project management hw solution

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  • 8/10/2019 Project Management HW Solution


    HW Solution

    Chapter 1: Case (One day in the life)

    This case shows a glimpse of what it is like to be a project manager. It also underscores

    that being a project manager is more social than technical and that project managersspend the majority of their time interacting with various people who impact a project.

    1. How effectively do you think Rachel spent her day

    You may argue that she is inefficient and does not have control over her time.

    You may also argue that this is the nature of the job as expected, and that she isappropriately spending her time managing relations and keeping on top of things thataffect the project.

    Students with little work experience are often much more critical than those withwork experience.

    !. What does the case tell you a"out what it is like to "e a pro#ect $ana%er

    achel!s day underscores three key functions project managers spend their timeperforming"

    a. #uilding and sustaining interpersonal relations. $roject managers have tonetwork and develop good working relations with team members and otherproject stakeholders.

    b. Information gathering and dissemination. $roject managers are the informationhub for their projects. They are in constant communication with variousstakeholders, collecting information from various sources, and sending it to thosewho have a need to know.

    c. %ecision&making. $roject managers consult with various people to makedecisions necessary to complete the project.

    'hapter ( Organization Strategy and Project Selection )*

  • 8/10/2019 Project Management HW Solution


    Chapter !: &ro"le$s !'

    !. wo new software pro#ects are proposed to a youn%* start'up co$pany. he

    +lpha pro#ect will cost ,1-*--- to develop and is epected to have annual netcash flow of ,/-*---. he 0eta pro#ect will cost ,!--*--- to develop and is

    epected to have annual net cash flow of ,-*---. he co$pany is very

    concerned a"out their cash flow. sin% the pay"ack period* which pro#ect is

    "etter fro$ a cash flow standpoint Why

    $ayback + Investment -nnual Savings

    $roject -lpha" )/0,000 10,000 + *.2/ years

    $roject #eta" (00,000 /0,000 + 1.0 years

    $roject -lpha is the better payback.

    2. + five'year pro#ect has a pro#ected net cash flow of ,1*---* ,!*---* ,2-*---*

    ,!-*---* and ,1*--- in the net five years. 3t will cost ,-*--- to i$ple$ent the

    pro#ect. 3f the re4uired rate of return is !- percent* conduct a discounted cash

    flow calculation to deter$ine the 5&6.

    + 0 C 7 8 9 H


    ! 8ercise !.2

    2 5et &resent 6alue 8a$ple

    / &ro#ect !.2 ;ear - ;ear 1 ;ear ! ;ear 2 ;ear / ;ear

    < 3nvest$ent ',-*---

    = Cash 3nflows ,1*--- ,!*--- ,2-*--- ,!-*--- ,1*---

    > Re4uired Rate of Return !-?


    1- 5&6 A ,1!*>@ 9or$ula: AC*7=:H=)

    Since the 3$4 is positive, accept project.

    /. ;ou work for the 2 co$pany* which epects to earn at least 1> percent on its

    invest$ents. ;ou have to choose "etween two si$ilar pro#ects. ;our analysts

    predict that inflation rate will "e a sta"le 2 percent over the net = years. 0elowis the cash flow infor$ation for each pro#ect. Which of the two pro#ects would

