project plan templat

Tools Integration project (TIP) Project Plan Version 1.0– Last saved: 02/09/2004 08:21:00 AM JISC Project Plan Template The Project Management Guidelines have detailed instructions for preparing project plans. Expand tables as appropriate. Fill in the information for the header, e.g. project acronym, version, and date. Prepare a cover sheet using the cover sheet template and attach to the project plan. xxx Overview of Project 1. Background Summarise the background to the project (and how it builds on previous work) and the need for it (and why it’s important). The project will integrate software from three existing projects: TOIA, LAMS and Bodington. Each software system provides functionality that can support a broad range of learning scenarios. Here we list some of the core ‘services’ that each system provides: TOIA 1 The free version of the TOIA system supports the following core services: Creation of assessments according to the IMS QTI specification with 9 questions types o Multiple choice o Multiple response o Pull-down list o Fill in the blanks o Matrix o Essay o Macromedia flash (see: for guide on authoring) o Java applet o File upload Assign assessments to groups of individuals Schedule assessments Grade assessments Analyse statistics of questions after an assessment has been taken Output an IMS QTI compliant assessment LAMS 2 The LAMS system currently supports the following services: Creation of activity sequences including a range of built in tools: o Notice board 1 2 Page 1 of 21

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Tools Integration project (TIP) – Project Plan – Version 1.0– Last saved: 02/09/2004 03:21:00 PM

JISC Project Plan TemplateThe Project Management Guidelines have detailed instructions for preparing project plans.Expand tables as appropriate.Fill in the information for the header, e.g. project acronym, version, and date.Prepare a cover sheet using the cover sheet template and attach to the project

Overview of Project

1. BackgroundSummarise the background to the project (and how it builds on previous work) and the need for it (and why it’s important).

The project will integrate software from three existing projects: TOIA, LAMS and Bodington. Each software system provides functionality that can support a broad range of learning scenarios.

Here we list some of the core ‘services’ that each system provides:


The free version of the TOIA system supports the following core services: Creation of assessments according to the IMS QTI specification with 9 questions types

o Multiple choiceo Multiple responseo Pull-down listo Fill in the blankso Matrixo Essayo Macromedia flash (see: for guide on authoring)o Java appleto File upload

Assign assessments to groups of individuals Schedule assessments Grade assessments Analyse statistics of questions after an assessment has been taken Output an IMS QTI compliant assessment


The LAMS system currently supports the following services: Creation of activity sequences including a range of built in tools:

o Notice boardo Chato Submissiono Notebook (public)o Groupingo Q & Ao Pollingo Forumo Multiple choiceo Share resourceso Chat and scribe

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(For a description of these tools and others: Assign sequence to groups of individuals Orchestration of a sequence while running by the teacher. This would include participation in

discussions and releasing whole class onto synchronised activities Running the LAMS activity sequence for groups of learners, (the “runtime”).


The Bodington system is a secure VLE environment that provides services such as: Logbook

A log book has a page private to each student consisting of sections and questions. The student can make entries in the sections of the logbook. Tutors and mentors can browse through the students' pages and make entries as well. Together the students and tutors decide which entries will form the final logbook record and after this the record can be printed or saved to disk.

Link to External Web SiteThis is a page within the building that links to a web address outside of the building.

Structured DocumentThis is structured document with an automatically generated contents page. Text is typed (or pasted) directly into a form on the web page and you can use plain text or HTML formatted text. The structure of the document is limited but authoring is very easy.

Web DocumentThis will create an initially empty web document into which you can subsequently upload HTML pages, graphics and other media. You must have web-authoring tools on your own computer or a plain text editor and knowledge of HTML tags.

Multiple Choice Question PaperThis interactive document will present the user with a set of multiple-choice questions. The student makes selections and is given a mark. Detailed feedback is available to the student and statistical analysis is available to the teacher.

QuestionnaireThis interactive document will present the user with a set of questions that are text entry and/or multiple-choice. The user enters responses to the questions and the author can review responses.

