project fwoar t206 final project


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Post on 22-Mar-2016




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By Project Fwoar Productions


Treatment: Taken

Scene 1

Captain Anker is shown lifting weights vigorously. He has a

short flashback of a mission briefing that took place only hours


Scene 2

His commanding officers brief him on the mission as he sighs

with disinterest. He appears apathetic in comparison to the

excited officer and subordinates. During the briefing it is

explained to the audience that the Earth was vacated of human

life 100 years ago due to over-pollution. Humans have been

living in space colonies for the past century. Scientists agree

that the time to return is good, if only for a check-up on

Earth’s habitation possibilities. The flashback ends with a loud


Scene 3

We are brought back to the present as he drops his weights to

the floor. He mumbles to himself, questioning the importance of

the mission and wondering what’s so great about a world humans

left behind. He puts up the weights and showers himself clean.

Scene 4

The scouting party’s ship exits the Hero, a large military

compound, and closes in the on the Earth. The passengers of the

ship notice that the Earth looks bad, possibly worse than the

condition it was left in. One of the passengers asks Captain

Anker to take a look. The ships instruments assess that the

planet is indeed worse off than how the humans left it. The

ozone layer has not improved and the planet is dry and scorched

by the sun. The instruments also indicate life on the planet’s

surface. Next to Anker, a woman is concerned about the planet’s

condition. The woman is Aldana Nikla, Anker’s wife, the ship’s

pilot. Anker asks why this is so big of a deal to her. She

becomes sad and explains that her grandparents always told her

stories about the Earth’s beauty. Anker vaguely tries to comfort

her, with no result. The ship is then beamed down to Earth in a

landing pad.

Scene 5

In the advanced city of Hebron, the party is introduced to the

leader of a race called the Nefilims. The leader calls himself

Hemim. He appears hospitable at first, until the party asks him

why they are living on their planet. Hemim doesn’t take too

kindly and gets into an argument. Hemim threatens their lives

and orders them to leave the planet and not return without

resistance. Anker and his crew return to the Hero.

Scene 6

Back at the Hero, Anker is called by Wagner, his supperior

officer’s office for another briefing. The human leader, Chester

Bloodgood, breaks the news to Anker that Earth is no longer

hospitable and may never be again. Chester adds that human

forces will gather for an assault against the Nephilim. Anker is

less than enthusiastic, questioning why they should bother

fighting for a planet that’s already lost. He storms out of the

office, unsatisfied with the answers from Bloodgood.

Scene 7

Anker enters Aldana’s quarters and tells her the situation. She

reacts excitedly to Anker’s dismay, and they get into a small

argument. Aldana wants to avenge Earth, the once beautiful

planet from her childhood fairy tales, and Anker wants to avoid

an arbitrary conflict. Anker storms off and prepares for another

hopeless venture.

Scene 8

The ship is closing in on the Earth to survey the capabilities

of the Nephilim. During their surveillance they are found by the

Nephilim and come under fire. They attempt to retaliate but the

ship suffers heavy damage and crashes.

Scene 9

Anker is the only survivor, having worn his seat belt. He finds

Aldana amongst the rubble, bleeding to death. He tearfully

apologizes and Aldana forgives him. With her dying breath, she

whispers, “I love you…”Filled with rage, Anker contacts the Hero

and delivers an order for a tactical planet destroyer strike

while he distracts the Nephilim.

Scene 10

Wagner appears in command of the mission to launch the planet

destroyer. We see him frantically interacting with subordinates.

He appears a bit shook up, but determined. The scene is quite


Scene 11

Anker rushes towards the capital and sends the Nephilim into a

panic with his combat skills while the Hero closes in on the


Scene 12

Anker is seen in the midst of the city. He battles in a very

heroic way. The sun is coming down, making the scene more epic.

He is hit in the knee, and falls to the ground, screaming but

continuously fighting.

Scene 13

Wagner is shown pressing the final button to launch the planet

destroyer. He is very shaky but after some hesitation presses

the button.

Scene 14

Anker keeps fighting. He destroys many enemies while kneeling.

He then catches glimpse of the planet destroyer rapidly falling

towards Earth. In his last few seconds, he dedicates his last

kill to Aldana, his lost love.

Scene 15

We see the remains of Earth and the Hero blazing by. Earth is

mostly gone and almost impossible to recognize. Wagner’s voice

is heard, but he is not seen.

Scene 16

Wagner’s voice continues as we see him giving a speech in a

Burial Ceremony. The people who attend appear to be military

figures. During his speech, Wagner honors Anker, Aldana, and the

rest of the crew. Anker in particular is hailed as a hero, as

the humans begin a new era.



Aboard the military frigate, the Hero, CAPTAIN ANKER is

vigorously lifting weights in a rec. room by himself.

His body is extremely well-toned and he is covered in

sweat and near exhaustion. A flashback occurs when his

face is shown, breathing heavily.


The room is very grey and plain, and a bit crowded for

its size. Anker is sitting among several men in

military uniforms and lab coats, listening to WAGNER,

his superior.


Today's the day men. We're gonna go home!

The men in the room (subordinates) begin to cheer and smile,

except for Anker.


The brilliant men you see here

(he motions to the scientists)

have decided that now is a good time to see how

home's doing after a century of healing.

(he stands up and looks away from the

group with wishful eyes)

It's been a hundred years since we left Earth,

after we so shamelessly polluted her beautiful

skies! Well, we're gonna do things differently





We're gonna go show our children the world

our parent's had. The world we will inherit!

Our REAL home!


We're finally going home!

The men around the room begin to shake each other’s

hands and give each other hugs, while Anker remains

stationary and apathetic.



Anker, I'd like you to lead the expedition

to see the planet's condition. Whaddaya say?



I suppose if I must.


Sit straight soldier! You'll have ALDANA to

keep you company!


(perks up a bit, before slinking

back down)

Trying to soften me up, huh? Is that even

within regulations?


I wrote quite a few of those regulations,

I'm sure I can find a loophole for an old






When you get there, you can plan your future

together, try to smile a little!


Bribing me? You're not serious enough for

this job, Sojo.


