project in science


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NONVASCULAR PLANTS Nonvascular plants are those that lack vascular

tissues in their bodies.Nonvascular plants may have structures that look like roots,stem,leaves but they are not considered as true plant parts due to the absence of vascular tissue. Generally,the body of nonvascular plants described a thallus and nonvascular plants are called thallophytes.Nonvascular plants belong to the division Bryophyta, which includes mosses, liverworts and hornworts. In some species, there are rootlike structures called rhizoids.Bryophytes are the lone group of thallophytes.These plants are the moisture loving and all of them grow close to the ground and in areas that are shady.Their life cycle is complex involving the alternation of sexual and asexual stages.

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Nonvascular plants are the simplest of all land dwelling plants.  Like their closest ancestors, the green algae, they lack an internal means for water transportation.  They also do not produce seeds or flowers.  They generally only reach a height of one to two centimeters, because they lack the woody tissue necessary for support on land. 

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MOSSES Completed a brief

section over mosses, liverworts, and hornworts. Students noted the progress of our long-term science observation (fruit mold.) They also had the opportunity to view moss in various stages of development.

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Bryophytes are divided into three different phyla: mosses, liverworts, and hornworts. these organisim tend to live in moist habitats with nutrient poor soil. Bryophtes lack vascular tissue and therefore need to live in moist environments and/or are only a few centimeters tall because they can only draw up water by osmosis. Mosses can tolerate extream environments and are the most abundant plant in polar regions.

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“forest”.  Marchantia is a liverwort.  Shown are male and female reproductive structures called antheridiophores and archegoniophores, which grown from scale-like vegetative thalli.  Flat-topped antheridiophores produce motile (flagellated) sperm.  The palm tree-like archegoniophores bear archegonia, which produce eggs (archegonia are not visible here).  An egg is fertilized to produce a 2n zygote; mitosis produces a multicellular 2n sporophyte; and finally, meiosis of 2n cells produces 1n spores.  The yellow blob on onearchegoniophore is a mass of spores being released from a sporangium.

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Twenty thousand species spores, the differences between. Are covered with tissue, true oct fern life forms. Con una caracteristica sorus. Each kingdom fern major step in . Tissue have flattened horsetails, whisk ferns represent the information. Whorls of plants term meaning division answer the pterophyta division. Small overlapping scale like leaves megaphylls. As ferns interesting and are members of plants organize. Liverworts hepatophyta well division lycopodiophyta sometimes called lycophyta club mosses. Represent the club mosses. Characteristicssmall, fern and liverworts all non vascular tissue forms kingdom. And quillworts hornworts plant wort moss phyto chapter division. cyprus greece, Eukaryotic life cycle major step in dry mar twenty thousand species.

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These are nonvascular plants. They are commonly called liverworts due to the liver-shaped outline of their gametophyte. Found in moist habitats and can be distinguished from mosses by their lobe shape and less-complex sporophyte.

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RHODOBRYUMThis plant is also a family of nonvascular plants.

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ALGAE Non-vascular plants do not have

tubes running through them.Water soaks into non-vascular plants and then moves from one cell to another. This is how they pass food through the plant

Non-vascular plants must live in moist areas or in water.

They do not grow to be very tall. Moss is a type of non-vascular

plant. Non-vascular plants do not have

roots, leaves, or stems. Some non-vascular plants look

like they have leaves, but these are not actual leaves.

Non-vascular plants reproduce with spores.

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LEVERMOS This class of non-

vascular plants is one of the most ancient. Relying on airborne spore travel for reproduction, these plants can posses either male, female, or both male and female organs at once, often depending on the plant's environment. The plant seen here belongs to one of three (arguably four) phyla that can be classified as such:

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Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus is a species of moss known as springy turf-moss in the United Kingdom,[2][3] and square goose-neck moss in the United States.[1][4]

 It is widespread in Eurasia and North America, and has been introduced to the Southern Hemisphere. It has broad ecological tolerances, and is usually found in man-made habitats such as lawns and golf courses. It is most closely related to R. subpinnatus, with which it is often confused.

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VASCULAR PLANTS Vascular plants have true

roots,stems,and leaves.These plant parts contain vascular bundles that are made up of xylem and phloem tissues.Xylem tissue transport water with dissolved nutrients from the roots to the leaves.Phloem tissue tranports dissolved food from the leaves to all parts of the plant body.All vascular plants are called tracheophytes.Vascular plants are divided into two distinct groups:the spore-bearing and the seed –bearing tracheophytes.

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SPORE-BEARING PLANTS: The reproductive structures of spore-

bearing plants are called spores located in specialized structures called sporangia(singular:sporangium).One of the best examples of this plant group are the ferns.Ferns grow in warm,moist places.Some grow in shady places and gardens.The roots,stems,and leaves of spore-bearing fern are like those of seed plants.

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SEED-BEARING PLANTS: Seed-bearing plants constitute the other

group of tacheophytes.About 95% of tracheophytes are seed-bearing.There are two distinct groups of tracheophytes,the gymnosperms and the angiosperms.

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plants produce “naked”seeds.This means that their seeds are not enclosed in an ovary;rather these seeds are enclosed in woody structures called cones or strobili.pine trees,firs,spruces,and hemlocks are called conifers because they produce cones.

The angiosperms are the flowering plants.These plnts produce seeds that are enclosed in an ovary.The ovary is a part of the flower that contains the ovule or immature seed.during pollination,the egg cell in the ovule is fertilized and then grows and develop into a sees

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Campbell p.593, 595Most of these cone-bearing gymnosperms are trees, although some are shrubs and creeping, prostrate conifers. Confiers dominate many northern temperate forests: they are also common in the tropics and southern temperate forests. They have close association with mycorrhizae to extract nutrient in poor-quality soil.

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Range from shrubs (0.3m) to tree height (18m). They produce naked seeds, therefore, they are classified as gymnosperms. Cycads tend to have unbranched trunks, under or above ground, with pith but little wood.

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GINKGOPHYTA Ginkgo biloba is the

only genus and species of phylum Ginkgophyta, a phylum of vascular seed plants. Features that characterize the ginkgo include leaf veins that each branch into two smaller veins, active cambium (cells that produce wood), and fleshy, exposed ovules.

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Boreale is a plant    found in my biome (svalbard).  It is one of 164 "vascular" plant species . For an arctic desert 164 vascular plants is a lot of plants. 

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the Vascular Plants of Madagascar and a kind of vascular plants.

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THE END!!!!!!