Short Answer PaperThis interactive document will present the user with a set of questions. The student types responses under each question and these responses are stored. Later a teacher can assess the responses and return typed feedback and/or a mark.

Pigeon HoleA pigeon-hole is used by a student to upload a file, often a word processed document for assessment. A teacher can download and view the file and then enter feedback and/or a mark for return to the student.

By allowing practitioners to use the different systems as an integrated suite of tools we will be able to support a more diverse range of learning scenarios and teaching styles.

The authorisation environment and web services we develop will allow other institutions to use the TOIA and LAMS web applications from within their own VLE environment(s).

2. Aims and ObjectivesList the broad aim or purpose of the project, and the specific objectives you intend to achieve.

The project will implement a single sign-on (SSO) authorisation environment based on the WebAuth system. We will be monitoring the emerging Shibboleth framework to make sure we implement a solution that is compatible with this framework.

The project will be run in conjunction with the project partners who will use the three systems and other tools to create resources for developing numeracy skills. Working with the project partners will allow us to evaluate the integration and gain insight into how software components can be integrated in a meaningful manner.

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The project will also improve the functionality of the LAMS system to (a) allow a record of a learner’s activities through an LAMS sequence to be exported, and (b) allow an author to export their LAMS sequence in a format compliant with IMS LD Level-A.

Finally the project will develop Web service WSDL definitions for LAMS and TOIA to expose discrete services that TOIA and LAMS could provide for other applications to consume. These services could include the retrieval of a QTI object or a LAMS sequence into another system.

3. Overall ApproachDescribe the overall approach you will take to achieve the objectives outlined above, including:

Strategy and/or methodology and how the work will be structured Important issues to be addressed, e.g. interoperability Scope and boundaries of the work, including any issues that will not be covered. Critical success factors.

The project has four main strands:

Strand one:

Work with Excel Soft and Macquarie to enable SSO between TOIA, LAMS and Bodington. This will also involve working with Stanford in US who are developing the IIS WebAuth module.

Strand Two:

Work with project partners and the JISC Assis project to specify web services between the three systems with an eye to different reference models that could use the ELF (PDP and QTI reference models would be a good start.

We hope to also work with OKI to see if an API/ OSID-based approach could also be used to define interfaces between these systems, perhaps building on the Tools Portability Profile work.

Strand Three:

The medical department at Oxford will work with the project partners to use TOIA, Bodington and LAMS to build resources for numeracy skills. This exercise will allow us to build an understanding regarding what an integrated suite of tools/ services should do for practitioners.

Strand Four:

An online resource will be built to support the collaborators and disseminate project findings to the wider community. The purpose of this resource will be to allow collaborators to share ideas and for us at Oxford to support development.

The project will be focused on enabling the requisite software for SSO and understanding how services can be exposed according to the JISC ELF. Through the collaborators community we will gain more than just a technical understanding of this research area.

4. Project OutputsList the tangible deliverables (including reports) your project will create, and the less tangible knowledge and experience you hope to build and share.

WebAuth single sign-on implementation between Bodington and LAMS IIS WebAuth module to allow single sign-on to the TOIA application – we are still unsure who

will develop this since Stanford have just begun work in this area

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UML that describes the web services WSDL definitions of the web services Code in LAMS and TOIA that implements the web services Community web resource that support authors in their development of activities for learners of

numeracy skills Resources for the learning of Numeracy Skills: LAMS activity sequences that integrate TOIA

assessments (IMS QTI compliant) and other tools and content. Web site that describes the project findings

5. Project OutcomesList the outcomes you envisage, including their impact on the teaching, learning, or research communities, and what change they will stimulate or enable.

Value to JISC

Integrating discrete software components is core to the success of the JISC e-learning framework. We will be investigating how WSDL and possibly the API based approaches can be used to do this.

This integration will provide HE and FE institutions with a suite of tools that can support diverse pedagogic practice

The tools are designed to be used by learners and teachers The project will be of interest to the JISC evaluation of e-learning tools (pedagogy strand) Add to research into the reusability and repurposing of learning designs and learning objects

With respect to the technical framework

The project will focus on interoperable tool integration into a learning activity sequence as generated by the LAMS system. The project will deliver authenticated and authorised access of the LAMS and TOIA from within the secure environment of the open source Bodington VLE environment.