(gives a big smile)


Anker sighes while the men around the table continue

to celebrate.


Alright you crazy bastards. Attention!

All the men in the room, including Anker stand up and


face Wagner.


We're gonna make some history today!






The flash back ends and Anker drops the weights with a

loud bang. He pants for a moment and mutters something

the audience can't hear. Then, as he puts the weights

away, he speaks clearly.


Earth, what's so special about it?

(he places the weights on the rack)

We left it behind 100 years after we

destroyed it, why bother taking it back? It

may be too late.

He mumbles again and grabs a towel. He leaves the room.


A small reconnaissance ship, called the Legend, is

entering the Earth's atmosphere. The sky is full of a

thick smog, inhibiting the passenger's ability to see

anything. The ship begins to fly horizontally after a

minute, as several instruments aboard the ship scan the

planet's condition. Inside the Legend, all is quiet as

everyone waits with baited breath to hear about how

Earth is doing. The scientists look distressed. One

passenger calls for the captain through a small

microphone, and Anker enters the scene.


Something the matter?


Sir, the's...worse.


(raises an eyebrow and cocks his



What do you mean?


The atmosphere, the air, the terrain, all the

data suggests conditions have worsened from

the conditions of the planet that were last



I see.

The passengers all become quietly distraught. They

share data with others as Anker watches them all

silently. Anker notices a young woman, his wife and the

pilot of the ship, on the verge of tears. She sniffles

and Anker walks over to her.


What's wrong?

Aldana, Anker's wife, is looking out the window. She's

not sobbing, but looks like she may any second. She

doesn't turn to Anker, but responds to him.


It's not here. I've waited years for this,

but it's not here...

(her voice cracks)


(puts his arm around her)

This wasn't out of the question, dear...


(looks back out the window)

My grandparents told such a different story.

They told me about green fields, forests,

blue seas, and sunsets that go beyond the


(she sobs)


(looks at her, hugs her tightly, but

says nothing)


Sir! We've detected life on the planet's



Anker and Aldana perk up. They look out the window, the

planet is burnt orange and dry. The Legend comes into

view of a city with lightly colored buildings that

stretch high into the sky.


The hell?


The Legend hovers over a city of enormous towers linked

by bridges and catwalks into a web of steel. The ship

doesn't have a place to land, but the ship is grasped

in a tractor beam. The ship is pulled down to a landing

pad, where several tall purple creatures surround the

ship. The crew on board the ship cautiously lets down

the landing gear and lowers the loading ramp. The few

soldiers on board scramble for weapons, as Anker

retrieves his calmly. They slowly exit the ship, to be

greeted by large purple creatures. Anker exits first,

with Aldana close behind. The two species stare at each

other for a few seconds, before Anker opens the



Uh...hello. My name is Anker Nikla, do you

understand me?

The purple creatures are very tall and look strikingly

similar to humans. Their faces are slightly more

defined and their eyes appear sharper and seem to look

down on all the humans (besides the fact that they are

taller). They all stand perfectly straight, and move

very little, like statues.


G-r-e-e-t-i-n-g-s. Do you un-der-stand me?


(steps forward)

We can understand you, idiot.


(jumps in surprise)

Ah! Er, hello. *Ahem * My name is Captain


Anker, we come in peace. What is this city

doing here?

The creatures all give him an incredulous look.


This is the home of the humans. What are you

all doing here?


Your home? This is the home of the Nefilim,

we've been living here for years. What are

YOU doing here?


This is our home! What have you done to it!?

(she charges at Bappert)

Our ancestors built this world and now it's

all gone! Did you do this?!

Anker stops her from moving forward, and the Nefilim

grit their teeth. They part and a rather prestigious

looking Nefilim appears before them. His clothing is

lavishly ornamented, with jewelry stringing from his

coat and a large pope hat-like crown.


This is the city of Hebron, home of the

Nefilim. Why do you claim what is ours to be



It IS ours!

(Anker restrains her)


Pretentious little creatures...I would advise

that you leave this place.


Who are you?


My name is EMIM. I keep the world of the

Nefilim safe. And you are trespassers. Leave

this planet at once, we will not be swept

from our own home by greedy children.


(he turns to one of the Nefilim

standing next to him and mumbles an

unintelligible order)

I would suggest that you do not return, or

else we will have to take matters into our

own hands...


I would SUGGUEST you to give it back!


(picking up ALDANA)

We will be going.

Anker carries Aldana back to the Legend while the crew

displaying obvious expressions of anger. The scientist

sprints ahead of everyone and then suddenly stops to

pick up samples of Hebron plants from the nearby garden.

He hurries back onto the ship as the loading ramp to

the Legend retracts. The legend takes off and returns

to the Hero.


Wagner is sitting in office alone. His office is

cluttered with papers all over his desk and walls. His

entire back wall is a window that looks out into space.

Earth can be seen in the distance. Wagner is twiddling

his thumbs waiting. Anker enters the room.


You wanted to see me?


That’s right. I want to hear about this

Hebron from you. There is too much at risk to

lose the Earth for good.


(underneath his breath)

Sure there is…


Did you say something?


(shakes his head with walking to the


other side of the room)

Nothing. I don’t know what the big deal is. I



Do you not care? This place was the home to

all before us. It’s something-


(voice is escalating louder)

It’s something that doesn’t belong to us



What is that old saying, “move your feet lose

your seat”?

Wagner stands up, but before he can respond, the door

explodes open. Chester Bloodgood, the spearhead of the

human race, enters the room with multiple files in hand.


(slams the files onto Wagner’s desk)

I have news. It’s not good.


What did they find?


(looks up with slight despair)

The planet has actually gotten worse at an

increasing rate. We hypothesize that the

Alien race on the surface could be the cause


Fucking bastards!

(shoots a concerned look towards


So not only did they take our planet, they

turned it to shit too!


(looks back and forth between both

of them)

So what do we do?


(sighs and rubs his eyes)


… we take it back

Both Bloodgood and Anker look up at him as Wagner

stands up with renewed vigor.


The planet is ours… we are going to take it


(gazes around the room walking to

stand next to Anker to look at the


…One way or another.

