project: now the news


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Post on 18-Feb-2017



News & Politics

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What’s Trending?

Have you heard the news? Millennials are lazy, entitled, unproductive, self-obsessed and addicted to social media. Those are just some of the common complaints about millennials by their older colleagues. Are millennials really that bad, or just misunderstood? And, fair or not, how can they overcome the negative stereotypes when trying to get a job or get ahead?

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+Say What?

On the negative side, yes, millennials have been described as lazy, narcissistic and prone to jump from to job.

They are generally regarded as being more open-minded, confident, self-expressive, liberal, upbeat and receptive to new ideas and ways of living. Millennials are the most educated group as bachelor’s degree is the new high school diploma.


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Millennials consume news and information in strikingly different ways thanprevious generations, and their paths to discovery are more nuanced and varied than some may have imagined.This generation tends not to consume news in discrete sessions or by going directly to news providers. Instead, news and information are woven into anoften continuous but mindful way that millennials connect to the world generally, which mixes news with social connection, problem solving, socialaction and entertainment.

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How about a news website designed specifically for millennials?

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Now (NTN) will be a social content platform that will discover andshare a group of millennial voices, amplified organically through people sharing with their friends. The platform will empower its hundreds of creators to contributeand share what matters to them, and will enable content to find its most relevant audience organically. Through its proprietary technology ecosystem, NTN will berevolutionizing content creation and discovery, enabling compelling, high-qualitycontent to be created and discovered at speed and scale.

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+Instead of traditional sections we’ll have popular hashtags






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+Secondary topics







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+AudienceMillennials – Young adults ages 17-36

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+Editorial team

Two editors Sports reporter Entertainment reporter Social media reporter Fashion reporter Technology reporter Pop culture reporter Political reporter Higher Education reporter Webmaster

10 members

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Companies are fiercely competing for millennial mindshare and it’s only the beginning. There are 80 million millennials in America alone and they representabout a quarter of the entire population, with $200 billion in annual buying power.They have a lot of influence over older generations and are trendsetters across allindustries from fashion to food. Companies have been struggling connecting withthis generation because many of the traditional methods of advertising have provenineffective at capturing their attention. Furthermore, many companies believe in certain myths about millennials that are just plain inaccurate, including that they aren’t brand loyal.

NowTheNews will understand millennials because every single piece of news willbe written by a millennial. NTN will be from millennials to millennials.