It will develop web services that utilise authentication and authorisation common services. The LAMS software supports Activity Management and the TOIA system supports Assessment.

We have chosen the TOIA system because it is already built to be able to handle web services, it is IMS QTI compliant, has an excellent user interface. There are also currently positive movements towards making the TOIA software open source.

6. Stakeholder AnalysisList key stakeholder groups and individuals that will be interested in your project outcomes, will be affected by them, or whose support/approval is essential, both within your institution and in the community, and assess their importance (low/medium/high).

Stakeholder Interest / stake ImportanceJISC Stake HighUniversity of Oxford medical department Stake HighMacquarie University Stake HighExcelSoft Stake High

7. Risk AnalysisList factors that could pose a risk to the project’s success, assess their likelihood and severity, and how you will prevent them from happening (or manage them if they if they occur). Cover the types of risks listed and any others that apply.

Risk Probability(1-5)


Score(P x S)

Action to Prevent/Manage Risk

Staffing 2 4 8 Early recruitment of relevant staff backed up with other staff if necessary.

Organisational 2 3 6 Early scoping of project within department to

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ensure proper commitment to projectTechnical 2 2 4 Training in appropriate technologies. Phased

implementation regarding complexity. External suppliers

2 5 10 Regular communications and well managed distributed software development environment – clearly defined deliverables and responsibilities.

Legal 1 4 5 All suppliers have agreed to release all code under LGPL license and have submitted agreements to JISC.

8. StandardsList any specific standards you will adopt and why they are important.

UML to document web services. Web services (WSDL/ WSDD) to define the behaviours between systems. We will develop IMS Learning Design level-A compliance within LAMS so that it can

interoperate with other compliant systems such as CopperCore. TOIA can output IMS QTI objects, which is important if they are to be run in another system or

stored in another repository (test bank). We will endeavour to build the implementation to work within Shibboleth enabled framework. We will investigate the use of OASIS web service encryption specifications such as Security

Assertion Mark-up Language (SAML) v2.0

9. Technical DevelopmentIndicate how the project will follow best practice for technical development, and any specific technologies or development approaches the project will adopt and why.

The project will use the standards and technologies recommended by the JISC E-Learning framework (ELF) – from IMS and OASIS organisations.

We will use open source software wherever possible e.g. Axis and Apache.

The project will be built with consideration of the emerging Shibboleth framework.

We will monitor developments from OASIS regarding the Security Assertion Mark-up Language (SAML) v2.0 specification.

The project will be managed in incremental steps to ensure that we solve basic problems before we move onto modelling more complex functionality into the system.

We will use CVS to help project coders synchronise their efforts.

10. Intellectual Property RightsList any intellectual property owned by third parties that will be incorporated into project outputs, when/how you will obtain permission to use them, and any implications for project outputs after the project ends.

The University of Oxford and all project partners agree to comply with the open source nature of the project mandated in paragraph 30 of the 03/ 04 Call. All software developed during the project will be released under the LGPL license and made openly available at no cost to the JISC.

Please see appendices C and D for sustainability statements from Macquarie University and ExcelSoft

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Project Resources

11. Project PartnersList all project partners (including subcontractors), their roles, and the main contact. Indicate the date a consortium agreement was signed (or will be signed), and send a copy to the programme manager.

Excel Soft - India.Main contact is Ajay KulkarniExcel Soft Technologies Pvt. Ltd.,1-B, Hootagalli Industrial Area, Mysore - 570 018, INDIATel: 00 91 821 5282000 / 5282260 / 5282288 Fax: 00 91 821 5282208Web:

Role: Excel Soft will work with Oxford to develop SSO capabilities within the TOIA (IIS) software. Excel Soft will also develop web services with Oxford to expose discrete services for consumption by other applications. Macquarie University, Sidney – AustraliaMain contact is Prof James [email protected]

Role: Macquarie will develop the LAMS system to allow SSO and also the enhancements to the LAMS system described above. Macquarie will also develop Web Services with Oxford.