(Pounds his fist)


Can we really even do this?


(turning back to Bloodgood and Anker)

We’ll mobilize and wipe those thieves off the



yeah… yeah…

Anker raises an eyebrow. Turns towards the two of the

others. Shakes head.


With a campaign like this one, we could get

support in no time. Maybe even mobilize

within the week!


Yeah. I will get this passed through the

board within the hour.


I will start my plan of attack right now.


This fight was lost when we left the first

time! I don’t understand how you think we can

just go back at anytime! You people make me


Anker storms out the door. Wagner and Bloodgood look at


one another with slight concern. They continue their

frantic planning as the doors slams.


Aldana is shown carefully reviewing old pictures, presumably

of her ancestors, living happily on earth. She has tears in

her eyes, but is silent. Anker walks into the room; he

ignores her at first, but then turns around and stands in

front of her. She gazes up, and he sits down next to her,

and she puts the pictures away before he can see them.

ANKER Aldana, listen to me, it will be ok...


No, Anker, it might be ok with you since you

don't care about Earth, but it won't be ok

with me!

ANKER And what am I supposed to do about it?

ALDANA Caring would be a nice start! (looks up at his eyes)


Ok, ok then, let's say I cared, what

difference would it make?


It would make me proud to be your wife


Oh so this is what it's all about, pride? You

know what pride is good for? It's good for

nothing. Thanks to his god forsaken pride,

Bloodgood is gonna blow them unsuspecting

aliens away!



Yeah, him and Wagner are planning something,



ALDANA Well then I better go get my gear ready!

(she begins to walk away, Anker

grabs her by the arm)


Wait a minute! Why don't you calm down for a

second and take a look at yourself, this is


They stare at each other for a few seconds, they are

both breathing heavily. Anker continues to hang on to

her arm.

ALDANA Let go of me. I will fight for our planet,

regardless of what you have to say about it... (she jerks her arm free

from Anker's grip)

Aldana walks to her equipment, as Anker storms off.


Anker is shown inside the legend. He appears

emotionless, strapped in his seat as the ship passes

through the earth's atmosphere. Aldana is flying the

ship, along with the first officer, aided by two

tactical support crew.


Listen up everybody: we're gonna take a look

at their defenses, survey their military base

and then we're out of here. No playing around,

in and out, understood?

ALL (except Anker) Yes sir!

The ship continues moving closer to earth. All of a

sudden, a projectile impacts the ship violently.

ALDANA (screams loudly) We've been hit!


Various ship alarms begin to sound.


We're losing altitude, fast!

ALDANA Deploy emergency landing system...


ELS unusable, what do we do?? (silence)

The ship impacts the earth violently.


Anker appears somewhat injured, with minor cuts across

his face. The Legend is wrecked, partly on fire. There

are motionless bodies of the tactical support members

and some of the crew scattered around the ship. A

gaping hole on the side of the ship reveals darkening

orange skies. Anker makes his way through the ruble, to

find Aldana severely injured, a few feet away from her

flight station. She is motionless.

ANKER Aldana!

(shakes her) Aldana wake up!

ALDANA (wakes up, faint and weak, mumbles)


ANKER Aldana, can you hear me?


I'm sorry

ANKER I need to get you some medical help!

ALDANA It's no use

(motions to a deep wound in her


stomach, while blood quickly pours

out of it)

ANKER No! Aldana, you can't, this, can't... (sobs)


I'm sorry, it's... it's my fault

ANKER Don't say that!


But if it wasn't for... (interrupted)


It's my fault, ok? You don't deserve this, you

were just fighting for your planet, I was the

one who didn't care, I was the one that let

this happen. I'm sorry!! I'm, so sorry.

ALDANA I love you Anker


I love you too Aldana

They kiss softly. Then as Anker holds her head,

Aldana's eyes become motionless, as she dies. Then

Anker lays his head by her side, his eyes glazed with a

distant stare. After a few moments he gets up and

searches the ship for a radio. Most of them are trashed,

but he finds a functional one, and establishes contact

with Wagner, who is in the Hero.

ANKER Hero, this is Anker, can you hear me? (fuzzy static)

(changes channel) Hero, this is Anker transmitting from earth,

do you copy?


Wagner here, I copy (very fuzzy)


ANKER We've been hit, it's all gone

WAGNER Copy, are the others ok?


There are no others...

(silence and static) Drop a PD on these bastards.

WAGNER Anker, I'm sorry, this wasn't meant...



No time for this, drop a Planet Destroyer, I

will distract them.


Understood. Anker, it has been an honor

working with you.

ANKER Yes sir!

(puts down the radio with shaky



Wagner is shown sitting down in front of screens

directing a highly advanced state of the art command

center. Several subordinates work around him at a fast

pace. He is silent, appears distressed but determined.


Anker, carrying multiple weapons and armament, makes his way

towards Hebron, which appears relatively distant. On his way

he encounters some Nephilim, which he destroys.


Anker is shown charging through the inner city, heroically

destroying every Nephilim that he can see. His face looks


determined, and as he makes his way he grunts battle shouts.

He is then hit by a Nephilim bullet in the knee, falls to

the ground.

ANKER Ahhhh!!!! (looks down at his shattered knee)

(breathing hard) Those mother fuckers!


Wagner is shown, with glazed eyes. He presses the button to

release the planet the destroyer.

WAGNER (mumbles to himself)

We will miss you Captain...


As he is laying in the ground, Anker fires shots at any

Nephilim that get close to him.

ANKER This is for taking the Earth (shoots)

This is for destroying my ship (shoots, then looks up to see the Hero,

and the Planet Distroyer making its way

down to earth)

And THAT, is for Aldana!

A white flash is seen.


Earth is show up close, slowly zooming out of the spot that

Hebron once was. Soon, the Hero appears floating in space.

Wagner's voice is heard from the beginning although he is

not visible.



Someone once told me that heroes are remembered,

but legends never die. I hope one day the Human


race can look back on what we did that day and

remember the sacrifice that was made that day.