    you fund if the decision is "ased only on financial infor$ation Why

    O$e%a +lpha

    ;ear 3nflow Outflow 5etflow ;ear 3nflow Outflow 5etflow

    Y0 0 ((/,000 &((/,000 Y0 0 *00,000 &*00,000

    Y) 0 )50,000 &)50,000 Y) /0,000 )00,000 &/0,000

    'hapter ( Organization Strategy and Project Selection )1

  • 8/10/2019 Project Management HW Solution


    Y( )/0,000 0 )/0,000 Y( )/0,000 0 )/0,000

    Y* ((0,000 *0,000 )50,000 Y* (/0,000 /0,000 (00,000

    Y1 ()/,000 0 ()/,000 Y1 (/0,000 0 (/0,000

    Y/ (0/,000 *0,000 )2/,000 Y/ (00,000 /0,000 )/0,000

    Y6 )52,000 0 )52,000 Y6 )70,000 0 )70,000

    Y2 )00,000 *0,000 20,000 Y2 )(0,000 *0,000 50,000

    Total ),072,000 /0/,000 /7(,000 Total ),(00,000 /*0,000 620,000

    'hapter ( Organization Strategy and Project Selection )/

  • 8/10/2019 Project Management HW Solution


    + 0 C 7 8 9 H 3


    ! 8ercise !./a

    2 5et &resent 6alue 8a$ple Co$parin% wo &ro#ects


    &ro#ect O$e%a ;ear - ;ear 1 ;ear ! ;ear 2 ;ear / ;ear ;ear < ;ear =

    < Re4uired Rate of Return 1>?

    = 3nvest$ent ',!!*---

    > Cash 3nflows ',1@-*--- ,1-*--- ,1@-*--- ,!1*--- ,1=*--- ,1@=*--- ,=-*---@ 5&6 A ,11@*@ 8ormula $roject 9mega" +'2:3$4;#6,%7"?

    12 3nvest$ent ',2--*---

    1/ Cash 3nflows ',-*--- ,1-*--- ,!--*--- ,!-*--- ,1-*--- ,1>-*--- ,@-*---

    1 5&6 A ,1=-*--- ,@-*---

    2! 5&6 A ,1!@*2< 8ormula $roject -lpha" +'*0:3$4;#(5,%*)"

  • 8/10/2019 Project Management HW Solution


    . he Custo$ 0ike Co$pany has set up a wei%hted scorin% $atri for evaluation of

    potential pro#ects. 0elow are three pro#ects under consideration.

    a. sin% the scorin% $atri "elow* which pro#ect would you rate hi%hest Eowest

    ". 3f the wei%ht for FStron% SponsorG is chan%ed fro$ !.- to .-* will the pro#ect

    selection chan%e What are the three hi%hest wei%hted pro#ect scores with this new

    wei%htc. Why is it i$portant that the wei%hts $irror critical strate%ic factors

    a. ate $roject / the highest and $roject ( the lowest.b. Yes. Three highest are $rojects *, /, and ). >iven the new strong sponsor weight,

    $roject * becomes the first choice. ?owever, note that $roject / is still the neare@uivalent of $roject * by the weighting scheme.

    c. It is important that the weights mirror critical strategic factors because failure to do sowill cause selection of projects that do not contribute the most to the strategic plan.

    'hapter ( Organization Strategy and Project Selection )2











    Part b.Part a.

  • 8/10/2019 Project Management HW Solution


    Chapter 2: Case: Orion Syste$s

    OR3O5 Syste$s (+)

    1. What reco$$endations would you $ake to Rosas a"out or%aniin% the a%uar pro#ect*

    and why

    3nclude $anufacturin%* 4uality* and lo%istical support in the pro#ect $ana%e$ent

    structure the desi%n phase.

    se a dedicated pro#ect tea$ to i$prove the inte%ration and pro#ect efficiency.

    Consider concurrent en%ineerin%Ioperation to shorten the pro#ect duration.

    !. How would you chan%e the or%aniational chart and $aster plan to reflect thesechan%es

    Redraw the $aster plan to en%a%e in $anufacturin% and lo%istical support in

    parallel to desi%n* to shorten its lead ti$e. Consider the use of start'to start la%s.

    Refor$ulate the co$position of the top pro#ect $ana%e$ent tea$ to "etter cross'

    functional inte%ration. +dd J+ and 3ES $ana%ers to the pro#ect or%aniation.

    OR3O5 Syste$s (0)

    1. What are the $a#or chan%es "etween this plan and the way OR3O5 has $ana%edpro#ects in the past

    8nhanced cross'functional inte%ration (especially "etween desi%n and


    +ccelerated pro#ect co$pletion ti$e

    &ro#ect $ana%e$ent now covers the entire desi%n* $anufacturin%* and delivery

    process* with &roduction* 3ES* and J+ $ana%ers as part of the top pro#ect

    $ana%e$ent tea$.