12. Project ManagementBriefly describe the project management framework, including organisation, reporting relationships, decision process, and the role of any local management committee.

List all members of the project team, their roles, and contact details. Indicate the proportion of time the project manager will spend on project management.

Indicate if the project has training needs and how they will be met.

The project will conduct internal reviews with technical experts within Oxford and with our project partners. These reviews will allow us to assess the robustness in terms of extendibility and interoperability of the solution – the goal is to provide a basis for other institutions to adapt to their own IT architectures.

UML and other documentation will be produced for each of the key stages in the project.

We will also disseminate findings with the wider community as organised by the programme manager.

University of Oxford

Project Manager/ developer – 20% FTEHoward NobleEducational Interoperability Specialist Oxford University, Learning Technologies Group (LTG)13 Banbury Rd, Oxford. OX2 6NN. EnglandTel. +44 (0)1865 273211 internal 73211email: [email protected]

Project Manager, community of practice – 10%FTEVivien Sieber

Web developer – Online Community of Practice

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Katharine Lindsay

System Administrator – 10% FTEMats Henrikson

Developer – 20% FTEColin Tatham + other(s) (TBC)

Administrator – 10% FTEJudy McAuliffe


Technical Lead + teamMRN Murthy/ Ajay KulkaniFixed price – see budget

Excel Soft Technologies Pvt. Ltd.,1-B, Hootagalli Industrial Area, Mysore - 570 018, INDIATel: 00 91 821 5282000 / 5282260 / 5282288 Fax: 00 91 821 5282208Web:

Macquarie University

Technical lead + teamProf. James DalzielAll project partners have agreed to work with us on this project and have sent their statements to the JISC programme managers.

13. Programme SupportIndicate if there are specific areas where you would like support from the programme or programme manager.

We would like support in understanding how to manage an IP registry.

We would like guidance on drawing up a legally sound MoA based on the requirements of the ELF programme.

14. BudgetUse the budget template and attach the project budget as Appendix A. Explain any changes from the budget in the agreed project proposal.

Generally the project has scaled down in terms of dissemination but will we still gain feedback on the implementation from the named project collaborators via project meetings and the community of practice online resource.

We have cut the three national workshops to be simpler to organise project meetings with the project collaborators. This is reflected by the decreased costs for the project manager for the community of practice and we have removed the support role within the original workshops.

We have also cut the costs in terms of travel and will endeavour to do much more development and support using online tools.

We have also reduced the role of system administrator.

Finally one of the work packages from the LAMS team has been cut completely so there will be no bespoke development to LAMS activity tools.

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Detailed Project Planning

15. WorkpackagesUse the workpackages template to plan the detailed project work and attach as Appendix B. Clearly indicate project deliverables and reports (in bold), when they are due, phasing of workpackages, and explain any dependencies. You may also attach a Gantt chart, diagram, or flowchart to illustrate phasing.

See appendix E

16. Evaluation PlanIndicate how you will evaluate the quality of the project outputs and the success of the project. List the factors you plan to evaluate, questions the evaluation will answer, methods you will use, and how success will be measured. Expand as appropriate on how you will conduct the evaluation.

Timing Factor to Evaluate Questions to Address Method(s) Measure of Success

17. Quality Assurance PlanExplain the quality assurance procedures you will put in place to ensure that project outputs comply with JISC technical standards and best practice, and what will constitute evidence of compliance.

Timing Compliance With QA Method(s) Evidence of ComplianceFitness for purposeBest practice for processesAdherence to specificationsAdherence to standardsAccessibility legislation

18. Dissemination PlanExplain how the project will share outcomes and learning with stakeholders and the community. List important dissemination activities planned throughout the project, indicating purpose, target audience, timing, and key message.

Timing Dissemination Activity Audience Purpose Key Message

19. Exit/Sustainability PlanExplain what will happen to project outputs at the end of the project (including knowledge and learning). Focus on the work needed to ensure they are taken up by the community and any work needed for project closedown, e.g. preservation, maintenance, documentation.