Captain Wagner is shown standing in a pedestal while giving

his speech. There are about fifty people surrounding him,

all wearing military uniforms, with hats off in their hands.

Some people are crying; most are motionless. In the center

there are symbolical crosses, one tallest with the name “Cpt.

Anker Nikla” engraved on it.

WAGNER (continuous from scene 15)

Captain Anker Nikla, Aldana, and the crew of the

Legend gave their life to revenge an evil species

that seized and distroyed the planet we once

called Earth. But with this sacrifice we are

encouraged to live our lives to the fullest, and

never take ANYTHING for granted. May they rest in

peace, and be remembered as the founders of this a

new era; an era of hope. May these legends never

die within our hearts.

Scene Shot Description Elements

1 1 Establishing Shot: The Hero traveling

through space

FG: The Hero

BG: Space, stars


2 Long Shot/Track In (through window):

Anker lifting weights inside recreational


Props: weights, towels, bench press.

FG: Window

BG: Gym room

1 3 Low Angle/Medium Shot: Anker bench


Props: Bench press, towels

BG: Bright fluorescent lights, ceiling

1 4 Close Up: Anker vigorously bench

pressing, sweat pouring on his face.

Props: Bench press

1 5 Extreme Close up: Anker's eyes. None

2 6 Wide Shot: Officer speaking to


FG: Officer's back

BG: Large group of subordinates

Props: Flags, chairs, military pictures and

equipment around the walls.

2 7 Medium Shot: Officer speaking Props: Flags, chairs, military pictures and

equipment around the walls, screen.

2 8 Close up/shifts to focus on background:

Anker listening to speech given by


FG: Anker

BG: Officer Speaking

Props: Flags, chairs, military pictures and

equipment around the walls, screen.

2 9 Long Shot/Panning Right: Subordinates

sitting in briefing room.

Props: Flags, chairs, military pictures and

equipment around the walls.

2 10 Medium Shot: Officer speaking Props: Flags, chairs, military pictures and

equipment around the walls, screen.

2 11 Close up: Officer's hand holding a

remote control.

Props: Remote control

2 12 Long Shot/Track Left: officer giving

presentation on screen

FG: Subordinate's backs

MG: Officer

BG: Screen

Props: Flags, chairs, military pictures and

equipment around the walls, screen.

2 13 Medium Shot/Pedestal Up: Anker's

pacing feet up to his face.

Props: Flags, chairs, military pictures and

equipment around the walls.

2 14 Medium Shot: Officer introduces


Props: Flags, chairs, military pictures and

equipment around the walls, screen.

2 15 Medium/Long shot/Panning Right:

scientists walking to the front of the


Props: Flags, chairs, military pictures and

equipment around the walls, screen.

2 16 Medium Shot: Scientists talking to

subordinates, pointing to screen

Props: Flags, chairs, military pictures and

equipment around the walls, screen, laser

pointer from the future...

2 17 Medium Shot: Subordinates staring at


Props: Flags, chairs, military pictures and

equipment around the walls, screen.

2 18 Medium Shot: Officer speaking Props: Flags, chairs, military pictures and

equipment around the walls, screen.

2 19 Close Up: Officer Speaking/Saluting

the subordinates

Props: Screen

2 20 Long Shot/High Angle: Subordinates

Saluting officer.

Props: Flags, chairs, military pictures and

equipment around the walls, screen.

3 21 Close up: Anker's hands letting go of

weight bar.

Props: Bench Press Bar

3 22 Close up: Weights hitting the bench

press apparatus.

Props: Bench Press apparatus.

3 23 Close up/High Angle: Anker's sweaty


Props: Bench Press apparatus.

3 24 Medium Shot: Anker gets up, puts

weights away

Props: Bench Press, Various weights

3 25 Long shot (becomes Medium

Shot)/Pans Left: Anker walking to

window, mumbling, begins to walk


Props: weights, towels, bench press.

FG: Becomes Window

3 26 Medium Shot: Anker walking out of


FG: Bench Press

BG: Anker walking, Weight Room

Props: weights, towels, bench press.

4 27 Extremely Long Shot/Panning Left: A

Legend exiting the Hero, heading

towards earth.

FG: Legend

MG: The Hero

BG: Space and Earth

Props: Space suits, weapons, ammunition

4 28 Long Shot/Follow Shot: Legend

entering earth's atmosphere, hazy


4 29 Medium Shot: Aldana and first officer

commanding the Legend.

FG: Flight Yoke, some instruments

MG: Aldana and First Officer

Props: Space suits, weapons, ammunition

4 30 Close Up: Instrument panel indicating

decreasing altitude

(reflection shows First Officer)

4 31 Medium Shot/Panning Left: Scientist

looking at instruments.

FG: Instruments then Scientists

Props: Space suits, weapons, ammunition

4 32 Close up: Scientist's face in disbelief of

the readings, turns around and calls


FG: Scientis

BG: Anker

Props: Space suits, weapons, ammunition

4 33 Medium Close Up/Follow Shot: Anker Props: Space suits, weapons, ammunition

walking towards scientist's station

4 34 High Angle Shot/Medium Shot/Shot

Reverse Shot: Scientist talks to Anker.

FG: Anker's back/shoulder

MG: Scientist

Props: Space suits, weapons, ammunition

4 35 Close Up: Anker's face, replying

apathetically, looks at window

FG: Anker

BG: Aldana staring out the window

4 36 Medium Close Up: Aldana staring out

the window.

FG: Aldana

BG: Anker

4 37 Long Shot: Anker walking towards


Props: Space suits, weapons, ammunition

4 38 Medium Shot: Aldana and Anker,

looking out the window

FG: Aldana and Anker

BG: The earth

4 39 Close up: Aldana's face None

4 40 Shot-Reverse-Shot: Aldana talking,


MG: Aldana

FG: Anker

4 41 Long Shot/Track Forward: Window

tracks out to outside of ship

FG: Window, then window dissapears

MG: Earth

BG: Space

4 42 Close Up: Aldana's face None

4 43 Medium Shot: Anker and Aldana

hugging, focus then turns to


FG: Anker and Aldana

BG: Scientist typing into computer

Props: Space suits, weapons, ammunition

4 44 Medium Shot/Pedestal Down: Scientist

(out of frame, Pedestal in) yelling over

at Anker

FG: Scientist

BG: Anker and Aldana

Props: Space suits, weapons, ammunition,


4 45 Close Up: Scientist's face BG: Automatic door

4 46 Medium shot: Aldana and Anker

looking outside the window.

