progress proposal yks cemara gb

Progress Proposal for Yacht Maintenance/Boatbuilding and Sailing School Cemara region Yayasan Kebon Sepatu 1

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Page 1: Progress Proposal Yks Cemara Gb

Progress Proposal for Yacht Maintenance/Boatbuilding

and Sailing School Cemara region

Yayasan Kebon Sepatu


Page 2: Progress Proposal Yks Cemara Gb


Perumusan Tujuan Stichting Kebon Sepatu (SKS)

& Yayasan Kebun Sepatu (YKS)

Perumusan Tujuan Stichting Kebon Sepatu (SKS)

Mendapatkan dana baik dari bantuan pribadi maupun organisasi-organisasi di Belanda

Menentukan kebijakan-kebijakan, prosedur dan kreteria untuk stimulasi dan koordinasi

proyek-proyek yang bisa memberikan pengalaman kerja dan kesempatan bekerja di


Menyediakan rancangan pelatihan untuk berbagai lapisan sosial di Indonesia, terutama

untuk mereka yang kurang mendapatkan kesempatan pendidikan dan kerja

Memilih rancangan kerja untuk YKS dalam mewujudkan kesejahteraan sosial bagi seluruh

masyarakat Indonesia


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Perumusan Tujuan Stichting Kebon Sepatu (SKS)

& Yayasan Kebun Sepatu (YKS)

Perumusan Tujuan Yayasan Kebon Sepatu:

Memusatkan perhatian kepada berbagai proyek dan membuat urutan prioritas untuk

pelaksanaan proyek-proyek tersebut

Membangun kemampuan dan kemungkinan untuk pelaksanaan proyek-proyek tersebut

Membantu pengalokasian dana dengan transparan

Menemukan kerangka kerja yang baik dan benar untuk merealisasikan proyek-proyek yang

sudah ditargetkan.


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Lombok’s Virtues

NTB government has started a publicity

campaign to improve tourism: stimulating sport.

Sailing fits in this approach; Eco Tourism

Lombok as a sailing



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Lombok’s future developments

A new international airport, B.I.L., will be up and running within two

years providing quick and direct connection with all the international

hubs and airports.


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Looking at the generations to come…….


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Looking at the generations to come…….


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Yacht-, maintenance and building Training CentrePhase I

Workshop boatyard: building and maintenance

Visiting and local yachts,

Emergency repair on location,

Local fishermen and local boat owners,

Boatbuilding, sail repair and maintenance,

Service to charter fleet


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Yacht-, maintenance and building Training CentrePhase I

Training and educational criteria:

Youngster (M/F) from the age of 14 years onward, with finalised Primary

Education and following SMP/SMA with segments of Mathematics, Technique

with Chemistry and Natural Science or in exceptional cases by introduction of

the Educational Authorities on behalf of a youngster with an outspoken talent in

woodwork-/handicraft-/technical abilities.

“No preference is given to either sex; the educational opportunities will be wide and

varied in order to develop all talents and abilities which lie dormant within the target group



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Yacht-, maintenance and building Training CentrePhase I


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Allow the possibilities for a new professional skill on

Lombok to enhance economic stability in the sector of

light industry combined with Eco Tourism

The course will include subjects like;

techniques of the modern yacht building industry,

the IT aspects required,

Alignment to similar professional educational institutes in


Stimulate cooperation with the Department of Education in

selection criteria for youngsters with a particular ability and

talent for specific handicraft skills.


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Yacht-, maintenance and building Training CentrePhase I-III

Multi purpose Training Centre and facilities

Training and education related to the maintenance and building skills and sailing


Additional training facilities on behalf of the Rosella project,

Rosella visitors centre and nautical equipment shop,

Other commercial or noncommercial activities: Letting and catering of guest


Specific professional workshops for various specialised sectors

Safety trainings to Local fishermen and local boat owners,

Swimming lessons and diploma courses rescue and emergency assistance,

English language tuition to all levels as required.


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Goals/Objectives Multi purpose Training Centre and


To implement standards of safety by offering training to the various

sea-oriented professions,

To offer various trainings to the local population like English

tuition, swimming diploma courses and information sessions

relating to welfare,

To encourage the exchange of different professional disciplines to

meet and share know-how, expertise and experiences,

To widen the network in both Indonesia and Europe in order to

enrich cross-continent contacts.


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Sailing school and national racing classPhase II

Sailing school & Training Centre:

Local and international students and trainees,

Local and international instructors, sail training,

Local schools: private as well as publically financed educational institutes,

Navy or merchant navy school students

Selection for National Racing Class

Members of the Dutch Olympic Team


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The Sailing School facilities will be

open for youngsters from 7 years

onward, provided they hold a

swimming diploma.