Project Outputs Action for Take-up & Embedding Action for Exit

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List any project outputs that may have potential to live on after the project ends, why, how they might be taken forward, and any issues involved in making them sustainable in the long term.

Project Outputs Why Sustainable Scenarios for Taking Forward

Issues to Address


Appendix B – LAMS Sustainability Statement

On July 14th, 2004, LAMS will be announcing its plans to make the LAMS software available as open source software under the General Public License (GPL). The LAMS roadmap is as follows: the current period of LAMS beta testing will be completed in October/November of 2004 when the full Version 1 release of LAMS will be announced. In February 2005, LAMS V1.1 will be released, and at the same time, the open source code for this version will be made freely available to the public under the GPL. This release will also include any open source code developed for Government funded projects. Finally, an IMS Learning Design V1.0 Level A import and export feature will be developed for LAMS by July 2005. The long-term sustainability of LAMS is based on two strategies. First, the LAMS Foundation (which is the owner of all LAMS intellectual property) is a not for profit organisation that will source funding for LAMS research and development from Governments and charitable foundations to continue the development of LAMS over 2005-2007 (after which time it is anticipated that the developer community will have grown to a point where it will be self-sustaining). In parallel, LAMS International Pty Ltd is a services company that works in conjunction with the LAMS Foundation which will follow the successful open source services models of companies such as Red Hat Linux, and the dual licensing models of companies such as MySQL. Its objective is to develop a sustainable revenue stream that can assist in funding future development of LAMS. Both organisations are supported by Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia through the Macquarie E-learning Centre of Excellence (MELCOE) led by Professor James Dalziel. The LAMS approach to intellectual property is that all current intellectual property in LAMS is held by the LAMS Foundation, and all future LAMS intellectual property developed by MELCOE (including project work) is held by the LAMS Foundation. The LAMS Foundation is committed to releasing all LAMS intellectual property as freely available open source software under the GPL. LAMS International Pty Ltd, on behalf of the LAMS Foundation, has the right to provide non-GPL commercial licenses for LAMS following the MySQL dual licensing model, and to provide commercial licensing revenue back to the LAMS Foundation to support ongoing development of open source LAMS. Developers who are not associated with MELCOE/LAMS who create additions or extensions to the LAMS open source software (once released in February 2005) will retain intellectual property rights in their code, but developers may choose to assign the additions back to the LAMS Foundation if they would rather it be managed as part of the central LAMS code base. Authors who use LAMS to create "Learning Activity Sequences" retain intellectual property rights in their sequences.

Appendix C – ExcelSoft Sustainability StatementExcelSoft will release all code as open source under the LGPL license and all documentation resulting from this work. Similarly the functionality that is built within this project will be available freely to all UK HE and FE institutions when they download the TOIA software after March 2005.

We are currently negotiating with Sun on porting the AMSTOIA to Java & are seriously considering making some of our software modules open source, so that local bespoke developments can be performed.

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Appendix D - Project collaborators

London Metropolitan University

1. Managing Information. (David Andrew)This 1st year undergraduate module is a new module for students taking degrees in Human Resource Management and Management. The students are traditionally weak in mathematical skills and previous attempts to teach quantitative methods have not been successful and have at times aggravated students' lack of self-efficacy in this area. The new module is being designed to provide a less threatening approach to managing quantitative information and basic techniques of handling management information. On-line materials will support this approach by providing tools for the students to use at their own level of mathematical competence, with opportunities for  self-study using worked examples

2. MBA - Research methods. (David Andrew)This project will provide a structure for the students to design the statistical aspects of their dissertations, utilising a decision making model the package would assist the student in the design process and using case-study examples to illustrate the relationship between research design, types of data collected and the statistical analysis of that data.

3. Sports Science and basic numeracy (Roger Gossett)Roger Gossett is a senior lecturer in the Department of Health and Human Sciences at London Metropolitan University. He has special research interests concerning the application of learning technology to the teaching of science. He is about to start the final year of an MA in Learning and Teaching in HE (MALTHE).