BG: Window

4 47 Long shot: Planet earth FG: Dirty Earth

4 48 Close up from outside the window:

Anker's face


5 49 Long shot/ tracking left: Legend hovers

over a city

FG: Legend

BG: City

5 50 Long shot: Legend pulled down to a

landing pad

FG: Legend, Beam, Landing pad

BG: City

5 51 Long shot: Legend on the landing pad FG: Legend

BG: City

5 52 Medium shot/track forward: Loading

ramp begins to open

FG: Loading ramp

BG: Legend

5 53 Medium shot/panning right: Soldiers on

board scramble for weapons.

FG: Soldiers

MG: Anker

5 54 Medium shot/ low angle: Anker

retrieving weapon calmly

BG: Other soldiers scrambling

5 55 Long Shot: Loading ramp hits ground,

soldiers slowly exiting (silhouettes)

FG: Soldiers and The Legend

5 56 Wide Angle Shot: Humans exiting ship

(on right), Nephilim approach (from


Nephilim and Human Soldiers

5 57 Close up: Human soldier’s face FG: Human Soldier

BG: The Legend


58 Close Up: Nephilim’s face FG: Nephilim’s face

BG: Hebron’s architecture

5 59 Wide Angle Shot (Similar to 56): Anker

breaks from crowd of humans, closes

towards Nephilim.

Nephilim and Human Soldiers

5 60 Medium Shot: Anker speaking FG: Anker

5 61 Long Shot: Nephilim standing


FG: Nefilim

BG: Architecture

5 62 Medium Shot: Anker speaking FG: Anker

5 63 Medium Shot/Slight Pan Right: Bappert

stands forward, and replies

FG: Bappert

5 64 Medium Shot: Anker Speaking FG: Anker

5 65 Medium Shot/Shot Reverse Shot: Anker

continues to speak

FG: Anker

BG: Bappert, Nefilim

5 66 Long Shot: Nephilim mumbling,

exchanging looks

FG: Nefilim

5 67 Close Up: Bappert’s face expression None

5 68 Medium Close Up: Anker Speaking FG: Anker

MG: Rest of Crew

BG: The Legend

5 69 Medium Shot: Bappert Replying MG: Other Nephilim

5 70 Medium Shot: Aldana, while Bappert is


FG: Aldana

BG: The Legend

5 71 Medium Shot: Bappert Speaking MG: Other Nephilim

5 72 Long Shot/Over Bappert’s Sholder:

Aldana speaking loudly and pacing

towards Bappert

FG: Bappert

MG: Anker, Aldana closing in

5 73 Long Shot: Anker restraining Aldana,

Bappert steps towards them a couple

BG: Cityscape

steps, unafraid.

5 74 Medium Long Shot: Nephilim gritting

teeth. Then they part.

BG: Cityscape

5 75 Crane Shot/Wide(from Left): Emim

enters from the left of frame, Shot

lowers to his level

BG: The Legend, engulfed by the

enormous city.

5 76 Low Angle/Medium Shot: Emim


BG: Top of skyscrapers and sky

5 77 High Angle/Medium Shot: Aldana and

Anker, Aldana struggles and shouts.

BG: Mostly ground

5 78 Low Angle/Medium Close Shot: Emim


BG: Top of skyscrapers and sky

5 79 Medium Close Shot: Anker speaking BG: Rest of crew and The Legend

5 80 Wide Low Angle: Emim speaking BG: other Nephilim visible

5 81 Close Up: Emim’s pointing finger BG: The Humans (being pointed at)

5 82 Close Up: Anker’s face none

5 83 Medium Shot: Emim turns to his

subjects, and speaks to them. Camera

changes focus to background.

FG: Emim

MG: Subjects

5 84 Medium Close Up: Emim speaks, then

walks out of frame

FG: Emim

BG: Cityscape

5 85 Medium Close Up/High Angle: Aldana

shouts and struggles. Anker picks her


BG: Mostly ground

5 86 Long Shot: Humans Retrieving on

right, Nephilim retrieving on left.

BG: Cityscape

5 87 Long Shot: Anker carries Aldana onto

The Legend. Soldiers quietly follow.

BG: The Legend

MG: Other humans

FG: Anker and Aldana

5 88 Close Up: Anker’s face, Aldana on his

shoulder. Fade out.


6 89 Long Shot: Wagner and his office,

establishing shot: door knocks, Wagner


Props: Military art all over the walls.

Some uniforms hung up, symbolic.

6 90 Medium Shot/Pan Left, then Pedestal

down: Anker enters room, then sits.

BG: Wall inside, and door.

6 91 Medium/High Angle Shot: Wagner

speaks, quickly pan to Anker

BG: Large window and Earth can be seen.

6 92 Shot Reverse Shot: Wagner asks Anker

questions , Anker responds

Props: Military art all over the walls.

Some uniforms hung up, symbolic. Desk.

6 93 Medium/Tracking Right: Wagner and

Anker speaking, both remain in shot

Props: Military art all over the walls.

Some uniforms hung up, symbolic. Desk.

6 94 Medium Shot: Anker looks out the

window and speaks, back to the camera

BG: Earth (window)

6 95 Shot Reverse Shot: Over Anker’s

shoulder, Wagner stands up and shouts,

Bloodgood enters room in background

BG: Bloodgood

MG: Wagner

FG: Anker

6 96 Medium Shot: Bloodgood speaking BG: Military wall

6 97 Medium Shot: Wagner speaking, Anker

is visible

BG: Earth (window)

FG: Anker (reactions)

MG: Wagner

6 98 Medium Close-up: Anker’s back, Anker

speaks, Anker is looking out the

window at Earth

BG: Earth (window)

FG: Anker’s back

6 99 Long shot: All three are visible, Wagner

speaks, Anker replies (shot from near


BG: Military Wall.

