot of work has been done to protect the river.

The environmental situation of the Yangtze River is improving.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

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Read the passage again and answer the following questions.Read the passage again and try to

finish the following tasks of each part.

Careful reading

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Part 1 (Para 1) The environmental problems of the Yangtze River have raised concern.

Q: What has caused the pollution of the Yangtze River?

Rapid agricultural developmentIndustrial development huge population growth

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Part 2 (Para 2~4 ) A lot of work has been done to protect the river.


The Green River organization

1. It is a non-governmental educating and ___2____ people onthe importance of protecting….2. It watches the river and stopsthe ___3___hunting of the animals.

The water and ___4_________________ project

1.It was set up in 1989 and it has already been a ___5_______.2. It has resulted in farmers replacing the crops with treesor _____6_______.

to deal with the problems

A nature _____7___forwhite-flagdolphins

It was set up on the __8_____ reaches of the river in zhenjiangand it prohubits boats from entering this


soil preservation








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Part 3 (Para 5) The environmental situation of the Yangtze River is improving.

Q: Have people solved all the problems concerning the Yangtze River?

No, we still have a long way to go.

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What else can we do to protect the Yangtze River?

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Some measuresEducate people

Urge the government to pass stricter laws

Make strict laws and regulations

Build a system to purify the waste and minimize the danger

Set up protected areas and projects

Punish those who hunt illegally

Plant more trees along the river …

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1. depend/rely on2. in danger3. set up4. result in5. in/with regard to 6. let off7. a long way to go

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8. 责备9. 丢弃,抛掉10. 在使用的11. 最后但并非最不重要的12. 引起关注13. 自然保护区

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Write a short passage “Protecting the Liuyang River”.

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内容包括:1. 污染严重,已引起关注。2. 教育和建议人们有关保护浏阳河的重要性。3. 希望政府采取措施以阻止污水的排放。4. 保护浏阳河是一个漫长的过程,我们应该


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As we all know, the Liuyang River is a beautiful and famous river. But I read a report on the pollution of the Liuyang River. It is reported that the pollution problems of the Liuyang River have raised concern.

To protect the river,we should educate and advise people on the importance of protecting the river,

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and hope government can take some measures to stop untreated human and industrial sewage from being deposited into the river.

In a word, we still have a long way to go to solve the problems concerning the Liuyang River. I think if we all work together, we can keep the river cleaner.

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Protecting the Yangtze River

P1 Raising the issue(1)

P2 how to solvethe problem(2-4)

P3 Conclusion (5)

The environmental problems of the Yangtze River have raised concern.

Lots of work has been done to protect the river.

The environmentalsituation of the YangtzeRiver is improving

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1. Why have the environmental problems of the Yangtze River raised concern both

nationally and internationally?2. What does the Green River organization do?3. What problems do the two government projects focus on?

4. What did farmers have to do under the water and soil preservation project?

5. What does the second project concern?

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1. Why have the environmental problems of the Yangtze River raised concern both nationally and internationally?

Rapid agricultural and industrial development plus huge population growth has meant that not only is the amount of water taken from the river rising, but the waste being put back into the river has also been increasing.

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2. What does the Green River organization do?

It educates and advises people on the importance of protecting the Yangtze River.

3. What problems do the two government projects focus on?

They focus on problems along the Yangtze River such as water conservation and protecting white-flag dolphins.

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4. What did farmers have to do under the water and soil preservation project?

5. What does the second project concern?

The second project is a nature reserve for white-flag dolphins.

They had to replace crops on their farmland with trees or grassland.

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Show Time

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Part A Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks.