This project aims to develop a series of learning objects that make use of computer graphics to facilitate the conceptual understanding of basic mathematical functions. The functions to be targeted are: fractions, decimals, percentages, pie charts and probability. The learning objects will be designed to be non-contextual in order that subject specialists will be able to use them in a blended learning environment.

University of East London

4. Psychology (Professor Christine P. Dancey, Dr. Joan Painter, Dr. Gwyneth Hughes)Christine Dancey has been at the University of East London since 1990. Her main area of teaching is in statistics (univariate and multivariate), and she jointly-published the highly successful statistics textbook “Statistics without Maths” with Dr. John Reidy. Her particular research interest is in the area of psychosocial aspects of chronic illness, and she collaborates with colleagues both nationally and internationally.

Dr. Joan Painter is a Learning Technology Advisor based in the School of Psychology. She first became interested in e-learning whilst working as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Psychology at UEL in the 1990’s and wanted to provide additional support for students in the area of research methods and statistics. Since then she has been involved in the development of a range of online learning materials and in helping staff to incorporate web-based technology into their teaching. 

Dr. Gwyneth Hughes is the e-learning Co-ordinator at UEL and initiated a strategic approach to the development of our VLE four years ago. She is a leader on a JISC funded project "Accreditation of Learning Technologists" and runs a SEDA and HE Academy accredited Application of Learning Technology course which has received national recognition.

Statistical literacy is essential for progress on a large number of psychology degree programmes. Nevertheless, notwithstanding this well established presence it is widely regarded as a notoriously difficult subject to both teach and learn, not least because many of the students on these courses have no desire whatsoever to become statisticians and regard the topic as being somewhat remote from their main area of academic interest. Furthermore, in recent years this problem has been exacerbated by the move towards a mass Higher Education (HW) system that necessarily means that the profile of the contemporary intake is far more diverse in terms of mathematical knowledge.

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In the School of Psychology at the University of East London we have responded to this problem by adopting a strategy based on blended learning. In addition to conventional face-to-face teaching, students have access to a wide range of resources delivered via our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). There are, for example, numerous interactive activities included in relation to each lecture topic that serve to clarify and consolidate the statistical concepts introduced. Links to the wealth of resources that are available on the web are also included, as are numerous self-assessment quizzes that enable students to monitor their performance as they progress. Perhaps the most successful aspect of the strategy, however, has been the extensive use of the discussion forum. Students post queries, discuss issues and collaborate on particular areas of concern. Moreover, the postings from the discussion forum have subsequently been analysed in order to facilitate the development of a Frequently Asked Questions resource.

Given the large number of students within the School of Psychology it would have been extremely difficult to provide the additional support structures necessary by conventional means. However, by firmly embedding e-learning into the syllabus it has been possible to enhance the learning experience of the students in a pedagogically sound and flexible way.

University of Oxford

5. Experimental Psychology (Dr David Popplewell)David Popplewell is teaches statistics in the Department of Experimental Psychology and is the IT Advisor to the Medical Sciences Division.

Psychology undergraduates often find it difficult to understand the basic principles of inferential statistics and, more importantly, apply these principles to real-life situations. On-line materials will provide a means for students to assess and develop their statistical knowledge by providing realistic problems and worked examples relating to key statistical principles.

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Appendix E – Work Packages









1: WebAuth-enable LAMS 2: WebAuth-enable TOIA 3: Develop community of


4: Build TOIA web service 5: Build LAMS web service 6: LAMS activity sequence


7: LAMS IMS LD Level - A 8: Build and manage online

community support resource

Project start date: 21-08-2004

Project completion date: 1-03-2005

Duration: [7] months

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Work package and activity Earliest



Latest completion


Outputs(Clearly indicate deliverables &

reports in bold)




WORKPACKAGE 1: WebAuth-enable LAMS

Objective: Build single sign-on integration between Bodington and LAMS

1. Configure Apache on LAMS server in Oxford to work with WebAuth server

1/9/2004 1/12/2004 LAMS Apache server is configured to handle sign sign-on (SSO)