6 100 Medium Shot/Over Shoulder:

Bloodgood looks at Anker and Wagner,


BG: Earth (window)

MG: Anker and Wagner

FG: Bloodgood’s side/back

6 101 Close-up Shot: Wagner speaks none

6 102 Over the Shoulder Shot: Anker’s

shoulder, Anker and Bloodgood look at

each other, Wagner stands up

BG: Side of room with door entrance

FG: Anker’s back

6 103 Low-Angle Shot: Wagner makes his


BG: Metallic ceiling of ship, blue

fluorescent lamp.

6 104 Long/Medium Shot: Wagner and

Bloodgood speak to and reply to each


BG: Window and Earth

6 105 Shot Reverse Shot: Wagner and

Bloodgood’s expressions

Props: Military art clearly visible.

6 106 Close-up: Anker raises eye-brow none

6 109 Long shot: All three are visible, Wagner

and Bloodgood exchange ideas while

Anker becomes progressively angrier

BG: Window, Earth still visible

6 110 Medium Shot/Slight Low Angle: Anker


BG: Metallic Ceiling

6 111 Tracking shot: Anker leaves room,

camera follows Anker and stops at door

FG: Anker

BG: Blurry Bloodgood and Wagner

6 112 Long/High Angle Shot: Entire room is

quiet, Bloodgood and Wagner continue

All Wall Props by door wall (Military Art,

Uniforms, etc.)

planning, fade out

7 113 Medium Shot: Fade in, Aldana is

pulling photos from an album

Props: photos, outfits (bg), album, bed,

picture frame in night stand

7 114 Close up: Aldana’s face, tears none

7 115 Close up: photograph of old Earth none

7 116 Medium/Long Shot: Anker opens door

and enters room, Aldana does not react

Props: photos, outfits (bg), album, bed,

picture frame in night stand

7 117 Close up: Anker notices Aldana, walks

out of frame towards her

Props: photos, outfits (bg), album, bed,

picture frame in night stand

7 118 Medium/Close-Up Shot: Aldana notices

Anker, puts away photograph, Anker

sits next to her and speaks

Props: photos, outfits (bg), album, bed,

picture frame in night stand

7 119 Close-Up: Anker speaking none

7 120 Close up: Aldana speaking none

7 121 Medium/Close-Up: Anker and Aldana

exchange words

Props: photos, outfits (bg), album, bed,

picture frame in night stand

7 122 Close-Up: Anker’s face none

7 123 Close-Up: Aldana replies, camera tracks

her movements to Anker’s face


7 124 Medium shot: Anker speaking Props: photos, outfits (bg), album, bed,

picture frame in night stand

7 125 Close-Up: Aldana looks up at Anker none

7 126 Medium/Close-Up: Anker speaks none

7 127 Medium Shot: Aldana stands up, speaks

and turns

Props: outfits (BG), bed, shelves (BG)

7 128 Close-Up: Anker’s hand holding

Aldana’s arm


7 129 Medium/Long Shot: Anker holding

Aldana back, Anker speaking

Props: photos, outfits (bg), album, bed,

picture frame in night stand

7 130 Medium/Close-Up: Anker’s hand

holding Aldana, track up Aldana’s arm

to her face, Aldana speaks

Props: photos, outfits (bg), album, bed,

picture frame in night stand

7 131 Medium/Long Shot: Aldana pulls her

arm free

Props: photos, outfits (bg), album, bed,

picture frame in night stand

7 132 Long Shot: Aldana retrives her

equipment while Anker storms out of

the room, fade out

Props: Equipment (guns, grenades x2,


8 133 Medium/Close-Up: Fade in, Anker is

strapped in, slow zoom out

Props: Space Suits, Weapons,

Ammunition, Army Logo on Wall

8 134 Long shot: Anker and several soldiers

are being jostled by entry into Earth’s


Props: Space Suits, Weapons,

Ammunition, Army Logo on Wall

8 135 Medium Shot: Aldana is piloting the

ship, fiddles with instruments

Props: Navigation charts.

8 136 Long Shot: Shaking stops, crew relaxes Props: Space Suits, Weapons,

Ammunition, Army Logo on Wall

8 137 Medium/Low Angle Shot: Tactical

Support 1 speaks

Props: Attack charts, Space Suits,

Weapons, Ammunition, Army Logo on


8 138 Over the Shoulder Shot: Over TS1’s

shoulder, soldiers prepare themselves

Props: Space Suits, Weapons,

Ammunition, Army Logo on Wall

8 139 Long shot: Outside ship, ship is flying


FG: faint clouds

MG: Ship

8 140 Medium Shot: Ship is flying, zoom in

on projectile that appears from clouds

MG: Clouds, Ship

FG: Projectile

8 141 Medium/Long Shot: explosion against

ship, quick zoom out


8 142 Medium Shot: Aldana is jostled, shouts Props: Navigation charts, debris flying


8 143 Long Shot: Soldiers begin to panic,

alarms sound

Props: Lots of debris

8 144 Close-Up: Anker’s face shows concern Props: Debris (blurry, all around)

8 145 Medium Shot: First Officer shout Props: Debris

8 146 Medium/High Angle Shot: Aldana

speaks, fiddles with instruments

Props: Debris, and navigation charts flying


8 147 Medium Shot: Aldana panics, First

Officer speaks

Props: Debris, and navigation charts flying


8 148 Long Shot: Ship is in far distance, flies

towards camera on ground, cut to black

as ship “collides” with camera, loud

crashing sounds

FG: dead grass

MG: Ship rapidly approaches.

Props: old soccer ball sitting on grass

9 149 Long Shot: Fade in, The Legend is

wrecked and twisted, smoke billows in

the wind

Props: Fire, smoke, dead bodies, scattered

ammunition, weapons and suits. Ash.

9 150 Long Shot: Bodies on the ground

around ship, fire on a wing of the ship,

a bright orange sunset lights the scene

Props: Fire, smoke, dead bodies, scattered

ammunition, weapons and suits. Ash.

