project management an essential approach to reach the desired outcome


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Proxalt is a quality management institute providing all the latest management training programs, distance learning program, online management programs.


Page 1: Project management an essential approach to reach the desired outcome

C O N T E N T E D B Y : P R O X A L T

Project Management: An Essential approach to reach the desired outcome

Webinar Session on: 15-July-2013

Page 2: Project management an essential approach to reach the desired outcome

Project Management: An Essential approach to reach the desired outcome

A ‘project’ is not always necessarily an enormous job requiring huge amount of talent & education, tremendous managerial skills, million dollars of investment, a large workforce or anything very big in shape. Well, that BIG shape comes to our mind when we talk about BIG corporate where every single aspect is considered likewise. But to understand the term ‘project’ fundamentally let’s walk away from the contour of BIG firms. In your normal life when you’re given a task of polishing your leather shoes, it might be the tiniest one to look, but it’s a task anyways and that’s why it’s a project too. So here comes the proper definition: “any task that needs a planning & methods to executes a project”. With this simple understanding let’s now go deeper to know about ‘Project Management’. Technically Project management is: “the incorporation of skills, tools, techniques and knowledge into project activities to meet the desired outcome”.

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Why Project Management is important:

• Irrespective of the shape of the project if you’re supplied with all the tools but you don’t know how to use them, how will you accomplish the work? So, the knowledge to use or handle comes under the first step of project management. • Let’s jump to bigger firms where most of the modern-day project-based organisations consist of skilled & responsible working bodies rather than some old-fashioned pigeonholed employees. The skilled personnel work responsibly to complete the project within the allotted time-frame. • Projects are accomplished by teams of people who are taken for their expertise, skills and potential. Every team-work needs co-operation, discipline and good communication. This is the work of project managers to maintain good rapport between team-members.

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Why Project Management is important:

• Another importance of project management is the balance between three major requirements such as cost, time and quality. The project manager (PM) keeps track of the records to finish things up under the budget, by the assigned deadline with maintaining quality in the work. • The manager is responsible to represent the team and the resources to the stakeholders by effective communication. So he’s the driving force behind the team. • During the project life-span if any changes in the resources or work environment happen, then the PM has to manage the team to adapt the new situation. Adaptation doesn’t happen overnight. For this the PM needs to spend a lot of time to organize the team.

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Why proper education & training are needed:

• Again we’ll go to the basics. When it comes to any task or project knowledge about the tools and resources is essential. And when it’s about handling huge tasks professional management skills are needed. •There’re companies who require formal certification for recruiting project managers. Also to get promoted into higher positions with more responsibility managers need technical ability. So formal training is pretty much necessary. •PMs are going through the time where every now and then they have to take on skilled competitors. So latest training is needed to hit the ‘survival of the fittest’ rule. •When the matter’s about the present result-oriented & skilled technical people, you lag behind if you’re not up-to-date. To fine-tune your knowledge and skills you need to join any modern PMP course in any professional management institute providing high-quality project management education.

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Proxalt is a quality management institute providing all the latest Project Management Programs training, distance learning program, online management programs, and agile management programs etc. The courses are built both for working and future project managers.