2. Develop LAMS software to by-pass login screen. This will also involve allowing LAMS to query Bodington LDAP to retrieve Person Data and permissions information

1/9/2004 1/2/2005 User in Bodington is able to pass to LAMS according to SSO mechanism

Oxford/ LAMS

WORKPACKAGE 2: WebAuth-enable TOIA

Objective: Build SSO mechanism between Bodington and TOIA software.3. Develop IIS module that communicates with

WebAuth to allow SSO1/9/2004 1/2/2005 User in Bodington is able to pass to

TOIA according to SSO mechanismOxford/ ExcelSoft

4. Install TOIA software at Oxford (production and test instance)

15/9/2004 22/9/2005 Project partners are able to use TOIA instance at Oxford to develop assessments.

Oxford/ ExcelSoft

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WORKPACKAGE 3: Develop community of practice

Objective: Support project partners in authoring LAMS sequences, assessments in TOIA and resources using other tools for learning numeracy skills.5. LAMS and TOIA training with project

partners3/9/2004 3/9/2004 Skilled partners who understand the

applications and the projectsOxford/ project partners

6. Workshop with partners to create LAMS sequences and TOIA assessments

1/11/2004 15/12/2004 LAMS sequence and TOIA assessments for learning numeracy skills. This will be released openly to the UK community.

Oxford/ project partners

7. End of project meeting with partners to document lessons learnt

25/2/2005 1/3/2005 Project partners meet to discuss lessons learn. Will invite wider audience to this meeting include CETIS pedagogy SIG.

Oxford/ project partners

WORKPACKAGE 4: Build TOIA web service

Objective: Design and code web service in TOIA8. Design web service using UML 1/11/2004 1/12/2004 UML diagrams that describe the


9. Build web service (a) searchQTIObject, getQTIObject)

1/12/2004 1/2/2005 WSDL and application code TOIA

10. Investigate exporting TOIA QTI objects to other runtime environments.

1/2/2005 1/3/2005 Investigate use of other facilities that can run QTI tests written in TOIA software (VLEs and bespoke utilities)


11. Investigate exporting QTI objects to question banks

1/2/2005 1/3/2005 Investigate exporting QTI objects authored in TOIA to other question banks.


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WORKPACKAGE 5: Build LAMS web service

Objective: Design and code web service in LAMS12. Design web service using UML 1/11/2004 1/12/2004 UML diagrams that describe the


13. Build web service 1/12/2004 1/2/2005 WSDL and java Macquarie

14. Write code that consumes TOIA web service 1/2/2005 1/3/2005 Ability to use TOIA WSDL to pass to TOIA software and send back link to an assessment held in TOIA for the learner

Macquarie/ Oxford

WORKPACKAGE 6: LAMS activity sequence export

Objective: Build functionality in LAMS to export representation of a student activity during a LAMS sequence15. Design HTML export 1/12/2004 1/1/2005 Prototype of HTML export Macquarie

16. Write code 1/1/2005 1/3/2005 Activity sequence export in HTML Macquarie


Objective: Ability to export a LAMS sequence in a format compliant with the IMS LD Level – A XML Schema17. Technical design 1/11/2004 1/12/2004 Technical design document Macquarie

18. Write code 1/12/2004 1/3/2004 Open source java code released under the license that exports XML


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compliant with the IMS LD Level-A schema

WORKPACKAGE 8: Build and manage online community support resource

Objective: Build online resource to support project partners in creating LAMS sequences, TOIA assessments and in how to use other tools – with the goal of creating resources for numeracy skills

19. Design online resource 24/8/2004 27/8/2004 Design document Oxford

20. Build, manage and support online community resource

1/10/2004 1/3/2004 Online resource populated with best practice guidelines and project resources for numeracy skills

Oxford and project partners

Members of Project Team:

University of OxfordHoward Noble (HN)Dr. Vivien Sieber (VS)Katharine Lindsay (KL)

Macquarie UniversityProf. James Dalziel (JD)

ExcelSoftAjay Kulkani (AK)

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