9 151 Long Shot: Anker and others are

visible, Anker is still strapped in

Props: Fire, smoke, dead bodies, scattered

ammunition, weapons and suits. Ash.

9 152 Extreme Close-Up: Anker’s eyes open none


9 153 Medium Shot: Anker sits up and

removes his harness, he looks around

Props: Fire, smoke, dead bodies, scattered

ammunition, weapons and suits. Ash.

9 154 Medium Shot: Bodies in front of

harnesses that were never fastened

Props: Fire, smoke, dead bodies, scattered

ammunition, weapons and suits. Ash.

9 155 Medium/Close-Up: Anker panics, calls

for Aldana

Props: Fire, smoke, dead bodies, scattered

ammunition, weapons and suits. Ash.

9 156 Over the Shoulder Shot: Aldana is a few

feet from her station, motionless

Props: Fire, smoke, dead bodies, scattered

ammunition, weapons and suits. Ash.

9 157 Tracking/Medium/Close-Up: Anker

rushes to Aldana

Props: Fire, smoke, dead bodies, scattered

ammunition, weapons and suits. Ash.

9 158 Close-Up: Anker’s calls her none

9 159 Medium Shot: Aldana lies motionless in

his arms

Props: smoke, ash.

9 160 Medium/Low Angle Shot: Anker calls

her again

Props: smoke, fire, ash.

9 161 Close-Up: Aldana responds weakly none

9 162 Medium/Close-Up: Anker speaks,

Aldana replies

Props: smoke, fire, ash, some dead bodies,

scattered debris.

9 163 Medium Shot: Slight pan to left, Anker

tries move Aldana, she refuses

Props: smoke, fire, ash, some dead bodies,

scattered debris.

9 164 Medium Shot: Anker looks down, pan

to Aldana’s injury.


9 165 Medium/Close-Up/Low Angle: Anker

panics, Aldana speaks

BG: torn ship ceiling.

Props: fire, smoke, ash, debris.

9 166 Close-Up: Anker begins to lose it none

9 167 Medium/Long Shot: Bodies and fire,

Anker and Aldana continue to talk

Props: Fire, bodies, smoke, ash, debris

9 168 Close-Up/High Angle Shot: Anker talks Props: Fire, bodies, smoke, ash, debris

9 169 Medium/Close-Up: Anker continues to


Props: Fire, bodies, smoke, ash, debris

9 170 Medium Shot: Sunset in background

through hole in ship, Aldana and Anker

exchange last words

FG: Anker, Aldana

BG: Ship tore open, sunset.

9 171 Close-Up: Zoom in from previous shot,

they kiss

Props: Ash, smoke.

9 172 Close-Up to Medium Shot: Aldana’s

eyes become lifeless, slow zoom out,

Anker lays her down

Props: smoke, fire, ash, some dead bodies,

scattered debris.

9 173 Close-Up: Anker looks up, his eyes are none


9 174 Medium Shot: pan slowly, Anker

searches ship for radio

Props: smoke, fire, ash, some dead bodies,

scattered debris, some broken radios

9 175 Over the Shoulder Shot: Anker finds a

radio that works

Props: somewhat damaged radio, debris,

ash, smoke

9 176 Close-Up: Anker pulls it closer and

speaks into it

Props: Radio

9 177 Extreme Long Shot: The Hero, as

Anker looks up at it through another

gaping hole in the ship.

Props: fire, smoke.

FG: Anker looking up

BG: The Hero

9 178 Medium Shot: Wagner answers the call,

they speak to each other.

Props: radio, rubble from crash.

9 179 Medium/Long Shot: Anker puts down

the radio, then turns and leaves the


Props: smoke, fire, ash, some dead bodies,

scattered debris, some broken radios

10 180 Long Shot: Establishing shot, The

Hero’s command center, people hustle


Command center station

10 181 Medium Shot: Wagner issues various

orders to people who walk past

FG: Wagner

MG: People hustling

10 182 Long/High Angle Shot: subordinates

relay information to Wagner, who

acknowledges them

Command center station

10 183 Close-Up: Wagner puts elbows on

console and rubs his eyes. He watches

and waits


11 184 Close-Up: Pan up on Anker, noting

various weapons he is equipped with

Props: assortment of weapons

11 185 Over the Shoulder Shot: Anker’s

shoulder, Hebron is in view

Props: assortment of weapons

FG: Anker

BG: Hebron

12 186 Medium Shot: A Nefilim turns to see

Anker off-frame and is shot instantly

Props: broken old cars on street, trash

everywhere, dirt prominent.

12 187 Medium/Long Shot: Other Nefilim see

the body fall and run to cover

Props: broken old cars on street, trash

everywhere, dirt prominent.

12 188 Long Shot: Nefilim soldiers begin to

rush down the streets, firing their


Props: broken old cars on street, trash

everywhere, dirt prominent, weapons

12 189 Medium Shot: Anker fires his weapon a

few round and takes cover for himself

Props: broken old cars on street, trash

everywhere, dirt prominent.

12 190 Medium/Long Shot: Two Nef. Soldiers Props: broken old cars on street, trash

fall dead, remaining soldiers continue

their advance undaunted

everywhere, dirt prominent, dead bodies

12 191 Close-Up: Anker looks around corner

and pulls back as bullets fly past

Props: Anker’s weapons, dirt

12 192 Close-Up: Anker readies grenade Props: Grenade

12 193 Medium Shot: Anker throws grenade

over his own cover

Props: broken old cars on street, trash

everywhere, dirt prominent, grenade, other


12 194 Close-Up: Grenade hits ground at the

soldier’s feet

Props: Grenade

12 195 Medium Shot: explosion, Nefilim are

sent flying

Props: broken old cars on street, trash

everywhere, dead bodies

12 196 Medium/Low Angle Shot: More

soldiers emerge from the dust cloud,

continue to fire weapons

Props: broken old cars on street, trash

everywhere, dirt prominent, dead bodies,


12 197 Close-Up: Anker swears and reloads his


Props: Anker’s weapon

12 198 Medium/Tracking Shot: Anker takes a

few shot from cover, then tries to move

to new cover, he speaks

Props: broken old cars on street, trash

everywhere, dirt prominent, big piece of

metal used for cover, weapons.