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Sailing school and national racing class - CurriculumPhase II


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Sailing school and national racing class - CurriculumPhase II


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Sailing school and national racing class - CurriculumPhase II


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Goals/Objectives Sailing school and national racing class

Phase II

To promote the sport of Sailing within the grasp of national and regional


To promote the further development of Eco Tourism,

To instill in the younger generation a respect for the natural environment

and the ways to preserve it,

To come to a mutual appreciation of the various cultures, backgrounds

and disciplines,

To stimulate the benefits in teamwork, striving for the same goals in a

sport oriented activity,

To encourage youngsters to take part in the preparations of an Olympic

team for Indonesia,

To enhance awareness that there is no true achievement unless it is

achieved by teamwork.


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Marina – Charter Service and Nautical Equipment shop

Phase III

Marina and Service Centre:

Charter sailing boats by international or local guests,

With crew and skipper and without,

Renting out for other boat owners

Local or international boat owners: long and short time stay including services,

Accommodating passing yachts

Repair and maintenance


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Goals/Objectives Marina – Charter Service and

Nautical Equipment shop

Phase III

Ensuring employment for students who successfully

finalised their education,

Enhancing tourism by offering services to local or

international boat owners: long and short time stay,

Charter sailing boats by international or local guests,

Offering yachts with crew and skipper and without,

Renting out for other boat owners including services,

Accommodating guests when only daytime or short

trips are required.


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Innovation and Key Benefits

Combatting unemployment by creating job

opportunities in a new segment of Lombok’s economy,

Offering education on a multi-lateral level,

Setting up a new generation of professional expertise

for Lombok,

Setting a standard and model for Eco Tourism in


Contributing to the first National Olympic Sail racing



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Procedures – Step by step….


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Key Personnel – Phase I

The management will be provided by YKS: project director Ir. Bart

Draijer, local and international staff.

The aim of the YKS is to employ as much local staff as possible,

Cooperation will be with various specialised institutions will be encouraged,



Shipyards and Yacht building and equipment firms in the Netherlands,

Sailing Associations worldwide.

Management as assigned by the Board of the YKS: 6 – 10

Volunteers (foreign), guest teachers: 3 – 5

Capacity students intern and extern: 22 – 30 pers.

Household Staff: 3


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Current situation



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Condition for Phase I : Mooring facilities


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Key Personnel – Phase II

Expanding and diversification,

Increasing accommodation and facilities,

Exploring different service oriented possibilities.

Persons employed incl. management: app. 10 – 12

Volunteers/interns (foreign), guest teachers: . 4 – 7

Capacity students intern and extern: max. 44

Household Staff: 5


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Current situation


Birdseye view bridge & Bali

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Key Personnel – Phase III


Marina facility,

Extension of boat building and maintenance facilities,

Holiday homes for rent or sale close to the Marina and beachfront

Charter fleet and charter organization can be hosted by Marina and training


Persons employed incl. management: app. 16-18

Volunteers/interns (foreign), guest teachers: . 5 – 7

Capacity students intern and extern: max. 60

Household Staff: 6-8


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Current situation


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To be realised:


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Current facilities

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Regular meetings with the direct local population of

Cemara, involving the Kepala Dessa and the respective

RW’s and RT’s

Phase by phase discussion with the Board of the YKS

and the various departments of the Local Government of

Lombok Barrat,

Involvement with external parties, private investors

Strict monitoring of the progress of the students.


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Endorsements: Ringkasan

Terdapatnya kemungkinan untuk merealisasikan ketiga

tahap perencanaan seperti yang dijelaskan pada lampiran

III dan IV,

Dekatnya jarak lokasi proyek ini dengan kampung Cemara

yang penduduknya nantinya akan dilibatkan secara aktif

didalam pengerjaan proyek,

Terdapatnya kemungkinan pengangkutan logistic yang

memadai melalui jalur darat dan laut menuju

Lembar, Mataram dan Airport Internasional yang baru.

. Terdapatnya kemungkinan untuk menjamin kerjasama

yang baik dengan pemerintah daerah dalam hal

pengurusan dan penerbitan perijinan operasional yang

tepat waktu, yang melibatkan beberapa instansi terkait di

Lombok Barat berikut ini;


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Departemen perencanaan kota, untuk ijin bangunan yang


Departemen Pendidikan,

Departemen Transportasi dan kelautan, untuk ijin tambat

(Telung Terang Selat Lombok),

Departemen Pariwisata, menyediakan kerjasama yang

baik dalam penyambutan wisatawan, murid yang praktik dan

relawan, dan dengan para staf yang mengurus segala

sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan orang asing.

Cooperation and support of the following Local

Governmental Departments is mandatory:

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Next Steps

Acquisition of the offered plot in Cemara,

Guarantees for the required licenses and



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