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Close Text:

T_________ , many people have r__________ the importance of protecting the Yangtze River and e____________ organizations and projects have been set up to d______ with the problem. The Green River organization is a non-g____________ organization that educates and advise people on the importance of p________ this great river.

hankfully ecognized

nvironmental eal



Close test:

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The organization also watches the river and stops the i______ hunting of animals which had been a m_______ problem and which has e__________ the wild animals. Two government projects are also u_____ way to protect the river.

llegal ajor

ndangered nder

The projects f____ on problems along the Yangtze River such as water c___________. Experts have a________ the river and are now trying to work out possible s_______ to the many problems. The river and soil p__________ project was set up in 1989.


ssessed olution


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1. 流经2. 淡水河流3. 第三大长河4. 清楚地看出5. 在国内和国际方面 引起了关注6. 快速的工农业发展7. 人口的迅猛增长8. 回放到河流里9. 依靠,依赖10. 导致饮用水的不安全

11 认识到保护长江的重要性12 建立环保组织和工程13 处理问题14 一个非政府的组织15 建议某人某事16 停止非法猎捕动物17 使野生动物数量面临危险18 在进行中19 集中,关注20 水资源保护

Part B Underline useful phrases

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21. 努力制定出可能的解决许多问题的办法22. 用 B 来替换 A23. 是……的家园 / 所在地24. 各种各样的鱼和动物25. 一个自然保护区26. 少于,不足27. 在河流的下游地段28. 禁止做某事29. 有很长的一段路要走30.感激做某事

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1. 流经2. 淡水河流3. 第三大长河4. 清楚地看出5. 在国内和国际方面 引起了关注6. 快速的工农业发展

7. 人口的迅猛增长8. 回放到河流里9. 依靠,依赖10. 导致饮用水的不安全

run acrossfreshwater riverthe third longest riverIt is clear to seeraise concern both nationally and internationallyrapid agricultural and industrial developmenthuge population growthput back into the riverrely on result in unsafe drinking water

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11 认识到保护长江 的重要性12 建立环保组织 和工程13 处理问题14 一个非政府的组织15 建议某人某事16 停止非法猎捕动物17 使野生动物数量 面临危险18 在进行中19 集中,关注20 水资源保护

recognize the importance of protecting…set up environmental organizations and projectsdeal with the problemsa non-governmental organizationadvise sb. on sth.stop the illegal hunting of animalsendanger the wild animal populationbe under wayfocus onwater conservation

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21. 努力制定出可能的 解决许多问题的办法22. 用 B 来替换 A23. 是……的家园 / 所在地24. 各种各样的鱼和动物25. 一个自然保护区26. 少于,不足27. 在河流的下游地段28. 禁止做某事29. 有很长的一段路要走30.感激做某事

try to work out possible solutions to many problems replace A with B be home to a diverse range of fish a nature reserve less thanon the lower reaches of the river prohibit from doing have a long way to go appreciate doing sth.

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1. raise, raised, raised vt. 升起,举起,抬起,提高,饲养,引起,筹集 raise your hands to answer the question raise one’s voice raise the worker’s salary raise a question raise money for the Red Cross

He has a big family to raise. His job in the army is raising pigs.

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rise, rose, risen vi.



The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

The water in the river has risen sharply.

He is used to rising at six and reading English aloud.

I can’t help_____ the goats because I am busy doing my work.A. raising B. raised C. to raise D. being raised

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1). 他不但喜欢英语,也喜欢汉语。

2). 不但我而且她也喜欢流行音乐。

He likes not only English but also Chinese .

Not only I but also she likes pop music .

3). 这本书不仅有趣.而且有教育意义。 This book is not only interesting but (also) instructive.

2. not only… but also…

= Not only ____ he_____English, but also


does like

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1) not only A but also B = B as well as A

2) not only提到句首 not only 所在分句用部分倒装

3)not only…but also…连接并列主语时,谓语遵循“就近原则”

4) but also 中的 also也可省去; but also也可换为but ... as well


Not only you but also he ______ to the party .

A . have been B . is going

C. are going D . have gone

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3. rely on 依靠,依赖 ,信任rely on/ upon sb. for help 依靠某人的帮助rely on/upon one’s own efforts 依靠自己的努力rely on/ upon sb. to do sth. 指望某人做某事rely on/ upon it that… 相信……(事情)

Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for help/to help us.

I relied on you(r) coming early.

You can rely on it that it will rain thisweekend.

You can rely on me to keep you secret.