    8panded responsi"ilities of the tea$ leaders* responsi"le for developin% and testin%

    of specific su"syste$s (includin% su"syste$ 4uality and $anufactura"ility* "ud%et*

    cost and 4uality). ea$ leaders will act as pro#ect $ana%ers for their specific

    syste$ (delivera"le) of the pro#ect.

    !. How well do you "elieve these chan%es deal with the pro"le$s identified in &art +

    'hapter ( Organization Strategy and Project Selection )7

  • 8/10/2019 Project Management HW Solution


    &roduction costs should "e reduced "ecause $anufacturin% issues will "e

    incorporated in the desi%n and develop$ent process.

    Juality should "e i$proved since it will "e factored directly into the desi%n of new


    Custo$er support should "e i$proved "ecause they will "e $ore actively involved

    in the desi%n and develop$ent phase. 8valuation should enhance their co$$it$ent

    as well as provide the$ with a head start in preparin% docu$entation and desi%nin%

    trainin% pro%ra$s.

    &ro#ect ownership should "e enhanced "y insistin% that at least half of the personnel

    work full ti$e on the pro#ect. Core %roup workin% full ti$e on the pro#ect should

    include tea$ cohesion and productivity.

    Scope creep should "e reduced "ecause tea$ leaders are $ore accounta"le for"ud%et and schedule. Eikewise* the active involve$ent of professionals fro$

    $anufacturin%* support* and J+ should help the desi%n en%ineers to re$ain focused

    on practical considerations.

    2. Who is likely to support this plan Who is not likely to support this plan

    he desi%n en%ineers are likely* at least at first* not to "e supportive of the plan*

    "ecause they now $ust work as partners with $anufacturin%* J+* and lo%istical

    support to co$plete pro#ects.

    he other %roups are likely to "e very supportive of the plan since they have $uch

    $ore say over decisions that i$pact their work. ea$ leaders should welco$e the

    chan%e as their role has epanded with added responsi"ility and %reater


    'hapter ( Organization Strategy and Project Selection )5

  • 8/10/2019 Project Management HW Solution


    Chapter /: &*=!-

    Dstimated total cost for the completed house using their talents is (55,(70 ;*17,000 &17,2(0=.

    'hapter ( Organization Strategy and Project Selection ()

  • 8/10/2019 Project Management HW Solution


    Chapter .

    'hapter ( Organization Strategy and Project Selection ((

  • 8/10/2019 Project Management HW Solution


    Chapter =: Case (3nternational Capital* 3nc.)

    Time in Aorkdays-ctivity 9ptimistic Eost likely $essimistic t


    - 1 2 )0 2 )# ( 1 7 1 )' ( / 7 / )% )6 )5 (7 (0 1D 6 5 (1 )) 58 ) 2 )* 2 1> 1 )0 (7 )( )6? ( / )1 6 1I / 7 )2 5 1< ( / 7 / )F )2 (5 1/ *0 ((

    It is possible to compress the project to reach about a 5/C chance of hitting the average. This

    would re@uire compression down to 6) days from the current plan of 2* days. See below.

    'hance of average ;20= with initial plan ;2*=

    G + ;TSH TD= S@. root of sum of variance along '$

    G + ;20 H 2*= S@. root *6 + &* 6 + &./

    'hapter ( Organization Strategy and Project Selection (*

  • 8/10/2019 Project Management HW Solution


    8rom Table -2.( & A .21

    his does not $eet the @? chance criterion.

    >etting to the average of 20 days and upping the chance of making it would re@uire compressing

    the project. 'ompressing to 6) days will improve the chance of meeting the 5/C confidencelevel ;but probably increase the risk and lower the real chance of 5/ percent=.

    G + ;20 & 6)= 6 + :5 6 + :)./

    8rom Table -2.( & A .@2

    'hapter ( Organization Strategy and Project Selection (1