project groove

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Post on 04-Apr-2018




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  • 7/31/2019 Project Groove


    w w w .m i c r os of t .co m / o f f i ce / g r o ov e

    Microsoft Office Groove 2007

    Microso f t Off ice Groove 2007 i s a

    c ol l ab o r a t i on s of t w a r e p r o g r a m t h a t t e am s

    can use t o w o r k t oge t h e r dynam ical l y i n

    co l labo r a t i ve w o r kspaces f r om v i r t u a l l y any

    loca t i on .

    W or k Toget he r E f f ec t i ve l y w i t h t he Team ,

    Too ls , and I n fo r m at ion in One P laceRighton You r Desk t op

    Office Groove 2007 meets the needs of todays

    teams that must form quickly to get work done

    regardless of location or organizational affiliation.

    Example of Office Groove 2007 interface.

    Cr ea t e wo r kspaces w i t h t w o cl i c ks w i t hou tI T he lp o r se r ve r space .

    Office Groove 2007 is software that runs on

    your computer like other Microsoft Office

    system applications. Creating a new workspace

    is as easy as creating a new Microsoft Office

    Word document or new Microsoft Office

    Outlook e-mail message.

    Cus t om ize wo r kspaces t o m ee t you rp r o j ect n eeds.

    Choose from more than 10 included workspace

    tools, such as file sharing, threaded

    discussions, team meetings, shared calendar,

    and more. Add content to workspace tools right

    from your computer or other systems.

  • 7/31/2019 Project Groove


    I n v i t e t h e t e am a cr o s s de p ar t m e n t s ,o f f i ces , and organ iza t ions .

    Inviting a partner, supplier, or customer to

    your Groove workspace is as easy as inviting a

    colleague. And you can share your workspace

    with confidence as Office Groove 2007 encrypts

    data on computers and as it travels across

    networks and firewalls.

    Au t om a t i c synch r on iza t i on keeps you andt h e t e a m u p t o d a t e .

    Office Groove 2007 keeps everyone up to date

    by automatically synchronizing each and every

    change made within the workspace.

    Work with familiar Microsoft Office system applications.

    I nc r ease You r Per sona l I m pac t on Team

    Pr o jec t s

    Because all your Groove workspaces are stored

    right on your computer, you can stay productive

    anywhere you need to work.

    W or k e f f o r t l essl y anyw her eon l ine o ro f f l i ne .

    You dont have to lose valuable work time just

    because a network connection is unavailable.

    Any changes you make in Groove workspaces

    while offline will be synchronized automatically

    the next time you connect.

    Shar e you r docum en t upda t es sm oo t h l y .When your documents are in a Groove

    workspace, you never have to worry about

    attaching, uploading, or copying updated

    documents to share them with your team.

    Groove automatically sends just your changes

    to your team members. Share and revise large

    files with ease.

    Keep m u l t i p le com pu t e r s i n sync.If you have multiple computersa portable

    computer and desktop, for exampleOffice

    Groove 2007 can keep a copy of all your

    workspaces and data synchronized on each

    computer, even if theyre never online at the

    same time.

    Create an d Manage Conten t More Ef fec t ive ly

    Office Groove 2007 helps streamline the process of

    creating and managing contentboth unstructured

    and structuredby enabling teams to share and

    work together on information from existing

    business systems and applications and easilypublish their final deliverables.

    Groove Alerts appear conveniently in the Windows Taskbar.

  • 7/31/2019 Project Groove





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