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4. lead to sth 导致 ,通往 =result in lead sb. to 引导某人到…… lead sb. to do sth.指导某人做某事All roads lead to Rome.Your explanation has led me to understand it clearly.Reducing speed limits should lead to fewer deaths on the roads.lie in sth 存在,在于Wisdom lies in learning and hard working leads to success.What ____ you to do such things?A. led B. had C. made D. let

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5. advise v. 建议,劝告 advice sb. on sth. advise sb. (not) to do sth. advise doing sth. advise sb. against doing sth. advise sb. +that +主语 +( should) do sth. advice n. a piece of advice give advice to sb. ask (sb.) for advice give some advice on follow/ take/ accept one’s advice

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6. be under way: 已经开始并进行着The project is under way.Economic recovery is already under way.

under constructionunder considerationunder discussionunder repairunder investigation

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all the wayby the wayby way of find one’s wayin any way in no way in one’s (own) way

一直,从头到尾顺便一说1)经过,经由 2)为了找到路, 设法到达不管怎样,好歹决不以自己的方式

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in the way of

lead the way

lose one’s way

make one’s way

make way for

no way

on one’s (the ) way

妨碍 , 阻挡,挡路



(辛苦地 ) 前进



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7. focus on/upon 集中于,关注 focus one’s attention/ thoughts onWe must focus our attention on important q


________ his attention on his book, he didn’t hear my knocking at the door.

A.Focus B. Focused C. Focusing D. Lost

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8. remain    V. 1)作系动词“保持,仍是” 强调继续某种状态The doctor ordered him to remain in bed for a few days.

He remained silent.

It remains a secret.2)留待以后再说 remain to be done/ seen

A great many things remain to be done.


So many problems________ __ __ _____.remianed to be solved

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3)remaining 是形容词形式,常作前置定语 “剩下的”She bought herself a gift with the remaining money.

It is a good plan in theory, but it ____ to be seen if it works in practice.A.waits B. stays C. stands D. remains

Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains __________ whetherthey will enjoy it. A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen

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9. reach n. 河段,水域,伸出 v. 到达,伸手去够,接触我的家乡在黄河下游。My hometown lies_____ ____ _____ _____ ofthe Yellow River.

along the lower reaches

He reached Shanghai at nine last night.beyond / out of one’s reachreach (out one’s hand) for sth.

Don’t let the children ____ the medicine. It’s harmful.A.arrive at B. to reachC. reach D. reaching

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10. prohibit v. 禁止,阻止 prohibit sb. from doing sth

prohibited from smoking

prohibited from going

我们不准在校园里吸烟。We are ________ ______ _______ in our shoolyard.

家庭的经济情况使他不能上大学。Family finances _________ him ____ ______ to college.

n. prohibition 禁止,禁令

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11. concerning prep. 关于汤姆问了很多关于汉语学习的问题。Tom asked a lot of questions__________ Chinese learning.


concern n. &v.涉及,关心,担心be concerned with 和……有关be concerned for/ about 对……关心So/as far as one be concerned 就……而言

We are all__________ ____ ___ _______. (担心她的安全)

concerned about her safety

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12. effort n. 努力make an effort/ efforts to domake every effort to dospare no effortwithout effort 他毫不费力地完成了这项任务。He did the task______ ________.我将尽一切努力去完成我的目标。I’ll _____ _____ _____ to _____ my aim.

without effort

make every effort reach

The rescue team made every____ to find the missing mountain climber.A. effort B. effect C. affect D. efforts

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13. appreciate v. 赏识,欣赏,感谢 appreciate sth./ doing sth.我很赏识你的才华。I __________ your ________.他们非常感谢我们的及时帮助。They greatly ___________ our ______ help.我恭候佳音。I shall _________ _______ ____ you.

appreciate talents

appreciate timely

appreciate hearing from

I really appreciate_____ to relax with you on this nice island.A. to have had time B. having timeC. to have time D. to having time.

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Use another form of the word in bold in the first sentences to fill in the blank in the second sentence.

1. Her opinion on the matter differs from mine. You can make a real __________ to someone’s life by helping them to go to university.

2. Smoking is a danger to your health. The factory has been releasing _________ chemicals into the air for years.



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3. Parents should educate their children on what to do in case of a fire. No country can afford to overlook the value of ___________. 4. Thankfully, the documents survived the fire. His only chance of_______ was a heart operation. 5. Mike is responsible for designing the new model. I think we have a moral___________to help those who are in need. 6. Please accept this present in appreciation for all you have done for us. I would_________ you letting me know when you will be home.