12 199 Medium/Close-Up: Nefilim firing his

weapon gets hit in the face


12 200 Medium Shot: Two more soldiers fall

dead, remaining soldier continue the


Props: broken old cars on street, trash

everywhere, dirt prominent, dead bodies.

12 201 Long/Tracking Shot: Anker runs

through alleys

Props: trash, dust.

12 202 Medium/Close-Up: whiz, Anker falls to

his knee

Props: weapons, dust

12 203 Medium/Long Shot: Anker scoots out

of sight, Nefilim soldiers file down the

alley passing Anker

Props: old broken cars, weapons,

increasing dust, and wind.

12 204 Close-Up: Anker’s knee is injured None

12 205 Over the Shoulder Shot: Anker sees a


FG: Anker’s Back

BG: Staircase

12 206 Medium Shot: Camera pans to watch

Anker drag himself up the stairs

Props: Alien toys, clothing.

12 207 Medium Shot: Anker uses a grenade to

destroy the stairs

Props: Grenade, alien toys, clothing which

catches fire.

12 208 Medium/Close-Up: Soldiers stop to

hear the explosion, they change

Props: broken old cars on street, trash

everywhere, dirt prominent.


12 209 Long Shot: Anker is on top of a


Props: Clothes hung out.

12 210 Close-Up: Anker takes shots from his

high ground, speaks

Props: Weapons, everything that was at

street level.

12 211 Long/High Angle Shot: Nefilim soldiers

begin to fall left and right

Same as 210

12 212 Medium/Tracking Shot: Soldier takes


Same as 210 plus large piece of steel they

take as cover.

12 213 Close-Up: Soldier makes a call on a

strange device

Props: Strange device

BG: wind blowing picks up dust

12 214 Over the Shoulder: Anker’s shoulder,

Nefilim are no longer visible

Props: Props: broken old cars on street,

trash everywhere, dirt prominent, Anker’s


12 215 Medium Close-Up: Anker tries to catch

his breath, pauses as he hears the

sounds of engines

FG: Anker

BG: Darkening sky

12 216 Over the Shoulder: Anker sees a flying


FG: Anker Shoulder

BG: Flying vehicle

12 217 Medium/Tracking Shot: Camera

mounted on side of flying machine,

Nefilim flying machine fires shots in

Anker’s direction

FG: Side of flying machine

BG: Anker

12 218 Medium Shot: Anker rolls to cover Props: hung out clothes

12 219 Medium Shot: Anker readies a heavy

weapon, as NFM draws closer

Props: Heavy Weapon

FG: Anker and his weapon


13 220 Medium/Close-Up/Low Angle Shot:

Wagner has glazed eyes, looks down at

a button

Command center station

FG: big red button

MG: Wagner

13 221 Medium Shot: Subordinate speaks,

Wagner confirms

Command center station

13 222 Extreme Close-Up: Wagner pushes

button, speaks

FG: Button

MG: Wagner

14 223 Medium Shot: Anker takes aim at

camera, speaks, then fires

Props: Large weapon, hung clothing

14 224 Tracking Shot: Camera follows missile

to NFM,

Props: Missile.

FG: Missile

BG: rapidly moving background

14 225 Long Shot: the machine explodes and

falls to ground, light tilt down/pan

Props: broken old cars on street, trash

everywhere, dirt prominent.

14 226 Long Shot: Soldiers climb onto roof of

building, pan up to see PD as it comes


Props: Planet destroyer

FG: Soldiers

BG: Faint planet distroyer

14 227 Extreme Close-Up Anker’s eye, PD is

seen in reflection off of eye, speaks

Props: planet destroyer reflection

14 228 Extreme Long Shot: Enourmous

explosion engulfs city, blast engulfs

camera, fade to white, then black

None (CGI).

15 229 Close up on Earth’s remains zooms out

slowly into very Long shot, towards end

of shot Hero flies by, no pan.

Earth, Hero

16 230 Medium Shot of Wagner zooms out

while panning right to reveal burial


Props: Tombstone, Flowers, many chairs,

platform where Wagner stands.

16 231 Close-Up: Grave, reads Anker Nikla,

true hero.

Props: Grave marker (symbolic)

16 232 Medium Shot/Track Right: People at

the burial.

FG: People

BG: Window and rest of colony

16 233 Medium Shot: Wagner speaking none

16 234 Medium/Long/ Low Angle Shot:

Wagner enters frame and places flowers

Props: Tombstone, flowers.

16 235 Close-Up: Flowers, fade out. Props: Flowers, tombstone.

Scene 2/Shot 12 Scene 2/Shot 13

Scene 2/Shot 14

Scene 2/Shot 15 Scene 2/Shot 16

Wagner Speaking. Present on screenTrack Left

Anker sitting, pacing feet. Pedestal up to face.

Wagner introduces scientistsScientists walk towards him.

Scientists approach front of room.Panning Right/Long Shot

Scientist talking, pointing to screen. Medium Shot.



Reyn Started off with this simple design (left). We liked it a lot from the beginning but thought he looked like a little punk more than a Captain in charge of Humanity.

This is the final version of Captain Anker.

He now looks much more mature. The

change in posture is essential, although he

is somewhat of a rebel character so the

initial pose would work too in some cases.

But the hair is much more under control,

and he looks like he knows what he’s

doing. One barrier we had some trouble

with is getting a masculine character. He

still looks a bit feminine; Reyn says that’s

his weakness. We forgive him!

Aldana is the beauty of the cast, and

Reyn did a terrific job of representing

her. She looks like she’s ready to

fight, which will end up killing her.

The Nefilim design was challenging since we

had no idea what these characters would

really look like. But in the end we (and by

that I mean Reyn, our official Costume

designer) came up with a very passive

looking character that suits the role.

They may be passive, but not afraid to take


Kristina thought this color

scheme would suit the character

well. The yellow hair and purple skin

really makes them look unique. And

they dress in the colors that

surround them, lots of brown and

the green that they are slowly

deleting from earth.